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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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Hi everyone, regarding yesterday's episode there isn't much to point out. First of all, we can't say much about SA interaction in this episode as all yellow team got is 3 minutes of screen time and I think we won't get much for next week's episode as well. But one thing for sure KJK is on guard mode and trying his best to limit his interaction with SJH so one thing occured to me is that the dating teasing made by HAHA was broadcasted without his consent. Because someone as KJK who's a variety show veteran would know how that kind of teasing "regarding him dating SJH" could attract much attention to their interaction and for the meticulous person who is, he would never agree to it being broadcasted if he is not going to be more open with his interaction with SJH. The most interesting thing is SJH whispering to KJK, seeing the over all environement, I can't see the need for SJH to whisper to KJK as there wasn't any kind of mission or specific situation so why not share the discussion with HAHA? For me it seemed like SJH needed to tell something only to KJK as it is more personal or intimate that's why she excluded HAHA from hearing it. Another thing that seemed strange is the fact that despite Russia team's failure they gave KJK a chance to save one of his team members and for me the PDs knew it's going to be super awkward for KJK and SJH to go alone to Yokohama that's why they counted it as a success for Russia team and that's the mere reason we have HAHA and SA as a team. For KJK, HAHA was the only choice as they need KS for the Labyrinth of Ghosts to make it funny, YSC would make it more awkward for those two so HAHA is the best choice he could make. 

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13 hours ago, julia147 said:
I like KS and SM part though,  when SM asked for the bracelet, she left and KS bought it for her.
that's so sweet. she didnt expect to receive the gift, i believe that she didnt really ask for it or get mad at KS for refusing.
the way she got upset is quite cute, like a child didnt receive what she wanted but not in the bad way. 
i mean they will be normal again when they walked to the car even if KS didnt buy it for her.
but i wonder if they try to develop anything further, a new loveline? but KS is young, SM is new, it probably not a good idea to pair them up since there are still fan who have negative thought about SM and KS is popular with his 'easy to fell in love with every girl' character.
a permanent couple seem...weird... lol

SM fit in the group so fast, she can open up to everyone now, even SJ, she didnt show any hesitate when saying her mischievous side and teasing other.



 For me was really funny JS comment about KS and SM kid been another level of traitor. 

I think we will have more SA moments next week as they will have to reveal how many phantoms will be added and why.

Regarding the Russia and Mongolia missions, they were really unfair the logical was that both teams fail or both teams be able to exclude 1 member I feel they make that twist just to avoid SA been alone in Japan and chose Haha as he is the member that bright out more fun moments of JH and JK


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i cant clearly see what were JH have to get that she leaned to JK side. i guess that were extra seasoning.

but honestly, normally, i will get the item near to me so i dont have to lean that much, but JH had something to do with it for the whole time and JK look at his right, ignored her, maybe checking the camera? 

and they didnt really have direct-face scene. only to HH when he received the call.

JK is so huge that we cant see JH at all, and HH, normally its not a good scene but they still decide to chose it. 

maybe because there is something about other scenes that they cant use.

But i think there were more SA moments, that's why scene is side scene and so awkward, we dont know what were they doing, it is like they broadcast it  because they have to show us what the team was doing.but there was no meaning of that scene until HH got called (no order/no argue on what to eat/no talk about other team/no expression about the restaurant ect)



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Guest athoughtcloud1

There is another SA moment though they have partially edited it out. This is when Se Chan says JK must be carrying 30 shorts in his suitcase. After JK says "what he said is accurate" and turns to Haha who then tells him SC is making fun of him, you can see JH coming forward a bit and also telling something to someone on her right beginning with "oppa...". They have cut JH out and only show JK and Se Chan's faces after that. Think JH also doesn't say anything more after JK passes it to Se Chan and her attention shifts to what is behind her after JS points at something (may be at the suitcase). But JH kind of looks a bit angry when she says "oppa.." and her attention is directed to the person on her right and I think it is to Se Chan. So I feel  either she is scolding Se Chan or she is heatedly defending JK. May be she thought it was rude coming from Se Chan who is a newbie and so many years younger to JK? Se Chan was obviously referring to his and JK's exchange last time at the airport and I think JK took it as cool. But perhaps since JH didn't know the context of Se Chan's comment, she was scolding Se Chan or else defending JK? Found it cute!

This isn't much. Just found it really cute how JH kept her suitcase really close to JK's. There wasn't much space for SM to stand, so it is understandable. Still found it cute how she didn't hold it in front like the rest were doing and pushed it to the side so that hers and JK's were touching.



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Guest athoughtcloud1
On 2017-6-5 at 9:04 AM, julia147 said:

but KS is young, SM is new, it probably not a good idea to pair them up since there are still fan who have negative thought about SM and KS is popular with his 'easy to fell in love with every girl' character.
a permanent couple seem...weird... lol


I am also not a big fan of lovelines. In my case, I see lovelines as forcing people into becoming characters they are not. For instance, while I appreciate KS buying that bracelet for SM, I hope it doesn't lead to set up scenes. KS is someone who is silently attentive to the women around him, no matter who it is. Even without the highlighting, you can see KS taking care of So Min. They also have a really comfortable equation where they can say anything to each other's faces. But with a loveline, there are certain expected staple moments. KS  will have to overact his emotions when he is asked to create loveline moments. Hope the production team retains the naturalness of their interactions while creating a loveline coz I think both of them are funny together without forced moments added in. 

