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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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18 minutes ago, mn0096 said:

Let me add my welcome to the forum, though as another new member myself. Like you, I do forget their ages often, as well. Like in the last episode with the young lady from Russia. KJK did not look out of place as the one she really wanted to date. It didn't dawn on me until much later that he's actually almost twice her age. When he had that mock wedding with the very young idol from IOI (?), they also looked quite compatible. And, of course, SJH is more than youthful to stand next to very young idols (male and female) and not look out of place. A few male idols have also made it clear that they really like her despite her age, right? Those two are quite amazing. And, I get that you like to post here. Me, tool. When I have 1 question, that always leads to another, and another, and so on. I have to stop myself sometimes, since I'm so new here and the forum sunbaes have probably discussed it all before. Anyways, I love SA, too. Again, welcome.

must be because of his healty lifestyle and her natural beauty, but yeah, those two were daebak ! 

if you have questions, you should ask here, even if it's already been discussed. i don't think the sunbaes would mind it

who knows ? maybe it could open new perspectives to that topic

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1 hour ago, mn0096 said:

When I have 1 question, that always leads to another, and another, and so on. I have to stop myself sometimes, since I'm so new here and the forum sunbaes have probably discussed it all before.


Ask away! We love discussing everything spartace here even if we've discussed it a million times over! lol (I'm guilty as charged). 

As for the HJY issue, I think HJY genuinely gets along with KJK and SJH off-screen, but KJK isn't a huge fan of the love line. I think comparing it to MC isn't a bad idea, though of course, MC has been going on a lot longer and a lot more complex. KJK and SJH aren't huge fans of love lines, but they know it's part of their job and will do it if necessary, where KG and HJY seem to be naturally flirty people who don't take love lines seriously at all and are perfectly fine doing it. I don't blame HJY since she's there to get screen time, and I think in the end it's the fault of the concept of love lines rather than HJY or KJK's fault. (And a KJK love line every once in awhile is fun because we get to see jealous SJH. We have years of KJK being jealous of MC, so it's nice to see the other side every once in awhile!)

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Guest athoughtcloud1
12 minutes ago, saissuspicious said:

Hi guys, is this new? 

cr to owner


No, I feel this is old. There was some fancam of JH and JSJ at Haha's restaurant a few months back. Perhaps it is the same. The others can clarify if they do remember.

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On 6/12/2017 at 9:34 AM, athoughtcloud1 said:


I am not a Korean, but the fact that they have a cafe on naver which has been there for many years (the naver fans call themselves the fans of the strongest couple) tells me koreans too find their interactions including skinship suspicious. From what I have observed, feel the non-shipper k-fans and i-fans are of similar bent of mind - i.e since they regard JK and JH as part of a big family, they think the skinship can be explained away as that of siblings. But for shipper fans, whether international or Korean, the sibling theory doesn't work. Have seen SA fans on naver defending their arguments against people who used to call them crazy before. So it is somewhat the same for them and us.

But for neutral viewers too, there have been cases where they have gone "woah, what is this?". Just take that Escape Crisis segment where the MCs went 'woah, who is that girl hugging him?', 'are they having sweet whispers' etc when they saw JK and JH's skinship pics. It tells me the skinship is something that would raise many eye-brows when left on its own. But since this is JH and there is a public perception (aided by both their statements) that they are like family, people explain it away that way. From what I have observed, individual k-fans of the two used to downvote comments that used to claim there is something between JK and JH since they possibly felt it may hurt the reputation of their bias (when MC was still popular and to some extent even after Gary had left). But after the fortune-telling segment, on naver articles that discussed it, there were replies to some comments that said "this is so out of the blue" that there are SA videos on youtube and SNS that make you feel something has been going on between them. So there may have been neutral fans also who might have noticed things between them.

