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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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@yun84 Next to WY, Chan is my bias. Since WY and Sy are taking the time apart, it would be nice for her to be close to another member. It's safer that way since they'll both have boundaries hahahaha. So eventually SY and WY will still end up with each other hahaha. 



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2 hours ago, chic-chic said:

@standingtallyy No harm done portraying WY as a baddie. It's nice to get variations of the fanfic. I enjoyed it since especially we have Chansung hehehe. Can Chan take care of Sy for a while in your fanfic hahaha. 


I should have compiled your friend's fan fic into one site or page so new fans can read it or we can reread it. 

Good idea. Since there are so many YY fanfics, u should put them on front page (not sure how to do so) so we can reread if we want


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Just now, Gerry58 said:

Good idea. Since there are so many YY fanfics, u should put them on front page (not sure how to do so) so we can reread if we want



If I have time I'll go back to the pages where we have the fanfics and compile it on the front page hehe

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@chic-chic I agree with @Gerry58 that's a great idea! Glad that you are all okay with the story plot. Here's another two chapters. Enjoy!



“Are you sure you’ll be fine?” Seyoung’s Mom asked. They received a call from her sister telling them that Dad had rolled his ankle while he went for a walk last night and woke up with a swollen foot. Her sister drove him to hospital and found out he sustained a small hairline fracture, requiring him to have the injured foot plastered.

“Mom. I will be fine. And besides, it will be school holiday soon. Unni will come in two weeks. Dad might be able to fly by then.” Seyoung reassured her Mom. They managed to get her a flight back to Seoul at one thirty pm today. She helped her Mom pack so she can drive her to the airport.

Chansung was on his way to the local grocery when he noticed Seyoung and her Mom loading bags into the car. He quickly stopped at the gate and walked to where they are.

“Anyeonghasaeyo Ommonim. Seyoung-shi.” He greeted, helping them with the bags. “Are you going somewhere?” Chansung asked.

“Mom had to go home. My dad injured himself. But he is okay.” Seyoung said.

“Chansung, right?” Seyoung’s Mom asked looking at him.

“Yes Ommonim.”

“You said you only live close by?” Seyoung’s Mom asked again.

“Yes Ommonim. I’m less than five minutes away.”  Chansung replied.

“Can I ask you to check on Seyoung while I’m away for few days?” Seyoung’s Mom requested.

“Omma!” Seyoung was shocked with the request. Looked at Chansung, waving her hand to him to say no.

“Yes Ommonim. I can do that.” Chansung immediately agreed, ignoring Seyoung.

“It’s just that I’m not comfortable leaving her alone. But she doesn’t want to come home with me either. So, can I trust you on this?” Seyoung’s Mom asked again.

“You can Ommonim.” Chansung replied. Then he reached for his wallet and took out what appears to be a business card and gave it to Seyoung’s Mom. “That’s where my parent’s business is located and their personal numbers. If I don’t keep my word, you can ring them.”

“Chansung-ah! You don’t have to do that.” Seyoung said.

“It’s okay Seyoung-shi. Your Mom is already worried about your Dad.” Chansung said.

“Gomawa.” Seyoung’s Mom said, accepting his card.

“Seyoung-shi. Ommonim. If you don’t mind. I’ll drive you to the airport. That way, Seyoung doesn’t have to drive going there and coming back.”

“Okay.” Her Mom quickly agreed. “Seyoung-ah, give him the car keys.”

“Are you sure?” Seyoung hesitated. But Chansung extended his hand to her and happily accepted the key.

“I’m sure. Here let me help you.” Chansung went to open the doors for Seyoung and her Mom.

“Omo. I need to double check if I’ve locked the house.” Seyoung said, about to get out of the car again. But Chansung stopped her and said he will do it. He immediately went to the front door to check. He came back and told Seyoung everything was locked before starting the car.



“Is there somewhere you’d like to go before we head back?” Chansung asked as they were leaving the airport after dropping her Mom. Seyoung is seated next to him, on the passenger seat.

“No. We can head straight back.” Seyoung said. “Chansung-ah.”

“Seyoung-shi.” They both said in unison. “You go first.”Chansung said.