Then there is the fear of the expectations a loveline builds. I hope the PD team has learnt its lessons from MC and let KS and SM retain their bickering equation. Hope the others as well as the production team don't take it to a 'they could date and get married' scenario they did with MC.  Add to that, the expectations of a shipper fandom. We know even our fandom, which is unofficial and only gets crumbs of fan service from the production team, has its share of entitled shippers who want SA to act lovey dovey all the time and love JK or JH only as long as they do that (saw a few comments like that on insta after this episode). The good thing is it seems like SM and KS hang out together outside the show and are comfortable with each other, so hopefully they can work together to create something that gives them enough breathing space. They are both actors and will have to work with someone else in their projects. Would be a pity if what happened to JH and Gary happens again with these two.

Based on the position of JK's plate and glass, seems like he is sitting closer to JH than he is in the photo.  

The lack of SA moments I attribute to less screentime (they got just 3 minutes) and the heavy editing (for instance, JH's reaction getting edited out  in the case mentioned above as well as the no action scenes from the restaurant that @julia147 mentioned) as well as the fact that two of them have their guard up (especially JK).  The angles of the shots at the restaurant were really really weird. For instance, why show such a weird angle when the waiter is coming with their dishes which should be the highlight of the scene? I guess with JH whispering in JK's ear, that seemed the best angle for the PD. With the way it was edited, only us hawk-eyed shippers would have noticed JH  whispering in JK's ear and JK  nodding and telling her something with his hand near his cheek. LOL 


18 hours ago, saissuspicious said:

Another thing that seemed strange is the fact that despite Russia team's failure they gave KJK a chance to save one of his team members and for me the PDs knew it's going to be super awkward for KJK and SJH to go alone to Yokohama that's why they counted it as a success for Russia team and that's the mere reason we have HAHA and SA as a team. For KJK, HAHA was the only choice as they need KS for the Labyrinth of Ghosts to make it funny, YSC would make it more awkward for those two so HAHA is the best choice he could make. 


Insightful! I too feel this could be a major reason why the Russian team was selected over the Mongolian team.

Sometimes I wonder whether there is any point having an SA couple race unless they are in a phase where they have worked out their onscreen interaction coz they are both so awkward when left alone in front of the camera and hence act so formally with each other. 

@ccio Really clear gifs of one of my favourite SA moments. Thanks!

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Hello, everyone. And, welcome to new forum members, though I'm one myself. :) 

This is not in response to any one specific recent post, though I've enjoyed reading every one. I simply want to get your takes on something that's been on my mind quite a bit lately. I'm sure the general topic of shipping celebrities has been addressed previously, but would still like to know what you think. 

As I previously posted, I've never followed or shipped celebrities in my life. Only KJK (by extension SJH) and SA. I know myself well enough to say for certainty that beyond those two and their (supposed) relationship, I will never follow anyone else. I have my own personal reasons for liking KJK, and of course SA is so cute (and appears so genuine), but it seems that other fans of celebrities and shipping at large are so obsessed that I get not only uncomfortable but also embarrassed reading their comments. NOT HERE. ALL OF YOU SEEM VERY LEVEL-HEADED, THAT'S WHY I JOINED THE FORUM. But elsewhere, it's a mess. A few people, and they seem to be the same ones whether on IG, FB, or Twitter, take everything so seriously that they start attacking the moment they don't like something. I'm being intentionally vague here, but if you've been on SNS, you'll know exactly who I'm talking about. They seem to be different people, but also the same ones. Either their neighborhood is getting bigger, or they're lashing out because many have moved out of the neighborhood and property values are going down from all the vacancies. They call themselves SA shippers, but attack KJK relentlessly, with lots of sarcasm, wondering "what's wrong with him," smirking that he wants JSM, making him look like a desperate fool, etc.  Also, posting sexually explicit things about SA, supposedly to support KJK and SJH. WT ***! 

Sorry about the rant. If people don't know that shipping should be enjoyable, and not all consuming to the point where celebrities become puppets to shippers' wild and sometimes absurd imaginations, those people need to learn about shipping, or get a real life beyond reality shows and SK entertainment, in general.

Thank you to all for expressing yourselves clearly but with lots of respect for all forum members, especially those who see things differently from you. And, thank you for respecting the celebrities themselves. 

Rant's over. I hope you understand. Have a wonderful rest of the day. Peace, everyone.

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Guest athoughtcloud1
1 hour ago, mn0096 said:

Hello, everyone. And, welcome to new forum members, though I'm one myself. :) 

This is not in response to any one specific recent post, though I've enjoyed reading every one. I simply want to get your takes on something that's been on my mind quite a bit lately. I'm sure the general topic of shipping celebrities has been addressed previously, but would still like to know what you think. 

