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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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Guest poppingbee

samzz said: That's why I respect Dahae (yes I'm biased), she never plays with people name for the sake of fans service, bc she know she's also not perfect.

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Awwwww... Thanks for sharing it with us, @nocturne9‌ :D She's so nice and sweet, makes me want to meet her in person too! ;_; I totally do not have stalker skills, but I might try if it is either Dahae or Wookie! Oh, and about that part when she mentioned Wookie, she totally likes him! HAHA. If theirs is working relationship + close friendship, she might have said, "oh, uri cha jae wan!" Or "oh, oppa!" *sign sign sign* But she said "Oh, I don't like him!" *lol with the aegyo voice* reminds of a high school girl trying to deny her major crush. XD Of course, we know she likes him because of the fact that they get along really well. And the way she could even comfortably say she doesn't like him jokingly can attest to that. XD
Ugh, wanna meet her too! ;_;
ETAOh, and I can't help but comment about the amphetamine. As a med student, what I know about the drug is that it is a highly regulated medicine. It is approved as a treatment for ADHD and narcolepsy, and in few instances, psychiatrists prescribe it for depression but there are many other drugs for depression that are safer and more suitable for depression. But the thing here is, it should be highly regulated, meaning the patient should have a regular follow-up with the doctor to see if the meds are effective, taken on proper doses, or if the patient is becoming addicted to it. It is highly addictive, which is why it needs close monitoring. If the patient shows any sign of addiction, the meds must be withdrawn strategically such that the patient does not have any withdrawal symptoms. It is not something that can just be purchased easily; cannot even be prescribed by any doctor. Usually, psychiatrists with special training are the only ones authorized to prescribe such drug. So, I can understand why it was held when seen at the airport. It is sad, really. But I do hope it doesn't turn on the bad side for her. 

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@nocturne9 omg omg u r super awesome...thxxx soooo much buddy :* ...the whole part was amazing...dada is tooo cute ..love her a lottt :* she knows how to make her fans HAPPY HAPPY :D :D ...n the best part was when she said tht she DONT LIKE HIM (WOOKIE) HAHAHAHAHA ...well we get it lol ;) i want to read the rest part dear...so update soon..oh gosh she is really the best actress i hav evr seen.... ♥♥♥♥♥

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Omg! Thanks @nocturne9‌ eonnie for your effort! love love love!

She doesnt like him??was she blushing while saying that? I'LL JUST DIE..would you say something like that about your leading man/co-star even if it's just a joke??? Ofcors not...not unless..ehem ehem..who's up for a 30 seconds dance party with me guys??nyahaha..better days are coming my dearest shippers! :x

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@nocturne9, how to thank you dear??  ^:)^ Wonderful job in translating that interview and fan account :x
I saw the fan account in LDH Baidu and understood some using Google translation but to be able to understand it fully, it is amazing \:D/
LOL on Da-hae saying she don't like Wookie :)) she totally knows what the fans want to hear and she is teasing them but we surely knows it is the total opposite ;) and didn't she sign the picture?? that alone totally contradicts her cute teasing statement because she didn't sign the picture she didn't like ;))
And about Da-hae visit and interview in Hong Kong, sadly most of the reports are talking about the ex bf thing more than her actually visit purpose. Reporters were kind of harsh in that interview so some questions her translator didn't allow and she didn't answer including PS, HK ratings and of course the ex-boyfriend thing in which they surely mention LYF name specifically and then she just smiled and didn't answer when they asked.

But just to update you although I know it doesn't matter anymore from what I understand about this news lately is that LYF actually had another conference lately in which he tried to clear up the reports from media and insured that he didn't specify any name and yesterday I read that even his agency requested withdrawal of false reports that said he admitted his previous relation with Dahae and apology on the matter.

