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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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LOL I can sense shippers are going crazy with no news from our couple.

Honestly, there wasn't much revealed in RM re DW's ex.  I had no high expectation of his sister revealing anything anyway.  Even if there were, I think those could have been edited out.  [-(

What I know now though from their body gestures that they are already together.  keke..  Why bother too much with the past.

Also, besides, I have confidence that DH will tell us whether they have dated or not in the past when they announce their wedding... dung dung dung... I think she actually already hinted us during their mysterious 2nd PC for HK. 

To DW shi, aigoo, I already know you will never tell anything juicy about your relationships... :-L :-L Hahaha... But thank goodness we have our lovely DH who loves to tease her fans and thus provided us with lots of juicy info.. keke... Muah... Sarangheyo DH shi!! :x :x 

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Oh to add my point abt Wookie & Jessica, actually it's not the first time she caught being seen with male celeb. Besides Wookie, I have seen photos of her went out shopping together with 2PM Taecyeon & another guy whom she recently being rumoured named Tyler Kwon or something. So yeah, like Wookie, she's also being linked with different guys before. She's young, pretty & popular, so it's inevitable this kind of thing happened. I think those pap pics of them were taken mainly becoz since she's the idol, who came from the popular girl group in Korea, she's been their target in this case. We know how greedy & hungry those papz to catch & capture any glimpse of evidence of celebs life, esp idols, they can get, esp their dating life for hit & money. So they must be followed her on that day those pics were taken, just waiting for any encounter & interaction of her with any male celeb & coincidence she's been seen with Wookie at a restaurant that day, so they just snapped whatever they can get from there, even if the interaction was clearly a casual meeting, not in a flirty & an intimate way, so they can made up a story abt it after that.

Besides of that, if we aware how careful & private person Wookie is, those pics of him with Jessica was the only pap pics of him with female celebs that been taken since he's been an actor. We all know, even he's always being linked with different women & I'm sure some of the rumours might turn out to be true that he's dated some of them, but not once his pics with any of this women being taken by paps, unlike those pics with Jessica. Therefore, from this, I'm still strongly conclude that his rumour with Jessica was merely a rumour, no romantic feeling ever happened btwn them. Yeah.

And... @PatriciaL Actually I think those translation was a bit inaccurate. If u wanna know more accurate translation, here's it is, translated by @ditditdutdut a month ago...

About the swing kiss:
DH: The script says I'd kiss Jaewan on the forehead, cheek, then lips. But then he proceeded to do it first. So then I...poured on it.
I: WHAT the hell?? These people... Aren't you supposed to refuse... not poured oil to fire??

About the bed scene:
DH: The PD said since you guys know what to do, I'm leaving this to you guys. So I was kinda confused and wanted to do a bit rehearsal. He was just sitting on the sofa playing games on his cell phone. All while taking off his clothes. He said... "Don't worry, I'll take care of it". I was a bit upset, but when we went into takes, he was surprisingly good. He was really good, I didn't even do anything.

I: The viewers are wondering if you guys would date for real since your love line looks so natural, you look like two lovers already.
DH: I think we would probably fight A LOT. Let's just say we have deep affection and feelings for each other. Wait, if I say this... fans would probably be disappointed. Then let's say that we never know what might happen in a man/woman relationship, so...
DH: I also wrote on SNS (twitter) to meet in 10 years. I think compared to now, we could probably do a strong melodrama.
I: Strong melo...??
DH: Yes, super intense melo...*breaks into giggle* (NOTE: she might mean super sexy super dramatic melo-->think Frozen Flower)

Message to Dong Wook:
DH: Oppa, since I can't see you everyday anymore, I kinda miss you. Be well, let's eat sometime. Bye...this is so awkward.


More Section TV:
In the intro, cameraman went into her dressing room:
C: Where's Cha Jaewan?
DH: He has gone away for 2 days.
C: But he said he would never leave you anymore?
DH: Sigh... yes, he always lies like that. Oppa, don't live like that. I warn you, you can't get rid of me. *burst out laughing*. OMG, I sound like a stalker.

She then talked about how cold Pyungchang was. Interviewer asked:
I: Are you going on vacation now that drama's done?
DH: I'm planning to come back in the Fall.
I: To Pyungchang? WHY? Actresses usually go to Europe or South East Asia, but you want to go to Pyungchang?
DH: Well since we were shooting, I couldn't really enjoy the place as much. So I wonder how it would be if I go for vacation.
I: It'll be the same, still cold. (LOLOLOL I love this interviewer).

