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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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Guest kaman226

After calming down a little bit since the bed scene news was out..I tried to find more translated details of the conference (poor me I can't read Korean) but I found sth that made me so depressed.
李东旭-李多海 "感觉想相恋已久的恋人般"
李东旭 "事实演起戏来非常自如. 2005年 'MG'第一次拍摄,所以现在很清楚到哪里 '点到即止' 所以很轻松. 爱情戏也好, 不熟悉的台词对话是也好,清楚自己不是李东旭和李多海,而是剧中的人物,所以虽然也会小心,但是不会伤到感情. 很轻松".
李多海笑说 "'MG'时候的李东旭性格比现在要更内向,我感觉他很冷淡. 还看过他的眼色. 现在就是光看表情都能知道他的心情. 'MG' 时候没什么话说很紧张,现在说话的话也没啥大不了的". 

Subject: LDW and LDH feeling like an old coupe.
LDW: In fact, now we can act comfortably and smoothly. In 2005, "MG" was our first drama. But now, we were so clear that where the boundary is (or where to stop) so it's more relaxed than last time. No matter there's a love scene or unfamiliar scripts, we know that we are not LDW and LDH, but the roles in the drama when we were filming. Hence, even though we are still being careful not to hurt each other, we know our act won't hurt our relationship and thus it's more relaxed compared with our last drama.
LDH responded and laughed: LDW was more introverted compared with his current personality. I thought he's cold and was careful of his expression. But now, I understand his mind only by looking at his facial expression. I was nervous when shooting "MG" as we didn't has much to talk, but now it doesn't matter at all.  
Many of the shippers in that forum have the same feeling that from what LDW said, it sounds like they can control themselves much better than last time, implying that they won't cross beyond the boundary and fall for each other just because they couldn't pull themselves out from the roles' emotions. (which means they might dated each other after "MG" and got hurt as they broke up) 
THIS EXPLANATION REALLY UPSET ME!! I hope it's only shipper's misinterpretation due to our over-sensitive reaction or Dong-Hae tried to cover up their relationship from the media.. [-O<

(And I'm sorry if my translation is not good enough cause my English is poor..)

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angiemty said:
posted by @bosco_96 in HK thread
yes DW said: "I knew what to do. This bed scene has been filmed lots of times. It doesn't look like others bed scene. It can leave a mark in filming history"

PD Choi Byung Gil said: "At first this bed scene is my duty but bcos I haven't got married yet thus I handed this scene to PD Jang Joon Ho, who got married, he has experiences so this scene will be more beautiful".

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Guest rosejenner123

After calming down a little bit since the bed scene news was out..I tried to find more translated details of the conference (poor me I can't read Korean) but I found sth that made me so depressed.

李东旭-李多海 "感觉想相恋已久的恋人般"
李东旭 "事实演起戏来非常自如. 2005年 'MG'第一次拍摄,所以现在很清楚到哪里 '点到即止' 所以很轻松. 爱情戏也好, 不熟悉的台词对话是也好,清楚自己不是李东旭和李多海,而是剧中的人物,所以虽然也会小心,但是不会伤到感情. 很轻松".
李多海笑说 "'MG'时候的李东旭性格比现在要更内向,我感觉他很冷淡. 还看过他的眼色. 现在就是光看表情都能知道他的心情. 'MG' 时候没什么话说很紧张,现在说话的话也没啥大不了的". 

Subject: LDW and LDH feeling like an old coupe.

LDW: In fact, now we can act comfortably and smoothly. In 2005, "MG" was our first drama. But now, we were so clear that where the boundary is (or where to stop) so it's more relaxed than last time. No matter there's a love scene or unfamiliar scripts, we know that we are not LDW and LDH, but the roles in the drama when we were filming. Hence, even though we are still being careful not to hurt each other, we know our act won't hurt our relationship and thus it's more relaxed compared with our last drama.