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Guest xtin21bass

nocturne9 said:

Fan Account from HK fans –

Mygirl429 (HK) (thanks girl for showing us this wonderful side of DH and the fun account of meeting DH at HKAirport to the overseas community.  Date: 6/30/2014)  Chi-Eng Translation: Noc9  :D


After seeing her in the morning, my desire to send her off at the airport tonight was even stronger (Although I’d actually already made up my mind earlier.. haha…DH’s charm would just make you fall for it and you have to follow her, so I must go)

跟另外位海带吃过晚饭后,就直奔机场。因为知道多回韩会坐凌晨机,最有可能的航班是大韩1245或韩亚12400100,而早上到达的韩班是韩亚,所以 我们估计会是12400100其中一班。但是根据经验所得,明星们很多时都不是坐同一航空公司航班来往的,所以我们对大韩1245的航班也没有掉以轻

After dinner with 2 other fans, we went straight to the airport.  DH’s flight was late at night, the most possible choices were KoreanAir 1245 or Asiana 1240 and 0100.  DH’s incoming flight was with Asiana, so outbound flight could be either 1240 or 0100.  But according to my experience, most stars would take a different airline for their outbound flight so we didn’t completely ignore KoreanAir. 


When we arrived, the vip path had already been fenced up, there were many fans waiting but I understood that they were not DH fans, might be LMHs’ fans.  In order words, DH and LMH might be taking the same flight. 

韩亚的柜 台是在F行,而大韩就在G行,所以我们主要站在F行等候。最令我们不安的是多会从车场走vip道上来还是从上面道路下车走下来呢!2个位置是完全相反的, 所以我们的对策是一人望一边,免得错过了。不过可以肯定的是,不论走那边,她的助手都会帮她check in的,所以留意柜台是重点

Asiana’s check in is at row F, and KoreanAir at row G, so we were mainly waiting on row F.  We were just a bit worry about whether DH would be coming from the vip path from the garage or the vip path from the ground floor because those were 2 opposite directions.  Our solution was to have one person at the each direction so we wouldn’t miss her.  Anyway, we were sure that her assistant will check in for her, so the check in area was our main focus.

经验所得,星们坐这几班机多会是11点多才会到(因为我坐这班机都是11点才到,嘻嘻!以避开一大班旅行团及自由行)所以11点到了,我们就开始更留心了。 等了又等,李敏镐那边也没有尖叫声,11点半,我跟倩倩决定要到G行看看,当时那行已没有其他搭客了。沿著G行往停车道前走,2秒后,一大班人就走下来 了。我看看,哗!看到大只保标,但没见多。倩倩问我是不是,我只能说应该是,之后多伸出头来,她就在人堆当中。确定了,我们走上前,保标初时有伸手阻拦,但是我们多就是超级大暖女,她跟保标说「It's ok, she is my old friend」之类的话,保标就放下手,让我们上前了

Based on experience, the flights to Korea should arrive after 11 pm, so at about 11 pm, we started to pay close attention.  After waiting for a while, and no fan screams from LMH’s side, we decided to stop by row G.  There were no passengers at that time.  After about 2 seconds walking along row G towards the garage, we saw a whole bunch of people walking downstairs.  2 bulky body guards in the front were leading the way.  My friend asked me, is it her? I was like, it should be her, and yes, lo and behold, DaHae poked her head out from behind.   ;) CONFIRMED!!  We stepped forward but were blocked by the bodyguards.  Of course ouli DaHae was such a warm hearted girl, she told the bodyguards that we were her friends so we were able to step closer. 


My friend who was with me had met DH many times, so they were like old friends.  DaHae was also curious why she was there.  While they were chatting, I texted other DH fans from row J to come over to row G.  After my friend finished chatting with DH, I took out the IRIS2 special edition that I bought from Japan for her autograph, of course the friendly DaHae said yes!

多多帮我签完名后,轻轻扫了我的小背,望着我说Thank you。我当时激动的情绪涌上来,怎会这样暖的呀?这是我们今天的第三次眼神接触了.我当时的感觉她就像我的亲姐姐般鼓励我。然后她就去check in了,我也在旁边等待着。其间有拍了一张照,保标见我举机,也有移动了一下挡着,我也不是狂粉,所以就继续待着。check in期间,看到多跟助手们谈得很开心

After she signed for me, she slightly rub my back and said Thank you while looking directly at me.  I was really really touched.  She’s such a warm person.  This was the 3rd time we made eye contact.  I felt like she was trying to encourage me like a real sister.  After that, she needed to check-in.  So I was waiting on the side and she was talking happily with her assistants while checking in.

