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[Variety] Happy Sunday -1 Night, 2 Days (1박 2일) S3 :KBS 1N2D S3 MISS ALL MEMBER -STAFF EXCEPT JY :PAGE 447 END MARCH 2019

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i watch a little bit of Gutaeng hyung narration today and lol did his evil voice level up :P

feel like he enjoying the members suffering too much lmao&glad he not part of the experiment XD

and did he get even more handsome than he already is?maybe it his gel up hair lol....well gonna wait for sub ep tomorrow to watch full.next week preview seem awesome already with the female friend XD

im glad KJHyuk hyung still show up today looking fabulous...well i know there gonna be new member soon but hope Gutaeng still gonna back as special guest some time would be awesome :P

i heard maknae spend lunar oversea with CNBLUE Jonghyun nice to see my 2 fave as best buddy JY should invite him in 1n2d someday since Jonghyun love going to trip lol

wow Jongmin is super busy i hope he get some rest

well the new member hope someone that able to commit for long term in 1n2d and good at team work....maybe not an actor or idol because their schedule is unpredictable i don't wanna get attached again to end up being heartbroken when they left so soon ala gutaeng lol

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New member is fine as long as he (she???! Nah!)  is a team player and committed to 1N2D. 

They have done 5 members before. Married vs singles, young men vs old men, singers vs actors, drawing of lots, 1 vs 4. It’s not like Running Man where they almost always use strength and I get frustrated at team ups bec hello Kim Jong Kook! 

About JunHo as the mathyung, the thing is he will have to act as a leader when his usual role is the sneaky troublemaker, jokester. When JooHyuk was still with us the others like Jongmin and Junho, the moodmaker duo, were free to stir things up and goof around while the mathyung acts as the voice of reason. It’s nice though to see Junho try to step in those shoes even though we see how reluctant he is and unwilling to admit he really is the eldest now :D

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Guest kayefaye

New member of '1N2D' to be decided after Lunar New Year

Viewers have been wondering who'll be next to join the members of KBS' '1 Night 2 Days', but it looks like we won't know until after the holiday.

Producers of the show stated, "We haven't decided on the new member of '1N2D' yet. We're still selecting." They also said that they would be monitoring pilot shows during Lunar New Year to pick out the next star to join '1N2D'.

Another producer commented,"It's not easy to pick a member of '1N2D'. He needs to be able to match with the existing members as well as the overall personality of the show."

With Kim Joo Hyuk's leave last November, '1N2D' has been running with Kim Jun Ho,Kim Jong Min, Defconn, Jung Joon Young, and Cha Tae Hyun.

Who do you think would be good on the show?

source: http://www.allkpop.com/article/2016/02/new-member-of-1n2d-to-be-decided-after-lunar-new-year 


> So they haven't decided yet. "After Lunar new year" could mean anywhere from one day to one month after, or even longer. I hope they consider Kim Jae-dong. Healing Camp was already cancelled so he shouldn't be too busy.



PDs of 1N2D and Infinity Challenge compare the members to body parts (with netizen comments)

(I realize this was already posted before but this article has comments from Instiz, and this translation has a slight variation from the previous one. )


2 Days 1 Night PD's evaluations of the members:

Cha Taehyun - Brain. He's the quickest when it comes to realizing what the staff intends to do. He's a man behind the scenes who plans rebellions, teamwork, and a third path. He leads the members with his small suggestions and big reactions. He's practically the MC.

Kim Joohyuk - Heart. He's a crucial oldest hyung who unifies the members and forms friendship between them. He was born with warmness and fairness, he makes the show more humane. He stands out when the episode requires a warm atmosphere.

Defconn - Liver. He's a quiet organ that accepts all the evil acts from the staff. He gives up everything to be funny, which is his unique character. He quietly accepts the hardships of the show and solves them. He's a hardworking member.

Kim Junho - Hands and feet. The man of laughter. Alpa and omega of laughter. Yabs who does sly acts without getting noticed. He's the goaler who makes the show variety-like.

Kim Jongmin - Pituitary gland. At a glance, it's hard to tell his importance and role. But his few drops of hormones can kill or revive someone. He has a mysterious variety talent that can cause butterfly affect from his small actions. The only original member who was constant for 8 years.

Jung Joonyoung - Face. He's 4-D, well-mannered, clueless, and more. He has a variety of personalities. He shows the image of season 3 the most and makes the members smile. He's the face of the show.


