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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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maddymappo said: ..............
She also advised Roy's father that he should bring that child home - meaning he should be brought up by his wife not her.  I do not think baby sitting for Roy for a short time is wrong.  The father should be stabilizing the home situation so he can introduce his son there. She has a special relationship with that child which is of benefit to both of them, they both have been hurt. Nothing in life is without consequences even with the best intentions, so it is true, up the line when they separate it could also be a time of sorrow, but who can avoid that?. 

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Lmangla said:
maddymappo said: ..............
She also advised Roy's father that he should bring that child home - meaning he should be brought up by his wife not her.  I do not think baby sitting for Roy for a short time is wrong.  The father should be stabilizing the home situation so he can introduce his son there. She has a special relationship with that child which is of benefit to both of them, they both have been hurt. Nothing in life is without consequences even with the best intentions, so it is true, up the line when they separate it could also be a time of sorrow, but who can avoid that?. 

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maddymappo said: @Lmangla   Yes I am definitely more supportive of the wife than of Pres. Yoo.  I think the wife is getting an inexplicable lack of sympathy. I don't think her relationship with Roy is damaging. The fact that Roy can emotionally bond at this time is important and helpful for him. He mentioned his mother did not speak Korean well and that they were going for lessons. Children pick up language really fast but he wouldn't be fluent at this point until he lived in Korea longer.  I know the actress is gorgeous and talented but the character of  SY is cruel and narcissistic.  She emotionally  tortured that couple and used their desperation to manipulate them. Used them like a pair of shoes.  Yes perhaps she is fascinating, and her clothes are great, but she is a sadist, and enjoys embarrassing and hurting people, as when she told the CEO's wife she had met "Roy" in Hong Kong.  Maybe now that her bio clock is timing out, she is even more frustrated and perhaps becoming even more predatory. But when it comes to bad characters, how does HJ even come close?

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I actually agree that SY is not an 'innocent' or 'noble' character either. If she was good she could just have given or at least lend that money for them to pay off the debt but she didn't. SY capitalized on the desperate situation of HJ and SH which was cruel no doubt! but at the end of the day then she was not the one to force or manipulate them. It was their debt and HJ suicide attempt that forced SH to accept the offer. SY only provided them said offer - they might have been desperate but they still had a choice. If SY had been the one to put them in a state where they could only accept the offer then I'd agree that she manipulated or forced them. I agree that SY has been very narcissistic and she made the offer for her own enjoyment or curiosity- but she never forced them to accept the offer. If she had never made the offer SH might even have been worse off now than what he actually is. The reason I'm harder on HJ than SY is because SY has no obligations towards any of the three leads. It's not SY who is married.The drama is mostly seen through the marriage of SH and HJ and the first four episodes has been about their marriage falling apart because of their mistakes and misunderstandings that's why talk about HJ has been more than either MW or SY even though MW is clearly a far worse person than HJ. I had no expectations of SY being a good person from the beginning (based on the synopsis) anyway. I had an expectation of HJ being the innocent party in all this but it has been far from the case though. If you do not expect one to be a good person then you will not really be disappointed :). SY character is exactly as expected. I had sympathy for HJ until she accepted that job offer and moved out of their home - after that I lost all sympathy for her. I think HJ has the most to blame for their marriage falling apart yet she pushes the blame unto SH which is also why I can't sympathize with her now at all. 

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Enjoy reading all friends comment in here.......regarding this situation only 4 episodes for now......someone said  if the married couple strong enough hold their hand tight.... the third hand can't do anything even she try hard to be in the middle..... I think it's true. Anyway for this drama still a long way I think from the press con I heard something like...KSW mention will make this affair understandable  ha ha. ( correct me if I'm wrong ). I will wait and see  but so far  I'm on SY side too.....totally because of CJW....eiei

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I like the plot/concept of this drama but I think they went about it the wrong way just from the start.

I know a bunch of people probably have said this but, how could the wife(HJ) talk about morals and pride when she tried to kill herself for the same reasons.

Basically all he did was spend 4 days with another woman but she went as far as to kill herself because of money. Even if he did do something indecent for a married person it doesn't equal what she tried to do.

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foxssj2 said: I like the plot/concept of this drama but I think they went about it the wrong way just from the start.

I know a bunch of people probably have said this but, how could the wife(HJ) talk about morals and pride when she tried to kill herself for the same reasons.

Basically all he did was spend 4 days with another woman but she went as far as to kill herself because of money. Even if he did do something indecent for a married person it doesn't equal what she tried to do.

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"...CJW could have just given the money to KSW, but that would have damaged his pride even more than when she rejected him for a position at her company for being too idealistic.  Instead, she gave him the opportunity to "show his stuff", to prove to her how much he had matured in business over the years."

I agree on the statement stated by @chickpea. I think most people will refuse to accept help from someone that are not close to you...especially when it's about money.