“You don’t have to do this. I mean. You are not obliged to do this. I will be fine.” Seyoung told him.

“I know I don’t have to. I can’t just pretend not to be concerned. You are pregnant and on your own in that big house.” Chansung explained. “I know you feel awkward because of Wooyoung. Please don’t. Honestly, it would have been better if you went back to Seoul with your Mom, for you and the baby’s sake.”

“I’m sorry if you feel burdened because of me.” Seyoung apologised.

“No. That is not what I mean. I am more than happy to do this. But since the situation turned out this way, we just have to live with it.” Chansung said, briefly glancing towards Seyoung.

“I know where I want to go.” Seyoung suddenly said to him.”Can we go to that light house?” Seyoung pointing towards the red light house on the left hand side of the road.

“Sure.” Chansung said. Turning left towards it’s direction. The wind blowing a cool breeze despite of the sun. He watched Seyoung walking slowly towards the light house, with her arms around her. She doesn’t seem warm enough in her skinny maternity pants and knitted tops she was wearing, with her baby bump showing. To Chansung’s eyes, Seyoung by far is the most beautiful pregnant woman he had ever seen.

“Here. Put this on. We don’t want you catching cold.” Chansung said as he draped the hooded jacket he had on to her shoulders.

“Thank you. But what about you?” Seyoung asked him.

“I’m okay. You need it more than me.”

“What brought you to Jeju Island?” Seyoung asked him.

“Two reasons. Peace and rest.” Chansung replied.

“That’s why you shouldn’t have agreed to my Mom’s request.” Seyoung said.

“Maybe I shouldn’t. But I did. You have no choice but put up with my company.” Chansung said in jest. Seyoung only smiled back at him.

“Seyoung-shi. How long do you plan to stay in the island?” Chansung asked.

“If you are asking if I plan to give birth here? No. I will have the baby in Seoul.” Seyoung replied.

“You still haven’t phoned Wooyoung?”

Seyoung shook her head. “I don’t have his number anymore.”

“He has the right to know. Things might have gone wrong between you and him, but he’s still the father. Wooyoung may have his flaws too, but you know he is a good man.”

“Arah.” Seyoung said. “I need time. I need time not to love him anymore.” Then she turned away, covered her face with her hands to hide the tears. But when Chansung saw Seyoung cry, by instinct, he just took her in his arms, her face buried on his chest.

“I’m sorry if I made you upset.” Chansung whispered. He held her like that, allowing those tears to flow.

“I’m sorry.” Seyoung broke the embrace moments later. Chansung’s shirt now damped with her tears.

“Are you feeling better?” Chansung asked, wiping the tears from her cheeks gently. Seyoung just nodded saying yes. “I’ll cook us dinner.” Then his phone rang. It was Wooyoung. He excused himself and walked away from her to take the call.

“Wooyoung-ah.” Chansung greeted.

“I was worried the other day. You seemed anxious. Are you sure you are okay?” Wooyoung asked.

“I am okay. No need to worry.” Chansung reassured him.”What time are you flying in on Saturday?”

“I’ll be there at 2.30 in the afternoon. Are you sure you alright, man?” Wooyoung asked again.

“Ahh Senja! You’re beginning to sound like my mother. I have to go. I’m out driving. I’ll call you later.” Chansung hanged up and went to where Seyoung was.




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@chic-chic- thanks for video on wy. He promotes more in Japan than Korea. Hope his album will be a success. Wy is so cute feeding the duck

@standingtallyy- thanks for the fanfic. Tell your friend many people are reading her work, that will motivate her to write more. :lol:


Still no news from sy. Jang hyuk has a variety show about him and his male friends going on a trip. They had a promotion for this. Hope he goes on variety with sy to promote money flower too.  Wow the competition is stiff with so many new dramas- haven't check out any yet. 


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So happy for WY. Number one album in Japan. So proud. Maybe SY is filming because JH posts in instagram about his scene in money flower. I found old blog with people who told SY behind park shin hye's popularity when they both in SALT entertainment

 Such a weird perception. 