LDH responded and laughed: LDW was more introverted compared with his current personality. I thought he's cold and was careful of his expression. But now, I understand his mind only by looking at his facial expression. I was nervous when shooting "MG" as we didn't has much to talk, but now it doesn't matter at all.  

Many of the shippers in that forum have the same feeling that from what LDW said, it sounds like they can control themselves much better than last time, implying that they won't cross beyond the boundary and fall for each other just because they couldn't pull themselves out from the roles' emotions. (which means they might dated each other after "MG" and got hurt as they broke up) 

THIS EXPLANATION REALLY UPSET ME!! I hope it's only shipper's misinterpretation due to our over-sensitive reaction or Dong-Hae tried to cover up their relationship from the media..


(And I'm sorry if my translation is not good enough cause my English is poor..)

Excuse me while I ugly cry in a corner ;A;

Edit: I was a little sad when I read this at first (but thank you so much for the translation!) But then there's so many BTS that show us what "comfortable" means to Wookie(hugging because it's "cold", pulling each other closer because it's more "comfortable") hehe so I'm beginning to think this is a good thing!!!


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kaman226 said: After calming down a little bit since the bed scene news was out..I tried to find more translated details of the conference (poor me I can't read Korean) but I found sth that made me so depressed.
李东旭-李多海 "感觉想相恋已久的恋人般"
李东旭 "事实演起戏来非常自如. 2005年 'MG'第一次拍摄,所以现在很清楚到哪里 '点到即止' 所以很轻松. 爱情戏也好, 不熟悉的台词对话是也好,清楚自己不是李东旭和李多海,而是剧中的人物,所以虽然也会小心,但是不会伤到感情. 很轻松".
李多海笑说 "'MG'时候的李东旭性格比现在要更内向,我感觉他很冷淡. 还看过他的眼色. 现在就是光看表情都能知道他的心情. 'MG' 时候没什么话说很紧张,现在说话的话也没啥大不了的". 

Subject: LDW and LDH feeling like an old coupe.
LDW: In fact, now we can act comfortably and smoothly. In 2005, "MG" was our first drama. But now, we were so clear that where the boundary is (or where to stop) so it's more relaxed than last time. No matter there's a love scene or unfamiliar scripts, we know that we are not LDW and LDH, but the roles in the drama when we were filming. Hence, even though we are still being careful not to hurt each other, we know our act won't hurt our relationship and thus it's more relaxed compared with our last drama.
LDH responded and laughed: LDW was more introverted compared with his current personality. I thought he's cold and was careful of his expression. But now, I understand his mind only by looking at his facial expression. I was nervous when shooting "MG" as we didn't has much to talk, but now it doesn't matter at all.  
Many of the shippers in that forum have the same feeling that from what LDW said, it sounds like they can control themselves much better than last time, implying that they won't cross beyond the boundary and fall for each other just because they couldn't pull themselves out from the roles' emotions. (which means they might dated each other after "MG" and got hurt as they broke up) 
THIS EXPLANATION REALLY UPSET ME!! I hope it's only shipper's misinterpretation due to our over-sensitive reaction or Dong-Hae tried to cover up their relationship from the media.. [-O<

(And I'm sorry if my translation is not good enough cause my English is poor..)

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After calming down a little bit since the bed scene news was out..I tried to find more translated details of the conference (poor me I can't read Korean) but I found sth that made me so depressed.

李东旭-李多海 "感觉想相恋已久的恋人般"
李东旭 "事实演起戏来非常自如. 2005年 'MG'第一次拍摄,所以现在很清楚到哪里 '点到即止' 所以很轻松. 爱情戏也好, 不熟悉的台词对话是也好,清楚自己不是李东旭和李多海,而是剧中的人物,所以虽然也会小心,但是不会伤到感情. 很轻松".
李多海笑说 "'MG'时候的李东旭性格比现在要更内向,我感觉他很冷淡. 还看过他的眼色. 现在就是光看表情都能知道他的心情. 'MG' 时候没什么话说很紧张,现在说话的话也没啥大不了的". 

