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[Drama 2013] ★ Secret | Secret Love 비밀 ★

Guest msmall

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Guest ccmbebe

I watched Incarnation of Money, I hear your voice, Master's Sun, Good Doctor before, but I have to admit Secret is my favorite and I am going through withdrawal right now. There are so many memorable scenes is hard for me to choose. I really wish JS and HJE get the couple award because they really have magnificent chemistry, they also match so well together height and look wise.

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Hello Everyone! Before I begin my post, my laptop charger went out on me last time and I'm typing on my cellphone! Yes, I feel like my life was going to end because I almost couldn't watch the last episode of SECRET but I downloaded Viki on my phone and watched it in HD! I'm alive!

First and foremost, I'm so happy the drama ended on a good note! I knew they were going to give our OTP a happy ending! SECRET is now my #1 favorite drama of all time!!!! It's that good to me! Some of you feel like it was rushed, I don't think so. They ended it perfectly. Think of it this way...

Every story has an intro, body, and conclusion. My teachers always told me that the conclusion always has to connect and match the introduction. There were little scenes between MH-YJ in the beginning anyways that's why we were given so little scenes with them here. The story began with YJ's love with DH - that love resulted with San. Although I was hoping he remained dead, I'm glad they dealt with the San issue this way. YJ has always been selfless. I knew she wasn't going to take him away from his adopted mother because she herself knows the pain of losing a child. Maybe when he gets older, they can tell him that his "aunt" is actually his birth mother and she never abandoned him. In fact, he has 2 mothers who love him dearly :)

I originally wanted DH to either die or go to jail with force... But this way was better. He wasn't going to repent on his own. He is very bitter towards his father - blaming his father with how he turned out because his father was so worthless. Seeing San with his new family was an eye-opener, a revelation. He just wanted to be a better man but he had turned into a worthless bastard. He thought his father was worthless but he had also became that worthless father. It was great. Getting on his knees and apologizing to YJ, that was satisfying. That moment, he was truly sorry. So glad he and his mother got what was coming to them... His mother's reasons for taking San away were really selfish, by the way. Seeing YJ slap DH again for the 3rd time was also so satisfying!

SY - she went back to herself. The her MH knew she was. Strong, confident, cold, classy, and independent. Not once after their marriage did he show any resentment towards her. He still respected her and treated her like a friend. Like SY said, MH overvalued her. Sincerely apologizing to her because he couldn't love her... she finally got what she wanted but she wasn't happy. I'm glad they ended the marriage but still managed to be friends.

MH - YJ - their scenes were short but that last scene was totally worth it not to mention SEXY HOT! I like how the writers played with the fact that MH gets bored easily again and had YJ tease him with it since that was our original introduction of MH. Don't think anyone noticed but they wore the same (slightly different) clothes as when she came out from prison and he was outside watching her. THAT moment when she got out from prison was when the story really took off so it was good to see them wearing those clothes because it was like they were finally free to love each other.

SECRET breaks all Korean Drama rules, yo! We got an angry-choking hero who is also the biggest stalker of all time, a heroine who has a baby with another man and the baby is alive not to mention, she doesn't get to keep her kid, a heroine who gets hit by a car but walks off like a boss with no head injuries, a forced-rapey first kiss, two beautiful breakups with both first and second leads, an airport scene where they don't embrace each other but walk away from each other... yes, SECRET broke all rules! I'm very satisfied with the ending, the whole story! Very proud with the cast, the ratings, the hard work of everyone who was involved in making this drama such a success! For me, SECRET wins Best Drama of 2013 and I'll be pissed mad if they don't take home all the awards at the end of the year!

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention MH-YJ's stages of kissing! #1: Forced #2 Beginner lip lock after he gets on his knees #3 Intermediate kiss in bed (I saw little movements from YJ) #4: Professional and Expert! YJ makes the first move!!!

