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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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this hae joo  character  is  one  insecure  woman.  well, maybe because  she  has  had  several miscarriages  and  it is  quite  difficult  for  her  to  get  pregnant.  if  i were  her,  i  will  jsut  stay  put and wait  till things  like  my  husband sort out everything.  no  need  for  me to make  tantrums,  after   all she is  younger,  fresher  and most  importantly  she  isn't  experiencing  early  stages of  menopause. in addition, if  she  and  sh put  their  acts  together,  it  is  still  possible  for  them  to  have kids.  menopausal  women  experience  'dryness'  , hormonal imbalance  prone  to  mood  swings  and  very  rare for  them to  get pregnant,it  is  next  toimpossible.  on the  other  hand,  maybe  the  wife  of  minwoo is  trying  to  get  back  at  him  for  bringing  home an illegitimate  son.  as  a  woman  and  wife,  wouldn't you  feel betrayed  and insulted if  your  husband does this.  how  can  the  mother  in  law  be so permissive when  it  comes to  these  things,is  siring  a son  to  carry  on  the  family  name  that important  to  korean families.  moralitydoesn't  count  when  carrying  of  family  name  is involved. in  my  country illegitimate  children  can't  carry  the  family name of  their  dads  without  written approval.when it  comes  to inheritance,  they  receive  only  1/2  of  the  legitimate kids.

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I think I must be watching a different show from most of you and it is so much fun. I know this is a melodrama, but it has a pattern and this one is clear to me. I am a serious CJW fan, she is my favorite Kdrama actress/actor, but I am not swayed by fondness for her to make her a heroine nor a demon. I think each character is true to their value systems, which is why it seems they are so disturbed in their interactions with each other. SY and SH know they will not be a couple although they might swing on the swings on the playground. I would be extremely surprised if either of the parties actually sleep with the proposed coupling I keep reading about.
SY is not innocent in love, if she were she would not continue to be manipulative in her pursuit. Nonetheless, it appears she recognizes more than ever that her biological clock has betrayed her; I think will lead her to depression much quicker than PHS. She chose the wrong man as a life raft because regardless of SH's engagement with her he is not committed to her beyond the fantasy, his love for his wife whom he believes will still take him back is stronger than SY's magnetism.
SH and MW are not as important in this show as the two ladies; the ladies have a commonality based upon their reduced capacity to bear a child. It is the one area that can help to bond them to some degree. Both men have an unhealthy interest in the women, SH with SY and MW with HJ.
Fortunately, HJ has an advantage over the other three, she is the only one using common sense. When she encouraged SH to spend all the money left and to enjoy their time together in HK, she already knew she was going to commit suicide ( her first sacrifice). By committing suicide SH would not be responsible for her father losing his house and  she would not have to separated from him for the ten years or so he would spend in prison, things seemed inevitable and many a people have make such a sacrifice for similar reasons.
This woman that so many people believe to be psychotic or delusional if I am assessing what I'm reading correctly is the first hero in the show because she was directly responsible for saving some one's life first, let's not overlook that piece of information. In addition to that she was emotionally in tuned with Roy and was able to offer him some comfort in HK and back Korea, this led to another opportunity for her to do something to help her family.
Our common sense heroine got a job so that her family would have income since her husband was without a job. She is a survivalist because she has common sense. Did she not warn her husband to disassociate himself from SY because he was too blind to see beyond his lust (not just emotional lust but lust for power and success, for which I am not judging him, just pointing out my observation), his childish like faith in his wife and his marriage was a sign of his immaturity, not HJ's.
Next our heroine took steps to get pregnant so she can have a child that looks just like SH, remember her excitement and the news she wanted to share with SH. Heroes always suffer the most. Now she has handed him an opportunity to be free from their marriage because she loves him enough to set him free. She will not taint herself with an affair with MW because that would put her in the same category by which she has judged SY; whether her judgment is fair or not will be seen. Her indecent proposal to MW was not a heartfelt proposal, but an attempt to understand how one can reconcile oneself to enter into such an agreement. I reluctantly give MW credit for perceiving her as a novice in the game of deceit and one-up-man-ship. I think he is motivated to taint her his own way, he knows she truly is a challenge and that  her proposal was  preposterous from the jump considering it was fueled by alcohol. 
Yes, HJ is my hero in this show and heroes are winners, although they have a tough row to hoe (my old farming jargon). This is a really good show and I enjoy all of remarks even the ones I disagree with because it is base on your insights and or observations with a comment. I really like the title also. 
I'm looking forward to all the other quad-players developing some common sense. It looks like SH might be trying to employ some, we will see. I hope SY regains her integrity before it's too late. 
I haven't seen episodes 7 & 8 yet.

