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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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Hard to predict yet what will happen to MF drama.   But SY in Sincerity Moves Heaven was the star of the show with first billing, and ended up with second lead — I have second lead syndrome, but only when he is a really nice guy  who always takes care of the lead girl.    It is so infrequent that this kind of ending  happens, thus happy about how that drama ended. 


@standingtallyy    Please thank your friend for the fanfic once more :)    Just one tiny comment— she is advanced in pregnancy, and she hasn’t yet told the father......which makes me  sad (your friend has the ability to make me this way! ).  I look forward to reading the next update   :)

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@hazeljrr_c922 Yeah, me too. I get sad reading it. ‘What would be WY’s reaction when he finds out of the pregnancy Or how WY would react about CS knowing and not told him straight away? I think the friendship between two men will be put to a test! ‘. Waiting patiently for the next chapters to land on my email :blink:


@chic-chic I know, right? My lovely friend must have thought about it before she started writing this.

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Thoughts of what Chansung said earlier during sunrise played in Seyoung’s mind, as she watched him drive away. His statement was cryptic. Was that an indirect confession? She asked him to stay for breakfast, but he said he has urgent business to attend to. “Stop thinking about it Park Seyoung.” She told herself, closing the door.

She was glad of Chansung’s company in the last two days, and night. Having him around made her feel safe. He was really caring and made sure she was comfortable. And attentive to her needs. He made her laugh with his jokes, even the silly ones.She felt great laughing with someone again. It reminded her of Wooyoung. But since yesterday, she felt something was bothering him. Something Seyoung hoped, he can tell her.

Chansung went to the lighthouse he and Seyoung were the other day. He wanted to clear his head. He wanted to scream on the top of his lungs.“You’ve done well Hwang Chansung. You’ve done the right thing.” He told himself over and over. “This is your fate. Seyoung is for Wooyoung. He is a good man. It’s good you know she is with him, rather than someone you don’t know.” But he just couldn’t help feel the heartache.


“Chansung-ah!” Wooyoung called, the minute he spotted him. They immediately gave each other a hug. “What’s up man?”

“Good. Welcome to Jeju. How was the trip?” Chansung asked as they were walking towards the car park.

“It was good.” Wooyung said getting in to his car.”Jeju seemed to suit you. You looked rested.”

“Really?” Chansung said, then his phone rang. It was Seyoung.

“Let me take this call.” He told Wooyoung walking away from the car.

“Who is it?” Wooyoung called out.

“Chansung-ah. I need your help. Please come!” Seyoung sounding distressed.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Chansung asked, getting concerned with how she sounded.

“Come. Pali!” Seyoung said and hanged up.

“Seyoung-shi!” Chansung called out but she was gone. He quickly ran to the car and started the engine.

“What’s wrong?” Wooyoung can see the urgency on his face.

“I’ll explain to you later! We have to go!” Chansung told Wooyoung. Reversed the car out and drove as fast as he can out of the airport parking lot, heading towards Seyoung’s place.

“Can you please tell me what’s going on? Who called you?” Wooyoung asked again. “Hwang Chansung! Please slow down. You are making me nervous!”

“Park Seyoung.” Chansung had no choice but to tell him.

“What do you mean Park Seyoung?”

“It was Park Seyung on the phone. Silly!”

“Park Seyoung? Are you talking about my Park Seyoung?” Wooyoung reiterated.

“Yes. Park Seyoung is here in Jeju Island and she is pregnant with your baby. God damn it!”



Once the engine was turned off, Wooyoung and Chansung jumped out of the car almost at the same time and raised to the front door.

“Seyoung-shi!” Chansung called, ringing the bell.

“Seyoung-ah” Wooyoung called at the same time.

“I’m coming.” Seyoung called out when she heard the door and her name called. But had a big shock when she saw not only Chansung but also Wooyoung at the door.

“Are you okay?” Chansung asked. But Wooyoung went in and gathered Seyoung in his arms.

“Seyoung-ah!” Wooyoung whispered, holding her close. “Mianhe. Chungmal Mianhe! I didn’t know!”

Seyoung couldn’t move for a minute. Still in shock seeing Wooyoung.