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So hard to choooose  i loved their first scenes when they met ,then when he started to  realise his feelings for her i think it started from ep 8 when he aked her: did  you really saw her and let her die she said yes but he looked in to  her eyes and didn't belived a word...,when he defended her...all their scenes from ep 8 to 16...the way he said :Ddeokbokki again? You know I can't eat spicy food or It's sweet. I don't like sweet things...but he eats ..and also her talk with stepmom The boss...
He expresses more frustration when he is happy, and when he is thankful, he expresses anger for no reason.But...
when he is hurt, he doesn't show it.He seems to be having a hard time because of his deceased mother.Now...Madam, you're his mother, right?
The boss,
I ask you to take care of him.
She really knows him so well...They became the  perfect couple ...

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Favorite scenec hmmm

1. When he draggs her from stepmom and walks hand in hand trough MHs home sees DH. stops and then rips up their intertwined hands and says- Sorry. I'm busy. We have something we have to do!! with a smirk in his face.

And you can seee DHs chocked face thinking hot bedscene between YJ and MH.

2. When YJ point at the picnicing family saying to DH. Look...THAT is what you stole from me, Just look. and DH falls apart------- SO satisfying to see him crumble and YJ cold as stone for his tears.

3. the whole ending scene from preggo gangsta unnie to the end kisses.

By the way did you see how red Ji Sung was around his mouth? Made me wonder HOW MANY times did they reshoot those kisses. or did she try to eat him up lol

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Hi everyone, i don't Know if any of you thought about this but since HJE acted in two projects this year, Incarnation of money for SBS and Secret love for KBS, then which award ceremony will she go to ? As you all know both ceremonies are held at the same time, which one will she choose, SBS or KBS ? I want her to go to the KBS ceremony, and be with JS there.

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I wrote my last post based on the recaps read here [speaking for myself, I love all your recaps and I had a huge smile on my face while reading them ~ they are way better than the ending itself] ~~ and I debated not writing another one [after watching it myself], because I feel like the only people still watching at this point are people who actually enjoyed it and therefore did not share my intense frustrations with the show.  If this sort of thing WORKS for you, don’t hate me or better - skip my post or sue me [Don’t you dare!]

That said, I HATED this ending! Somehow the magic disappeared. We got a cheesy happy ending [ the last 3 mins]  and I don’t feel happy at all!! What kind of finale was that?! There were a few cute scenes, but SO many frustrating ones.

The scene which plastered a grin across my face was when MH left. It was clichéd and stupid…

 [he left and came back from USA (like nothing happened) after completing his PhD at Yale or Princeton; he also started eating sweets, bread and rolls which helped him overcome his dissertation anxiety ~ LOL].

It’s like…it was so simple? The story has been building up for THIS!? I felt cheated [i still do].

Finale episodes are tricky things. So often, dramas waste their last episode being something other than the show was for all the other episodes.

 I didn’t need everything to be perfect; it just needed to be a reasonably satisfactory finale for our OTP [no cheesiness] and I would have been happy to let it go with one eye closed.

If I ever rewatch this drama it will only be for the OTP. I’m going to be heavy-handed with the fast forward button and stop at the first 5 mins of the 14th ep -> like that’s the ending. If anyone asks me how many episodes Secret has, I’m going to say 13 episodes with a straight face. [As for now I’m going to remember all those immortal lines and scenes they had]

My Weds & Thurs are free of agony now! (I’m totally noting down the writers name. For dramas to avoid…)

But, having said that, I am sad S is over. This is the first kdrama in many months that I’ve followed religiously. Great acting all round and a seriously addictive theme song.

I had a great time and really enjoyed your company…Please let me know which thread you are going to follow next… Thank you


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It's very likely that this is the last time I'll stop by to read all of your amazing posts. 

I am so grateful to all of you, specially the great members that took time out of their busy schedules to recap and screen cap for us.

I am grateful to all the members that analyzed every single action, scene, and conversation there was. 

I am grateful to the members that criticized. 

I am grateful to the members that had no clue. 