As I previously posted, I've never followed or shipped celebrities in my life. Only KJK (by extension SJH) and SA. I know myself well enough to say for certainty that beyond those two and their (supposed) relationship, I will never follow anyone else. I have my own personal reasons for liking KJK, and of course SA is so cute (and appears so genuine), but it seems that other fans of celebrities and shipping at large are so obsessed that I get not only uncomfortable but also embarrassed reading their comments. NOT HERE. ALL OF YOU SEEM VERY LEVEL-HEADED, THAT'S WHY I JOINED THE FORUM. But elsewhere, it's a mess. A few people, and they seem to be the same ones whether on IG, FB, or Twitter, take everything so seriously that they start attacking the moment they don't like something. I'm being intentionally vague here, but if you've been on SNS, you'll know exactly who I'm talking about. They seem to be different people, but also the same ones. Either their neighborhood is getting bigger, or they're lashing out because many have moved out of the neighborhood and property values are going down from all the vacancies. They call themselves SA shippers, but attack KJK relentlessly, with lots of sarcasm, wondering "what's wrong with him," smirking that he wants JSM, making him look like a desperate fool, etc.  Also, posting sexually explicit things about SA, supposedly to support KJK and SJH. WT ***! 

Sorry about the rant. If people don't know that shipping should be enjoyable, and not all consuming to the point where celebrities become puppets to shippers' wild and sometimes absurd imaginations, those people need to learn about shipping, or get a real life beyond reality shows and SK entertainment, in general.

Thank you to all for expressing yourselves clearly but with lots of respect for all forum members, especially those who see things differently from you. And, thank you for respecting the celebrities themselves. 

Rant's over. I hope you understand. Have a wonderful rest of the day. Peace, everyone.

I do use insta, but not that much, so may not know as much as the regular users. But I think I know who you are talking about. I just saw one person like that though. Didn't know there were more like that.  Either that person is a JK anti pretending to be an SA shipper or a shipper who really needs medical help. 

I worry that if SA turn out to be not real in the future, there will be such judgemental attitude from some SA shippers - like the ship sank coz JK was doing this or JH was doing that. So many of us mocked MC shippers for acting like they owned Gary and JH, for sending them hate comments whenever they acted close with someone of the opposite sex. What is the difference between SA shippers and MC shippers if we also behave along the same lines? As if we shippers are entitled to having our fantasies come true! Some shippers get worried when SA don't act close in front of the camera and believe JK and JH need to give them something all the time so that they can keep their faith. They are not even the official loveline (we haven't even been told by the production team to see them in a romantic light), they haven't ever told us they are real and they don't owe us anything.  Such shippers act as if shipping, instead of something meant to be light and fun, a personal thing, is a contract between their  biases in the ship and them.They love JK and JH only as long as they are together. If not, they stop not only loving them, they  start hating them too coz well they didn't turn out to like someone the shippers chose for them. Yeah, right! 

Like you said, my only advice to such people is: get your life back and let JK n JH lead theirs with or without each other. They have every right to theirs! 

I love both of them individually and will support them no matter who they end up with. Like I keep saying, there are no guarantees of happily ever afters in real life and these are real people we ship.

That is one of the reasons I love the Chinese SA shippers on baidu. They have been saying this for years, "if SA end up together, we will bless the two of them. If they don't and end up with somebody else, we will bless the four of them". That is how it should be!


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@mn0096 In every aspect of life you will find people that join a group to enjoy with others that like the same (as us in this forum) and people with not so establish mints that surpass the normal boundaries; this type of people just need to be ignored as giving them attention only infatuate their sick minds.

I completely understand your point as I always thought that shippers were people without personal life until I get in love with the way this two look at each other you can say I simply feel the magic between them a magic that still is there at the point they need to avoid its self as wen they look at each other eyes the sparkle and smile they have can't be hidden

I consider myself first a Running Man fan as I first loved the show and all members interactions, secondly, I am a JH fan as I love her strong woman portrait making me proud that she represent all of us in the show and in third place a Spartace Shipper.

The beauty of this forum is that you can see that some were first JK fans and some other JH fans first but at the end for been spatacer we just want that this 2 be happy, healthy and productive 

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Guest athoughtcloud1

The variety equation that began awkwardly (for me at least) with JK as the Sergeant General and the others trying hard to please him in the Russian team finally clicked in this episode and it was pretty funny to watch their team interactions. Also I was happy to see KookSoo back on track. In the middle of the firing fiasco, at the year-end awards, it was clear SBS wanted to retain the Yoo-Lee combination and the fortune-telling segment also made a not that subtle reference to how KS should stay away from JK and be closer to JS who would nurture him. After things went back to normal, we have more team combinations where KookSoo are on the same team. Since KookSoo has also been a major part of JK's variety equations on the show, I felt KookSoo rediscovering their equation on the show (especially in this episode) did help JK find his groove back. Therefore, I really enjoyed watching LKS' blind date in this episode. After long, got to watch a KookSoo interaction that was fresh and funny.

