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[Drama 2014-2015] Cheongdam-dong Scandal 청담동 스캔들 Thanks for watching.

Ldy Gmerm

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@mudaepo I have to agree with the above.. If they continue with this pace perhaps we can have HS out of that house starting over before episode 50 and get down to other things in this story like what is CSR hiding? What is going to trigger BSH to go crazy and turn bad? How much longer will KBH tolerate LJN before she turns on her? How will JSJ get rid of that itchy rash that is trying to cling to him (NJN)? or is she poison Ivy?

I also have to agree that I dislike any scenes with NJN in them , she is a bore and a yeller.  Irritating... I want to get past where we are and get to the part when she finally gets he dislikes her that much and likes someone else.. LOL..

Is it bad to want HS out of that house?  I want her detached from that family and perhaps working for or with CSR and we find out more about what happen in the past as we see HS starting over.

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@valsava The two conversations you asked for. It gives me an opportunity to correct a translation mistake I made yesterday...

SH and HS's friend

SH: "Have some."
Friend: "Yes."
SH: "For what reason did you ask to meet me?"
Friend: "Because of HS."
SH: "Did HS call you?"
Friend: "To be honest, last night she was with me."
SH: "What?"
Friend: "Sorry, for not telling the truth sooner."
SH: "Is she at your house right now?"
Friend: "No, she's gone. She disappeared in the morning. Just where is she now? I'm worrying so much."
SH: "If you had told me the truth yesterday, I would have brought her home! Before disappearing, what did she say?"
Friend: "Only that she'll call me again. HS...something happened between her and your mother, didn't it?"
SH: "Did HS tell you something?"
Friend: "She didn't tell me a word yesterday. But no matter how I think about it, what she told me a few days back is weighing on me."
SH: "What is it?"
Friend: "That is... One of the pills HS's mother-in-law gave her looked exactly like a birth control pill."
SH: "Huh?"
Friend: "Moreover, she saw a strange contract in KBH's room."
SH: "What kind of contract?"
Friend: "A contract made between LJN and KBH. A contract that has to stay secret. It was written that if HS learned about it, the contract became void."
SH: "Huh?"
Friend: "I told her I wouldn't say anything, but I think something big happened to HS. I'm an extremely close friend of HS, I can tell something happened to her. The only person that can help her right now is you, SH."

HS and KBH at the end of the episode

KBH: "Your face doesn't look good. I'm sorry. I won't make any excuse. I did wrong. No matter how angry I was, I shouldn't have hit you. I didn't act like an elder. I don't know either why I suddenly hit you."
HS: "Then, shall I tell you why you did it?"
KBH: "Huh?"
HS: "Mother, do you know this? Who was the person who hated Cinderella the most?"
KBH: "What are you suddenly talking about?"
HS: "Was it her stepmother, her stepsisters that hated her the most?"
KBH: "All of the sudden, what are you saying?"
HS: "No. The person who hated Cinderella the most was someone else. That was the prince's mother. When her son rejected another kingdom's princess and brought back a poor daughter in-law, she must have been really angry. She accepted her because she had no choice but from that moment on, she must have only thought about how she could get rid of that girl."
KBH: "Why are you telling this story now? I have no idea what you're talking about."
HS: "Why did you do this to me?"
KBH: "What did I do?"
And HS shows her the green pill.

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@Ldy Gmerm....sorry to cut your post.
"Loved that last paragraph it was so fitting what HS said about Cinderella .. but now the battle will really begin. I can see KBH twitsing BSH against HS will she do it with the information he has found out by saying it was HS who was taking the pills or will she set her up for cheating."

I think it will be the latter. She can't make the claim about HS taking the pills all on her own now that SH got that information from the friend. If she does say that, then SH can ask about the contract between her and LJN. If she lies about that, SH will be curious as to why a contract concerning HS was made between both parties. What has HS got to do with anything? 
SH has never really liked LJN it seems, and this incident will only make him dislike and distrust her even further regardless of the outcome. I still think HS will move back home and watch her back. The only way she'll get into trouble now is if she continues speaking to SJ which is going to happen from what I see in the preview since he has to return her handbag to her. 

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I definitely agree about BSH  not liking LJN, It could be because of her snobbish,spoiled and self centered attitude or that she just seems insincere whenever you look at her  or it just because she is a lazy twit and does nothing to help HS around that house and seems jealous of the relationship that HS and KBH use to have or it could be because he knows BKH was forced to marry her having to give up his first love. Either way he prolly sees right through her.

Now that he knows about a secret contract I want to see what he does. Does he confront his mother or LJN (who is the weakest link by the way..) or does he play them both to see which person cracks and spills. MY money is on LJN who is not savvy enough to handle KBH and BSH.

I also agree that HS will prolly go home and will prolly watch her back as well but we all know KBH is not done and will not rest until she fully gets her out of that house and divorced from her son.

With BSH now being onto what his mother may have been doing and the possible reason why it will be harder for her to work and change his mind so she will have to go big with her plot to turn him away from HS.

@mudaepo thanks again for the translation of the conversation.

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Ldy Gmerm said: I definitely agree about BSH  not liking LJN, It could be because of her snobbish,spoiled and self centered attitude or that she just seems insincere whenever you look at her  or it just because she is a lazy twit and does nothing to help HS around that house and seems jealous of the relationship that HS and KBH use to have or it could be because he knows BKH was forced to marry her having to give up his first love. Either way he prolly sees right through her.

Now that he knows about a secret contract I want to see what he does. Does he confront his mother or LJN (who is the weakest link by the way..) or does he play them both to see which person cracks and spills. MY money is on LJN who is not savvy enough to handle KBH and BSH.