There were scenes showing SY thinking...1st on the night after the suicide trial and during the day when she put the heels on....
Offering the 4days deal was probably the only way to offer a large sum of money...lump sum. Put your self on SY...what will you do? Consider not to make any debt payment aggrement. SY may be considering to have that matter settled short. The theory about the sandcastle and the 'afraid' stuff they're talking about could just reflect to SY inside sight aka trueself inside...and not referring to other self or other love or marriage...if you could understand me...sorry, it's hard for me to explain it,lol.

SY character is the most interesting one to me. No one seems to really know or understand her...mainly because she keeps on hiding her true self inside +++her habit with poker face style. I believe there is more revelation coming...

Let me take note on some part...
1st, if she really wants to become a new wave to SH-HJ marriage aka sandcastle...why would she agree not to meet SH again in Korea? To me this just prove that she wants to make thing short...she don't have other intention...she just want to help...but don't want to let it appeared as help...seems like she has a habit keeping things within her. 2nd, when she gave up her attorney...she appeared strong in her text to SH...but then she cried. She don't want people to know her suffering.

So far she is still with her poker face on...not sure what actually is on her mind and what's her true definition of happiness. She just do what she want to do...she may consider that as solution and a practical one...but others may have a hard time in accepting...in short, no one person can satisfied everyone.

On SH side, though he did some work for that 1mil won...I believe his sense is telling him that the work does not worth the money...hence remind himself he still has to pay back in anyway possible.

Above all, I also think love factor is coming in the way...which makes things complicated now. I really want SY and SH to be together in the end...considering marriage, in reality...i think everyone will support happy till the end marriage, and that includes me...so I hope the writer manage to make SY-SH relationship acceptable if they're really meant to be the OTP.
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chickpea said:

Right on, @foxssj2,but just to correct the penultimate sentence... all he did was WORK for another woman, who happens to be the CEO of the company he interned at, for three days because she needed an assistant and he needed the money to save his wife's life and his father-in-law's house.  Sure, CJW could have just given the money to KSW, but that would have damaged his pride even more than when she rejected him for a position at her company for being too idealistic.  Instead, she gave him the opportunity to "show his stuff", to prove to her how much he had matured in business over the years and earn the money to keep his father-in-law's house and stay out of jail.  BTW, I know they translate "dollars" for the text but 1 million South Korean Won converts to a little less than $100,000 US or, she gave him $10K contract fee and $30K for each of three days.  A $100K fee for working on the acquisition of a hotel is fair compensation, I think, so I can't even see anything illogical or immoral there.

This is a very cerebral drama, meaning the action isn't in the actions of the characters and the plot isn't spelled out, its all happening in the minds and emotions of the characters and they have to communicate these to us which is why these two actors are so amazing.

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I do think SY had some bad intentions and/or curiosity about their love for each other - probably because she has never experienced that herself (until now maybe when she's falling in love with SH). I think she wanted to test it. I think she has never believed in love and therefore spend all her time working without giving love a chance. This might have made SY unconsciously jealous and/or rather annoyed at something she considers as fake being idealised by the SH-HJ relationship. If SY just wanted to help she could have asked him to help her with work for four days instead of making the offer the way she did even though that might not really have worked since HJ could have thought the offer too good to be true and start imagining stuff anyway but at least SY would have come out more sincere. SY could also have lend the money first and then told him to work for her company when they got back until he had paid back the money. I guess in some way SY was right though - the love between HS-SY was not great enough to stand against it and HJ left home right away. I think it's kind of ironic though because SY will probably be the one to prove that the kind of love she considers fake might actually exist when she does fall in love with SH - we will have to wait and see though.
The issue of the four days; I think it is considered wrong/immoral because of the way the 'job' was offered. It was not offered as a job but more as him becoming her slave for four days doing whatever she wished for. He ended up doing just work but neither he nor HJ knew that when he accepted and the way SY offered the idea was also easy to misunderstand. It was also wrong because he accepted the offer against the will of HJ though it was her fault that he decided to accept. They didn't do anything wrong those four days but the act of accepting the offer itself is considered immoral based on how it was layed out. It's hard to blame HS for accepting the offer though - he was screwed either way. The debt was already 'killing' his marriage - so either decision he made would potentially result in a bad ending anyway. HJ didn't see SH and SY those four days either so in her mind anything could have happened but I don't really understand why HJ has such a hard time believing that nothing happened. Why would SY really do anything bad towards HJ right after saving her life. If SY had actually been that heartless of a person she'd not gone into the water to save HJ in the first place.
Edit: I think the underlining problem now is that HJ failed at providing the money by her attempted suicide but instead SY managed to provide the money - SY basically succeeded in the area HJ failed. The problem is not only that SH accepted the offer and spend four days with SY but probably also that SY gave SH what HJ could not.
@Desiree AnnM said: can't wait for monday..

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