From what I have observed, the k-fans focus on the difference in the way SA interact with each other on camera and off camera to explain why they think they are not siblings. This not only relates to skinship (which is something we ifans also catch on), but also to the way they speak with each other. One of the points made by the k-fans that made an impression on me was how the way they spoke to each other in front of the camera changed around the episodes in the 150s. JH used to talk formally to JK in the beginning of RM, later she started talking informally to him, but then after the 150s, she started speaking formally to him again in front of the camera. For the korean fans, it feels awkward when SA talk like that when they are supposed to be really close. As general viewers of any kdrama would know, talking down to someone shows a closer relationship. It is usually common for people to lower their speech when they get closer; the opposite is very rare. So they feel that as part of SA getting cautious on the show, they also changed the way they spoke in front of the camera. There are a couple of posts on SA naver dedicated to this with somebody even going to the trouble of counting the number of times they used formal words with each other before and after the 150s - it is all pretty systematic. LOL 

The Korean fan on insta is a regular poster on SA naver cafe. She started following SA after seeing the fancams of episode 114 where JH and JK were constantly together. From her posts, feel she notices almost the same things we do, but I think the difference is in that they notice other aspects too which we don't notice coz we don't belong to that society.

Thanks for putting things in perspective. While certain rules about skinship are similar regardless of culture (e.g. Varying levels of modesty specially in public, respect, etc. ), many rules are culturally as well as situationally-bound. I always try to consider things in perspective. Heavily scripted MC aside, and I think others have mentioned this also, this is actually the first time that we see SJH acting this way, and only with KJK. At no other time, and with no other member can I remember her be at the receiving end of very casual, almost off-hand like he always does it so he really doesn't even realize it, touches from him. Like the episode with Suzy when he brushed against her thigh, or this recent episode when he pushed himself up to the bench by holding on to her knee. He does it casually, and she allows him to do it. I can't see her allowing anyone else on the cast to touch her so casually. It would look weird whether it's one of the 3 married members, LKS, or especially KG. Only KJK is allowed, apparently. And, no one either notices or questions it.

They're also very protective of each other. At least, they are aware enough of each other to want to help each other. When she got scared, she reached for him, and he flexed his arm (bent his elbow) to keep her from falling too hard. When he pushed himself up by holding to her knee, she crossed her arm to also help boost him. 

He may have threatened to kill her when she did her little catch-me routine, but their unconscious actions clearly show not only familiarity but caring/love. 

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1 hour ago, mn0096 said:

That would have been perfect for us shippers, but it would have been too much, too soon for many in the general RM fandom. Though, like you, I did imagine a few delulu scenarios myself. Something along the line of them hugging, holding tight, both getting shy, maybe a kiss or two (isn't it about time?), basically a full-on declaration. Absolutely better than any K-drama now or ever, really. I did say delulu, right? LOL


Maybe that's what happened that's why they didn't get much screen time. HAHAHAHA :tongue: But yeah, I agree that that would have been too much for others. But with them showing so much SA interactions recently, I keep on thinking that they are slowly warming up the idea of SA to the general fans of RM. With the members showing their support towards them as a couple ever since the Fortune Telling episode vocally (unlike before where they did it in a subtle way) they may be up to something.

One thing I do hope for, when the day comes where they announce their relationship, there will be a special episode dedicated to them showing the scenes that they cut and SA's BTS interactions.

1 hour ago, Adines Nugraha said:

must be because of his healty lifestyle and her natural beauty, but yeah, those two were daebak ! 

if you have questions, you should ask here, even if it's already been discussed. i don't think the sunbaes would mind it

who knows ? maybe it could open new perspectives to that topic


Not really a question but just an observation. Not also sure if this was discussed already. I was browsing some RM video clips in YT to look for an episode to watch next. Then I saw a clip from episode 254 where the some of the SNSD members were telling KG how to be an attractive man or something like that and they made KS an example where they said they like him because he's caring towards JH while they were eating dinner/lunch when KS took some pork belly (?) from their table. They thought he was going to eat it but instead, he gave it to JH. Then all of a sudden, JK implied that that was KS's plan all along, quite adamantly, may I add. I would have expected that kind of reaction from HH or even KG or JS but not him.


