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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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@stuartjmz‌ oh! That happen to me before... I think you need to click the unfollow button first then you need to follow her once again...sometimes you need to refresh your timeline several times to see the tweet... Hope it works... :)

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Guest chunnogirl33

Did anybody believe Geon when he said he wasn't attracted to Mi Young? I didn't. At least his jaw dropped after her makeover almost to the floor ha!

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yoeda said: class="at_ttl" style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: none; font-size: 30px; line-height: 35px; clear: both; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"Five Reasons To Watch “Fated To Love You”

BY Julie Jones | Jul 14, 2014 10:59 AM EDT

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    "Fated To Love You" is only in third place in the Wednesday-Thursday night ratings but the comedy has a lot going for it. The first and second place contenders are definitely worth watching but you may also want to catch this comedy when you can. Here's why:

    1.     The Jang Hyuk-Jang Nara reunion. The actors reunite here 12 years after appearing in "Successful Story of a Bright Girl." Some of this year's k-drama actor-actress reunions have been very entertaining and a few are yet to come. But this one sparks with chemistry. The characters they play start off sleeping together and have to establish a relationship after that but the attraction between them is touching. Like so many k-drama male leads he starts out being oafish and unlikable, but he quickly feels protective toward her. It's hard not to root for this couple.

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    2.     Whether you like tough unbeatable k-drama heroines or prefer meek ones, viewers may also feel protective toward Kim Mi Young, played by Jang Nara. They call her post-it girl because she can't say no. If someone asks her to do something, she does it. She doesn't have a lot of confidence and viewers naturally want to cheer her on until she gets some.

    3.     The script offers the supporting actors lots of laughs. Although the focus is on the leading actors, the very funny script brings out the best in a series of supporting k-drama regulars. Song Ok Sook, who has played mom to so many k-drama stars, shines in this as the owner of a small restaurant in a fishing village. She has no qualms about taking Jang Hyuk's arrogant chaebol to task. She locks him up and pretty much forces him into a shotgun wedding.

    4.     That leads to reason number three. Jang Hyuk plays spoiled chaebol Lee Gun. He seems to have it all but in reality women walk all over him. His grandmother, her mom and his selfish former girlfriend control his life. Women seem to think they can treat him badly and the way they do is funny. Song Ok Sook, Park Won Suk and Wang Ji Won have no compunctions about hitting him, forcing him to get married or leaving him when he is about to propose. That may be why he likes the quiet self-effacing Kim Mi Young.

    5.     The Korean version of "Fated To Love You" is a remake of a very popular Taiwanese drama, which means viewers can watch both versions and compare. It's fun to have that option. A remake offers twice the drama.

    Those are enough reasons to watch this comedy but there's also another one. Choi Jin Hyuk has a role in it and that's usually a good thing.

    What do you think? Have you seen the comedy?



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Prior to I have never seen Jang Nara act before, not knowing that Choi Jin Hyuk is also in the drama and what the plot, storyline is really about, Jang Hyuk, Jang Hyuk, Jang Hyuk, Jang Hyuk and Jang Hyuk was the five reasons why I'm watching this!

Thank you, @irit! I just have to tag along!

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Guest chunnogirl33

he kicking MY out? but he's the one outside. it's like he kicking himself out. :)) :))

Using my imagination, what if he is travelling to NY to break up with Se Ra? Probable not, but I want to dream :)

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Jang-Na-Ra-Jang-Hyuk-and-Choi-Jin-Hyuk-wJang Na Ra, Jang Hyuk, and Choi Jin Hyuk warm up to each other in stills from 'Fated To Love You'Jang Na Rawent from just your ordinary girl to the pregnant wife of a CEO overnight on 'Fated To Love You', but it seems like things will get more complicated with two men in her life -Jang HyukandChoi Jin Hyuk!

The drama unveiled still cuts of Kim Mi Young (Jang Na Ra) and Lee Gun (Jang Hyuk) awkwardly adjusting to married life. The two are seen wearing couple pajamas with Lee Gun giving Jang Na Ra a back hug and even taking a candidselcaof her while she's sleeping.But there's also the other handsome man Daniel (Choi Jin Hyuk), who might even possibly be Kim Mi Young's long lost brother, warming up to Kim Mi Young as well.i cant wait for tomorrow and sorry if this has been post here before.

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  • CELEBSic_list.gif VIEW ARCHIVES class="at_ttl" style="font-size: 30px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: none; line-height: 35px; letter-spacing: -0.03em; clear: both;"Five Fun Facts About Jang Hyuk

    BY Julie Jones | Jul 15, 2014 10:16 AM EDT

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    Jang Hyuk


    Jang Hyuk is earning laughs in his role as Lee Gun, the arrogant chaeol often bullied by the women in his life. But the star of the film "Thorn" takes acting very seriously and never feels he can relax and assume he will get the next part. Here are few facts about him.

    1.     He does not think of himself as a star but rather as a freelancer who might never get another acting job.

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    "An actor is a freelancer, and you need to be 'picked up' so you always have to think about the 'next'. So on the filming site, regardless of the project's result, I try my best in the process of making it, to make others feel they want to work with this actor again," he told Cosmopolitan.

    One of the roles he spent the most time preparing for was the role of the slave hunter Dae Gil in "The Slave Hunters." He was praised for that role and received a Best Actor nomination for the 2011 International Emmy Awards.

     "To me acting well means asking many questions about your character and finding things out. The more time put into developing the character the easier the audience can relate to that character." 

    2. He is acting with Jang Nara for the second time, as they previously appeared together in the drama "The Successful Story of a Smart Girl," but Lee Da Hae has acted with him more often. He appeared with her in three dramas: "Iris II," "Robber" and "The Slave Hunters."

    3. He married his Pilates instructor, Kim Yeo Jin. He joined the class because he had a crush on her.

    "But there were 41 women and only one other man," he said on Location Talk TAXI. "I believe that the man there had the same intentions that I had. We all had to wear tights and the other guy couldn't handle it, and left within a week. It wasn't easy wearing tights."

    4. The couple married in 2008 and now they have two sons. Fatherhood changed his life.

    "Before I was the one being protected, but now I have family who depends on me, who need my protection. That changed me a lot. When my first child was born, I thought a lot about my own father. I was really bad at holding the child at first. He was so small that I didn't know how to hold him, and I thought my father would've been so nervous holding me as well."

    5. He also considered becoming a teacher.

    "I wanted to be a teacher. I like communicating and having conversations," he said. What appealed to him most was the schedule. He really wanted to be home to have meals with his family.


    Point no. 3, i wonder what all the woman intention after he joining the class later. =)) =))

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yesterday I tried to watch the original version of this drama and I love it :) there are some things that surprised me because even though this is a remake but a few parts of the story and the characters players are not really the same as the original so it makes me even more curious about what will happen in the next episode? ?  :-bd honestly i really liked Jang Hyuk and Jang Nara since the successful story of bright girl but unfortunately there are not so many intimate scenes that occurred in that time so I really hope that there will be more sweet scene that will happen in FTLY hehe :P (I never imagined that they would together again in a romantic drama and now their even be a married couple in this drama ) I'm so excited  :)

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