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[OFFICIAL] ♡ Lee Seung Gi ♥ Im Yoona ♡ YoonGi


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Guest lovers77

hhhhhhh..about those stupid rumor, i wondering how many people who actually jealous to YoonGi couple. I will not take it seriously, trolls wanna make us down, and i dont wanna look down in front of them :))
Yoona's drama end February 2014, its her 2013 drama. this year she doesn't have any drama only appears every month on magazines, CF and some events. her drama ended before Guerilla Date, Healing Camp and Sketchbook happened, when she's obviously shy and happy every time being teased about Seung Gi. the break up rumor doesn't make sense for me. the couple look freaking happiness until now :) so we must too ^^

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summeryoon said: That rumor mill released on 16th Sept. And female is H. If its our couple, female should be A. Like rumor mill about KSH - YA before.female call A and then everybody said its Yoona lol. What is logic?
If that rumor mill said about many problems happened in her group, I will believe it but its about failure drama.Come on guys.If about fail dramas, she should not date with anyone. I remember that YG spotted tgt in Aug right?.and if they alr broke up why LT still mentioned them in Radio star hummm..... unless LT is an attention seek (?)

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Love love it when they are spotted with their mobile phones.

The difference in their habits:

Seunggi seems to hold his phone more in between filming and I hardly seen Yoona with her phone in between filming.

Yoona is always holding on to her phone at the airport, I've only seen a few pics of seunggi holding his phone at the airport.

Lol I miss our couple and the shippers

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summeryoon said: That rumor mill released on 16th Sept. And female is H. If its our couple, female should be A. Like rumor mill about KSH - YA before.female call A and then everybody said its Yoona lol. What is logic?
If that rumor mill said about many problems happened in her group, I will believe it but its about failure drama.Come on guys.If about fail dramas, she should not date with anyone. I remember that YG spotted tgt in Aug right?.and if they alr broke up why LT still mentioned them in Radio star hummm..... unless LT is an attention seek (?)

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If this rumor is true or not. I think if Lee Seung Gi leave Yoona now ( or Yoona is the one offering that  ) , it will be a really hard time for her ....
I know Yoona seems to be so energetic , but in fact, she is a pessimistic type of person ( members and even she said that ) .The things in that rumor seem really fit her. 
I'm just worry about yoona very much , the group' discord , the bad feedback from netizen about her role as Nodame , the low rating films .... and so more ..., I think Yoona can be in stress again (once in her  debut day ) . It probably affect her love. 
hmmmm , hope yoona can be happy :(

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uuhhmm why are you guys worrying about some stupid rumor? and Yoona is not a child okey she's been in this industry for a long long time now same with Seunggi. I think they are mature enough to know how to handle certain things in life and both are not the kind that would give up that easily on anything... and I think that the rumor doesn't fit her at all... her group is going through a lot this year so drama failure is the least of her worries now. and has everyone forgotten how Yoona said that she doesn't expect instant success but rather slowly grow as an actress and do good with each project? she learned a lot with this drama so I don't think the ratings effected her to the point that it would made her "timid" all the time.
I don't like it when some fans think that Yoona can't handle herself, she's 24 years old people she's not a teenager anymore. yes she's been through a lot and yes she's fragile but life teaches you lessons you grow and you keep learning all the time no one stays the same. she's not as weak as some people make her out to be. 
rumors like this doesn't stay burried for long so only time will tell I guess but I refuse to worry about some rumor with no proof at all. there were rumors about them before remember with the so called announcement of their breakup after Seunngi's drama ends? that didn't happen lol plus his co star kind of mentioned them assuring us that they were just fine at that time so why would drama "failure" effect her now? that doesn't make sense..with the rumored Nodame role she had a huge backlash yes, but she scored a movie by declining that drama anyway.. and at that time she didn't look timid at all quite the opposite she was always all smiles at the airport etc assuring us that she was just fine.. the only time I saw her really sad was when all the drama with Jessica happened and that's pretty normal don't you think? 
let's not worry too much and just keep supporting them ;)