I am grateful to the members that opened up their heart and share their feelings with us.

I am grateful to all for making this the best forum ever!!!

Here is a gift for you.   I skipped many pages so maybe you have it already but in case you don't, here is Ji Sung, singing "Wuthering Heights" from Secret:


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Guest KrystaIce

mary2010 said:
tessieroo said: @falloutjane - Excellent topic, can't wait to read everyone's favorite 3! Here are mine:
1) Supermarket - YJ is so distraught, in shock but focused on getting ingredients to make a cake for San. MH stalking her, loses her, finds her - helps her pick up things she dropped but she doesn't even see him at all. A great gasping sob broke from my throat on that scene. 
2) Adoptive mom begging YJ not to take San on her knees. I bawled like a baby. Powerfully moving, without a lot of dialogue. 
3) YJ banging her head against the wall, MH trying to stop her by putting his hand between her head & the wall. He tries to comfort her but she fights him. Her sobs in that scene literally broke my heart, SO REAL. 

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I wrote my last

post based on the recaps read here [speaking for myself, I love all your recaps

and I had a huge smile on my face while reading them ~ they are way better than

the ending itself] ~~ and I debated not writing another one [after seeing it myself], because I feel

like the only people still watching at this point are people who actually

enjoyed it and therefore did not share my intense frustrations with the show.  If this sort of thing WORKS for you, don’t

hate me or better - skip my post or sue me [Don’t you dare!]

That said, I HATED

this ending! Somehow the magic disappeared. We got a cheesy happy ending [ the last 3 mins]  and I don’t feel happy at all!! What kind of finale was that?! There were

a few cute scenes, but SO many frustrating ones.

The scene which plastered

a grin across my face was when MH left. It was clichéd and stupid…

 [he left and

came back from USA (like

nothing happened) after completing his PhD at Yale or Princeton;

he also started eating sweets, bread and rolls which helped him overcome his dissertation anxiety

~ LOL].

It’s like…it was

so simple? The story has been building up for THIS!? I felt cheated [i still


Finale episodes

are tricky things. So often, dramas waste their last episode being something

other than the show was for all the other episodes.

 I didn’t

need everything to be perfect; it just needed to be a reasonably satisfactory

finale for our OTP [no cheesiness] and I would have been happy to let it go

with one eye closed.

If I ever rewatch

this drama it will only be for the OTP. I’m going to be heavy-handed with the

fast forward button and stop at the first 5 mins of the 14th ep -> like that’s

the ending. If anyone asks me how many episodes Secret has, I’m going to say 13

episodes with a straight face. [As for now I’m going to remember all those

immortal lines and scenes they had]

My Weds &

Thurs are free of agony now! (I’m totally noting down the writers name. For

dramas to avoid…)

But, having said

that, I am sad S is over. This is the first kdrama in many months that I’ve

followed religiously. Great acting all round and a seriously addictive theme


I had a great time

and really enjoyed your company…Please let me know which thread you are going

to follow next… Thank you


We must have been watching a completely different drama because I thought this drama was CHEESY in a twisted way from the beginning! It's not like it just got cheesy in the middle all of a sudden. There were lots of lighter scenes to balance out all the dark scenes. It was cheesy when MH was still dating JH and it was cheesy that YJ kept saying she loved DH in the car right before they got into the accident. I wanted things to be harsher for DH and SY but I'm satisfied with what we got because in the beginning, that's who they were... DH with a little conscience and SY being indifferent.

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The Actor

Alone and sad I'm locked away
Far deep within the darkest cell:
A prison with no walls or chains,
Within my mind a living hell.

Perceptions of the world pass by;
I watch them from my mental cage,
But barred away from taking part
I let an actor take my stage.

He lives the life I've never known.
With him I can't identify.
The world accepts what they don't know
Is nothing but a living lie.

Because of him I can't be free,
And none can see that I exist,
But to remove him from his place
Is something that I dare not risk.