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Guest athoughtcloud1

@linzer03 Welcome back dear. Missed your insights! :)

@mn0096 Please ask whatever doubts/questions you have. We will try to answer to the best of our abilities. Btw to that question about how JK's relationships have not yet been caught by Dispatch, I have a few assumptions.I remember Tony Ahn saying on 'Ugly Duckling' that many of his relationships were known to the Press during his heydays and he later came to know from them that they had kept quiet since they had some regard for him. He may put it that way and there might be some truth to it (i.e. you should have a good relationship with the media and some of these journos may be fans of the idols/stars and may want to protect them) but I am pretty sure that they are paid as well. Also, I think if you have good contacts like JK has, it helps. There are cases where Dispatch have outed big stars with a lot of clout in the industry, but generally, I think they do it at a time when they know it is a serious relationship which will culminate in marriage.

I agree about HJY. She takes on a flirty persona onscreen and does it well. Think the RM guys also don't take her flirting that seriously and just tease her about it.

@Nina Negru I think you should make a video and add in all that you mentioned. Since this has ziplines as well as zombie houses, it combines the RM members' weak points - fear of heights as well as ghosts. And that bridge mission sounds exciting! If you emphasize that bridge-solving riddle and the name-tag ripping, I think the Producers will feel they can do a lot of things there. Feel they went for the Diamond Park since it had something new, so maybe you should focus on something they are looking for plus something unique. The majority of the videos were by Koreans, but one was there from Mexico, so do give it a shot! Like that time one of the SA fans here got lucky with her question for the Q&A episode, who knows! Anything can happen!

I really wish they choose SA for the next penalty and if it is SA, I wish they would get a mission that truly challenges them since they are the only ones who can do stuff like this!

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Guest athoughtcloud1
33 minutes ago, tunanoona said:

Then I saw a clip from episode 254 where the some of the SNSD members were telling KG how to be an attractive man or something like that and they made KS an example where they said they like him because he's caring towards JH while they were eating dinner/lunch when KS took some pork belly (?) from their table. They thought he was going to eat it but instead, he gave it to JH. Then all of a sudden, JK implied that that was KS's plan all along, quite adamantly, may I add. I would have expected that kind of reaction from HH or even KG or JS but not him.


I was also watching that episode recently and had the exact same thought. I felt JK got a bit jealous there since they were talking about JH and was therefore trying his hardest to downplay KS' sincerity. But as it always happens when JK talks indirectly about JH, some member will always go "Why are you so bothered? Go get a girl friend" and JK will protest and keep quiet. Like that time JH indirectly complained about how JK should put more thought into his gifts for her and not give her flowers and songs in that Byul episode! JK got offended and said it was not the gift that was wrong, but the occasion and reminded her that she had perfectly enjoyed it when he had gifted her baby's breath when she was with her girlfriends and then things got awkward (going a bit delu here, but I guess you got the point), so Haha and JS were like "you only know how to hold dumb bells, not flowers. Go get a girlfriend!"

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@tunanoona -- Yep, if they ever do declare, I hope RM will dedicate an episode to their developing relationship over the years, as well. Then again, if RM is still around when they go public, I'm very sure that RM will not only dedicate an episode, the whole thing might turn out to be its own multi-episodes "global race." :) After all, ratings seem to go up when it comes to KJK's "real" relationships (like his blind date). If they declare, it won't get any more real. RM may even pay for the wedding and broadcast for ratings, a la Kim K. Of course, since it's rare to have real life couples be on screen, the declaration and/or wedding (delulu, right?) may signal the exit of SA from RM. 

Like @athoughtcloud1 said, about the newest global race, since SA was largely left out (in my opinion, maybe purposely) hopefully they'll be the ones to go this time. It's not necessarily going to be a punishment, right? It will be redundant to have the same ones go, even if it's just 2 people. Though they may want to push the LKS-JSM equation. Who knows? I just got really suspicious when , if I understood the rules correctly, one person will pick another to go with. The first 2 I thought of, of course, was SA. Wouldn't that be great? Imagine SA on a real date, sanctioned and all. Even better, yes, please challenge them. I agree that one possible reason SA was left out of the recent scare was that neither one was going to be too scared. Maybe SJH, but with him right next to her, he'll probably just punch a few ghosts, and the ghosts will be scared, not him. Though, that 's actually a very funny scenario in itself. Here's hoping. 

BTW, was the Australia fanmeet cancelled? Someone mentioned that on SNS. I hope not, since I've been looking forward to more SA moments. Can someone confirm? Thanks. 


