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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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happy birthday short mv just an amazing flash back for seyong birthday the piano and the video recording what i can ask more lovvvvve it :x :xwooyounga wishing u the best of the best ofcourse you can do it #AlwaysSupportJangWooYoung 

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I'm back.. so long not in here.. miss my chigus here...all of u, thx for keep updated.. make my life happy & make my heartbeart go faster..

Happy birthday short MV.. totally related to SY.. whatever wy do, all related to sy.. he always remember the moment they r together.. waaaa... im totally crazy...

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wow...i dont know what to say..i'm speechless..feel like crying too..the mv..so much feels.."SeYoung everywhere"..oh..my shipper heart..he really loves seyoung isn't he?of course! ...awwww.. Thanks guys for the update @2young123‌ @ujiyus1‌ @aew_aew_aew‌ @RannelB‌ and others too. Love u all chinguss..u really rock my day.. :x

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Aahhh soo much feel. I can't omg i think my heart going to explode, i cry... i smile... i laugh... n i cry again... n i dance.... this ahjuma really crazy watching happy birthday mv. N that photo where we can spot seyoung name..... aigooooo.... what can i say...i want boyfriend like wooyoung too...oh i firgot i already have a husband

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Posted part 2! http://forums.soompi.com/en/discussion/comment/28265885/#Comment_28265885
Official voting hasn't started yet... maybe to be safe we hold off until official voting time starts? I don't want us getting penalize for not following the rules. In the meantime, here's the story! Thank you to @shineehappypandas my ultimate PIC!
And good lord, he sounds so good in 'Happy Birthday'! That falsetto! ~swoon~