“You called? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?” Chansung asked again, despite Wooyoung locking her in his embrace.

Then Seyoung started to push Wooyoung away. “Let me go.”

“Seyoung-ah.” Wooyoung keeping his hold, despite her resistance. But she managed to wriggle herself out from his arms.

“What are you doing here?” Seyoung asked Wooyoung. Then turned to Chansung. “You promised!”

“I’m sorry. Seyoung-shi. But he needs to know.” Chansung said to her.

“You promised her what?” Wooyoung asked Chansung.

“I promised her that I won’t tell you where she is or that she is pregnant!” Chansung told Wooyoung. Running his hand to his hair in exasperation.

“You knew all this time?” Wooyoung faced Chansung, who can only look at him.

“Are you okay? The baby?” Chansung turned his attention back to Seyoung, ignoring Wooyoung completely.

“I don’t think you should be the one asking her that!” Wooyung said.

“Seyoung called me!” Chansung replied with a raised voice.

“She called you because she deleted my number.” Wooyoung replied in sarcasm.

“It is also because you’ve broken up!” Chansung replied in retort.

”I am the father!” Wooyoung spat back.

”Oh really? Would you have known if I didn’t ask you to come?” Chansung replied.

”Thanks to you for not telling me earlier on!” Wooyoung added.

“Both of you, stop!” Seyoung had to scream to be heard. “Geez! You are driving me mad.”

Chansung and Wooyoung fell silent. “I’m sorry.” They both said to her.

“The baby..” Wooyoung about to ask.

“I’m fine!” Seyoung cut Wooyoung off before turning to Chansung. “I called because I didn’t see you all day. I got worried. I know the only way to get you here was if I call you in an emergency. And I got dinner prepared.”

“What is going on?” Wooyoung asked again. “Why are you preparing dinner for Chansung?”

“I don’t need to explain anything to you. We broke up. Remember?” Seyoung glared at him.

“Seyoung-ah. Please.” Wooyoung pleaded.

“You have two options. Eat the food I cooked or you both get out of my house. Now!” Seyoung said, with her arms crossed, looking at them.

The men quickly pulled out a chair in the dining table, across each other and sat down then started eating. Seyoung followed, sitting on the top end. Wooyoung and Chansung ate in silence, but watching each other like hawks.

“You need to eat.” Chansung told her. But Wooyoung already placed a slice of grilled meat on Seyoung’s rice, which she ate after giving him a meaningful look.



Chansung and Wooyoung are sitting in the front steps of Seyoung’s house. She has kicked them out after dinner because they started arguing who was going to do the dishes. It was too much for Seyoung to take. Wooyoung turning up all of sudden. And angry at Chansung’s betrayal.

“So this was the reason why you wanted me to come.” Wooyoung said to Chansung. He nodded. “How did you found out Seyoung was in Jeju?”

“Purely by accident.” Chansung replied.”My house by the way is less than five minutes drive from here.”

“How long ago was that?” Wooyoung asked.

“The day before I called you to come. I didn’t know it was Seyoung then, until I saw her at the grocery shop. That’s how I found out we are neighbours, after I followed them.”


“Her Mom was here. But she had to go back to Seoul. Her dad got injured.” Chansung answered.“But I was more shocked when I found out she was pregnant. That’s when Seyoung-shi asked me not to tell you. She wanted to tell you herself. Now, she thinks I didn’t keep my promise.”

“Seyoung was on her own when Ommonim went back to Seoul?” Wooyoung asked.

“No. Her Mom asked me to check on her regularly until she comes back. So I did. I have been keeping her company since.” Chansung said. “I’ve been sleeping in the other room the last couple of nights.”

“Thank you Chansung-ah. It means a lot to me. And I’m glad it was you. Gomapta.” Wooyoung reached out, squeezing Chansung shoulder in appreciation.

“Seyoung’s already on her sixth month.” Chansung told him. When he turned to look at Wooyoung, he could see tears coming down his cheek.

“It must have been so hard for her. You were right. What a jerk I was. It was all my fault. She’s having a hard time because of my stupidity.” Wooyoung broke down in sobs. This time it was Chansung who reached out for Wooyoung’s shoulder to comfort him.