I also agree that HS will prolly go home and will prolly watch her back as well but we all know KBH is not done and will not rest until she fully gets her out of that house and divorced from her son.

With BSH now being onto what his mother may have been doing and the possible reason why it will be harder for her to work and change his mind so she will have to go big with her plot to turn him away from HS.

@mudaepo thanks again for the translation of the conversation.

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I don't see SH playing LJN and KBH and waiting for one of them to spill the truth. From all we have seen so far, that's not in his nature. He is very different from his mother in that way. Remember when LJN asked them to help her father? KBH pretended to help her, but SH answered with a categorical no.
My guess is SH will investigate the matter without any subtlety. He will search his mother's room if necessary, and he will scream at her and LJN if he needs to. Nobody can control SH in the house. When I watched KBH's attitude towards SH in the last episode, it was almost like seeing a woman afraid of her abusive husband. KBH knows she can't handle SH when he is like this, that's why she accepted HS in the first place.

Which means that LJN could have some hope at keeping her money. The contract may be technically void now that HS knows, but KBH still needs LJN in order to hide the truth from SH.

Depending on how long HS stays outside the house, KBH could have a chance to turn the tables on her.
Worst case scenario for KBH: SH finds out that KBH has given birth control pills to HS. If KBH has HS tailed and obtains pictures of her and SJ, she could still tell SH that HS was having an affair with SJ. And that when KBH found out, she began giving HS birth control pills because she was worried HS might carry SJ's child. Or something like that.
KBH is smart. She was blindsided when HS found out the truth, but now that HS showed her the green pill, KBH is capable of devising a new strategy and regaining the upper hand.

On a separate matter, I was wondering if morning dailies also release OSTs? I'm not even sure if the song I'm looking for would be part of the OST actually. It only appeared once (episode 17, starting around 31:40), but I really like it.
If anyone is able to recognize the song, I would be most grateful. :)

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@mudaepo,  Thanks for the trans.. You brought up some valid points about Kbh and Ksh she do seem afraid of him as we see he do have a temper.. I also think with Sj giving Hs her purse back will some how be turned into her having and affair with him.. What I think he should be asking his mom in the first place is how long has she been having people watching his wife and for what reason..  

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Episode 21 begins with a repeat of the last scene of episode 20. I would usually complain but I like that scene so much I won't say anything. :D

SH is thinking back on the situation. He knows something is going on. People are smart in this drama!
KBH's secretary is a good liar. He learnt from the best. :D

KBH is still faking it: "You are really misunderstanding something." But HS isn't backing down.
Poker Face OFF. KBH says it IS birth control but she has a good explanation... :))
Too bad HS interrupted her, I really wanted to know how KBH was going to lie her way out of this one. :D

HS is crying while CSR is bleeding and having a "bad feeling". One more point for the HSdaughter/CSRmother theory.

HS is calling her aunt in the States looking for her mom. Th aunt says the mom isn't here, but it sounds to me like she is lying. Maybe the HS's mom (the one who raised HS anyway) is in Korea. She could be the one CSR is looking for and the one she saw briefly next to the drawing class and later at the mall.

SJ is angry at NJN.
NJN isn't able to read to the mood... "For a mere 3000$ bag..." :))
As usual, she hits SJ and still finds the nerve to blame it for it. Take responsibility for your mistakes, girl! :-w

HS wants tobuy a bus ticket, but she doesn't have enough money.

KBH realizes she's in a very bad spot if SH were to find out.

SJ is flashbacking to happy times when he was playing in the sea. Ok, strike that. Not happy times. Times when he caused the death of his mother. No wonder the boy has a trauma. :(

SJ is at the same bus station HS is. Only in dramas is Seoul this small. :D
He goes to the police station and gets HS's bag and her phone back.
He hangs up on NJN, I wanna be able to do the same...

SJ is on a bus, he takes HS's phone call. Their eyes meet. Love is in the air (in SJ's eyes anyway).


The place where SJ wants to go by bus is HS's hometown that SH mentioned earlier in the episode. It looks like they are going there together this week.
I'm calling it now: KBH will find out about it and make sure SH also finds out about it!

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I would really love to know what KBH and HS discussed. KBH seemed to feign ignorance not knowing the game was up. Lol!!! Now I'm just waiting for SH to figure out everything soon.
NJN....*smh* she is so clueless. It's a good thing she's showing her true colors so that SJ sees her for who she is....a spoiled selfish woman who only cares about her own wants and needs. That slap or whatever it was though unintentional was the final straw for SJ. And lastly...
Our OTP!!!! And on a trip together. I love it!! SJ is in love chingus!!!! :x

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Well Cinderella (Hs) kick the wicked MIL (Kbh) one good one to the face.. Also it seems like Kbh told her yes she was giving them to her and tried to male and excuses as to the reason why.. And her innocent outting will turn into and affair because Kbh has someone following her..  Also is Ljn worried about her family receiving the help they need because Hs found she sees that evil ML really don't have two words for her now..

Now Sjs should see how mentally unstable Njn is and he would be stupid to get entangle with someone like her because she has a violent and nasty side to her  

Can't wait to see tomorrow episode because it seems like Sh is going to lite into all of them..

@Trinton823,  Well Friday was slack off day at work for you wonder women Hs..LOL

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@tinatrix236 I get the feeling JSJ has always seen NJN true colors and has never wanted anything other then a sister/brother relationship with her out of respect and love for CSR. It is NJN and her father that think it should be more.

He knows her personality but he has brushed it off I think because he fells she is just looking for attention (no dude I think she needs some meds, but that is just me.) trying to ignore it thinking it will go away but it won't and she is too far gone.

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