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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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3 minutes ago, pinsc said:

Always one or another member is cuted out of the preview, I've seen several episodes where ji hyo didn't appear in the preview, but doesn't appear specifically the two, it would be too much coincidence. And if the PDs didn't want to cause misunderstandings again because of this, they would have seen and changed this preview, I don't think it's just coincidence then.

Maybe they dont have any time.. The made the preview before the meeting of Rm members. They run out of time

2 minutes ago, bogummish said:


I hope KJK knows what he's doing because SBS insta is a mess again with #FireGongHeeChul. This is a point of no return.

what he's doing?about Let tiny oppa reveal a name?

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5 minutes ago, bogummish said:


I hope KJK knows what he's doing because SBS insta is a mess again with #FireGongHeeChul. This is a point of no return.


This is the beginning of a witch hunt, and the richard simmons deserves it all and more too

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I dont think the general rm viewers will blame spartace if they indeed dating...they are in emotional turmoil together.and being forced out of the show that they both loved it very much..so they can connect together and gives emotional support to each other since only them understand the feeling but of course if they make an announcement it should be maybe four month after this 

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Then again I have no sympathy for this CP Gong Hee Chul. He is responsible for hundreds of people who worked hard in RM to lose their job all of a sudden just because he didnt get his money from China.

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Guest athoughtcloud1
14 minutes ago, pinsc said:

Always one or another member is cuted out of the preview, I've seen several episodes where ji hyo didn't appear in the preview, but doesn't appear specifically the two, it would be too much coincidence. And if the PDs didn't want to cause misunderstandings again because of this, they would have seen and changed this preview, I don't think it's just coincidence then.


Exactly. They know the fans are being extra-sensitive about Spartace right now. 

There must be people in SBS who support JK and JH in this and want the PD responsible for this to be fired. Because of him, the show had to be cancelled and people had to lose their jobs. And yet he is being allowed to continue! 

We got to know of what JH went through after the firing yesterday. And yet she is ready to come back to the show for the members and the fans and then they are being edited out of previews!

@bogummish I guess this is how it works in Korea. When the responsible person doesn't get fired, things get leaked, netizens take it up and then justice gets served! 

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Honestly, if I were SBS, I would have fired the CP anyway if he's responsible for this. I would have fired him and announced it to placate the i-fans as quickly as possible. Because they haven't done that, they now have to face the i-fan's witch hunt. I mean, from our perspective, since KJK and SJH decided to finish out the show, SBS hasn't had to face any real consequences yet. They have time to come up with a replacement show. We know it's not going to be the end of SBS, though there will probably be some long term consequences of this incident, SBS hasn't had to face any immediate ones. They also haven't shown us that they're trying to amend the situation other than half-hearted apologies. Every decision made so far that we've seen has been from the cast. SBS has just handled this entire thing horribly from start to finish.

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13 minutes ago, jas said:

I dont think the general rm viewers will blame spartace if they indeed dating...they are in emotional turmoil together.and being forced out of the show that they both loved it very much..so they can connect together and gives emotional support to each other since only them understand the feeling but of course if they make an announcement it should be maybe four month after this 

woow... actually I have same.thought like you.. they need at least 4-5 month or until the euophoria of Rm ending going down.. I just scare of some people who will blame Jk Jh and relating with this case. Cz I just read a comment from koreaboo , one of them said that there is a main reason why SBs kick out JK jH.. and the possible reason is they are dating.

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4 minutes ago, kookiemong said:

woow... actually I have same.thought like you.. they need at least 4-5 month or until the euophoria of Rm ending going down.. I just scare of some people who will blame Jk Jh and relating with this case. Cz I just read a comment from koreaboo , one of them said that there is a main reason why SBs kick out JK jH.. and the possible reason is they are dating.

it's just a comments, even if they dated that's their private life and no reason for the richard simmons to create this mess

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@kookiemong @jas I think it depends on how they present it and when they say they started dating. If they say they've been dating since 2013, then firing them because they're a couple is a ridiculous explanation, whereas if they say they just started dating in 2016, then perhaps fans would like it back to this incident. But honestly, I think most people would be pissed that KJK and SJH got fired for dating if that's the case. They're both professionals, and they could do the show without letting their personal lives intervene. And they deserved better than this. Most people are more furious about how they got fired, not the reasons why.

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6 minutes ago, linzer03 said:

Honestly, if I were SBS, I would have fired the CP anyway if he's responsible for this. I would have fired him and announced it to placate the i-fans as quickly as possible. Because they haven't done that, they now have to face the i-fan's witch hunt. I mean, from our perspective, since KJK and SJH decided to finish out the show, SBS hasn't had to face any real consequences yet. They have time to come up with a replacement show. We know it's not going to be the end of SBS, though there will probably be some long term consequences of this incident, SBS hasn't had to face any immediate ones. They also haven't shown us that they're trying to amend the situation other than half-hearted apologies. Every decision made so far that we've seen has been from the cast. SBS has just handled this entire thing horribly from start to finish.

I think is not that easy. . We dont know how high that person position.. I think to kick both of them of the show need a person with Top position who have a big influence... maybe a senior or some like that... a new PD rarely to make a big decision like that.. mainly for a show that loved and well known by thousand people.. 