'Walking Together'
Wooyoung awoke, as he often did, on an airplane. He looked out the window to see that the sun had yet to come up. Hearing the familiar ding of the seatbelt sign turning off, he unbuckled his, and pulled out his cell phone from his pocket. Turning off the airplane mode, he sent a text while rubbing the sleep out of his eye. Just landed. Be home soon. Can't wait to see you.
The response came a moment later, as he pulled his bag from the overhead compartment. Good morning. See you soon!
When he finally made it through the airport into the parking lot, he looked for the company van that usually comes and picks him up. At that moment, a flash of light caught his attention. He squinted and walked over to an all too familiar car. Opening the door, he asked the driver, "What are you doing here?"
A smile greeted him as Seyoung tossed her purse onto the seat behind her, "Welcome back!" She watched as he climb in and looked at her quizzically. She frown, "Are you not happy to see me?"
He smiled, reaching over the center console for her hand, "Of course I'm happy to see you. I'm just surprised that you're here at 6.00am to pick me up when you should still be at home asleep."
She shrugged, "You know I'm up at 5.00am most days, now."
He played with her hand, "So, are you going to give your husband a kiss? He's had a very long day sitting on an airplane for 14 hours."
Seyoung laughed and pulled her hand away, starting the car.
"Yah! I paid for tinted windows so that we can kiss in this car!" Wooyoung pouted.
She shook her head and tried not to roll her eyes before leaning over and giving him a kiss. His hand came up to pull her closer. When they pulled apart, he held on, a smile on his face, "I missed you."
She chuckled, "You always say that."
"I always mean it," he responded.
Seyoung didn't respond, but the telling smile was enough for Wooyoung. As she pulled the car out of the spot she was occupying, she asked him about his time in New York City. He regaled her with stories about meeting up with friends and his upcoming project. She smiled to herself seeing the enthusiasm on her husband's face and in his voice.
When they returned to their apartment, Wooyoung opened the front door and started to kick off his shoes when he was startled by a high pitched squeal. The sound of tiny toes hitting the wooden floor got louder, "Appa!" A tiny wiggly toddler shouted, waving her hands in the air.
"Minyoung-ah, good morning! Did you sleep well?" he asked, scooping her up in his arms and kissing her chubby cheeks.
A tall figure walked towards them from the hallway. "Hey, Hyung!" Jinwoon smiled.
Wooyoung looked back at Seyoung who was grinning, "How in the world did you get him to come over to watch her this early in the morning?"
"Other than the fact that I am Jinwoon's favorite Noona, he also adores Minyoung."
"Appa! Appa!" Minyoung called.
Wooyoung looked at her, a bright smile on his face, "Yes, Minyoung?"
She smiled before wrapping her tiny arms around his neck and burying her little head in the crook of his shoulder, "Appa," she repeated quietly.
Seyoung leaned over and stroked the little girl's hair, "Minyoung-ah. Can you say Eomma? Eom-ma."
Minyoung looked at her for a moment, not repeating the word, before turning to Wooyoung, "Appa!" she giggled.
Wooyoung laughed at his wife's slack-jawed expression and wrapped his arm around her, "Don't worry, Young-ah, she'll eventually call you 'Eomma' one day."
Seyoung glared at him, "Don't you gloat. I spend more time with her, yet she always call for you."
"That's because we spent plenty of sleepless nights together while you weren't looking, didn't we, Minyoung-ah? You're Appa's little girl aren't you?" He asked quietly, stroking her hair gently.
Jinwoon laughed from where he stood, "I'm going to head out and let you guys catch up."
"Thanks for watching Minyoung, Jinwoon. We really appreciate it."
"Not a problem, Hyung. I always enjoy playing with her," he reached for Minyoung's tiny hand and shook it, "Bye, Minyoung-ah!"
They all waved to Jinwoon as he walked out of the door. Seyoung ushered Wooyoung into the apartment, "Why don't you play with Minyoung while I get breakfast ready."
Wooyoung nodded and took Minyoung over to the living room where they had a play area set up for her. From the kitchen, Seyoung watched as Wooyoung laid on the floor and played with their daughter. She smiled at the sound of Minyoung laughing and squealing, completely in love with her father.
After she finished setting the table, Seyoung called over to the duo who were now reading a book on the couch, "Breakfast is ready."
Wooyoung closed the book and brought Minyoung over to her seat at the head of the table. "This looks great, Young-ah," he complimented as he sat down in his chair.
She nodded and sat down in her chair. She quickly busied herself with feeding Minyoung while Wooyoung fed himself. She chuckled at her husband eating the food as if he hadn't eaten in months. "Did they not feed you on the plane?"
"They did, but your cooking is way better," he told her.
"Well, thank you." She picked up a small piece of fish and offered it to Wooyoung. He leaned over and took a bite. Chewing, his eyes widened. He nodded and gave Seyoung a thumbs up. From her seat, Minyoung clapped and bounced. Wooyoung took a tiny piece of fish and started to offer it to Minyoung when Seyoung spoke up, "Make sure there aren't any bones."
He looked at the fish from all angles before confirming, "No bones." Offering it to Minyoung again he opened his mouth, "Minyoung... Ahh." She took the piece of fish in her mouth and began to chew. When she bounced in her chair again, Wooyoung chuckled, "You are so cute," he pinched her chubby little cheeks, making her squeal. He looked over at his wife and asked, "How was your week?"
She paused, tapping her lips with her chopsticks, "It was good. I went for an audition the other day."
"Young-ah! Really?"
"It's a musical," she answered, shyly.