Instiz: Yoo Jae Suk's fan Kim Taeho's class

- 1N2D one is so touching... It sounds more warm than what my teachers wrote about me ㅠㅠ

- 1N2D PD is so good at speaking

- I miss Kim Joohyun on 1N2D....

- Yoo PD is so affectionate towards the members


source: http://kpopkfans.blogspot.com/2016/02/pds-of-1n2d-and-infinity-challenge.html 



Jung Joon-young endorses Kim Joo-hyuk’s new film ‘Like for Likes’


Rock singer Jung Joon-young has endorsed actor Kim Joo-hyuk’s new movie “Like for Likes.”

The two celebrities are close friends. 

While hosting a show on Naver’s V on Friday, Jung said, “I was invited to the preview of Kim’s new movie, which will be released on Feb. 15. Although I have something to do on that day, I will go there at night.”

Jung will be holding a concert at 8 p.m. at Mixpace’s concert hall in Daejeon on Friday. 

“Please show your interest in Kim’s film and also come to my concert in Seoul (today),” he said.   


source:  http://kpopherald.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=201602051541127469862_2 


Edited by kayefaye
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11.5% 160207


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8.7% 160131 





1) 1N2D E109  (-1.8 %)

13.4%  160207


15.2% 160131 





11.6% 160207 (-1.7%)


13.3% 160131



3)SBS KPOPSTAR S5 (-1.3%)

11.2% 160207


12.5% 160131 




1) MBC MASK KING (-3.2%)

13.3% 160207


16.5% 160131




2) KBS TROS  E116 (-4.0 %)

10.4% 160207


14.4% 160131





5.6% 160131






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Wow...we are still going strong. @kjmcth Thanx for the rating update. It is pretty weird this season when Part 1of a trip has a higher rating number compared to Part 2. Unlike previous seasons, Part 2 had the higher rating number...hmmm....

Just read the "new member" article but I may sound selfish about the choice they might make... I can be a bit picky.

Idols are absolutely a no-no for me. First year of their career they can commit but if they come frm bigger agencies, by 2nd year they'll be super busy. Forget any idols from SM entertainment - 1st year of their career they are guaranteed a tight schedule.

Females - also a no-no. Unless you are super cool (like ShinJi) or super funny (like Kim Sook)  I can consider that. But mostly females takes care of their image/reputation alot (something evn our Gutaeng-hyung has a problem with)...think about it.. I dont want it to look anything like RM and evn Song Ji Hyo is one of a kind. She is suitable for RM. 1N2D has always been known for being a manly man show (sorry, not to be a sexist..I'm a girl):blush:

My personal choice???? No one at the moment. But like evryone agreed on - someone that is not too strong or he'll beat the rest of them who are equally "weak and lazy", someone who can easily blend with the rest of the members and dont take things too seriously esp in the games or whn the members/cast prank him. Joohyeok still lingers at a time such as these... but at the mean time I am really enjoying the 5 of them. :heart:

Why don't they just make another epi like Choo Choo Train? Bring a number of people and the members and staffs can evaluate themselves.:grin:

@kayefaye Too bad. I really want to see him. But I could settle if he left a video message come the 10th anniversary epi. (Juz wishful thinking) but joo won can still make it... still wishful thinking...

@mishlee Thanx for being one of those complaining about the subs. I cannot rely on VIU full time. Or i think i might go crazy. I read your post and was eternally grateful that someone actually had the notion to post their dissatisfactory. I'm with ya!:glasses:

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13 hours ago, tdjunlimited said:

Idols are absolutely a no-no for me

That's been my thought since Day 1. When I think about it too, 1N2D has never had an idol in the real sense. I've never considered Seung Gi an idol; he was just a singer in my eyes and anyway, it was 1N2D that established his fame. In retrospect, Jongmin was the only idol who joined this show. lol. Joon Young isn't in that category either. For idols with crazy schedules and limited freedom of expression, I don't want them. I wouldn't mind someone in their 30s or 40s either but maybe that's because I don't want anyone to take away our cheeky maknae's status; although I could see Joon Young corrupting any maknae they bring in. Hahahaha. 

I'm glad we stayed on top. With Lunar New Year celebrations, the drop in ratings for everyone is understood but we still came out on top. Makes me really happy as usual. 

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1 hour ago, Arhazivory said:

That's been my thought since Day 1. When I think about it too, 1N2D has never had an idol in the real sense. I've never considered Seung Gi an idol; he was just a singer in my eyes and anyway, it was 1N2D that established his fame. In retrospect, Jongmin was the only idol who joined this show. lol. Joon Young isn't in that category either. For idols with crazy schedules and limited freedom of expression, I don't want them. I wouldn't mind someone in their 30s or 40s either but maybe that's because I don't want anyone to take away our cheeky maknae's status; although I could see Joon Young corrupting any maknae they bring in. Hahahaha. 