DH finished checking in, she and her assistant and other DH fans were all here together.  She was immediately engulfed by everyone.  I noticed her assistant was holding me gift for DH. HeHeHe. Everyone was trying to take a picture with her.  Her assistant was really nice and she volunteered to hold the cameras for us.  We have so many warm people around our warmest star and DH was lucky to have these nice assistants and vise versa. 

倩倩拿出她造给多的莫奈公仔,多看到笑得开颜,并拿给助手们看,助手们看到都很惊讶,说「wa, mor nei ah!」在哈哈大笑

My friend took out her gift for DH, it’s a doll.  DH was really happy and laughing and showed her assistants.  They were like “Wah MoNe Ah”and started laughing. 

Cutest doll ever right?

之后就是签名时间啦!海带拿出一堆照片给多多签,其实当时时间挺赶的,其他同行都一直说时间快到了,但多就是暖,一直签一直签,尽量帮我们签完。其间,有 一张是多跟东旭oppa的合照,有海带问多多,你喜欢他吗?多多回答:「我不喜欢他!」当时她的语气是笑着的,是真的不喜欢,还是说反话,大家自行想像 吧!哈哈

Afterwards, it’s all for autographs, DH Fans all took out a bunch of photos for her to sign.  Her time was really short and everyone was telling her it was time to go, but ouli DaHae kept signing and signing and tried her best to sign all of them.  OK… MOST IMPORTANT PART READ CAREFULLY Detectives, body language readers,  psychic readers etc LOL ….  =))

According to another fan account, when the fan took out a picture of AMN for DH to sign, she was so cute .............

Fan - took out the AMN picture and asked DH to sign

DH - I don't like this picture (didn't sign, laughing)

Fan - switch with another HotelKing picture (Scene at old ciel hotel with Wookie) 

DH - I DON'T LIKE HIM! (laughing and said with aegyo voice) 

Fans around - Scream....

DH - Still laughing..

Me - Screaming right now in front of the monitor too.   8-X  ~X(

Question - Does anyone want to read the rest ??????????? LOL....................... =)) =)) =))

Lucky fans and thank you for bring us this cute story.  DH is so cute........................ :x

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Guest xtin21bass

nocturne9 said: there is a bit more but this is the only time she mentioned wookie.  you guys wanna read the rest?  She's very very nice at the end after she checked in. 

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I don't know much about this Li Yi Feng, but I kind of like him. Too bad his previous press con already made an impact. Nice of him to try and remedy it though. If they are taking necessary actions to disengage Dahae's name in the issue, then I am pretty sure that the chinese media won't be able to drag her along if LYF specifically said that it is not her. And LDH refusing to make official statement on it is a good move, in my opinion. It'll just die in due time.
And about her plastic surgery, I don't get why they make such a big deal out of it. It is not like she is the first person to do it in Asia. And she turned out looking gorgeous for it, so *shrug* I think people who are claiming she looked better pre-PS should just let the woman be. It is her life anyway. But meh, world. People will hate for the sake of hating. Nina Dobrev once said that people may see something they like in you and which they don't have, they would bash you for it. They can be brave enough to do that because they can hide behind the wall of anonymity in this day and age. If only haters could see her talents, wits, and personality, and just get past the fact that she underwent PS. :/ It is so commonplace in SK anyway. 
Oh well. As long as Wookie loves her, people can envy all want. Lels. XD

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Guest elisessi

The reporters in Hong Kong probably brought up questions about her plastic surgery to antagonize Da Hae on purpose after she kept quiet on questions regarding LYF.  Otherwise, why bring it up now?! When DH went to work on Love Actually, she had already had the PS done.  So, it's not breaking news. 

And I agree with everyone in that its pretty common place in Asia for entertainers to get PS, so if people condemn DH for that, its just for the sake of hating. DH was beautiful BEFORE PS and she still is beautiful after PS. So for me, nothing has changed. However, I think we can all agree that the most beautiful thing about Da Hae is her personality.  She's funny, fun-loving, smart, and has a kind heart.