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@Lmangla - (sorry to cut your post): " think HJ had perhaps unrealistic expectations about marriage to begin with -- her words to SH are that the man who made her smile and held her hand is no longer there even when he is sitting in front of her. in a relationship, it is give and take and it is not the job of the other person to make you happy; if happiness is person/context driven, ultimately you will be unhappy at some point because that is life.... "

Good Morning!  You're right, @Lmangla, HJ had an idealistic, not a realistic, idea of what marriage is.  After ten years of real life, and now with SH not giving her her way, she's done and wants to throw in the towel.  To uphold her idealistic idea of marriage, she's been swallowing ten years of hurt and pain and now she wants to vent all of it on SH and SY.  Its healthy that she's finally venting but she's venting on the wrong person; she should be venting about her own stupidity which, if what I've read in the blog is correct since I still haven't seen the drama, has her thinking there would be some kind of moral equivalency between SH spending three days in HK with SY and her sleeping with MW.  She only thinks there was something sexual between SH and SY even after they both tell her there wasn't but she is up-front offering to have an affair with MW, a man she knows to have a wife, a family and to be a womanizer.  This is the kind of thinking that makes me want to smack this woman silly.

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Guest chajoowon

Carmen Nicolae said:..3. A man of honor honest with himself and honest with others ... A man who broke the chain ... but like a loyal dog he is not willing to leave his master,yet!

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@tessieroo said... No clue what MW meant when (after he gets a call from Choi) his wife asks "Did something happen?" and he says "No. It's about to happen."  What the...what does that mean?@Lmangla  said - am guessing @tessieroo that he is going to take some sort of business revenge if you will for SY stealing away the deal.. @ said - @Lmangla - Ah, thanks! (LOL, that never even crossed my mind) I've thought all along that when/if this whole Hong Kong story comes out, SY would face some serious backlash but I didn't consider MW would put it out there on purpose! image

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Is it not amazing that we are mostly discussing SY, HJ and MW but we are somewhat forgetting the most important character SH?

SY's character is easy to read: honest with herself and others, knows what she wants; and decent (some may argue otherwise)

MW is a rich spoiled player who I think can also be manipulative when wronged or challenged..,,he doesn't play fairly or decently

HJ is an insecure always wronged person, I think it has a lot to do with her background...she is the dependent type

SH who like SY is very honest, too trusting, believes in people even at his own expense. He dealt with his marriage the same way he dealt with his business partner: he trusted his wife to know him, believe him, support him in his decisions....but it all backfired. I've said it before, he was forced to accept SY offer, he had no choice.

I'm still shipping SH /SY , they deserve each other because of the same character traits. They relate and understand one another....theres respect and admiration.

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ymiss said: Hello, @chickpea‌! I'm a married woman with four children! My husband and I, we have been married for a little over 7 and a half years! Not even an one weekend affair, not even three, two days, I would leave him, divorce him if he has a one night stand, a one night affair with another woman! Don't even mention trust, where's the love!? If he loves me, still loves me, no matter what the situation is, he wouldn't, shouldn't of done it! I wouldn't be able to continue loving him after that! If it's the couple's personal differences, immediate family differences and financial stability, poor, not enough income and such then I agree both parties in the relationship, marriage would, should work it out! On the other hand, if a relationship, marriage involves constant interaction, encounters with a different person on an attraction, sensual level, affairs, cheating and so forth, it's better both parties go their own way!

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SY-HJ scene: Why did HJ consider SY as shameless and rude? HJ does not and could not think rationally when it involves husband and SY. She instinctively knows that her husband is attracted to SY. His actions of helping SY's company and then joining the M hotel project reinforce the gut feel she has. Added to that, SY has told her that she is attracted to her husband. Hence, she feels insulted by SY when SY informs her of her husband's intended resignation and of his love for her and thus giving up his ambition. 

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@jordanna - (sorry to cut your post):  "why would SY help a random person whom she only knew because she once interviewed him. I knew SH and HJ saved a man’s life but she is not related to that person. Does rich people deliberately help poor business man facing an embezzlement?"

Sigh.  Watch Episode 2 again, when SH and SY are having dinner the second evening, which turns out to be the last evening.  Right before the sandcastles comment, SY tells SH that the money she funneled to him was money she got from President Jong, the man who's life HJ and SH saved in the hotel lobby in Episode 1.  So SY used Jong's money to pay them for saving his (Jong's) life.  Why is everybody missing this????  By doing so, she was also making sure the woman whose life she risked her own to save--twice by the way--didn't try to commit suicide for money again.