Seyoung heard it all. Wooyoung and Chansung did not know she has partly opened the door to check if they have left. But when she saw them sitting at the front steps, she couldn’t help but listen to the conversation. She had to stop herself from going out to comfort Wooyoung when she heard him cry, his shoulders shaking. That’s how she realized, she missed him. So much. Seyoung gently closed the door and leaned on it, to cry those sad tears.

“It’s getting late. I don’t think Seyoung wants us in.” Chansung said. Looking behind at the closed door. Wooyoung got up and pressed the bell.

Seyoung wiped her tears, waited few second and open the door. “Wae?”

“It’s late. Are you not going to bed?” Wooyoung answered. “I’ll be out here. If you need me.”

“Paboyah! Do you think I’m that cruel?” Seyoung told Wooyoung off.

“No!No! I thought you don’t want us inside your house. That’s why I said that. I don’t care if I sleep outside. I am not leaving you.” Wooyoung said to her clearly.

“I’ll go home. She’s all yours now.” Chansung said to Wooyoung, stood up to leave.

“Chansung-ah.” Seyoung called his name.”Can I talk to you for a minute?” Seyoung opened the door for him to come in. Wooyoung stayed outside. “I’m sorry about earlier. I understand your reason for asking Wooyoung to come. I want to apologize for putting you in an awkward situation.” Seyoung said.

“No harm done.” Chansung replied.

“Thank you for being a friend. And for everything.” Seyoung moved closer to give Chansung a kiss on his cheek, before giving him a tight hug.

“It was my pleasure. Listen, if this jerk of a friend of mine cause you trouble again. Call me anytime. I’ll beat the crap out of him.” Chansung said. Seyoung nodded. Held her face between his hands and planted a kiss on her forehead. Then he let her go. He went out, patted Wooyoung’s shoulder and left.



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Guest elenskivios38

         Hello YYladies! Congrats to Jang Wooyoung BRAVO! BRAVO!good music and excellent video concept

i like it very much! all green ,beautiful scenic refreshing nature.His voice is truly different from the rest he has 

this quality of voice that rarely hear from a singer.his gifted:) his voice is unique:wub: besides he looks clean 

decent and fresh everytime.:)all his photo shots has excellent aura.Once again CONGRATS Jang Wooyoung

pls.save money for the future:D

        Our Princess !!! our Princess were waiting patiently to you my dear..none of lately drama interest me

if ever i watch it  just to kill time while waiting for your apperance.Anyway you did My Daughter Geum Sawol ,

Beautiful Mind and Whisper and yet we want more! more ! more! my dear!:)

       @standingtallyy we gonna go crazy with you friend's fanfic but thanks a lot we had something to read :D

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English translation of WY's other song. Can feel SY.  You feel their struggle dating in the celebrity word. 


[TRANS] WOOYOUNG - 二人だけ | Just the two of us lyrics (from mini album "まだ僕は...")


cr: @coded4d9dc


Just the two of us

I won't say what I don't really think
I want to protect you more than anyone else
It's okay
Don't mind the rumors from other people
The truth is they're just jealous of you

Look at only me, more properly
How bad it is if your precious time is lost, almost feeling down 
That's why just forget all the unnecessary things

Starting from now
The two of us, just the two of us 
Let's think about that only
Don't be bothered by the look of others
Just stay the way we are
Just you, just me, just the two of us
Give it a thought
No matter what people say to you
It's irrelevant, I don't care, just us two is fine

Oh Look at us
Even when we quarrel you're still so cute
When walking you're completely a cool model 
In other words, we're like a couple on TV
A perfect Chemistry
It's fine to stay this way, but I'm gonna be stronger
In this dreadful world, I'm doing my best
I promise, you're gonna feel better

Be intoxicated with me, more and always
Because I don't want to let this sweet moment escape
It's alright, don't hesitate
Say whatever you think to me

Starting from now
The two of us, just the two of us 
Let's think about that only
Once you throw off those reasons
You will definitely be able to enjoy
You as well, me as well, just the two of us
Give it a thought
Things like stereotyped ways of thinking
are irrelevant, I don't care, just us two is fine