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elisessi said: The reporters in Hong Kong probably brought up questions about her plastic surgery to antagonize Da Hae on purpose after she kept quiet on questions regarding LYF.  Otherwise, why bring it up now?! When DH went to work on Love Actually, she had already had the PS done.  So, it's not breaking news. 

And I agree with everyone in that its pretty common place in Asia for entertainers to get PS, so if people condemn DH for that, its just for the sake of hating. DH was beautiful BEFORE PS and she still is beautiful after PS. So for me, nothing has changed. However, I think we can all agree that the most beautiful thing about Da Hae is her personality.  She's funny, fun-loving, smart, and has a kind heart.

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Guest elisessi

@SeGafanlady OMO! It really did shock me!  I was not prepared to see that. Almost did a spit-take with my morning coffee!

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thank you @nocturne9!!!! ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ yeah, of course we want to read the rest!!!OMO!!OMO!! SHE DIDN'T LIKE WOOKIE??? HEOL....CAN'T BE...HAHAHA.. =)) =)) =)) She is so friendly with her fans...kinda envy with the fans that can meet her in person...wish I can meet her too...REALLY!!! medias, haters should stop asking her about PS...Its not breaking news anyway...why must asking like she did a BIG mistake???agree with @elisessi...THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS HER ATTITUDE, HEART...About LYF, I don't have comment about his..but he should clears up things before it gets worse... btw, did he mention when exactly they break up??

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Guest xtin21bass

seeing dada and wookie makes my heart melt! :)how i hope!!!! we could see them both holding hands! while leaving incheon airport hehehoking_photo140516121723imbcdrama1_zps03

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SeGafanlady said: elisessi said: The reporters in Hong Kong probably brought up questions about her plastic surgery to antagonize Da Hae on purpose after she kept quiet on questions regarding LYF.  Otherwise, why bring it up now?! When DH went to work on Love Actually, she had already had the PS done.  So, it's not breaking news. 

And I agree with everyone in that its pretty common place in Asia for entertainers to get PS, so if people condemn DH for that, its just for the sake of hating. DH was beautiful BEFORE PS and she still is beautiful after PS. So for me, nothing has changed. However, I think we can all agree that the most beautiful thing about Da Hae is her personality.  She's funny, fun-loving, smart, and has a kind heart.

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i make no deal if the person really got beautiful after ps.... but to people who got uglier post-ps.... *face palm* and dh's not obvious so its pleasing to the eyes.... maybe because she's already pretty before... as usual you can tell people who have done it.... but if you see dh for the first time...you cant really tell she went under the knife.... when my mom saw me watching hk she said she's beautiful.... she said she just finished watching mlfas...and she might check hk too because the girl is pretty... but she is biased with do minjoon lol same w/ my aunt.... i told them dongwook is older but hotter....and still they want manager do.... lol those biased sisters... btw my only love is lee dong wook and song joongki XD :))

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That's why I respect Dahae (yes I'm biased), she never plays with people name for the sake of fans service, bc she knows, she's also not perfect.

Agree. Although not pointed out directly, anyone have brain know who he is implying. The fact that neither their agency correct that statement somewhat means that they dated and broke up. That guy made her look like a bad person talking about how pitiful he is when he is the one tried to save the relationship and it didnt work. We have to understand that no one want to break up with their bf or gf, anyone will try to save the relationship and if it doesn't work, they will be sad. How he said about the issue makes it seems like he is the only one sad about that. Some people defend him saying "how can that issue harm her career ?"and how human like he is (heartbroken like us). Well we all know that by being a public figure, celebrity, you can never live like a normal human. Especially in SK where millions of eyes are watching you, every word you speak can become a controversy, the people that compliment you today can turn their back on you tomorrow. If he really want to address the issue, he should have only said that he dated and broke up. I don't know if he losts his mind after the break up or has some other purposes.

And yes even if they want to, admitting DH and DW relationship now only make it worse. We all know how many fans want that to happen but there are a bunch of scary people doing nasty stuffs. And it's not even the US where celebrities enjoy their lives in scandal or controversies (using drugs, going to prison, and lost count how many time they dated, break up, married , divorce). We know that SK is a place where public opinion is important which makes a huge stress in celebrity and causes death.

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