She also talked about her first filming in the fish market. Apparently, during the takes, it seems like she accidentally hit a granny with a silver fish. When she apologized, the granny looked at her vindictively and said... "You *bleep* did this, didn't you?" LMAO. She then apologized again on screen and promised to treat her to some grilled fish if they met again.

She talked about her first start in the business, in high school. She was in KBS Musical Radio Show and acted as animals, from rabbit to dragonfly. But the one thing she sucks at is singing, so she admitted with embarrassment that she lip-synced on her singing parts.
I: So it's been how long since your debut? 20 years...
DH: 20 years?? Wait, so that means Lee Dong Wook-sshi and some other people are my juniors then. Ahh, I didn't realize that. *jokes* These rude brats...

Interviewer then talked about when she went to Hongkong and received such hot welcome...
DH: I thought there would only be like 4 people... but there were so many people holding my picture and saying welcome Lee Dahae. But there was an incident, the escalator got stuck while I was coming down. I almost fell, but there was one arm who swooped her (Her foreign bodyguard). And I was like... "Whoa, look at this" (She's just saying she was a bit taken aback, but not in a bad way).

Interviewer then talked about her romance:
I: Can we PLEASE hear some news on this? It's been TOO long overdue.
DH: Yes, really, now that the drama's done, I really want to date. I AM going to date. (HAHAHAHAH WITH WHO??? A CERTAIN LEE OPPA?)
I: Okay, please tell us. Your ideal type?
DH: A guy who swooped/hug me with one arm (like that bodyguard). A big, tall guy, who can be taller than me when I wear heels. One who's got a sense of humour and one I can respect.
I: Dear viewers, we're looking for you. If you fit the bill, please contact us through MBC forum. (EXCUSE ME, WHY LOOK ANYWHERE ELSE WHEN THERE'S A CERTAIN LEE OPPA WHO'S EXACTLY LIKE THAT??)

I: What do you want to see in yourself 10 years from now?
DH: I would like to see myself still working and acting. I want to be an actor who acts and looks at ease with herself.
I: Would you be married?
DH: OF COURSE I HAVE TO!! If I'd still be single until then, it'd be really bad. I want to get married for sure.
I: You look a bit angry now.
DH: Yeah, this makes me upset *laughs*
DH: Thank you the viewers for watching and liking Hotel King.

Then they took a selca imitating the selca with DW.

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@PatriciaL it's expected that she'll deny it, photos of them tell a different story obviously they seem to get along with each other pretty well, and not fighting.....she stated that what they have is deep affection, feelings and friendship, meaning to say its something special...

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PatriciaL said: but this article really made my heart ache: http://www.wikikpop.com/blog/archives/19361especially when i read :  Actress Lee Da Hae expressed her feelings about working with Lee Dong Wook in drama <Hotel King>.She interviewed with MBC <Section TV Entertainment News> and talked about acting love scene with her partner Lee Dong Wook.The actress shyly laughed “Some fans actually want the two of us to go on a date. If we date, we will probably fight a thousand times. So, we must remain as friends”.:(( :-S =((

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Guest PatriciaL

@li96 @kikz @shielizda

thank you for all the explanations you've made. i gathered all my hopes and dreams and delusions about them again. i really want them to be together and those articles that i posted really made my faith weak. but thanks to all of you guys! thank you very much!
:x :);)

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I'm still holding on to the belief that Donghae is REAL due to the following reasons: the wedding selca, the swing kiss adlib, the wrap party sweetness/cute "jealousy"/possessive acts.., the umbrella hug, hand under the blanket, hand in thigh group pic...his attitude towards other women, arriving together during the wrap party even at the pub, her ideal man, his Hawaiian vacation, interview when he said what's wrong with them kissing, removing her hair from her face, etc.  I know I'm like a broken record but every time I think of this, I feel that wedding bells are not far behind...

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I think the best way to analyze if they are in a relationship or not is if you remove all your emotions, forget first that you're a fan of the two, forget that they are LDW and LDH, think of them as ordinary people, consider and analyze the evidences that I mentioned above and then come up with a conclusion....

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myvilvil said: I think the best way to analyze if they are in a relationship or not is if you remove all your emotions, forget first that you're a fan of the two, forget that they are LDW and LDH, think of them as ordinary people, consider and analyze the evidences that I mentioned above and then come up with a conclusion....