Everyone has to struggle in this hectic world
Even if the two of us throw away everything

Starting from now
The two of us, just the two of us 
Let's think about that only
Don't be bothered by the look of others
Just stay the way we are
Just you, just me, just the two of us
Give it a thought
No matter what people say to you
It's irrelevant, I don't care, just us two is fine

Stay like this, stay like this, girl embrace me
Just you, just me, girl feel me
Two of us, just the two of us, girl give it a thought
Stay like this, stay like this, girl until daybreak

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wy: I'll have dinner alone at home

h: pls wash up and eat

wy: no I won't ~ it's too troublesome.. & you can't wash everyday, it's bad for the skin ~ wy:

h: did you even brush your teeth?

wy: eyyyyy you people!! of course I brushed my teeth


cr bree


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@chic-chic ,agree with you. 

Still I and just the two of us, that two songs remain me of Sy.

Healing album is wonderful. 

The lyrics has deep meaning and very touching. 

Congratulation for Wy, he has done a good job.

I read that his concert was incredible too..

Praying for his happiness, hopefully he will end up happily with his girl who he's missed and loved so much. 


Nice to see Sy, she hasn't updated her IG yet.. 

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@standingtallyy Yes I hope too that we see him in love again and give us hints like before. I hope for his next album, the concept would be already got the girl back and a proposal song. 


I still have hopes. I am thinking of Taeyang and Min Hyorin's case. They dated, broke up, Taeyang created a heartbreaking song then got back with her hehe. 

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Guest elenskivios38

        Ladies i do pray Wooyoung and Seyoung will reunite together on screen same as the rest 

from WGM.Oh! what a hostile fans:( i think interrnational fans are more open minded about

their love status.Why they dont let this 2souls enjoy their love, go for a date ,see each ther once

in a while.They're perfect couple together. Their only WGM couple gave so much love which 

flows and inprints in the hearts of viewers.After WGM they became both succesfull and until now

Wooyoung inspiration is Park Seyoung.Hope and pray korean fans will accept them wholeheartedly

to continue beautiful amazing  love for each other. I love Wooyoung's song you can see very clearly

the presence of Seyoung his princess whom he always want to protect. 


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People who knows Seyoung and Chansung would find it strange if they learned she allowed her ex-lover’s friend to sleep at her house. There was a moment when she saw Chansung from a different light. Not as a concerned friend but rather as a man. On the morning after the first night he stayed, Chansung was already up and waiting for her at the balcony door, with mug of warm milk, exactly how she liked. Their fingers touched briefly when he handed her the drink, their eyes met but Chansung was the first to look away. That brief contact made Seyoung realize, Chansung liked her, not only as a friend. She was willing to walk down the path of the possibility where the friendship can lead to after what he said about liking a single mom like her. When he didn’t come all day, Seyoung was disappointed. A couple of times, she attempted to send Chansung a message to ask where he was, without being too obvious that he missed having him around. She prepared dinner and cooked the dishes Chansung mentioned he liked because she was sure he will come. It got late and still no sign of him. She decided to call him and feigned emergency. But then, he came with Wooyoung.

Wooyoung knew for a long time Chansung liked Seyoung. He showed it in his own subtle ways. The way he looked at her every time she was around with the boys. The way he gets mad at Wooyoung, on those occasions he was too busy to pay her some attention. When Chansung learned about the split up, he came to Wooyoung and said to him how he will regret hurting a good woman like Seyoung. Chansung’s words sticked in Wooyoung’s mind and has been living in regret since. Chansung’s finding out Seyoung was in Jeju Island could have been the best chance for him or seize the opportunity to confess, yet he didn’t. Instead, he asked him to come. Wooyoung’s respect towards his friend grew even more. If it was for a different woman, Wooyoung could give up his love in favour of Chansung. But Wooyoung can’t give up on Seyoung. And they are going to have a baby.

“Are you just going to stand there all night” Wooyoung could hear Seyoung’s voice from the other side of the door.

“Is it okay for me to come in?” Wooyoung asked. The door opened wider. He went in.

“Lock the door.” Seyoung told him. She was standing in the middle of the living room, looking at Wooyoung as he approached.