Subject: LDW and LDH feeling like an old coupe.

LDW: In fact, now we can act comfortably and smoothly. In 2005, "MG" was our first drama. But now, we were so clear that where the boundary is (or where to stop) so it's more relaxed than last time. No matter there's a love scene or unfamiliar scripts, we know that we are not LDW and LDH, but the roles in the drama when we were filming. Hence, even though we are still being careful not to hurt each other, we know our act won't hurt our relationship and thus it's more relaxed compared with our last drama.

LDH responded and laughed: LDW was more introverted compared with his current personality. I thought he's cold and was careful of his expression. But now, I understand his mind only by looking at his facial expression. I was nervous when shooting "MG" as we didn't has much to talk, but now it doesn't matter at all.  

Many of the shippers in that forum have the same feeling that from what LDW said, it sounds like they can control themselves much better than last time, implying that they won't cross beyond the boundary and fall for each other just because they couldn't pull themselves out from the roles' emotions. (which means they might dated each other after "MG" and got hurt as they broke up) 

THIS EXPLANATION REALLY UPSET ME!! I hope it's only shipper's misinterpretation due to our over-sensitive reaction or Dong-Hae tried to cover up their relationship from the media..


(And I'm sorry if my translation is not good enough cause my English is poor..)

:)) . I dont see the problem. It just shows that they're professional actors. I'm glad they're both seasoned pros when it comes to their love scenes ;) . It means they won't worry about coming off as 'too intimate' =))

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Yes my interpretation of that latest interview, is he will never hurt her again, and Dahae already can see what is in heart. awwwwwww I'm happy with what they said, totally 2 mature adult talking abt their heart.

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kat_t said: p1n6an2012 said: DH
"we filmed the bed scene last night..and we have to film a kiss today..."
"pd nim told us that he will entrust the bed scene to us but i didn't know what to do but dongwook oppa told me he'll take care of it so i don't have to worry so i trusted him"


article: "you can confirm their upcoming bed scene on episode 26th, 6th (of July)

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angiemty said:posted by @bosco_96 in HK thread

yes DW said: "I knew what to do. This bed scene has been filmed lots of times. It doesn't look like others bed scene. It can leave a mark in filming history"

PD Choi Byung Gil said: "At first this bed scene is my duty but bcos I haven't got married yet thus I handed this scene to PD Jang Joon Ho, who got married, he has experiences so this scene will be more beautiful".

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Guest rosejenner123

Spent about 20 minutes looking at this statement : "the bedscene has been filmed A LOT of times, (plus) IT CAN LEAVE A MARK IN FILMING HISTORY"...need someone to stab me in the face..hahaha

"I knew what to do..." But they filmed it many times....

Does this mean he NG'd so there'd be more takes? (;


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as i understand in that article LDW said,
"i really know what to do" and "its not like i/we just did it once or twice..."
but i didn't see the line where he said "it can leave a mark in filming history" :-?

maybe a rep or the pd said it?

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After calming down a little bit since the bed scene news was out..I tried to find more translated details of the conference (poor me I can't read Korean) but I found sth that made me so depressed.
Subject: LDW and LDH feeling like an old coupe.

LDW: In fact, now we can act comfortably and smoothly. In 2005, "MG" was our first drama. But now, we were so clear that where the boundary is (or where to stop) so it's more relaxed than last time. No matter there's a love scene or unfamiliar scripts, we know that we are not LDW and LDH, but the roles in the drama when we were filming. Hence, even though we are still being careful not to hurt each other, we know our act won't hurt our relationship and thus it's more relaxed compared with our last drama.
LDH responded and laughed: LDW was more introverted compared with his current personality. I thought he's cold and was careful of his expression. But now, I understand his mind only by looking at his facial expression. I was nervous when shooting "MG" as we didn't has much to talk, but now it doesn't matter at all.  
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After calming down a little bit since the bed scene news was out..I tried to find more translated details of the conference (poor me I can't read Korean) but I found sth that made me so depressed.