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Guest usuaj_ce7b

is yoona the only top star who both is r/s and suffer from drama failure? but her drama ended since feb? and after that, during mr.mr. promotion, she was teased by mc 2-3 times and even talked about it on healing camp, i mean, i know yoona is the type who always blame herself but if she lets drama ratings affected herself and esp her r/s, they should break up since drama ended? (this year's dramas, most have bad ratings and her drama made by SM+KBS, shouldn't she already expected it?) idk about japanese restaurant fanacc but both at KCON look happy and the way they went to theme park though diff times really mean something for me. IF they really broke up, that only means LT is an attention seeker since there are lots of articles about what he said about yoongi on that show. i may dont like his personality sometimes but both yoongi are close to LT, i doubt he would use both names to gain his own attention.

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Guest summeryoon

usuaj_ce7b said: is yoona the only top star who both is r/s and suffer from drama failure? but her drama ended since feb? and after that, during mr.mr. promotion, she was teased by mc 2-3 times and even talked about it on healing camp, i mean, i know yoona is the type who always blame herself but if she lets drama ratings affected herself and esp her r/s, they should break up since drama ended? (this year's dramas, most have bad ratings and her drama made by SM+KBS, shouldn't she already expected it?) idk about japanese restaurant fanacc but both at KCON look happy and the way they went to theme park though diff times really mean something for me. IF they really broke up, that only means LT is an attention seeker since there are lots of articles about what he said about yoongi on that show. i may dont like his personality sometimes but both yoongi are close to LT, i doubt he would use both names to gain his own attention.

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Even if they do break up i hope this thread wont turn into a mess with each side dragging the other person down please  ^:)^
I think everyone should just stop talking about the rumour and let it be buried because it must be hard to keep a relationship thats always scrutinized by others. If its not them than thank god because i seriously am very fond of both of them together, even if sometimes later it was revealed to be them than maybe they were just not meant to be together.
To make everybody feels a little bit more relieved heres another possible couple : honey lee & yoon kye sang. Their relationship were also given blessing by k-nets and her drama havent been doing really well.
All in all i think everyone should not think so much about the rumour and just let everything goes on its own course and i wish for the best for this couple and both of them as individual.  :x

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That "rumor" didn't get much attention anywhere and was brought up here and on OH by an anti who attributed it to YoonGi.   I agree, we should just ignore it.  It's not really a rumor confirmed to be about them in the first place please remember.  :))   Of course there are other people who fit it.  Yoona is not the only person in the world who has failed dramas who is in a relationship.  
Anyway, let's continue supporting them.  :x

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And let's not forget about their gym meetings fan accounts and the  japanese restaurant's waiter's fan account that took place on August 15th. (if we consider them valid of course) And Seungi's witty answer in his interview during the cf filming around September I think. And LeeTeuk .And their happy faces! And their personalities. That's all I have to say!

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I always go on OH to check on SNSD's thread so I stumbled upon that thread but I decided to brush it off and didn't post it here cause I felt it was pathetic. Then I saw that it had a lot of replies and decided to read every replies which I felt was inappropriate already because they were dragging LSG into Yoona's health issues and how Yoona's been less energetic or happy since she's with LSG and how they're comparing Yoona IGAB era when she's been linked with jonghyun saying she's happier then and maybe the revelation of Yoongi's relationship put her in a lot of pressure hence her weight problem.. So I decided to post there. This is what I wrote..

"It's so funny how people are quick to relate Yoona's health issue to LSG. If you're a fan of Yoona like me most probably you already know that she talked about it in the best album how at times she thinks what if she leaves SNSD maybe she'll be healthier cause SNSD's schedule requires a lot of energy but most of the time they're sleep deprived. Plus there's an account on SNS saying he/she saw them frequently going to the gym together so seeing Yoona's airport pictures

last time I think she gained a bit of weight already.. And I'm happy she's getting a lot of rest before she starts shooting her movie.