“Mianhe. Chungmal mianhe.” Wooyoung kneeled down in front of her, and wrapped his arms around her waist, his head resting on her baby bump. Seyoung can feel her clothes getting damp from his tears. “Mianhe Seyoung-ah.”. He felt her hand touched his hair. Wooyoung looked up, their eyes met, tears rolling down her face. He stood up, held her face and rested his forehead to hers. “I’m sorry. I’m really, really sorry.” Seyoung was holding both his wrist, nodding her head.

Wooyoung moved his head to look at Seyoung. “Can we try again, please?”. She looked backed at him. “Is this what you really want?” She asked.

“More than anything in this world. Nothing made sense after you left. Life had no meaning. I wasn’t living, I am merely existing. Please, please, come back to me.” Wooyoung cried. “Please love this jerk again!”

“Yes. You were a complete jerk.” Seyoung agreed.

“I know. That’s why I’m begging you to please give me another chance. I love you so much.”

“Before I take you back. I have one condition.” Seyoung told him.

“What is it?” Wooyoung asked.

“You will get up at five each morning to watch the sunrise with me.” Seyoung said.

“I love getting up at five in the morning.” Wooyoung couldn’t believe what he just heard. Now it makes sense why he is always up the same time each day recently.

“Another thing.” Seyoung added. “We are having a boy.”

“I love you.” Wooyoung said before leaning forward to give Seyoung a kiss.


                                                               T H E   E N D



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36 minutes ago, standingtallyy said:
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People who knows Seyoung and Chansung would find it strange if they learned she allowed her ex-lover’s friend to sleep at her house. There was a moment when she saw Chansung from a different light. Not as a concerned friend but rather as a man. On the morning after the first night he stayed, Chansung was already up and waiting for her at the balcony door, with mug of warm milk, exactly how she liked. Their fingers touched briefly when he handed her the drink, their eyes met but Chansung was the first to look away. That brief contact made Seyoung realize, Chansung liked her, not only as a friend. She was willing to walk down the path of the possibility where the friendship can lead to after what he said about liking a single mom like her. When he didn’t come all day, Seyoung was disappointed. A couple of times, she attempted to send Chansung a message to ask where he was, without being too obvious that he missed having him around. She prepared dinner and cooked the dishes Chansung mentioned he liked because she was sure he will come turn up. It got dark but there was still no sign of him. She decided to call him and feigned emergency. But then, he came with Wooyoung.

Wooyoung knew for a long time Chansung liked Seyoung. He showed it in his own subtle ways. The way he looks at her each time she is with them. The way he gets mad at Wooyoung, on those times he was too busy to pay her some attention. When Chansung learned about the split up, he came to Wooyoung and said to him how he will regret hurting a good woman like Seyoung. Chansung’s words sticked in Wooyoung’s mind and has been living in regret since. Chansung’s finding out Seyoung was in Jeju Island could have been the best chance for him or seize the opportunity to confess, yet he didn’t. Instead, he asked him to come. Wooyoung’s respect towards his friend grew even more. If it was for a different woman, Wooyoung could give up his love in favour of Chansung. But Wooyoung can’t give up on Seyoung. And they are going to have a baby.

“Are you just going to stand there all night” Wooyoung could hear Seyoung’s voice from the other side of the door.

“Is it okay for me to come in?” Wooyoung asked. The door opened wider. He went in.

“Lock the door.” Seyoung told him. She was standing in the middle of the living room, looking at Wooyoung as he approached.

“Mianhe. Chungmal mianhe.” Wooyoung kneeled down in front of her, and wrapped his arms around her waist, his head resting on her baby bump. Seyoung can feel her that part of her clothes getting damp from his tears. “Mianhe Seyoung-ah.”. He felt her hand touched his hair. Wooyoung looked up, Seyoung was looking down at him, tears running down her face. He stood up, held her face and rested his forehead to hers. “I’m sorry. I’m really, really sorry.” Seyoung was holding both his wrist, nodding her head.

Wooyoung moved his head to look at Seyoung. “Can we try again, please?”. She looked backed at him. “Is this what you really want?” She asked.