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@kookiemong Firing him immediately is not that easy, I agree, but if I were SBS, I would definitely be taking actions to show that we are trying to amend things beyond just apologies. I mean, the apology has been shown not to work. SBS should at least release a statement saying that they are investigating how this happened. They haven't. And so they continued to get slammed with insults from the i-fans.

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3 minutes ago, linzer03 said:

@kookiemong @jas I think it depends on how they present it and when they say they started dating. If they say they've been dating since 2013, then firing them because they're a couple is a ridiculous explanation, whereas if they say they just started dating in 2016, then perhaps fans would like it back to this incident. But honestly, I think most people would be pissed that KJK and SJH got fired for dating if that's the cast. They're both professionals, an they could do the show without letting their personal lives intervene. And they deserved better than this. Most people are more furious about how they got fired not the reasons why.

yes.. agree with you. ,^^

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Guest athoughtcloud1
13 minutes ago, linzer03 said:

Honestly, if I were SBS, I would have fired the CP anyway if he's responsible for this. I would have fired him and announced it to placate the i-fans as quickly as possible. Because they haven't done that, they now have to face the i-fan's witch hunt. I mean, from our perspective, since KJk and SJH decided to finish out the show, SBS hasn't had to face any real consequences yet. They have time to come up with a replacement show. We know it's not going to be the end of SBS, though there will probably be some long term consequences of this incident, SBS hasn't had to face any immediate ones. They also haven't shown us that they're trying to amend the situation other than half-hearted apologies. Every decision made so far that we've seen has been from the cast. 


Well said! A 'witch hunt' is when nobody knows who is responsible for the mess and goes after random people. The other PDs are now getting blamed for something that is not their fault at all. If Gong Heechul is not responsible, he should come forward and put his point of view across. Pretending like everything is hunky dory when nothing has been done and only JK and JH have done their bit to salvage what is left of the show is not right!

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This should have been the right reaction after everyone knew how bad SJH took it. And then the poor girl got even cut from a preview. What the hell did she do wrong. This PD is on a personal vendetta against KJK and SJH or what?

And I know Ive said it a hundred times before but it still bugs me why it had to be these two to be fired. If you say the show wanated to be more comedic w Kang Ho Dong then maybe only SJH should have left, KJK is capable of being funny. There's still something we don't know imo, mainly why these two had to leave and why together.

Also im worried for SJH. We saw pics of KJK since the incident but none of Ji Hyo. I really hope she's feeling better now.

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2 minutes ago, linzer03 said:

@kookiemong Firing him immediately is not that easy, I agree, but if I were SBS, I would definitely be taking actions to show that we are trying to amend things beyond just apologies. I mean, the apology has been shown not to work. SBS should at least release a statement saying that they are investigating how this happened. They haven't. And so they continued to get slammed with insults from the i-fans.

 hmm.. maybe they dont care anymore.. RM will.end soon.. with 2mths. I think they wont to make any effort to make.some investigating.. it will take their time.. and RM fans will huntinh them for the answer. ..even if they can punish that person,SBs already lose RM,their members and fans trust.. I think they wont do anything to solve this problem clearly

. .. maybe they hope the time will heal everything.. and fans will forget this case soon.. shameless :confused:

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Guest athoughtcloud1

@kookiemong I can see your point, but isn't there another side to the coin? Wouldn't it seem like SBS made use of JH  for a loveline when she was dating someone else on the team and sacked her once the loveline was over? Neither JH nor JK ever tried to flaunt their dating status while on the show and worked their butts off, putting aside even their personal feelings, to play their characters. If that is the case, are there words enough to describe SBS' ingratitude? 

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5 minutes ago, bogummish said:

This should have been the right reaction after everyone knew how bad SJH took it. And then the poor girl got even cut from a preview. What the hell did she do wrong. This PD is on a personal vendetta against KJK and SJH or what?

And I know Ive said it a hundred times before but it still bugs me why it had to be these two to be fired. If you say the show wanated to be more comedic w Kang Ho Dong then maybe only SJH should have left, KJK is capable of being funny. There's still something we don't know imo, mainly why these two had to leave and why together.

I feel the same.. poor me, the first time I read their article on news.. I though its about they are caught to secretly dating so they left RM ... hahahahjaha #sorryoutofcontext

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8 minutes ago, bogummish said:

This should have been the right reaction after everyone knew how bad SJH took it. And then the poor girl got even cut from a preview. What the hell did she do wrong. This PD is on a personal vendetta against KJK and SJH or what?

And I know Ive said it a hundred times before but it still bugs me why it had to be these two to be fired. If you say the show wanated to be more comedic w Kang Ho Dong then maybe only SJH should have left, KJK is capable of being funny. There's still something we don't know imo, mainly why these two had to leave and why together.

Also im worried for SJH. We saw pics of KJK since the incident but none of Ji Hyo. I really hope she's feeling better now.


I would not call kjk funny at all, if they wanted to start a gagshow they could do it in another program, trying to turn RM into a gagshow with comedians would not go unnoticed by the RM fans, and them called it RM 2, just shows how stupid they were to think people wouldn't notice this!

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