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[Variety] Happy Sunday -1 Night, 2 Days (1박 2일) S3 :KBS 1N2D S3 MISS ALL MEMBER -STAFF EXCEPT JY :PAGE 447 END MARCH 2019

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I love the new episode.. the china trip was incredible. i've thought about why they didn't try going to china and make a collaboration epi with the chinese cast of 1N2D but this one trip is better than I expected. I can't wait for the next epi. those missing out on watching it is really losing it.. this must be their best special yet this season... what else is better than seeing them travel away from korea for the first time... I can see they are truly enjoying it... I wonder what happened if Gutaeng-hyung were with them. But I'm so happy to see KJM being so famous in china. LOL :blush:

I love the last part of the GF Special. it was way fun & funnier as these girls are comediennes and they have nothing to hold back. But I truly respect each and one of them to having go through such lengths to make us laugh whilst compromising they image as women. RESPECT! :glasses:

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Another fun episode. :D I always like when the guests share their story about their job and life before they go to bed. I really respect comedian because it's such a hard job to do. It's easier to make people cry than laugh. For women it's even harder because they have to throw away their pride to make people laugh. I like how the guests don't have a problem to show their bare face. It's actually not that different.

I'm excited with their trip to Harbin. The first part of the trip already funny even though most of it just showing them in KBS building then in airport. I don't know Korean but someone told me that JJY used banmal in his chat with Yoo PD and the hyungs. It showed how close they are. :wub: The members always know how to make simple game like making words from letter written on their fur coat funny and entertaining. When they learnt some Chinese from JJY, but asking for help was the first words they learnt, and KJH thought Yoo PD went to Harbin for romantic trip with his gf. :joy: I wonder what punishment they will give to KJH. Maybe it was him who sleep in the tent in the preview. Yoo PD is harsh, not let them got proper rest in the first night lol.

@kayefaye In Yoo PD we trust. :P I'm sure he won't lose the main direction of this show just to cater more to Chinese audiences. China already have their own 1N2D anyway.

@flybabyfly I feel you. It was like a culture shock for me when I found out how PS is encouraged in Korea as long as you can fit the beauty standard. In my country, many celebs done it too, but they don't openly talk about it like they're proud with it and it's mostly nosejob, breast implant, and lip injection. But jaw shaving sound so extreme for me.

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@flybabyfly yes, I also admire Narae's courage to openly talked about her plastic surgery. Jaw reduction? I can't even begin to imagine how the work is done. 

The only 'chemistry' between Gookju and Jongmin is on the family arcade game. He just understands all Gookju's moves. 'Basic Instinct' :D:D:D



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19 hours ago, montanari said:

@kayefaye In Yoo PD we trust. :P I'm sure he won't lose the main direction of this show just to cater more to Chinese audiences. China already have their own 1N2D anyway.

yeah isn't Yoo pd someone who say even they try new menu sometimes but they will still stick to their old menu to keep their old customer who prefer old menu so i have faith he is someone who won't get swayed by China or other places popularity since it only for one time special and most other time they will continue promoting Korea...beside he also always reading knetz comment so im sure he know what they want..

but of course it still fun if they can still go other oversea location when they can which related to Korea history like Harbin does in another special ep :P 

and im happy the boys also get to know that they indeed popular outside Korea too since they deserve it

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I had to share this with you guys, Yoo PD-nim is love! :wub:

[040316] Yoo PD + Lee Gukjoo + Happy Together


The Happy Together staff showed Yoo PD the clip of Lee Gukjoo dancing to Yoo PD’s name, to which he replied, “I’m thankful”.

He also explained why he didn’t reply to Lee Gukjoo’s text. “That night, I wasn’t in the right state of mind to be replying. The next morning, I was thinking, and then it became the afternoon. Since it was the afternoon. I was trying to think of something good to write, and another day passed. I’m thinking of what to write everyday. I haven’t forgotten. … I would like to treat her in a respectful and sincere meeting.“

  • [+4493, -78] Yoo PD looks like he can’t even eat congee.
  • [+3678, -61] He’s smart, so he even speaks well ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It was really funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+1463, -62] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+606, -9] Yoo PD was like this when he got pranked in the past too, but he’s really kind
  • [+279, -8] But there are times with Kakao or texting where you missed your timing, so you don’t know how to reply…
  • [+263, -8] Yoo PD is a bit of a heodang, it’s cute ㅋㅋ
  • [+204, -21] Will we finally see a chubbier Yoo PD?? ㅋㅋㅋ I don’t know anything else about Lee Gukjoo, but it seems like she’ll make you delicious food everyday ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ “Even if you’re busy, eat before you go!!!!!!!!!!” - It seems like she make you eat like this ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+105, -1] It seems like it wasn’t too long ago that he got pranked as a rookie PD on 1N2D.. Now he’s a representative PD at KBS
  • [+78, -4] Yoo PD seems like a good person. Don’t hate on a kind person

credits to goonggeumhani's tumblr


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I can't wait for the next episode. :blush:

Yoo PD was in Happy Together? Woah I need to watch that episode. It's been a while since the last time I watched HT after they changed their format.

@salz Yep, I remember Yoo PD said that. So no matter what he'll stick to the original concept of 1N2D because that's how he wanna keep the long time viewers. Agreed. Love seeing them traveling outside Korea. It gives new feeling to viewers and also new experiences to the members. Doing overseas trip special once a year doesn't sound bad, isn't it?

@JunkieArtz I'm sorry I can't help you. Never heard that song before. I thought it was just some club song remix by DJ lol.

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from fanpic on weibo  with 1n2d e113 now (still watch this show live )... they not broadcast any scene on 18 hb feb expect junho come.....now they go  st Sophia Cathedral (filming on 19th feb ).. they back wear fur clothes on 19 feb .. wit more scene or  maybe  that scene on next epi

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12.6 % 160306


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LST WEEK 15.8% 160228






9.4% 160306



9.1% 160228





1) 1N2D  S3 E113 

15.8% 160306



15.1% 160228

16.7% 160221



2) MBC REAL MEN (-2.2%)

12.5% 160306






12.3 % 160306 



11.7% 160228 






14.9% 160306 


16.9% 160228 




2) KBS TROS E120 (-1.4%)

10.4%  160306 



11.8% 160228




3) RM (+0.1)

7.5% 160306



7.4% 160228 

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