Now the argument when they started dating I actually don't buy their agency's "4 months" based on Lee teuk's recent interview on radio star its suggesting it might be longer than 4 months. Both of them are not in their teens anymore at their age I think they're on a more serious relationship so I think if they encounter problems like these they know for sure what's the best way to deal with this kind of problem. And I think LSG is not that shallow to end their relationship just because of that petty issue."

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On the contrary, I thought these two looked really happy since dating news. I cant compare SG then and now but for most of the recent events after dating from fantaken and media pictures, but both their smiles seemed brighter and did not seemed forced for the cameras.

There were so many rumours in kpop, some ended to be true some not. So unless its official announcement by our couple, I dont believe in other sources.

I have faith in both SG and Yoona that they will not let anything else or anyone else affect their happiness. After all they did take a long time to be together so in a way the start of the relationship was not easy. Have faith.

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Antis often write up fake blind items mostly to paint a particular star they dislike in a negative light. It's very dangerous to take blind items seriously, because often fake items are in the mix of one or two possibly true ones. This particular blind item is more than a month old, and I think it was said to be written up and spread by an anti. If that blind item was true, it's not particularly positive for either of them - the girl was said to be a nagging crybaby who made her boyfriend weary, while the guy was a blabbermouth who made some inappropriate comments in public about his supposed ex. Disgusting and despicable, isn't it??

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Guest surijang

It's not rumor mill but off the record, this article written by an Korean media outlet which fans might be familiar much through event press photos, it's the Mk star news, it was public on Naver, Navte and Daum last month too.

Although rumor mill and off the record were similar but of the record had the percentage of truth higher much since mostly of off the record articles were turned out to be truth, because it started from the mouths of the insiders in the industry as staffs, managers, stylists, ect. Even Dispatch said on an interview that they mostly started stalking to find out the celebrities's relationships based on "off the record" stories which they heard from those insders' chatting at workplace or hair salons but rarely from the fandoms since fans often tend to protect their stars' image, and Dispatch also said that the results came out to be truth even came to 95%.

The blind items which was translated a bit by a member on that OH: 

"A top star couple was talked to break up. Their problems increased little by little and then it reached to the peak. Recently according to the officials, they finally broke up. It was said that after her failure on a drama again, H became depression. She fell to slump and was said to let it affect her realtionship too. Her boyfriend tried to take over it many times but finally he was too exhausted/ it reached his limit. Although in the public's eyes their relationship is seen as too beautiful that everyone has to envy but in fact it seemed to be difficult for them to conquest both the love and the work together. In love, more than anything as the visual appeal or the charm, first of all, we should realised again that the personality and having the same feeling to be actually the most importance."

But whether it's related to Lee Seunggi and Yoona or not, let's the time answer it.

Why they guess strongly it's YoonGi couple?

Regarding Honey Lee&Yoon Kye Sang, it were obviously not them. They were not called as top star couple because although Honey Lee and Yoon Kye Sang get well-loved from the public as celebrities alone but they are not considered as top stars level nor top class in career as actors. Honey Lee& Yoon Kye Sang match well as acouple but also, they are not called as a dream-couple by the public yet if anything their recognization by the general public is just so so.  More, recently Honey Lee moved to Yoon Kye Sang's agency too and yesterday theere were even the rumor they planned to get married too, although it was denied but it also pointed out their relationship doing well.

Top stars couples who went to public annoucement until that time were counted including Rain-Kim Tae Hee, Won Bin - Lee Na Young, Lee Seung Gi-Yoona, Jo In Sung-Kim Min Hee. Gong Hyo Jin-Lee Jin Wook were not counted since Lee Jin Wook wasn't considered as top star in Korea and also he was not ranked as A class actor. 

But Jo In Sung-Kim Min Hee were not the case since Kim Min Hee was not in any drama for years ago, although they already confirmed break up status recently. Lee Na Young was not the case since she had no dramas for years too. Also Rain-Kim Tae Hee couple were considered out of the question since the insiders said recently clearly their situation were fine if anything Rain even was caught getting baptized by the Catholic Church, although he denied the wedding rumor but people could guess that stage might happen in a not far future. And more over the buzz surrounding the thing Rain-Kim Tae Hee confirmed dating last year was not a joke in Korea, Rain got so many bad backlash during that time, they were no way considered as "the dream couple that make people envy by the public's eyes" as this blind item said.

