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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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turquoiseblue said:

I love this scene so much... it feels like the lines they said to each other were really made by them... for me, it parallels to their true feelings...not as jaewan and mone...but as wookie and dahae :x :x :x 9 years of ups and downs, ins and outs and hellos and goobyes...and here they are...standing in front of each other... trying once again... :x :x :x
DW: I want to make a promise that i have to keep...DH: You said you will wait for me...now it's time for you to come to me..DW: Won't you regret what you said?DH: If I let you keep hesitating...you won't be able to date or get married your whole life..I'm here to save you :x
DH: I hated you a lot...everyday. I blamed you and did everything to get you out of my heart. Now I'm taking you back..into my heart again :XDW: You must be hurt.DH: It must have been like hell for you.DW: As i love you more and more, my sins will grow bigger..Do I still?..Can I hold your hand?DH: We should do...lots of good things from now on :) :x :x
and they kiss and promised that this time it will be forever... *insert delulu me here*

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@turquoiseblue‌ OH MY. I DIDN'T NOTICE IT WHEN I WATCHED THE SCENE BUT NOW THAT YOU POINTED IT OUT... :o It does seem very reflective of their own story. Haha. And it is possible that they may have contributed to the lines. Who knows, right? We'll never know. But from the latest BTS, we have seen how they like to alter some lines and make ad libs. HOHOHO.

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blueGurl_nineteen said: @turquoiseblue‌ Let them have international fanmeets, pretty please, MBC? :)) Just the thought of them traveling international together is enough for us. Haha. We won't be greedy as to ask for personal updates, but a random selca from time to time would be much appreciated. :)
@samzz Cha Jae Wan's fondness of Ah Mo Ne's head/hair... I wonder if it's a deliberate ad lib created by Wookie from his own habits. Lol. He did say in one of his interviews that he loves touching his gf's head. :)) And he likes creating ad libs for his characters. Remember in MG, he said that Gongchan's mannerism of touching his chin and that part of the face between the nose and upper lip, he said he created it to make Gongchan more distinct. :P

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omg..i m damn xcited n was wondering tht how hotel king will end..i know tht day will be the memorable day for all of us n hopefully we will get to see donghae in other show soon....

i was just dreaming abt thr marriage sequence...as AMN told/mentioned abt marrige in previous ep ....n m damn sure tht they will post their selcas toooo....sooo tht means we r going to get a lot more pics..BTS n most imp. the News tht they r dating [♥_♥] {¤_¤} hehehe

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Aigoo..I've been following soompi thread almost 9 years and my last image that i posted was like 8 years ago?..now i forgot how to post picture in the thread..can someone quote the code for me here? I wanna post Donghae pic here.. Tq


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fidda868 said: Aigoo..I've been following soompi thread almost 9 years and my last image that i posted was like 8 years ago?..now i forgot how to post picture in the thread..can someone quote the code for me here? I wanna post Donghae pic here.. Tq #:-S

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Guest turquoiseblue

syratr said: Here is family photo of Wookie.
dahae (daughter in law)'s place is prepared, between mother in law and husband wookie :D (in place of gundam ahaha)

mother - wife(imagine :D) - wookie - dad - sister - brotherinlaw =D>
what a beautiful family

caps from roommate

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Ok, 50% done with Fan Account. 
Ok, I needed to borrow some pictures from "Crush on DaHae" website as I can't quote Baidu pictures directly. 
Can someone tell me how to link baidu pictures?
Isn't she cute... hehehehe...

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nocturne9 said: Ok, 50% done with Fan Account. 
Ok, I needed to borrow some pictures from "Crush on DaHae" website as I can't quote Baidu pictures directly. 
Can someone tell me how to link baidu pictures?
Isn't she cute... hehehehe...

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Guest turquoiseblue





I love this scene so much... it feels like the lines they said to each other were really made by them... for me, it parallels to their true feelings...not as jaewan and mone...but as wookie and dahae :x :x :x 9 years of ups and downs, ins and outs and hellos and goobyes...and here they are...standing in front of each other... trying once again... :x :x :x
DW: I want to make a promise that i have to keep...DH: You said you will wait for me...now it's time for you to come to me..DW: Won't you regret what you said?DH: If I let you keep hesitating...you won't be able to date or get married your whole life..I'm here to save you :x
DH: I hated you a lot...everyday. I blamed you and did everything to get you out of my heart. Now I'm taking you back..into my heart again :XDW: You must be hurt.DH: It must have been like hell for you.DW: As i love you more and more, my sins will grow bigger..Do I still?..Can I hold your hand?DH: We should do...lots of good things from now on :) :x :x
and they kiss and promised that this time it will be forever... *insert delulu me here*

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I think Dahae wrote that diary during year 2009, few months just after they broke up. She rephrased it back in Chinese as part of her study material. Her Chinese teacher at that time has very smart and creative way to make her learn the language.

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Guest tinsky73

Although I firmly believe that she was talking about wookie in her diary, there's this one inconsistency I'd like to point out. She claims she lost contact with her ex when they broke up but both wookie & da hae admitted to have seen each other before wookie left for MS. She could be deliberately twisting the story a bit so people will not suspect it's really him...