Think they were playing up the variety quotient with LKS deciding not to communicate harder in the broken English he knows (no 'i love you dasha's) and JK deciding not to translate anything for KS, but it worked really well for me. I love LKS when he is more toned down since he can produce brilliant stuff (LOLd when he asked JK to take his seat since otherwise Dasha's head would permanently become like that) and he was quite hilarious and adorable throughout. I was also quite happy to see the chilled out tourist Kookie riding his segway like a little boy, singing out his jingle and laughing out loud at KS' bitter comments. This was a segment where I got to re-discover JK's manly charms. LOL He is hot, well-mannered and also comfortable to be around, so can quite understand why Dasha gave him all the attention. Part of it is the language barrier and part of it is KS' variety persona - either he acts too shy or over-aggressive in front of the women he supposedly likes, so that can make women not really familiar with his gag-man avatar a bit uncomfortable. But then I also felt JK was more Dasha's type than KS. LOL Also found it sweet how JK was all concern when KS fell off his segway. KS there seemed like a kid who wanted his neglectful parent's attention and JK, while amused, was all 'are you hurt?' and sweetly coaching him on how to ride the segway. I really enjoyed the editing and the captions of that segment. I wish Kooksoo does a bit more of such stuff since it seems closer to their real selves than the usual aggressive bickering (usually on KS' side). Even in the Gina Darling video where she filmed their drive, poor KS was seated next to her while JK was at the back and since KS is not that fluent in English and kind of shy in front of more outgoing women, he looked really awkward looking out of the window for the most part. Haha, while he doesn't know that much English, is not at all shy when it comes to interacting with anybody, but KS seems to be quieter and shier in real life.

 I also felt that KS got a bit hurt that JK didn't choose him though it was known to all including him that there was no way JK could choose him since the production team really wanted him on that scary house tour. Wondered whether SJ's sudden interruption as JK went for the selection hug was to remind him not to choose KS! It was a difficult choice for JK as well - both Haha and KS are his closest dongsaengs and KS seems to be somebody who minds a bit when he gets passed over for somebody else (like that time Haha chose SJ over KS during his special). Though they have a variety relationship where they bully each other and though Yoo-Lee is the more popular combination these days, KookSoo do have a really strong bond where JK at times mothers him in real life. Therefore I felt JK also looked a bit regretful after his choice and was looking towards KS as though wondering whether KS minded being passed over. There is a part where JH can be seen whispering something  (she is near JS, but seems like she is talking to JK) and JK also can be seen saying something and looking towards KS, so I wondered whether she was asking him if KS would be okay or something like that. 

But I enjoyed seeing a bit of the tongue-in cheek Kookie in this episode with his 'no-look suitcase pass' and all.

On the other hand, I felt it was quite unfair to send the Mongolian team on such a wild goose chase. In situations where a team loses due to external factors and not coz they are unable to fulfil the mission, think the PDs should be more considerate. This time, the Mongolian team's mission didn't have that many moments for me except for JH being her usual wonder mong self. I think what is awesome about JH is not that she does things nobody expects her to, but that she does it without making a big deal out of it. It was only when JS asked JH how she had found the udders that one got to see how she went by her instinct even though the milking was an unknown territory for her too. Even though she needn't have worked as hard as the rest and was only given the task of choosing one scapegoat, she worked the hardest among her team in the mission. 

While I get the division into 2 teams, I am afraid of a scenario where it turns into an unlucky 5 instead of an unlucky 3.  Also, I don't find it that exciting when the production team stacks the odds against KS and think it would have been more fun if the other members had to also seriously compete against KS for the tour to the scary house on their own. 

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47 minutes ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

I do use insta, but not that much, so may not know as much as the regular users. But I think I know who you are talking about. I just saw one person like that though. Didn't know there were more like that.  Either that person is a JK anti pretending to be an SA shipper or a shipper who really needs medical help. 

I worry that if SA turn out to be not real in the future, there will be such judgemental attitude from some SA shippers - like the ship sank coz JK was doing this or JH was doing that. So many of us mocked MC shippers for acting like they owned Gary and JH, for sending them hate comments whenever they acted close with someone of the opposite sex. What is the difference between SA shippers and MC shippers if we also behave along the same lines? As if we shippers are entitled to having our fantasies come true! Some shippers get worried when SA don't act close in front of the camera and believe JK and JH need to give them something all the time so that they can keep their faith. They are not even the official loveline (we haven't even been told by the production team to see them in a romantic light), they haven't ever told us they are real and they don't owe us anything.  Such shippers act as if shipping, instead of something meant to be light and fun, a personal thing, is a contract between their  biases in the ship and them.They love JK and JH only as long as they are together. If not, they stop not only loving them, they  start hating them too coz well they didn't turn out to like someone the shippers chose for them. Yeah, right! 

Like you said, my only advice to such people is: get your life back and let JK n JH lead theirs with or without each other. They have every right to theirs! 

I love both of them individually and will support them no matter who they end up with. Like I keep saying, there are no guarantees of happily ever afters in real life and these are real people we ship.

That is one of the reasons I love the Chinese SA shippers on baidu. They have been saying this for years, "if SA end up together, we will bless the two of them. If they don't and end up with somebody else, we will bless the four of them". That is how it should be!


I really appreciate your input, and totally agree with you. Two weeks ago, we had lots of BTS photos and onscreen exchanges that showcased SA. Lots of SA shippers' hopes went into over-drive. This week, because of the very limited screen time and the seemingly cool interaction between SA, I see "fans" panicking and lashing out. As you said, these fans do act as "JK and JH need to give them something all the time so that they can keep their faith." That's beyond absurd to feel this way. SA don't owe anyone of us anything. They did not ask us to ship them. The choice is on us. It's been mentioned before, we're on a ship that's been on a roller coaster for 7+ years. It occasionally looks like it's floating, but it may very well sink at any time. And, that should be fine. 