李东旭-李多海 "感觉想相恋已久的恋人般"
李东旭 "事实演起戏来非常自如. 2005年 'MG'第一次拍摄,所以现在很清楚到哪里 '点到即止' 所以很轻松. 爱情戏也好, 不熟悉的台词对话是也好,清楚自己不是李东旭和李多海,而是剧中的人物,所以虽然也会小心,但是不会伤到感情. 很轻松".
李多海笑说 "'MG'时候的李东旭性格比现在要更内向,我感觉他很冷淡. 还看过他的眼色. 现在就是光看表情都能知道他的心情. 'MG' 时候没什么话说很紧张,现在说话的话也没啥大不了的". 

Subject: LDW and LDH feeling like an old coupe.

LDW: In fact, now we can act comfortably and smoothly. In 2005, "MG" was our first drama. But now, we were so clear that where the boundary is (or where to stop) so it's more relaxed than last time. No matter there's a love scene or unfamiliar scripts, we know that we are not LDW and LDH, but the roles in the drama when we were filming. Hence, even though we are still being careful not to hurt each other, we know our act won't hurt our relationship and thus it's more relaxed compared with our last drama.

LDH responded and laughed: LDW was more introverted compared with his current personality. I thought he's cold and was careful of his expression. But now, I understand his mind only by looking at his facial expression. I was nervous when shooting "MG" as we didn't has much to talk, but now it doesn't matter at all.  

Many of the shippers in that forum have the same feeling that from what LDW said, it sounds like they can control themselves much better than last time, implying that they won't cross beyond the boundary and fall for each other just because they couldn't pull themselves out from the roles' emotions. (which means they might dated each other after "MG" and got hurt as they broke up) 

THIS EXPLANATION REALLY UPSET ME!! I hope it's only shipper's misinterpretation due to our over-sensitive reaction or Dong-Hae tried to cover up their relationship from the media..


(And I'm sorry if my translation is not good enough cause my English is poor..)

Good Morning and Happy Saturday....

hhhmmm why are U upset hon? what he meant about 'we are not Wookie and Cherry but CJW and AMN so we won't cross the boundaries'

that means they need to control themselves and not crossing the line and get out of control when they shoot the bed scene. Because I know (all married onnie here know too) that once you start doing that activities.. you CAN'T HARDLY STOP.

It will blown your mind away (real or filming) especially when you do it with your beloved one...

There were probably 80 people in that shooting room and it's amazed me that Wookie said he and Cherry had to CONTROL their intimate physical action in order to not gettin' too far...

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turtleaxis said:

After calming down a little bit since the bed scene news was out..I tried to find more translated details of the conference (poor me I can't read Korean) but I found sth that made me so depressed.
李东旭-李多海 "感觉想相恋已久的恋人般"
李东旭 "事实演起戏来非常自如. 2005年 'MG'第一次拍摄,所以现在很清楚到哪里 '点到即止' 所以很轻松. 爱情戏也好, 不熟悉的台词对话是也好,清楚自己不是李东旭和李多海,而是剧中的人物,所以虽然也会小心,但是不会伤到感情. 很轻松".
李多海笑说 "'MG'时候的李东旭性格比现在要更内向,我感觉他很冷淡. 还看过他的眼色. 现在就是光看表情都能知道他的心情. 'MG' 时候没什么话说很紧张,现在说话的话也没啥大不了的". 

Subject: LDW and LDH feeling like an old coupe.
LDW: In fact, now we can act comfortably and smoothly. In 2005, "MG" was our first drama. But now, we were so clear that where the boundary is (or where to stop) so it's more relaxed than last time. No matter there's a love scene or unfamiliar scripts, we know that we are not LDW and LDH, but the roles in the drama when we were filming. Hence, even though we are still being careful not to hurt each other, we know our act won't hurt our relationship and thus it's more relaxed compared with our last drama.
LDH responded and laughed: LDW was more introverted compared with his current personality. I thought he's cold and was careful of his expression. But now, I understand his mind only by looking at his facial expression. I was nervous when shooting "MG" as we didn't has much to talk, but now it doesn't matter at all.  