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Congratulations Wooyoung for topping the charts!:wub:



“I hope you will like it.“ Chansung put a plate of spaghetti bolognese in front of Seyoung in the dining table he cooked for dinner. After they left the lighthouse,he asked Seyoung what she’d like for dinner, She said she is craving for a pasta dish. He dropped Seyoung home and brought the ingredients from his place.Luckily, he had minced beef, spaghetti and passata sauce he took with him all the way from Seoul. It has become a habit to cook one non-Korean dish a week. And for him, pasta is the easiest one to make.

“It’s good!” Seyoung exclaimed happily. “I didn’t know you cook well.”

“Can’t cook a lot. But I can make this.” Chansung got himself a plate, sat across Seyoung and started eating.

“Thank you for making dinner.” Seyoung said.

“My pleasure. Go ahead. Eat, before it gets cold.”

Dinner was pleasant. Seyoung found Chansung mature and funny at the same time. He shared stories during his days as trainee, and the hardships along the way. Although Wooyoung have shared a lot to Seyoung in the past, she found out how different the level of impact it has on them on a personal level. After they finished eating,  Chansung cleared and did the dishes on his insistence. Despite Seyoung told him not to. But he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He just told her to rest, put her feet up or do anything.

“You are carrying enough weight already as it is. You shouldn’t be on your feet for a long time.” Chansung said to Seyoung.

“Chansung-shi. I’m pregnant, not invalid.” Seyoung argued.

“I don’t mean that. I’m just saying, take it easy. It will be done in a minute.” Chansung replied.

“I’ll put the kettle on and make some tea when you’ve done the washing.” Seyoung offered.

“Okay.” Chansung replied. When he finished Seyoung prepared the tea. They had it in the back balcony of the house. Seyoung sat in one of the outdoor chair, Chansung then put the throw blanket he took with him on her lap to keep her warm and sat himself on the opposite chair. The night air was cool but not cold.

“Chansung-ah. Are you seeing someone at the moment?” Seyoung asked him.

“No.” Was his brief answer.


“I don’t know. I am just happy the way things are.” Chansung replied.

“You broke up with your girlfriend?”

“Girlfriend?” Chansung was surprised. “Did Wooyoung told you that?”


“She wasn’t my girlfriend. We hanged out, yes but that was all to it.” Chansung said. Laughing with the thought how Wooyoung must have ‘gossiped’ about him.

“Forget I said that.” Seyoung apologised.



Sometime during the night Seyoung woke up and thought she heard footsteps outside of the house. She looked at the time, it was half past midnight. In fear, she dialled Chansung’s number straight away.

“Chansung-ah. I can hear footsteps outside.” Seyoung whispered.

“Seyoung-shi. It’s okay. It was me.” Chansung said.

“What? What do you mean it’s you?” Seyoung said in utter surprise.

“I’ve camped in your front yard. I was just checking the surroundings.” Chansung said.

Seyoung stood up and went to the front door. “Knock three times when you are at the door.” Few seconds later, she heard three knocks. When she opened, Chansung stood there and saw the tent he put up in the front yard,

“Stay inside. It’s cold out here.” Chansung said when he noticed she was only wearing her pyjamas.

“Why did you do that? You’re going to catch cold.” Seyoung told him.

“Kenchana. I had all my camping gear with me. Sorry if I scared you.” He said.

“I thought you went home.” Seyoung asked.

 “I did. But I got worried because you are on your own. So I decided to come back and set up a tent.” Chansung explained. “I love camping.” He added, smiling at her.

“Honestly. I don’t know whether to thank you or not with what you did. But at the moment, I can’t allow you sleeping in your tent, guarding me when I have two empty rooms where you can sleep comfortably.” Seyoung said to him, with her arms crossed looking at him seriously.

“Really. I’m comfortable and warm.” Chansung said, pointing to his hooded jacket, track pants and shoes.

“If you are not coming in, then I should sleep in the tent if you are saying it’s comfortable and warm.” Seyoung said firmly, waiting for his answer.

Chansung have never seen this side of Seyoung. She is one force to be reckoned with, which he actually find cute and endearing.

“Alright. I’m coming in. You need to rest. It’s not good for the baby.” Chansung gave in and followed Seyoung inside. She showed him the room and where the bathroom is. Before she went back to her room.

“Goodnight Seyoung-shi.” Chansung said.

“Good night.” Seyoung replied.



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