Thank you for your statement about the Chinese fans. I will keep what they said in mind. Yes, I support 2 people right now, but will support 4 if SA don't end up as life partners. What a wonderful sentiment!

I'm glad you have an idea who I'm talking about. At least that tells me that I'm not overly sensitive because SA is being attacked. I always try to be fair and look at every comment or action from the other person's view, but sometimes it's hard when that view is way out there, and totally disrespectful. I'm also aware that not everyone who comments is the same age or has the same level of maturity. Still, words have consequences regardless of the commenter's age or maturity. And, to be honest, I don't know how many more like this person are out there, but I swear it seems like more than one, especially lately. Maybe it's just me.

On a different note, like many people, I was a bit disappointed with the extremely unfair (and nonsensical) lack of screen time for SA and HH this week, but I appreciated the observations that you and others provided. Thanks for providing some continuity from all the SA skinship of 2 weeks ago to the total lack of skinship this time around. Whether SBS wants to showcase SA or not, for the simple sake of continuity (a basic concept in story presentation), at least acknowledge or debunk something as significant as HH telling SA to date. A statement like that is not important only to SA shippers, but to RM fans in general. Don't ignore it. I wonder if RM writers, producers, and editors understand that they really suck. They probably don't.

Anyways, I always appreciate and enjoy your input. Thanks for the hard work on behalf of this forum. 

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42 minutes ago, cleo47012 said:

@mn0096 In every aspect of life you will find people that join a group to enjoy with others that like the same (as us in this forum) and people with not so establish mints that surpass the normal boundaries; this type of people just need to be ignored as giving them attention only infatuate their sick minds.

I completely understand your point as I always thought that shippers were people without personal life until I get in love with the way this two look at each other you can say I simply feel the magic between them a magic that still is there at the point they need to avoid its self as wen they look at each other eyes the sparkle and smile they have can't be hidden

I consider myself first a Running Man fan as I first loved the show and all members interactions, secondly, I am a JH fan as I love her strong woman portrait making me proud that she represent all of us in the show and in third place a Spartace Shipper.

The beauty of this forum is that you can see that some were first JK fans and some other JH fans first but at the end for been spatacer we just want that this 2 be happy, healthy and productive 

Thanks for your input. I really do appreciate it. And, yes, part of why I ship SA is that "magic" that you mentioned. It's hard to define and explain, but you know when you see it, right? I'm a reasonably logical person (at times), and I often choose my brain over my heart, but when it comes to SA, brain and heart seem to collide. I really admire both of them and see them as really good people. I see nothing wrong with innocently hoping the best for them. Good luck and wishes to the two of them. 

And, what a wonderful, supportive forum this is. Thanks, again.

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that is what i hate most about these so called shippers who claim to be fans of certain fandom, they claim to be shipping a couple but at the end of the day they are only doing so just to see how much followers they can received by pretending to be a true lovers of those person and when things fell through and don't go according to plan then they themselves start to comment unnecessary, rude and vile things about who they shipped just so that who is following them don't leave, sometime i would come up on some post while scrolling through search on Instagram and it is a shame to see what some of  these so called fan of mc would post about jh sometime i want to leave a comment but i just refrain myself from doing so because am not part of that fandom and its not showing up on my timeline line but they need to stop it and learn to respect jh, jk and gary as they would like to be respected because they did not asked to be shipped but we as person decide on that ourselves, they know us not just like how we don't know them so who are they to cast insult towards them and demanding that they should be together am so glad that those who shipped sa on insta that i follow are normal people and don't take thinks out of proportion like others do they tend to remain in their limits and not cross any line that is not suppose to cross only post when they have any information like their sweet little moments that are caught on screen and they don't tend to make up any richard simmons just to get people to follow them, that is one of the reason i like this forum also we don't exaggerate, forcing who we shipped to be together, we write what we feel and listen to others opinion here without getting angry or upset at anyone we all love both of who we ship individually and are hoping for the best for them whether or not the end up together or with someone else they are still our bias to me that what shipping should be like fun without any complication and learn to give up when the time come instead of creating mischief here and there and hurting the one who they claim to love.  

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Guest athoughtcloud1
7 minutes ago, mn0096 said:

I'm also aware that not everyone who comments is the same age or has the same level of maturity. Still, words have consequences regardless of the commenter's age or maturity. And, to be honest, I don't know how many more like this person are out there, but I swear it seems like more than one, especially lately. Maybe it's just me.


Thanks for your post. I totally get you. I also made the post coz I  am also a bit worried and fear this person won't be the last to say stuff like this. We are entering a phase where MC is dead and SA are being teased by their team-mates. That 'non-officiality' this shipper fandom prided on, which was our strength though it didn't seem such a good thing at that time, is not going to be there like before. People are getting impatient wondering whether SA are indeed real and why SA don't declare if they are together. Among this group, there may be people who have shipped them for 7 years and so really want them to be together now that they feel nothing is visibly holding SA back. And then there may be new fans who came when things were looking pretty bright for SA and want quick ends to their shipping journeys. What I am saying is that our fandom is also changing and that we have to be on guard against such tendencies. It is also a time to remember that this journey may also end in SA being with other people and that shouldn't change how we view them as people come whatever.