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2 hours ago, saissuspicious said:

Actually I'm not korean but I can read and write hangul, and when there's a caption I'm curious about I just try to write the hangul part and use google translater it's accurate most of the time. I didn't rewatch the episode so I don't remember but I think yeah that's what it said, also the other two captions said "what if you get caught and die" and "the death and life of a brother and a sister" and for this one "kkukie hyung gwa jabgi nol-i" here's the translation I found "playing with a brother and a sister".  

It's funny enough that SA keeps using the family excuse, but it will be rididulous if RM is trying to replace LKS with KJK. Kwangmong and SA have always given off different vibes, siblings vs. (possible) lovers. Doing a switcheroo just because RM is trying to pair off LKS with JSM will not only be weird, but really dangerous with her being so new. Also, as others have pointed out, it's even becoming obvious to some non-SA shippers that there's more to SA than just being siblings. Plus, why push for SA being siblings while allowing HH and others to push for SA to kiss and date? 

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@mn0096 Well, I suppose they have to explain spartace interactions somehow. I think it's reached the point where they can't leave spartace unexplained (there are too many people suspicious of them) but they also can't cut scenes and pretend that spartace doesn't exist like they used to (not after the firing scandal and that spartace is a very popular pairing that attracts a number of their viewers). But it's pretty clear that spartace isn't ready to announce they're dating (I suspect because they believe they cannot both stay on RM once it is announced), so that leaves RM with the questions of how do we show their relationship but not encourage suspicions that they're dating? The easiest answer seems to be "Uh, they're siblings. RM is one big family." You would be surprised how often people are willing to pull out the siblings excuse as the reason spartace is not dating, so it is an effective excuse. Even though as a person with older brothers, I can guarantee you that is not how siblings act around each other.

Honestly, spartace has been such a wasted pairing on RM for awhile now, and I really hope that the LKS-JSM pairing actually lets spartace evolve. SJH's only real dynamic has been with LKS for awhile now, but if LKS is going to be in a love line with JSM, then SJH needs a new dynamic. Fingers crossed that it's KJK, because I think SJH tends to be at her best variety self when KJK is around.


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1 hour ago, mn0096 said:

Thanks for putting things in perspective. While certain rules about skinship are similar regardless of culture (e.g. Varying levels of modesty specially in public, respect, etc. ), many rules are culturally as well as situationally-bound. I always try to consider things in perspective. Heavily scripted MC aside, and I think others have mentioned this also, this is actually the first time that we see SJH acting this way, and only with KJK. At no other time, and with no other member can I remember her be at the receiving end of very casual, almost off-hand like he always does it so he really doesn't even realize it, touches from him. Like the episode with Suzy when he brushed against her thigh, or this recent episode when he pushed himself up to the bench by holding on to her knee. He does it casually, and she allows him to do it. I can't see her allowing anyone else on the cast to touch her so casually. It would look weird whether it's one of the 3 married members, LKS, or especially KG. Only KJK is allowed, apparently. And, no one either notices or questions it.

They're also very protective of each other. At least, they are aware enough of each other to want to help each other. When she got scared, she reached for him, and he flexed his arm (bent his elbow) to keep her from falling too hard. When he pushed himself up by holding to her knee, she crossed her arm to also help boost him. 

He may have threatened to kill her when she did her little catch-me routine, but their unconscious actions clearly show not only familiarity but caring/love. 

i don't remember which episode, but SJH gets angry when one of the members touch her head. but a total treatment given to KJK, and KJK only. he's allowed to touch her head, not only once, but many times in different episode, and she's kind enjoyed it too. 

one lovely scene would be in one of the FM when KJK kiss his left palm and then patted SJH's head B)

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Good job guys i love that the page moves so fast.. keep on posting bcoz i love to read ur tots :)

In the recent eps 354, before HH joined SA for wefie i guess JK already snap some of photos of him n JH.. *first selfie pic, before the pic with VJs* I imagine there's a lots of unknown/private pics in his phone hehe *we know that its so rare for him to post a pic which has JH in it on his IG*

Even tho each of them have their own gopro cam on hand still we get less airtime from them.. PD/editor must have a hard time to edit their part LOL! Thats y we got fast forward video from JK *which contained some SA moments* 