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@lonely_snowflake:  (sorry to cut your post):  "I think we can't just judge the character based on wrong or right, innocent or not, since they're all wrong, they're all not innocent, they're all adults."

I can't agree.  What wrong, exactly, has SY done.  Not what wrong do HJ or MW or SH think SY has done or is doing, what wrong has SY actually done.

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@bukk1 - (sorry to cut your post):  "This woman that so many people believe to be psychotic or delusional if I am assessing what I'm reading correctly is the first hero in the show because she was directly responsible for saving some one's life first, let's not overlook that piece of information."

Greetings - Not overlooking it, like I've said over and again, this is a very important fact in what follows, but I remember that HJ wasn't able to resuscitate President Jong and it was actually after SH joined her doing CPR that Jong was revived.  So SH saved Jong's life, which is why SY pays him Jong's contract deposit.  After failing to revive Jong, HJ then tries to commit suicide.  From my perspective, she sees failure after failure and failure...

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Go away for a night and come back BAM...way too many pages to read! As much as you guys harp and pile on HJ the truth of the matter is that the problem if you sit back and rewatch this from the beginning....the problem is not SY at all. Yes she made a very murky offer but I'm in business and you do get those kinds of things, but the KEY is what SH did with it. He automatically assumed it's a sexual favor. With this in mind...HJ too believed that it what it was about and so for SH to be willing to go through with it....that is the true crux of the problem. Whine if you must about your disgust of HJ, but her reaction whether logical or illogical is perfectly human. Unless you've walked in those shoes...you don't know how you'd react...we can only boast that we'd walk out ok which is what SH did in the assumption that his wife would understand him....which brings me to the BIGGEST MOST OBVIOUS TRUTH that SH was warned by SY that NO WOMAN would understand this deal.

SH continued to ignore his wife and paid more attention still believing that HJ would understand him. This writer has done a terrific job of taking a simply misunderstanding and blowing it up like a plague!

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HJ reaction to SH accepting this offer might have been perfectly human in normal circumstances. I think you forget to factor in that this woman had just tried to commit suicide for this amount of money. The circumstances are not normal. In normal circumstances SH would probably not even have accepted the offer but he got pushed into it because of the stupidity of HJ. HJ is mad that he accepted an offer for the same amount of money she herself was willing to kill herself for.. That's why she comes out unlikeable and unsympathetic - she drove her husband to accept the offer and afterwards she blames and 'punishes' him. I understand that she is hurt and insecure because of him accepting the offer but her anger and punishment is misdirected - she should be mad at herself for 'forcing' her husband to accept such an offer. 

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So I guess we can say HJ was driven by SH into trying to commit suicide because SH was childishly trusting in business, and not only risked his own company but his father-in-law's house (if anything she should've been mad at herself for trusting SH and putting her dad's house as collateral behind his back, to support the husband's business). She also wouldn't have tried to commit suicide under normal circumstances.
sogazelle said:tessieroo said:I'm 16 pages behind?   insomnia.gif
@chickpea - Whoa, awesome insights on page 56! Truly enjoyable read, thanks! 
@hazelzerone - *peeks out carefully* I'll try to be careful talking about SY when you're around. *keke*
@bukk1 - ROFL! Agree, I missed the part of SY having a degree in psychology or marital counseling. 
@twinkystar - I agree, I find HJ's reactions perfectly normal but that's me. There is a whole generation of women who believe it's better to close your eyes and pretend nothing is going on if you suspect your husband is seeing another woman (ie- let him have his mistress, you get the home and the title of wife) but I'm not one of those women. Hysterical confrontations, tears, insults - those are all normal behaviors for a woman if hubby is a cheater to me. I wouldn't stay silent. 
@moony94 - I do think SY was just about to tell SH about her meeting with HJ but she didn't.
@samara34 - Yes, HJ is just supposed to trust her husband and wait while he "tests" himself by spending time with SY - holding her hand, fixing her booboos, frolicking in the water, traveling with her... laugh3.gif
@Triton823 - I don't know why but I starting laughing when SH went running to the hotel. So much for his trust in HJ. Pfffttttt. You would think from his reaction he would understand how HJ feels since he just showed he doesn't trust her either. LMAO at your comment about it's okay for the guy to cheat but not the woman. It's amazing how strongly that mentality is being portrayed in this drama, even with MW and his wife. If I had a friend like HJ going through this, I'd tell her to kick SH to the curb. (BTW, I'm also a huge HJ/MW supporter but ALL of these people better wait until a divorce happens before taking thing any further if you know what I mean) :-w

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