After being an SA shipper for a while now, I always feel scared when SA high moments arrive coz I fear even the more sensible SA fans may get all despondent and critical of either JK or JH in case things don't go according to what they expect in the next episode. It is not like there haven't been episodes like this before. We have always had a low after a high. Just that the expectations are so high these days that people can't see them in context.

I am glad that we have a lot of sane shippers on this forum and what has been heartening to see is how this episode didn't give the posters here any lows. But that is the same for most of the insta SA fans too. The accounts with the most followers continue to celebrate even the little SA moments like they have always done. They only need the SA whispering to be happy about, just that there are a few rotten apples like this.

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@mn0096 this is my first time being a shipper too :D 

usually, when people shipped celebrities, i just take a look for awhile and said to myself "okay, these two look good together......" and then just walk away, never think or mention about it anymore. 

different case happened to our SA. i watched RM mainly because of KJK, specially whenever he get teased about YEH. i knew about MC, but ignore it, well since it clear in my view that their interaction was scripted and so unnatural.  then i knew about SA through a video at youtube, accidently..........after i watched again some RM episodes, i came to realize how natural those two interact, to some extend that sometimes as if there's just the two of them in the world, LoL.

and i wonder why SJH was paired with KG, while her natural interaction and skinship was with KJK ? i really really wished that KJK and SJH will end up together, get married and live happily ever after

but, if in the end, things happen not as i wished it would be, i'm still fine with it. as long as the two of them happy.  because for me, their happiness is the most important, and i will always be their fans :D

i don't really mind if SA get limited time or being cut off or being in different team. maybe a little dissapointed, but definitely not panicking or lashing out.

just because they're not interact much on screen, doesn't mean they didn't interact out screen and after filming, right ? specially because somehow KJK and SJH like to spent time together outside RM too , LoL


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23 minutes ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

I am glad that we have a lot of sane shippers on this forum and what has been heartening to see is how this episode didn't give the posters here any lows. But that is the same for most of the insta SA fans too. The accounts with the most followers continue to celebrate even the little SA moments like they have always done. They only need the SA whispering to be happy about, just that there are a few rotten apples like this.

true !

i felt like that too :D

i already satisfied even if SA just standing next to each other

do remember that KJK and SJH is a shy person

it's just like in a real relationship, just because you and you're gf/bf didn't act lovey dovey, it doesn't mean you didn't love her/him, right ?

sometimes, just a nudge or holding hand is more than enough

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I think in regards of shipping and lovelines, I find my joy in seeing displayed affection&caring maybe because I consider myself a romantic. I usually ship real people/celebrities after finding out that they're really dating and stop shipping/caring if they've broken up. Spartace is actually the only couple that I ship that is not confirmed to be dating, but I started paying attention to them after seeing those little interactions that somehow prove that they're actually closer than what is shown on the show.

For a show, I think if done well, lovelines can really be interesting. I found myself enjoying some moments of various lovelines even from KJK's and SJH's but maybe that's because I can differentiate their characters on the show with themselves. I see lovelines as I see movies or as I read book, as fictional things aimed to entertain. Even with themselves, for SA for example, I think if they turn out to be dating other people or getting married with other people in the future, I believe I can also differentiate how they really are with how I expect/imagine them to be and will be okay with it.

With variety show, the line between their characters and their real selves are sometimes blurred, maybe that's why a lot of people take what they see on the show too seriously. I think it's a great thing to feel and care deeply about things and it's understandable that being too passionate makes you do too much (like how RM fans and SA fans were so protective and mad at how unfair they were being treated and end up making #FireGongHeeChul a thing) but I personally don't have that much energy to act out my dislike or disappointment, especially about something that I took for granted truly for entertainment purpose that has nothing to do with me directly, for example the private lives of KJK and SJH and my love for Spartace. If it turns out that they don't fit my idea of them (not dating or not being "lovey dovey"), I don't think I have the energy to be mad at them for not being the Spartace I imagined in my head. It's not like they're doing those things for the sole purpose of making my life miserable lol. 

You cannot choose what you like or dislike, what you love or hate, and I think it's naive to expect people to love everything and spread love everywhere but I'll never understand the need to go around assuring people why your hatred is justified by making up or imagining things, or to pay attention to the people you hate to look for every single wrong thing, or looking for their social media pages to comment mean and nasty things, and so on. I wish people just focus on the things they like, and move on if they no longer like the things they used to like.