Tq fans in Japan who captured lots of un-aired BTS for example like below vid where I guess it looks like JH tap on JK shoulder? and protect herself from him hehe.. so so cute! She is so carefree when she's with JK n watch her lovely voice tone which so different when she's with other member. One more favorite scene was JK smile so big after he got kicked by JH :wub:

In eps 249, after they both choose white jjajang n have a car ride together, i really want to see that footage to hear what would they discuss when only both of them alone :tongue: even alone HH got his footage aired.. did they switch off the camera or something but at least we got the cute selfie of them before entering the restaurant~




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17 minutes ago, yumiyumi17 said:

Tq fans in Japan who captured lots of un-aired BTS for example like below vid where I guess it looks like JH tap on JK shoulder? and protect herself from him hehe.. so so cute! She is so carefree when she's with JK n watch her lovely voice tone which so different when she's with other member. One more favorite scene was JK smile so big after he got kicked by JH :wub:


Well just a thought. I think maybe she tapped his shoulder not so sure but then she was scared of some bug as she moved back in a posture of someone avoiding bugs, then we have HAHA and KJK notice it, but once the bug flies away they continue to walk at the same pace. This is what I think, I could be wrong :) 

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3 hours ago, athoughtcloud1 said:


No, I feel this is old. There was some fancam of JH and JSJ at Haha's restaurant a few months back. Perhaps it is the same. The others can clarify if they do remember.

That was taken on 16th August last year, just the day after JH's birthday. Only haha and Sukjin were there.

@saissuspicious Btw just saying my_songjihyo_ isn't JH's official account but my_songjihyo. Not sure whether you've mistaken or not.

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48 minutes ago, linzer03 said:

But it's pretty clear that spartace isn't ready to announce they're dating (I suspect because they believe they cannot both stay on RM once it is announced), so that leaves RM with the questions of how do we show their relationship but not encourage suspicions that they're dating? The easiest answer seems to be "Uh, they're siblings. RM is one big family."

I too suspect any annoucement soon. There's defenitely a change in the way RM PDs treat SA interaction and the way they show it on-screen and especially with BTS pictures. Starting from the way they cut the hug SJH gave to KJK in the welcoming episode of SJM and YSC and showing it on bts, then sharing SA bts pictures again while playing the water games in episode 338, they have been avoiding to team up those two for a couple of episodes, then all of a sudden we have SJH's explosive craving  skinship with KJK when she is used to be cautious about her interaction with him on camera due to her loveline, now she choose to show her closeness to KJK and she is the one initiating the skinship which most of the time are those flirtatious interactions PDs have been struggling to rename as "siblings showing affections". Apart from PDs conception of SA, I think KJK and SJH view how their interaction on RM should be displayed differently. KJK is on guard most of the time and distancing himself from SJH as many people are focusing on them since Gary's depature and the rumors of them being kicked of RM because they are dating and all of those rumors we read on social media. However SJH seems like I don't care anymore and let's act the way we want, we have been apart for so long now and rumors have been there for so long. I think she is OK with down playing any rumors of them dating by pushing the "siblings" excuse. That's why we have only KJK and SJH interaction almost always explained as "siblings" captions whenever some skinship or flirtatious moment surface between those two. Actually we need to wait for more episodes especially with female guests to see how SA combination would go. I expect a jealous SJH more than a jealous KJK seeing how she has been reacting recently. Regarding Hong Jin Yong being paired with KJK, I don't see it threatening to SJH and it won't make her jealous as she knows how HJY is and SJH is pretty close to her unless there's a lot of teasing or a responding KJK, remember how she reacted when KJK blowed the dust out of HJY's eye :) anyway we have to wait and see.  

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27 minutes ago, chelseafjl8 said:

@saissuspicious Btw just saying my_songjihyo_ isn't JH's official account but my_songjihyo. Not sure whether you've mistaken or not.

Love how protective you are of SJH, but yes I know this is not sjh's official IG and as you can see I don't follow this account, I do follow SJH on her official instagram account made by her company but I shared this from this account to get information related to the video they shared as I wanted to know if the video is a recent one or not :wink: 

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Spartace is  definitely a lot of wait and see. I've been following this ship long enough, I think, where now I don't take a sudden increase in spartace moments to mean anything. When we get multiple months of consistant and obvious spartace, then I'll talk lol. Until then I'll just believe the PDs are throwing us shippers a bone every now and then.