I'm glad we stayed on top. With Lunar New Year celebrations, the drop in ratings for everyone is understood but we still came out on top. Makes me really happy as usual. 


jongmin not idol .. he debut  as backup dancer and he just lucky get in koyote becoz that time he backup dancer uhm junghwa (junghwa that time same company/agency  with koyote (try find new member koyote ) even koyote group not idol group (shinji always say this)..  different with jiwon(s1) he really idol withhis group  (but time 1n2d establish 2007 his group already disbanded ad he just start with as solo singer ...


 but yes i dun want busy  idol becoz schedule esp when he with group busy with concert esp oversea  ... if solo artist will different they(agency/manager) can adjust schedule but  not with group.. this show filming every 2 weeks -- if their trip will become until part 3 or have something at kbs as not broadcast becoz live sport/match -(this year olympics brazil but big different -  time ) maybe this slot can't be d

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Why don't we have our very own Yoo PD as the 6th member? I would be really fun seeing him playing game of chance with the rest, just like when he substituted for KJH before. He'd be a PD-member, he's already a celebrity himself as he became so popular reviving the dying 1n2d series. He also had established a great chemistry with the members. Not really ready to let go of our KJH yet, I am still full of hopes that he'd come back as soon as he gets less busy than he is now, our PD-nim can substitute for him again during his absence. 

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I’m a bit wary of the arts psychoanalysis bec my level is like Jongmin’s! :lol: I mean, come on! Not everyone can be manga-istic like JJY or western comic like Defconn. Even JunHo has me admiring his drawing skills. If I had to do a self portrait it may have to be in abstract form lol I wonder what analysis would be for that!


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I thought the ratings would drop a lot because of Lunar New Year, but most regular viewers still tuned in. :D 

I'm happy KJHyuk still appeared in this episode. He looked better and not as tired compared to the last episode. His evil laugh while narrating tho' lol. The caption said they should analyze him too. Is that a sign he'll be back someday? :wub:

Sleeping arrangement games were basically designed to make the members fail lol. Yoo PD refused to listen to the members' complain. JJY was so determined and competitive when he knows he could win and something good is on the line. He even didn't care when the ramen scratched his forehead. @mariekantalla This is like a revenge from when he had to sleep outdoor by himself in summer episode in 2014. :lol:  

The psychoanalysis through drawing was so on point. I've seen the one through handwriting before and it's fascinating to see. @flybabyfly I think they still can analyze your drawing even if it looks abstract lol. It's not about how good your drawing, but what you draw. KJM's drawing looked like a 6 y.o kid's but what she saw was how KJM drew his teeth and shoulder. JJY's drawing looked great but what she saw was how detail he drew himself and the tiny hat on his head. 

The preview for next episode looks so funny already. Those gagwomen always know how to lit the atmosphere whenever they appear in variety show. When I saw the preview for the first time, I thought Park Narae was JJY's teen fangirl when she hug him from the back with that long wig. Can't wait to see the next episode.


PS : JJY was the guest for "Two Yoo Project Sugarman" tonight. It's a show where they remake old songs to fit recent sound. They usually remake songs from one hit wonder or the singers disappear and public never heard of them anymore. But guess who's JJY's Sugarman? It's CTH :joy:. I was so surprised because CTH is too famous to be the Sugarman. When I saw the preview last week, they covered CTH's face but the audiences looked shocked when they saw him. I thought it's because the Sugarman is good looking guy or look so young like in previous episodes. I wanna watch the full subbed episode but Kshowonline still 6 episodes behind. <_<

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It was so much fun watching SugarMan with both JJY and CTH in it :D if any of u interested in watching the raw, here they are: 



Pt 1:  /video/x3r6nfm_투유-프로젝트-슈가맨-e17-160209-hd-1_tv

Pt 2: /video/x3r6nxr_%25ED%2588%25AC%25EC%259C%25A0-%25ED%2594%2584%25EB%25A1%259C%25EC%25A0%259D%25ED%258A%25B8-%25EC%258A%2588%25EA%25B0%2580%25EB%25A7%25A8-e17-160209-hd-2_tv


*Please attached www . dailymotion . com (without spacing) :D Enjoy :P 



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Can i share the knetz reaction to jjy and cth's appearance on sugarman? I'll just hide it so as not to flood this forum kkk.It's always good to see the members guest or hang out outside of the show. Did jongmin's appearance on gagcon air last sunday or still to air this sunday? If you have subbed episode of sugarman,hope you can share chinggus. Gomawo!