I also consider myself a Running Man fans first. I love how the show used to make me super happy and even if it's no longer how it used to be, I appreciate the members and their effort to continuing the show, even the staffs. I have my favorites but I love all members and their interactions on the show and outside of it. As Spartace shipper, I believe I'll continue to support them together or not and I hope even if they don't end up together they will still be interacting with each other. I hope no fans will make them feel bad about how they choose to live their lives just because it doesn't fit how they imagine it to be. :D

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3 hours ago, athoughtcloud1 said:


Thanks for your post. I totally get you. I also made the post coz I  am also a bit worried and fear this person won't be the last to say stuff like this. We are entering a phase where MC is dead and SA are being teased by their team-mates. That 'non-officiality' this shipper fandom prided on, which was our strength though it didn't seem such a good thing at that time, is not going to be there like before. People are getting impatient wondering whether SA are indeed real and why SA don't declare if they are together. Among this group, there may be people who have shipped them for 7 years and so really want them to be together now that they feel nothing is visibly holding SA back. And then there may be new fans who came when things were looking pretty bright for SA and want quick ends to their shipping journeys. What I am saying is that our fandom is also changing and that we have to be on guard against such tendencies. It is also a time to remember that this journey may also end in SA being with other people and that shouldn't change how we view them as people come whatever.

After being an SA shipper for a while now, I always feel scared when SA high moments arrive coz I fear even the more sensible SA fans may get all despondent and critical of either JK or JH in case things don't go according to what they expect in the next episode. It is not like there haven't been episodes like this before. We have always had a low after a high. Just that the expectations are so high these days that people can't see them in context.

I am glad that we have a lot of sane shippers on this forum and what has been heartening to see is how this episode didn't give the posters here any lows. But that is the same for most of the insta SA fans too. The accounts with the most followers continue to celebrate even the little SA moments like they have always done. They only need the SA whispering to be happy about, just that there are a few rotten apples like this.

I have the exact thoughts (and fears) as you so clearly laid out here. I remember after the Taipei fanmeet, given the abundance of SA skinship and closeness, quite a few SA shippers, whose comments were usually guarded, started almost celebrating. I remember at least 1 person being so certain that SA was going public @ any moment. Of course, that turned out to be wrong. Since then, those people seemed to have regained a sense of reality, thankfully since they all appeared to be sane shippers over all. But if even these good folks got so excited, I fear what will happen with the more impatient and or new shippers in the future. Still, since we can't know the future, for now I'm glad that we all agree to ship happily, but with self and mutual respect, whether here or in another's platform.

I know that for me, I have so many things going on in my life that shipping SA is actually a fun activity, something I'm thankfully able to indulge in amidst my personal chaos. I don't plan on changing how I treat SA anytime soon, or ever actually.  I'm glad to be in a forum with like-minded individuals.

Thanks, guys. I appreciate everyone's input 

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Hi everyone, I've read most of the comments about SA being bashed on social media and on Instagram to be precise. Well I don't think it's coming from immature or impatient shippers as we all experienced those ups and downs moments between SA and we have never ranted about how SA interaction is never going the way we wanted it to be and even if some cases existed they were unnoticible that's why we all remember how proud we are of our selves being SA shippers. Actually I have noticed the existence and the increased number of those accounts from last week which means before last sunday's broadcast. And it goes back to the "infamous" SA fight, if you look closely you can notice some regular SA shippers being disappointed with KJK not for the person who is but because they felt uneasy with the lack of SA interaction and that lillte push to SJH's head made them think that there's something wrong with SA but despite that they never said anything bad about KJK. However, there was other acccounts lashing on KJK and saying disrespectful and hutful things about him and they used defending SJH as their excuse. I noticed that those same accounts started it again after the last episode's broadcast by spreading non-sense as to how KJK don't deserve SJH, that he is a bad guy just because there was minimum interaction between SA. This ship has always suffered from lack of on-screen moments of those two but never started a war on KJK or SJH, it was always the MC fans who insulted KJK whenever SJH displayed her affection towards him and they basically did it because they felt insecure about their ship. Now we have this same equation with SJH displaying her love to hug and "touch KJK's body" whenever she has the chance, so yeah we can see those harsh and hurtful comments about KJK surfacing again. As @athoughtcloud1 said, we should be vigilant about those comments as they could be counted as SA shippers and lead to some kind of uneasy and uncomfortable environement to our beloved couple. 

Many of you talked about the new direction JSM and LKS's relationship is taking. Well for me it was expected as they have been testing the viewers's reaction regarding this matter for a while. I think the PDs waited for international fans to accept JSM and YSC as new members first, because korean fans wasn't as opposing to the addition of the new members as international fans were. I remember YJS "the expert" tried to create a loveline between LKS and JSM from the first episode but it was put on hold as many fans wasn't welcoming of the idea at that time. So they tried to test the vibes with SA as they know this ship existed despite the strong MC fanbase at that time, so they thought that it's easier to make it the official loveline. But hopefully uri SA rejected the offer and I think it's a decision made by KJK more than SJH, because it has always been like this : "If you want to be real, date secretly, but if you don't want to turn real be a loveline" lol Actually real couple can't be in a loveline because they have to act about their relationship and think of their skinship and everything as an act to deliver moments of fake love to viewers and how awkward would it be if you go to filming and you have the PDs asking you to do some skinship or create a romantic scene with your lover in front of everyone, have you ever pictured it in your heads? I think that's the main reason in one of the last fanmeet, KJK kept on saying that SJH could do lovelines with guests but not with him. So maybe the JSM-LKS loveline is the only choice left with the PDs seeing how the rating isn't going over 6%. I'm not against the loveline between those two as it will calm the tension and pressure put on SA, but I hope that it wouldn't be a typical loveline, maybe something crazy and interesting as it describes and matches those two's mischievouness and don't hurt them on the long term.
As for the next episode, I think we will have little SA screen time as they should focus on the Labyrinth of Fear and we will also have the change of the team members in the last part of the episode :( , but who knows maybe we will have little but sweet moments like the whispering in last episode :wink: 
As this project is nearing its end, the PDs announced the start of a new project in the teaser for the next episode featuring the number "1" in many language, so maybe it's another global race but with the intention to make the members fight to be the number one. Well it seems interesting :wink: have to wait and see!