I feel like KJK and SJH tend to alternate days on who's fine with being seen by viewers and who's not. I remember the alphabet race where KJK was trying to get SJH's attention constantly. There's probably a lot of bts stuff we don't know.

The HJY dust in the eye incident happened way back in 2014 where, I think, KJK and SJH were still a relatively new couple, so they probably were less secure than they are now. I doubt there will be any crazy jealousy from SJH in the HJY ep now like there was in MGY episodes, but we might catch a glimpse here and there if the love line rubs SJH the wrong way at any moment. I mean, KJK never really got over MC and I'm sure he knew that there was nothing between SJH and KG.

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13 hours ago, athoughtcloud1 said:


I was also watching that episode recently and had the exact same thought. I felt JK got a bit jealous there since they were talking about JH and was therefore trying his hardest to downplay KS' sincerity. But as it always happens when JK talks indirectly about JH, some member will always go "Why are you so bothered? Go get a girl friend" and JK will protest and keep quiet. Like that time JH indirectly complained about how JK should put more thought into his gifts for her and not give her flowers and songs in that Byul episode! JK got offended and said it was not the gift that was wrong, but the occasion and reminded her that she had perfectly enjoyed it when he had gifted her baby's breath when she was with her girlfriends and then things got awkward (going a bit delu here, but I guess you got the point), so Haha and JS were like "you only know how to hold dumb bells, not flowers. Go get a girlfriend!"


I remember JS saying to him also during that episode that he's the jealous type. LOL.

He's always like that when JH and KS act caring towards each other. Like in the episode where KS cut himself after a mission and JH acted like a noona and took care of her little brother. Also noticed that his partner, told him that JH was holding a bandaid or something like that.


For someone who looks at someone as a sister taking care of their younger brother, he really is making a fuss out of it. 



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On 08/06/2017 at 2:10 PM, athoughtcloud1 said:

But this is also a phase where the others are starting to notice their interactions especially since they are becoming much more obvious in front of the camera. Look at JSJ here who looks at JK with  what seems to me some disapproval as though JK is doing something he shouldn't be doing. 

Actually when I first saw this in the episode I was like "Aren't they becoming closer? Aren't they more affectionate lately". Yeah definitely those two are closer and they are "showing affection toward each other". Touching this part of a woman's arm in an intimate gesture is a way to show affection and closeness that's why we have this look on JSJ's face like saying "Am I seeing right? When did they become so close?" Also you can see KS checking the same scene witnessed by JSJ. This whole scene remind me of the time KJK caressed SJH's upper part of the arm in a similar way in episode 207 while waiting for the fate of JSJ's team. Actually episode 207 is one of my favorite ones.

First of all, at 0:07 we have KJK turning back to check SJH reaction after the female in JSJ team choose him as a rival so she can win because KJK is known for loosing to women as a gentmanlary act. KJK glance back at SJH while explaining with a sweet glance that he won't loose at 0:20. When KJK took his time trying to win the game, the RM members started to protest and then what's unexpected is SJH hitting KJK and asking him "what are you doing?" it's a first for her, because I remember every time KJK loose to female guests, SJH was either emotionless, occupied with something else or just having this ambigus smile on her face like in episode 166 when KJK lost against Park Shin Hye, we couldn't see her face as it was covered with the towel, but she never complained about it on screen expect when he lost to MGY. Since then it's the first time I think SJH exploded to KJK (correct me if I'am wrog) that's why we have YJS saying "SJH is mad" after KJK win against the girl. However YJS continued with "are you going to date her?" when asking KJK but he faced and looked at SJH and right after, we have the camera focus on a smiling face of SJH. Another suspicious thing and it was discussed before, is that when Kim Jedong said to HAHA "is this a way to talk to your sister-in-law?" then HAHA with a cunning face asked "who is my sister-in-law?" it's the same face haha makes when it's about an inside joke. hahahahhaha anyway this episode has the secretly holding hands of SA while pretending to protect KS and many other moments.

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