“More than anything in this world. Nothing made sense after you left. Life had no meaning. I wasn’t living, I was only existing. Please, please, come back to me.” Wooyoung cried. “Please love this jerk again!”

“Yes. You were a complete jerk.” Seyoung agreed.

“I know. That’s why I’m begging you to please give me another chance. I love you so much.”

“Before I take you back. I have one condition.” Seyoung told him.

“What is it?” Wooyoung asked.

“You will get up at five each morning to watch the sunrise with me.” Seyoung said.

“I love getting up at five in the morning.” Wooyoung couldn’t believe what he just heard. Now it makes sense why he is always up the same time each day recently.

“Another thing.” Seyoung added. “We are having a boy.”

“I love you.” Wooyoung said before leaning forward to give Seyoung a kiss.


                                                               T H E   E N D



Thank you @standingtallyy.

Sending a warm regard for your friend who wrote the fanfic. 

But I feel sad for Chan, :(

In another story, maybe your friend can pair him with a lovely girl which is suggested by Wy and Sy :D



Once more, thank you.. 


Let's continue our shipping,hehee


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“Chansung-ah!” Wooyoung was very happy when he saw him coming. “How is Seyoung? The baby okay?.” Chansung asked. It was one in the morning when Seyoung went into labor. She delivered the baby three hours later. Chansung was the firsts person Wooyoung told of the news before sending text messages to his parents and in-laws. And his 2PM brothers. They got married in a private and low key ceremony three weeks after Seyoung, Wooyoung and Chansung flew back to Seoul. Her Mom didn’t come back to Jeju when she learned Wooyoung was there.

“Let’s go to the nursery. I will introduce you to my son.” Wooyoung said proudly. True to his word, he had been a doting husband to Seyoung. To the point, it drove her mad. Seyoung had to call Chansung one day just to take him out of the house for a couple of hours. He did everything in moderation since.

“How can an ugly thing like you create this beautiful baby.” Chansung said jokingly. Looking at ‘Baby Boy Jang’ wrapped in blue blanket, sleeping soundly.

“I know!” Wooyoung said proudly.”My son is the cutest of all the babies here honestly. Don’t you think?” Chansung just gave him the look and laughed. But he couldn’t agree more.

Seyoung was awake when they returned to her room. “Chansung-ah. You are here.”

“Wooyoung phoned me. So I came immediately. Congratulations. I’ve met your son.” Chansung said.

“Thank you. And also for coming this early.” Seyoung replied. Wooyoung went and sat on the bed next to Seyoung, putting his arms around her shoulder. “How are you feeling?” He asked.

“Tired, but okay.” Seyoung replied. Then they heard a soft knock on the door. A young lady doctor came in, dressed in blue scrubs, sneakers, white jacket and a stethoscope hanging around her neck. Chansung noticed she looked liked she haven’t slept for twenty-four hours. But found her cute at the same time.

“Good morning. My name is Dr. Park. Dr. Lee had to go to another hospital to see a patient. She asked me to attend to you until she gets back.” She introduced herself, then asked the men if they can step out for a minute to examine Seyoung. Shortly after, she told them to come in.

“Everything is looking good.” The lady doctor said. “All goes well Mrs Jang, you and the baby can go home tomorrow.”

‘Thank you very much Doctor.” Wooyoung bowed to her in appreciation.

“Yeobo. I was just telling the Doctor. I am a Park too. And we have the same name.” Seyoung told Wooyoung.

“Yes, what a coincidence. My first name is Seyoung. Dr. Park Seyoung.” The lady doctor said.

Chansung’s eyes grew big when he heard it. Looking at the two Seyoung’s in the room. After the doctor left, Wooyoung seeing his reaction, put his arm around Chansung, then whispered. “I think, you should ask for her number.” Chansung gave Wooyoung a fist jab to his side. Wooyoung crouched in pain.

Seyoung couldn’t help laugh watching the two men in front of her. Sometimes playful and child-like, but good men. One, is married to her. The other one, their best friend.



Thank you ladies for appreciating my friends work. She really appreciates your kind words. She added an Epilogue. I don’t think we’ll feel sorry for Chan once you read it. Enjoy,

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