[090216] Cha Taehyun + Jung Joonyoung on Sugar Man

Yoo Jaesuk ♥ Cha Taehyun’s Chemistry X

  • [+4856, -69] Cha Taehyun definitely has great variety sense ㅋㅋ
  • [+3782, -59] Yoonim and Taehyun’s chemistry on FO was great then too!
  • [+2449, -56] This was a really fun episode ㅎ
  • [+1946, -59] I want to hear Cha Taehyun sing ‘Do you not know’ live
  • [+373, -11] When you put Yoo Jaesuk, Kim Jongkook and Cha Taehyun together, their chemistry is always daebak~~ The FO and RM episodes where they were all on together were all fun.
  • [+359, -8] It’s fun if Yoo Jaesuk and Cha Taehyun are together ㅎㅎ If they did a show together, it’d be daebak
  • [+352, -12] When he was Cha Heebin on FO, it was really funny ㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+319, -9] Let’s make a show with Yoonim and Cha Taehyun
  • [+306, -12] When Yoo Jaesuk, Kim Jongkook, Cha Taehyun and Janghyuk were together on FO, their chemistry was explosive.
  • [+266, -26] As expected of Cha Taehyun^^ It was even nicer and more fun to watch since he was with Jung Joonyoung
  • [+226, -16] Yesterday really was fun ㅋㅋ Jung Joonyoung’s singing is daebak too
  • [+204, -12] I had fun watching yesterday. Cha Taehyun is such a likeable person
  • [+159, -6] As expected, Jung Joonyoung wasn’t on SSK for nothing. He’s good at singing.
  • [+132, -4] Two celebrities with no antis ♡♡♡

Jung Joonyoung & Younha’s Duet! ‘Just The Way You Are’ X

  • [+289, -8] I liked their duet stage so much~ Their voices are like honey~ I like Jung Joonyoung’s low and powerful voice ♥
  • [+249, -7] I really like this song!!!! I like it more listening to it live. I thought that they wouldn’t match, but their voices blend well ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+229, -6] Wah. I came to know Jung Joonyoung because of 1N2D, so it’s my first time hearing him sing, but wah.. He’s really good at singing ㅠㅠㅠ I love his voice ㅠㅠ
  • [+173, -3] Jung Joonyoung is a different person when he sings ㅋㄲㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Cha Taehyun Sings ‘I Love You’ X

  • [+2194, -19] Wah daebak, it’s Cha Taehyun!!!!!!!!!! He doesn’t age… He’s so cool ♥♥♥ I got goosebumps the moment I heard the intro
  • [+1994, -19] Cha Taehyun’s the Nation’s Beloved Actor.. He’s good at singing too. I was a fan since My Sassy Girl, and to hear him live on Sugar Man.. I got goosebumps the moment I heard the intro. So cool. Cha Taehyun ♥
  • [+1537, -19] This hyung brought all the life to today’s broadcast ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+1407, -16] This is a hit song. I really like Cha Taehyun so much ㅎㅎㅎ
  • [+1046, -16] I got goosebumps the moment I heard the intro… ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+941, -19] Memories are flooding back… Janghyuk, come on once too!
  • [+815, -17] I guess there are people that don’t know this song..
  • [+231, -5] Cha Taehyun’s ‘Don’t You Know’ is good too
  • [+209, -6] I really wanted to hear ‘Again To Me’, such a shame.. I like Cha Taehyun so much ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
  • [+188, -5] ㅋㅋ He’s good at jumping
  • [+163, -4] I really liked this song, and it’s even better hearing it after so long~~ I wish he’d release an album

Cha Taehyun Sings ‘Two Lane Bridge’ X

  • [+665, -6] Ah, he came in wearing his mask ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Cha Taehyun is so cute ㅋㅋㅋ Kya, I like this song
  • [+510, -8] Ah ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He came in wearing his mask ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It so, so nice hearing the song again…
  • [+458, -1] The song is great, but his personality is jjang ㅋㅋ
  • [+333, -3] Ah, Cha Taehyun Hyungnim really is so cool!ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
  • [+310, -2] Today was legendary ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ So much fun ㅋㅋ