Don't say it just an anti on One Halyu started it to make shippers upset, let face the fact that this was buzzing around on Korean sites recently too. The broke-up rumor were surfaced among Korean sites (not fandoms) much around last month till now, if you guys often did research about YoonGi you might read about it, but it was nothing but just as questioning, and they were not antis at all.

But... even if this were YoonGi and the items were true, I don't think anyone has right to judge them, neither Yoona nor Lee Seunggi, I'm almost considered a Lee Seunggi's fan though. A star's love or parting should just be seen as God's fate in the eyes of anyone else outside since it's their life nor us.
Calm down, don't against anything we don't want to believe to happen strongly. No one know what will happen tomorrow so that even if the things we do not want to happen to become real, we would take it - not-easily or easier - but at leats less difficult - for the less shake less hurt of no one else but yourselves. Not just as a fan's life but as a real life.
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It didn't start from an anti, but you know the reason the troll posted it... it's pretty obvious. I don't think anyone is unaware of the breakup rumors for them. Remember the right after YAAS ended it would come out and then waiting for later in the year rumor...  They've been going on for so long and this of course added to it. 
Though I don't agree there is nobody this could be but them and that it's 100% true in the first place. There is buzzing about a couple breaking up, but nobody knows but the couple themselves if it's true or not or who the couple is.  Anyway, I don't judge and wish them to best anyway.  These things can't be hidden forever.  The media will pick up on it more if there's anything to it and force them to confirm or deny either way. 
ETA : I see trolls posting this on NB in comments too and the person is using it to hate on Yoona while pretending to be a SG fan and I hope YA know Seunggi fans would not do that.  One of the things his fans were weary of is dragging his name into bad rumors and his name being used and associated with gossip instead of his work, so please don't fall for trolls and think it's Airens who are spreading this and condemning Yoona.  It's just not.  

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@surijang, thanks for your insightful post. I saw their break up rumors spreading around in K-sites since last month maybe it started because of a rumor from this "off the record" article. Perhaps people were just questioning if it's true because they're a dream couple.
The only ones who know if it's true or not are YoonGi themselves. I only want them to be happy and enjoy their lives to the fullest. At the moment, I choose to believe in them than believing in this rumor. But if things don't go according to what I want, at the end of the day, it's their lives & they know what's best for them. I hope there won't be too much backslash from antis, trolls and their other shippers if it's indeed true. 
The reason why that troll posted that thread (specifically pointed out YoonGi names in the title's thread) is clear - spreading hate. If only s/he didn't write YoonGi names, then I'm okay with it.

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Guest lovers77

are Yoona and SeungGi considered as "top star couple?" i thought they were Hallyu Star, but i'm sorry if i'm wrong. actually this is really confusing, i stopped to read on OH, bc some fans were arguing and haters comment made me pissed off. i refused to believe that Yoona easily break up bc of drama failure?eh, she should not in a relationship if her dramas failure always affect her in the first place. she's maybe kind of person of blaming of herself, but i know for sure she won't gave up easily just bc her drama failure, she love acting very much.her interview on Sure Magazine August edition (cr: mystarmyangel)Towards acting, i do not have the mindset of wanting to achieve success instantly, instead i want to earnestly take a step at a time and do well in every project. There will come a day when i will also be able to wear ‘Actress’ this outfit and carry it well right.

the  most important thing, its hardly to believe SeungGi let go of his woman that she adore for years easily just bc she stressed and timid, i always believed that LSG is the 1st person that Yoona tell the most about her problems, had someone to lean on is really beautiful. based on their personality seems they the kind of person who always support each other in good and bad condition. 
But well, its all about the fate. whether the break up rumor true or not, i will still support them in their individual way. just pray the best for YoonGi couple :)ps: sorry for long post

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