"That's great! How did it go?"
"I think it went okay. I probably won't get the part, but it was fun to get my feet wet again."
He waved his hand dismissively, "Don't say that, Young-ah. I'm sure you did great. My wife is the best."
"I haven't worked in almost two years. I'm a bit more than rusty." She sighed, "It was actually really scary," she confessed.
"No way. I'm sure you were fantastic." He reached for her hand and squeezed it, "I'm so proud of you. And you know I'm here for you. When you get the part, we'll figure out how to go forward, together, like we always have."
She brought his hand to her cheek and nodded, "Thank you."
He stood up and leaned over the table to kiss her on the forehead. Then, he looked over at Minyoung who was watching her parents intently, "Aren't you proud of your Eomma?"
Instead of answering, Minyoung raised her arms for Wooyoung to pick her up, "Appa!"
He picked her up from her chair and held her with an arm under her bottom. After bouncing her a few times he glanced behind her, sniffing. "Minyoung-ah, did you poop?"
From her seat, Seyoung let out a loud laugh. "Have fun, Appa." She stood up and gave him a kiss, "Welcome home. I'll clean up here." She gestured to the table.
He rolled his head back and stomped his feet a moment before heading into their bedroom.
“Two babies,” Seyoung laughed to herself as she cleared the table. “I have two babies.”
When she was done, she walked over to their room to check on Wooyoung and Minyoung. She stopped short at the door at the scene before her. Standing at the changing table, Wooyoung was singing to Minyoung as he changed her diaper. Minyoung wiggled around happily as she listened to her father's calm voice. When he was finished, he kissed her little feet, "Appa loves you, Minyoung-ah." Picking her up from the table, he looked over to the door where Seyoung was standing with a smile on her face.
"She really missed you this week," she told him, wrapping an arm around his waist as they headed back out into the living room. They sat down on the couch with Minyoung sitting in Wooyoung's lap, her little body leaning into him.
He hugged her a little closer, "I missed both of you. I hate being away for so long."
"It doesn't happen often, so it's not too bad. Maybe when she's a little older, we can all travel together. She's just too young right now," Seyoung remarked, stroking Minyoung's hair.
He nodded. "It's okay though. Appa didn't forget you while I was away. I brought you a present!" He set Minyoung down on the couch and headed to his suitcase. He came back with both hands behind him. He danced in front of Minyoung for a few moments, "What did Appa get you?" he asked.
"Appa!" Minyoung called, reaching out to him.
Wooyoung brought out a large box from behind his back. Inside the box were large bristle blocks that were the perfect size for Minyoung. Clapping her hands, she turned to Seyoung and smiled. Seyoung nodded, "Should we play with your new toy?" Minyoung nodded excitedly. Seyoung picked her up and set her down on the floor in front of Wooyoung. Then getting off the couch herself, she sat next to her daughter and watched as her husband unboxed the toy.
They spent the next few hours playing with the blocks with Minyoung. Although she was still young, Minyoung had a knack for putting things together. The blocks were the perfect gift as she build little structures, mixing and matching colors. After a little bit, she began to yawn signaling nap time.
"We should probably get her down for her nap, or we'll never sleep tonight," Seyoung commented.
Wooyoung picked up Minyoung once more, smiling slyly at his wife, "I haven't seen you in a week. Sleeping is not on the agenda for tonight." From the floor, she threw a block at him, making him laugh. "I really missed you," he told her.
"I know. I missed you, too." She gathered the blocks and placed them back in the box. When she finished, she got up and put the box on the shelf next to Minyoung's other toys. She stepped back and asked, "Do you think we're spoiling her?"
"Absolutely not," Wooyoung replied.
Seyoung chuckled as she walked back to their couch and sat down. She watched as he walked around the room, singing quietly to their daughter and rubbing her back gently. Within minutes, Minyoung was sound asleep. Seyoung waited for him to take her into their room to put her down. Instead, he joined her on the couch.
Making sure to not disturb Minyoung, he laid down putting his head in Seyoung's lap as he gently moved Minyoung's head from his shoulder to his chest. Seyoung smiled down at him and began to play with his hair while he continued to rub circles on Minyoung's back. Their free hands reached for each other, clasping in a tight hand hold.
Seyoung leaned down and gave him a tender kiss, "I'm so glad you're home. I love you."
He smiled back up at her, "I love you more. And I'm happy to be home. I won't be going anywhere for a while. That was one of the roughest weeks of my life. I can't be away from you guys for that long again."

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@scuttler & @shineehappypandas ..... That was super sweet essay of 2Young!! Bravo to both of you!! And being the pervert ahjuma that I am always is... my fav line : Wooyoung picked up Minyoung once more, smiling slyly at his wife, "I haven't seen you in a week. Sleeping is not on the agenda for tonight." From the floor, she threw a block at him, making him laugh. "I really missed you," he told her.


From : JYPnation in Japan @JYPE_JAPAN 5m5 minutes ago

WOOYOUNG Japan Premium Showcase Tour 2015 "R.O.S.E"@Zepp Nagoya! 初日からウヨンコールではじまりみなさんとたくさんお話できた温かい公演になりました♪3!9!また明日♡


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Guest ylndptrc

do you guys know that his shirt on happy birthday mv look similar to their last episode?!!my heart is going to explode right now..why so obviousssssss......

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