He lives a life that's not his own.
To take it is to kill the man.
And though he never should have lived,
Just who am I to say I can?

'cause though I might be fin'lly free,
It is not worth the risk I fear
To cause such pain to come about
And kill one others hold so dear.

For even if I showed the truth,
I fear that they will just not see
The man I killed to show myself
Was really never truly me.

I long to die but wish to live,
But trapped and buried I must stay
To save the sorrow caused to some
And let them love the lie I made.

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Guest jennloct

yuhotarubi said: Hi everyone, i don't Know if any of you thought about this but since HJE acted in two projects this year, Incarnation of money for SBS and Secret love for KBS, then which award ceremony will she go to ? As you all know both ceremonies are held at the same time, which one will she choose, SBS or KBS ? I want her to go to the KBS ceremony, and be with JS there.

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There are too many favourite scenes to choose...what I can remember now..

1) MH cute stalking moments.

2) Those violent choking scene with MH & YJ, HaeJin slapping scene when YJ caught up with her, YJ suicidal crazy attempt at the bus stop.

3) YJ's heart wrenching cries when she was mourning SAN's 'death', cradled by DH, YJ's head banging scene while mourning her father and the realization of who killed her father.

4) I like the way the writer made YJ, a person not intimidated by DH & SY threats and the confrontation between YJ & DHM at prison.

5) MH & YJ moment at SY's kitchen, at TGIF- MH coaching YJ's to sing and dance with KS watching.

6) Unnies moment with YJ, KS & MH. 

7) Yes, SAN's adoptive parent heart wrenching cries with YJ was very very touching and that actress can really cries bucket! Anyone besides YJ will be touched by her too.

8) DH's cheek muscles twitches and fear in his eyes shown each time he knew his secrets are going to get expose by MH/ Yj/ lawyer colleague/ DHD.

9) YJ's sincere cries throughout all her crying scenes.

10) MH's eyes slowly gazing at YJ's face, lips and the FINAL EROTIC KISS wrapped up the whole story nicely.

From beginning till the ending, I'm fully hooked by SECRET. I've seen and skipped through many current and previous shown dramas (except those in my signature's list). None managed to hold my attention for long and made me wanting more. 

Currently only 2 dramas worth my full undivided attention and appreciation are Empress Ki (Believe me, one will get hooked from 1st epi) & Ugly Alert (finishing in 2 weeks).

Yes, I'm having SECRET withdrawal now even after re watching the last episode 4x already.

It has been a great journey here staying in this thread. THANK YOU everyone!

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Guest fantast1k1

Favorite Scenes...in no particular order.
1. YJ and MH at TGIF--please dont misunderstand scene.
2. YJ and MH kitchen scene ---first time MH said I'm sorry.
3. YJ head banging scene---followed by a conversation about if I endured JH's death, I want you to look at me and survive this.
Ok, I'll go and watch 15 and 16...I'm still confused if MH and SY got married. Seems like they did because of the wedding picture in the living room, although it wasnt consummated.

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Guest Jomarmotte

Checking in just to thank all the people who posted live recaps and took time to translate previews & articles.I had a field day reading the comments between episodes 15 & 16, everybody was so stressed out - helped me cope with my own anxiety !!
The ending was certainly not perfect but it felt perfect to me so that's all that matters...
It's too hard to pick 3 favorite scenes, but I would say that out of the 16 episodes of the series, the ones that I felt were spectacular in terms of acting, writing, directing and editing were episode 9 & 10 back to back, with MH becoming completely aware of his feeling and starting to act on it & YJ discovering the sad truth about DH.
I was happy that they didn't go for an extension but I will now love to see the director's cut...
I'm watching Answer 1994,  a breath of fresh air, nice ensemble cast... make me want to be 20 again !

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Guest lovehearts70

I'm glad for the drama to wrap up happily. The two were a happy couple. Sweet, passionate and nice.


The last scene was the happiest scene, and they truly love each other.

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