Many of the shippers in that forum have the same feeling that from what LDW said, it sounds like they can control themselves much better than last time, implying that they won't cross beyond the boundary and fall for each other just because they couldn't pull themselves out from the roles' emotions. (which means they might dated each other after "MG" and got hurt as they broke up) 


I hope it's only shipper's misinterpretation due to our over-sensitive reaction or Dong-Hae tried to cover up their relationship from the media.. [-O<

(And I'm sorry if my translation is not good enough cause my English is poor..)

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@kaman226 That article doesn't necessarily mean negative things for DH and DW's relationship (whatever that is). Like @turtleaxis and @silvercat89 said, it's more about them being mature now compared to then at MG time. When they filmed MG they were very young and unexperienced because it was the start of their career. Now that 9 years have passed and they've both went through different projects, they've developed that actor maturity where they can do scenes like this and be very professional and determined about it. They've also learned how the showbiz works in these 9 years. They surely aren't the same 20 year olds they were before --- they are over 30 and they think twice or thrice before saying or doing something that could hurt other people or themselves.

Besides that, the dramas they've acted together are opposite pieces that require different kinds of abilities: MG was the fluffy comedy with funny moments rather than sad moments and it didn't require THAT much character development because romcoms tend to be light but only show few layers of a fictional character. Please don't hate me, but LDW's portraying of GC on MG is not one of my favorites from him. His character had layers but not enough for me to stick him on my favorite characters list. But it was ok. LDH's character too. But this depended more on the writing than the actors themselves - even though both actors like I said, were very young and they didn't have a big project like MG turned out to be yet. Fame hit them like a wrecking ball then, lol. And perhaps they didn't know how to handle the situation back then, their success was unexpected. HK in comparison, is a dark makjang melodrama. The exact opposite of romcom. HK required DW and DH to show many layers of their characters, not only acting with each other, even when their characters are alone: the facial expressions, their movements... their characters are able to come to life and seem real not only because melos usually try to portray a tougher reality unlike romcoms, but the main merit comes from DongHae as actors. You can have a good story but if you don't have actors who are able to pull off your writing, that's a lose/lose for me. But they were superb and one reason why I came to like them as actors and LDW especially, is because of how they portray JW and MN. Leave aside that they both play the characters I usually come to love anywhere (book, tv, movie, etc), they really made it easier for me to obsess over them. I am amazed by their performance every week, that is why I write posts with such passion and lenght. lol.

LDW and LDH proved their maturity as actors and as their own people on HK. They are not in their "teens" era anymore (even though they were over 20 in 2005). The current DH and DW are a grown up man and woman with ideals and new resolutions and I bet they don't want to put each other in a difficult position if indeed there is some romantic entanglement between them at the moment (I dare you to say there is not. lol). This is why their are very comfortable touching, laughing, acting kisses and bed scene. They are at that point in their lifes as people and actors where they can distance themselves if the situation requires it. But this doesn't mean that there is nothing between them. They are also at a stage in maturity where they can separate work from pleasure, so it's not unlikely that in front of the press they say one thing but behind the scenes they do another. This is called privacy, although on DongHae's part the bts vids and pics give them away. Gah, in this very moment I wish I were one of the crew of HK to observe with my attentive eyes whether or not the line between fiction and reality is being crossed by them. lmaooo.