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Fan Account from HK fans –

Mygirl429 (HK) (thanks girl for showing us this wonderful side of DH and the fun account of meeting DH at HKAirport to the overseas community.  Date: 6/30/2014)  Chi-Eng Translation: Noc9  :D


After seeing her in the morning, my desire to send her off at the airport tonight was even stronger (Although I’d actually already made up my mind earlier.. haha…DH’s charm would just make you fall for it and you have to follow her, so I must go)

跟另外位海带吃过晚饭后,就直奔机场。因为知道多回韩会坐凌晨机,最有可能的航班是大韩1245或韩亚12400100,而早上到达的韩班是韩亚,所以 我们估计会是12400100其中一班。但是根据经验所得,明星们很多时都不是坐同一航空公司航班来往的,所以我们对大韩1245的航班也没有掉以轻

After dinner with 2 other fans, we went straight to the airport.  DH’s flight was late at night, the most possible choices were KoreanAir 1245 or Asiana 1240 and 0100.  DH’s incoming flight was with Asiana, so outbound flight could be either 1240 or 0100.  But according to my experience, most stars would take a different airline for their outbound flight so we didn’t completely ignore KoreanAir. 


When we arrived, the vip path had already been fenced up, there were many fans waiting but I understood that they were not DH fans, might be LMHs’ fans.  In order words, DH and LMH might be taking the same flight. 

韩亚的柜 台是在F行,而大韩就在G行,所以我们主要站在F行等候。最令我们不安的是多会从车场走vip道上来还是从上面道路下车走下来呢!2个位置是完全相反的, 所以我们的对策是一人望一边,免得错过了。不过可以肯定的是,不论走那边,她的助手都会帮她check in的,所以留意柜台是重点

Asiana’s check in is at row F, and KoreanAir at row G, so we were mainly waiting on row F.  We were just a bit worry about whether DH would be coming from the vip path from the garage or the vip path from the ground floor because those were 2 opposite directions.  Our solution was to have one person at the each direction so we wouldn’t miss her.  Anyway, we were sure that her assistant will check in for her, so the check in area was our main focus.

经验所得,星们坐这几班机多会是11点多才会到(因为我坐这班机都是11点才到,嘻嘻!以避开一大班旅行团及自由行)所以11点到了,我们就开始更留心了。 等了又等,李敏镐那边也没有尖叫声,11点半,我跟倩倩决定要到G行看看,当时那行已没有其他搭客了。沿著G行往停车道前走,2秒后,一大班人就走下来 了。我看看,哗!看到大只保标,但没见多。倩倩问我是不是,我只能说应该是,之后多伸出头来,她就在人堆当中。确定了,我们走上前,保标初时有伸手阻拦,但是我们多就是超级大暖女,她跟保标说「It's ok, she is my old friend」之类的话,保标就放下手,让我们上前了

Based on experience, the flights to Korea should arrive after 11 pm, so at about 11 pm, we started to pay close attention.  After waiting for a while, and no fan screams from LMH’s side, we decided to stop by row G.  There were no passengers at that time.  After about 2 seconds walking along row G towards the garage, we saw a whole bunch of people walking downstairs.  2 bulky body guards in the front were leading the way.  My friend asked me, is it her? I was like, it should be her, and yes, lo and behold, DaHae poked her head out from behind.   ;) CONFIRMED!!  We stepped forward but were blocked by the bodyguards.  Of course ouli DaHae was such a warm hearted girl, she told the bodyguards that we were her friends so we were able to step closer. 



My friend who was with me had met DH many times, so they were like old friends.  DaHae was also curious why she was there.  While they were chatting, I texted other DH fans from row J to come over to row G.  After my friend finished chatting with DH, I took out the IRIS2 special edition that I bought from Japan for her autograph, of course the friendly DaHae said yes!


多多帮我签完名后,轻轻扫了我的小背,望着我说Thank you。我当时激动的情绪涌上来,怎会这样暖的呀?这是我们今天的第三次眼神接触了.我当时的感觉她就像我的亲姐姐般鼓励我。然后她就去check in了,我也在旁边等待着。其间有拍了一张照,保标见我举机,也有移动了一下挡着,我也不是狂粉,所以就继续待着。check in期间,看到多跟助手们谈得很开心

After she signed for me, she slightly rub my back and said Thank you while looking directly at me.  I was really really touched.  She’s such a warm person.  This was the 3rd time we made eye contact.  I felt like she was trying to encourage me like a real sister.  After that, she needed to check-in.  So I was waiting on the side and she was talking happily with her assistants while checking in.


This is one of my favorite DH pictures and so I had her sign it too.


名签完了,多也要走了,我们一直送她到闸口,她进去时不忘跟我们说再见。她还跟那些保标们说take care,试问有几多个大明星会这样有礼,半日就能跟人混熟?就是我们多有这个能力,有这样的亲和力

After the autograph session, DH had to leave, we sent her off to the departing gate and she didn’t forget to say bye to us.  She also told the bodyguards to take care.  She is such a courteous and friendly star.


We watched her walked in and passed airport security, we waved at her when she turned around, then wow, she saw us and she jumped while waving at us like a kid.  She was sooooooooo cute, and then she gave us a goodbye kiss!!!!  My heart totally melted at that moment.   

It has been 2 days and I am still smitten by her charm. Dang, me too w/o even meeting her. lol.. I wonder how ouli DWshi can hold it for so long.

DH volunteered to take a group picture with us


Lucky fans and thank you for bring us this cute story.  DH is so cute........................ :x

END - Thanks for reading chingus.  This translation effort is for ouli alemdal DaHae... :x

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