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Guest ManolitaA

For me Donghae is for real...I don't know how these pictures will tell to all of us...just be possitive and be happy for our ship...DONGHAE is for REAL!!!!just be patient my chingus.... :x :x

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<Blade Man>

Here comes the final title! <Blade Man>  Don't forget to get the first episode! By the way, do you like this guy? 
Here comes the synopsis: Joo Hongbin, the CEO of a game company, has got everything. He is capable, rich and even good-looking! However, this perfect guy lacks in one thing. He is so ill-tempered! The worst guy on the planet!
One day, this supercilious guy turns into a monster. When it rains, he becomes furious and some blades are coming out from his body. Moreover, Sedong, a woman with a bright personality and Chang, his first love's son appear making him confused...

Premiere in Korea : 2014.09.
Premiere on KBS World : 2014.09.17


cr. KBS World

P.S. Wait... SEDONG? now I'm going to think about them on every episode =))... time to read the last 4 pages :P

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Earlier we were discussing on LINE about how Wookie puts his hand on a woman's shoulder... on RM they showed his young pic with his sis, and his hand on the shoulder like a normal affectionate brother. If we look at other pictures of women with him (like on the gallery I posted earlier, there are some pics where he poses like this with his assistants) he does the same. He also put his hand on the shoulder on SSK during the script reading pics. There's only one woman he touched on the area below the shoulder, which is Da Hae. On RM episode he grabs her and keeps her close to him, which if we look with the eyes of an outsider can be interpreted as a very affectionate-she-is-mine kind of semi hug. It's the kind of arm holding of a boyfriend, or deep deep friend. But neither deep friend, because my male friends never held my arm like that. This is already a big dating proof to me... ;)

I've compared early HK bts pics to the most recent: Wookie used to hold Da Hae when they semi hugged for pics, the way I mentioned above:

Hotel King Episode 4 bts, March/April 2014:


One month or so later, when they had to kiss for the first time, Wookie held her possessively like in the pic below. This is the period where everyone supposed something was start to happen again between them. Coincidence? I don't think so. Yeah, one may argue that he put his hands like that to act, but most of the times our body reacts involuntarily to emotions and it is possible he just couldn't control it. Remember that while you act, you can put your hands anywhere, and most of male leads decide to lie them behind the woman's ears so that they won't touch her body --- but Wookie didn't do so on this pic. This pic screams: "She's mineeeeeeeee!"

Hotel King Episode 11/12 bts, May 2014:


More development. This is two months later, when they filmed the bed scene episode. It was dang chilly because it was raining and there was strong wind, and Da Hae was wearing a short summery dress, while Wookie was more and more warm. He did not only shield her with the umbrella - do you really believe they just had an umbrella on set? - he also put his arm around her to protect her from the wind and water. In this pic he doesn't lie his hand on her arm because otherwise he would touch her boob and I don't think it'd be the case in public with people taking pics of them while filming.
Hotel King Episode 26 bts, Beginning of July 2014:


On this day fans went on set to bring food for the crew. They met Wookie and Da Hae and they took a pic of them together. They mentioned that when DH arrived, DW turned and looked a happy to see her and he glanced in her direction. This is the same pic from two angles XD. lol.

Hotel King Episode 28 bts, End of July 2014:



The last picture is the most important proof of it all because we've also have video confirmation of the special body language between these two. Wookie calling Da Hae "My Ah Mo Ne", holding her arm, hugging and caressing her head, brushing his body close to hers... she was totally looking at his lips on his cap, she wanted to kiss him... ;))
Last, but not last.

Hotel King wrap up party, July 27th 2014:


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Sedong? Seho+DongWook = Sedong. Hahaha that's soooo funny & hilarious. =)) =)) =))

So where's came that early translation mentioned that her name was Song Hae Kyo? Becoz I think this early name sound better than Sedong, isn't it sound unfeminine for a girl name? :P

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The last picture is the most important proof of it all because we've also have video confirmation of the special body language between these two. Wookie calling Da Hae "My Ah Mo Ne", holding her arm, hugging and caressing her head, brushing his body close to hers... she was totally looking at his lips on his cap, she wanted to kiss him... ;))
Last, but not last.

Hotel King wrap up party, July 27th 2014:


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I saw Mr Cupid tried communicated with two of Dahae close buddies, one is her chubby former manager, and one is her best guy friend that resembles Wookie so much. Dahae is very close with him, but don't worry, he's not her bf or ex-bf.
So here once again, I can see Mr Cupid is someone within the circle of our Chamo life.
When Dahae introduced him to us through twitter 4 yrs ago, my heart jumps bc I thought Wookie at first.he is in K-ent business as well, taking small roles in drama.




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