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Guest xtin21bass

SeGafanlady said:

After calming down a little bit since the bed scene news was out..I tried to find more translated details of the conference (poor me I can't read Korean) but I found sth that made me so depressed.
李东旭-李多海 "感觉想相恋已久的恋人般"
李东旭 "事实演起戏来非常自如. 2005年 'MG'第一次拍摄,所以现在很清楚到哪里 '点到即止' 所以很轻松. 爱情戏也好, 不熟悉的台词对话是也好,清楚自己不是李东旭和李多海,而是剧中的人物,所以虽然也会小心,但是不会伤到感情. 很轻松".
李多海笑说 "'MG'时候的李东旭性格比现在要更内向,我感觉他很冷淡. 还看过他的眼色. 现在就是光看表情都能知道他的心情. 'MG' 时候没什么话说很紧张,现在说话的话也没啥大不了的". 

Subject: LDW and LDH feeling like an old coupe.
LDW: In fact, now we can act comfortably and smoothly. In 2005, "MG" was our first drama. But now, we were so clear that where the boundary is (or where to stop) so it's more relaxed than last time. No matter there's a love scene or unfamiliar scripts, we know that we are not LDW and LDH, but the roles in the drama when we were filming. Hence, even though we are still being careful not to hurt each other, we know our act won't hurt our relationship and thus it's more relaxed compared with our last drama.
LDH responded and laughed: LDW was more introverted compared with his current personality. I thought he's cold and was careful of his expression. But now, I understand his mind only by looking at his facial expression. I was nervous when shooting "MG" as we didn't has much to talk, but now it doesn't matter at all.  

Many of the shippers in that forum have the same feeling that from what LDW said, it sounds like they can control themselves much better than last time, implying that they won't cross beyond the boundary and fall for each other just because they couldn't pull themselves out from the roles' emotions. (which means they might dated each other after "MG" and got hurt as they broke up) 


I hope it's only shipper's misinterpretation due to our over-sensitive reaction or Dong-Hae tried to cover up their relationship from the media.. [-O<

(And I'm sorry if my translation is not good enough cause my English is poor..)

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Dear my  family Donghae from what I read so far I can not wait a bed scene and all that lies ahead.So excited.They are mature people, have experience, have self esteem, have trust.The scenes will not be clumsy,they are passionate . I know we will be very happy.  


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Thanks for all the translations of the articles :D

Hopefully some pics from the PC will be posted *knock knock MBC*

As per @kaman226‌ translation, I like how matured LDW and LDH answered questions from the PC. (If ever they did had *something special* way back, I believe they ended it in good terms.) Because even after 9 years, the friendship and communication is still evidently there. Being matured now as actors and persons themselves, I think if they could come to a point of wanting to rekindle their relationship *ehem* *cough* the second-time around... it would be more meaningful and long-lasting.

Haaay forgive my shipper heart =)) :x

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Lee Dong Wook's popularity is skyrocketing in China.

Actor Lee Dong Wook's popularity is skyrocketing in China.

Recently, Lee Dong Wook is casting in MBC drama 'Hotel King' as a cold and charismatic hotel manager, and he is also appearing on channel SBS' variety program called 'Roommate.'

Lee Dong Wook is not only getting hot reactions from many people in Korea, but he is also getting a lot of hot reactions from many people in China. Drama 'Hotel King' is currently getting headlined on the main page of a Chinese online video streaming website called 'Ai Qi Yi,' and it is peaking #4 among all of the Korean & Chinese dramas on the website. In addition, the total number of views has surpassed 200 million just in two months.

In addition, 'Roommate' is currently peaking #1 among all of the variety programs on website 'Youku' and 'Tudou,' and each episode is getting over five thousand comments in average. Most of the comments are about Lee Dong Wook, and this indicates how popular Lee Dong Wook is in China.

Lee Dong Wook is casting in 'Hotel King' as a cold and charismatic hotel manager named Cha Jae Wan, who shows an unchanging love for Lee Da Hae(playing as Ah Mo Ne), while he shows his humorous character on 'Roommate.'

A great number of fans are falling deeper and deeper into his charms, and it is predicted that Lee Dong Wook's popularity will continuously grow for a while.

Meanwhile, 'Hotel King' airs on every Saturday and Sunday at 9:55 PM.
/Reporting by Jeong Ju-Ri en@starnnews.com


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