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Tbh I think if they're planning to go far with the show, as in not ending it anytime soon, lovelines should not be their main concern or focus. MC worked for like several early years but started getting repetitive and cheap after the production crew tried to milk it everywhere just because it has loyal following. It started because KG is a natural flirt and SJH responded great by acknowledging the couple thing only on Monday, and they happen to have the right variety chemistry. The loveline helped them both and assure them enough presence in the show especially for the variety rookie KG and was one of the funniest things about RM in the early times but RM kept going on and on for years they no longer know how to work with it. Some viewers got too invested with MC for 7 years and it doesn't even stop even after KG left and got married, so I think it's a big burden for the members involved in the loveline.

I don't really watch any other SK shows so I can't really benchmark but I've seen KJK's lovelines. At first, Lee Hyori and Park Yejin both showed some sort of interest at KJK, that's why the idea of a loveline grew and they also know how to play along with it and I think it worked because the show didn't last long so the loveline equation here and there still seemed fresh and funny. With YEH, it all started with baseless rumor but they also started playing along with it after that. XMan also didn't last long so each and every interaction of them were not boring for the viewers.

With all those lovelines I saw, they all played along, but with LKS-JSM, I honestly don't see them actively putting themselves in the loveline. At the last episode, LKS buying JSM the bracelet was not even aimed to be a romantic gesture (that's just how LKS is, I believe he'd do that for SJH too) and JSM didn't go all shy and lovey dovey either for me, she was just surprised and then bragged about it to the other members without really getting teasing response from YJS and JSJ, but the editing and backsound make it seem like "What is going on with this two?" Even when JSM was telling the story of how LKS slept at her place, YJS said they're not interested in their relationship. So from what I see so far, LKS didn't really show any active action about the loveline, neither did JSM, neither did the other members. The editing just made it seem like something's going on and I don't think sudden difference in their equation will seem tasteful.

Back to the show, RM goes on for 7 years... With MC, some people can't see that the loveline equation was no longer a thing in the show because they still see them together every week and some people just got greedy with it, wanting more and expressing their frustration to people they think are ruining the loveline. No one plays WGM for 7 years, really. Other long shows like 2D1N and IC have all male casts, no? I believe that lovelines are like the lazy shortcut to gain interests but it won't work forever and I think if they want RM to last long they should not rely on it (but the show's trying hard to increase rating so I believe they'll try to make the loveline a thing for awhile depending on the response) If they do try to make it a thing, I hope they will not overdo it because I love LKS-JSM equation that I've seen so far.

Moving along from the LKS-JSM topic, I love that LKS was calling HH at the last episode as if not wanting to disturb KJK and SJH :D

Also, I recently read that IC is YJS's favorite show because he met his wife at the show. We all know KJK's love for RM and JSJ once said that he should meet his future wife through RM. I hope KJK also meets his future wife on the show (preferrably SJH lol)

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i dont think that if SA ended up with someone else, i will support 4 of them, but if both JK and JH are happy, i will be fine with their choice, even when they choose someone else.

I have never thought that i have any right to jugde their actions, im just happy to see their interaction in the show. It is sweet and cute and it makes me happy... I think all SA shipper like those moments, but not as 'They have to do it for us'.

I usually think that over-reacted shippers/fans are young, so young that they dont know their attitude and behavior. They cant control their feeling, they voice as they think it should be like that.

Just give them some time and patient as you talk to a child, keep yourself calm. And if we cant talk to them, we can always support SA, as well as JK and JH in our own way.

There are over reacted fans and netizens everywhere. 
even though i have to admit it is tiring reading those 1 sided negative comments.

JH just created her acc not long ago and im so sad to hear that someone really posted hatre comments on JK page because of SA.
i imagined myself finally get on social media after a long day of work but my page was full of negative comment, it would immediately ruin my day.

Do you guy have ano solutions? im not that type of fan who can comment on their page that i love them. 
I ship them for so long and only commented because i found this forum and everyone seem to share same idea with me. i followed lot of SA page but i rarely joined any conversation.
but i guess those type of positive/love comment will help somehow?
not argueing with these negative though, it isnt a good choice for any idol.

About KS-SM, they werent show that they were male-female interesting, i was just wondering if production team will make the loveline based on that.
But i honestly dont think it will work, since not so many fan eccept that so far. according to those ep when they arrived the air port, KS was so popular among the fan girls...a permanent loveline wont work for his case and it probably lead the show back the old road too.

it is nice now, with all interaction between all member, it has family feeling.

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