Cha Taehyun’s Casting? “I said one wrong thing”X

  • [+359, -2] “Hyung, aren’t I a Sugar Man?” “Yes you are” ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The frog jump ㅋㅋ Cha Taehyun is cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+297, -3] The frog jump ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Cha Taehyun is really cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Thank you for coming on the show after saying one wrong thing ♥
  • [+270, -2] The frog jump ㅋㅋㅋㅋ You have 3 kids, how can you be this cute ㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+185, -3] Yoonim is jjang. Cha Taehyun is jjang
  • [+177, -1] Today was so much fun ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Cha Taehyun is so funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+143, -2] I like Cha Taehyun so much ㅎㅎㅎ I’m looking forward to Hongcha!!!!ㅋ

Jung Joonyoung’s 2016 Version of ‘I Love You’ X

  • [+631, -8] I like the song more with Jung Joonyoung remaking and singing it. His low voice is so cool. Congrats on winning today ♥
  • [+594, -21] Seeing Jung Joonyoung on 1N2D, I didn’t know he’d sing well… Watching yesterday.. He’s practically a con artist….
  • [+498, -8] He sings fricking well and easily
  • [+440, -7] I like his version ♥♥♥♥
  • [+425, -4] He shines when he sings. I like both Cha Taehyun’s original and Jung Joonyoung’s remake. Congrats on the win!!!♥ I love both Cha Taehyun and Jung Joonyoung
  • [+334, -3] The remake is good too. Jung Joonyoung’s low voice is so cool
  • [+197, -1] Whoa daebak. Jung Joonyoung has such a great voice


Source: http://goonggeumhani.tumblr.com/post/139036747287/090216-cha-taehyun-jung-joonyoung-on-sugar-man

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thanks for the info about sugarman, i have watched and enjoy this because uri-member eventhough i don't understand what they are talking about.. sorry oppa but I prefer JJY version, he is better singer than you but the rest you are the best.. sorry for long post talking abut another show but allow me because I'm talking about uri-member ^^V...

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I just saw a news that they will go to Harbin, China next week...sorry I can't paste it here as I read it in Instagram posted by one of JJY's fans. Anyone who find the news please post it here. Thanks in advance.

JJY is having so much fun in Switzerland now...he mentioned in one of the interviews that he wanted to go vacation to Switzerland and I am happy he managed to go there.

I watched Sugarman too...both CTH and JJY are so adorable hehe!!!

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The members will go to Harbin to remember the 3.1 Movement which was the first Korean resistance movement against the Japanese occupation in Korea. 

Harbin is the place where An Jung-geun, a Korean nationalist, assasinated Ito Hirobumi, former Resident-General of Korea. 

Harbin is also the place where Unit 731, a Japanese Biological & Chemical Warfare research that did lethal human experimentation during the second Sino-Japanese war took place. The victims of these barbaric experiments were mostly Koreans, Chinese & Mongolians. 

The members will no doubt be doing a historical trip to Harbin. 

I took the liberty to search for Harbin and the 3.1 Movement. If anyone wants to correct the info I've gotten, please do so. 

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Harbin is the place where a Korean Independence Activist, Ahn Joong Geun, shot Japanese Prime Minister, Ito Hirobumi.

  • [+565, -14] Daebak!! I’ll watch it. Cheers for Korean Independence
  • [+459, -23] Wah, I’m looking forward to it. I hope Yoo PD doesn’t work them too hard ㅋ
  • [+318, -11] Such a great idea ⭐⭐
  • [+237, -9] Go and cheer for Korean Independence
  • [+55, -2] It seems like it’s a good pupose!!!
  • [+49, -2] Daebak!!!!!! They’re going overseas. It seems like it’ll be a meaningful special. I’ll watch!!!!! 1N2D is so fun. Cheers for Korean Independence


Yoo PD: “The members will be be leaving for Harbin, China on the 17th. We wanted to have it so that the members leave without knowing anything at all, so it’s a shame the it was reported in advance. … Right now in our country, Winter is ending, but Harbin is still really cold. … I went to survey it myself personally, and Harbin is still minus thirty degrees. Since the members know know about this already, if there’s one thing that I want to ask of the members, it’s that they prepare themselves well. The staff are really preparing themselves.”

  • [+950, -13] Journalists, please stop making spoilers. Anyways, I’m looking forward to this meaningful special!!
  • [+518, -11] Minus 30 degrees ㅋㅋㅋ Looking forward to it
  • [+397, -13] Wah ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Members, have strength…
  • [+336, -11] I’m already looking forward to it ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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