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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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my favorite sa episodes? ep 95 is definitely one of the when i watched this ep for the first time didn't know jh was dating someone else so I thought that liger conversation was for tease them(what's wrong with teasing two single people especially when one of them is king of lovelines)but when I rewatched ep 95 when I knew about jh dating ceo that conversation was abit odd.why should they say sth like they fell in love after fight alot about a girl who is dating someone else? actually when I watched this ep for the first time searched about their relationship(it was last summer) I saw lot of things about jh dating gary .

ep 204 is one of the best sa episodes for me. I can't imagine jh is dating someone else then jk say things like "it's just a forehead kiss" or "I want you to do it infront of me"

ep 185 is one of my favorite episodes too.I love their smile when they understand they should play that game against each other.

just watched ep 308 I liked that female guest so much. she is so cheerful and youthful. I couldn't believe she is 49 years old.and it was a really funny ep. but to be honest sa moments were not obvious and you won't notice most of them if you are not a shipper. when jh was singing that "i wont love anymore"song js reaction was jh don't lie and someone else said she is full of love.as a sa shipper I want to think they were teasing jh and jk . an oj shipper can think they were teasing jh about bolin and mc shippers can think js wanted to tease kg and jh.

jk favorite song was interesting too. I'm almost sure other shippers will tell jk is still waiting for EH.

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@linzer03 (and anyone who else is interested), here are my thoughts on 230.

Before I start, I'll point out that my analysis is in no way in-depth (mad props to those of you who are able to write such eloquent thoughts and analyses on episodes; maybe it was due to watching it on the TV and not on the computer, but I couldn't pull it off...). So, I've decided to leave it to the pros and focus on a few things that stood out for me! :)

First of all, a bit of context: according to Wikipedia, episode 230 was the first episode filmed of 2015. Our beloved 228, while being the first episode aired in 2015, was actually filmed a month prior. The 2014 SBS Entertainment Awards (when JK won the High Excellence Award for variety, and I regard as a very Spartace-rich moment) happened six days earlier. Later that month, JK and JH would appear on Inkigayo, JK would tape his infamous "Healing Camp" episode, and JH and JK would take a selfie at a Korean restaurant in Taiwan. Oh, and as far as anyone knew, JH was still with her CEO boyfriend BCJ, as the official announcement of their break-up was not made public until July of that year (even though it was stated they had broken up two years earlier). 

The first comment that I find interesting, and others have discussed before me, is JH's reaction to the discussion about girls touching KS' head. She states that KS tried it on her once, and she boxed him in the ears. KG then takes this as an open invitation to turn on the MB "charm", and attempts to touch her head. As she's finishing her comment and begins to realize what he's doing, she yells at him to stop. Her reactions make it pretty clear she isn't a fan of this...unless your name is Kim Jong Kook. (please see: Thailand fan meetepisode 138episode 141; Hong Kong fan meet; Shanghai fan meet; episode 301)

While the RM group is in the van on their way to the first destination, the conversation turns to what girls like in a guy. JK remarks that he throws his arm out in front of the girl to protect her, and JH agrees with his statement. I'm trying to recall how many times prior to this comment have JK and JH been seated in a RM vehicle, next to each other, where he could have done this during filming (side note: there really needs to be a Running Man encyclopedia with stats, photos, summaries, whatnot...). I'm not recalling anything. So, JH maybe could have seen him do this with a female guest...but how many times were JH and her partner in a car with JK and his partner? Additionally, if she was simply agreeing with having observed him doing this to other females, there would be no need for her to touch him on the arm. She could have agreed verbally and the conversation would have continued. However, to me, her gesture towards him is a sign that this is something that he has done to her, and she is speaking from personal experience, not merely as a casual observer. 

The other thing that interests me is JH's behavior during the first game, namely how she has her hands during the first round where JK starts. I can't screencap it at the moment, but she has her hands in a prayer position, and the sides of her fingers are touching her mouth. This is not the only instance where JH does this; while I can't recall specific episodes at the moment (er, you can find one example in the SBS video above), it's something I watch for. This gesture comes out when JK is up to battle, but I have yet to see it for anyone else, even if she appears to be fully vested in how her team is doing. I don't know how many of you out there are into watching sports, but, speaking from personal experience, that gesture is something I do only when I'm incredibly nervous/into it, such as when the team I'm rooting for is behind, time is running out, there's a critical play, something along those lines. If you Google "nervous fans", you'll see some examples of fans exhibiting the same gesture, though slightly more emotional than JH gets. However, the point remains: this isn't just the habit of a casual observer. This is what happens when you're incredibly into it. Like emotionally into it. Regardless of what relationship status these two had at the beginning of 2015, I feel this shows just how much she supports him, and how close they are. 

Edited by aschae
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Have y’all watched the most recent episode? I don’t think it’s possible to highlight every single spartace moment in this episode without taking up five pages. They simply cannot take their hands off each other during the first game. It’s probably in part due to the fact that they’re tied together, but (if y’all have seen the IG joke about the invisible fourth person on their team) there’s clearly a difference between KJK and JSJ for SJH. Between the hand-holding, the subtle touches, the shared smiles, leaning into one another, SJH holding KJK’s wrist as he high-fives JSJ, KJK waving SJH’s arm when singing, the hugs, etc. Yeah this episode was spartace crazy even though the piggyback ride was short (because I know a lot of us were looking forward to that). But if this is how they act nowadays, I can see why they were never put on the same team when the PD was throwing MC at us.

I thought KJK’s reaction to having SJH on his team was interesting. When it’s revealed SJH will be on the same team as KJK, he looks towards the staff and sort of opens his mouth like his shocked/horrified in a joking way. Then he starts talking about he feels nervous all of a sudden. I wonder why… Perhaps because he was the spy, and he knew SJH was the person most likely to figure it out. Having her on his team is probably his worst nightmare as a spy. (There’s a reason if one of them is a spy then the other is usually the first person out.)

You also have JSJ saying that he doesn't want his number only after it's revealed that it will be SJH on his team and not LKS. Don't want to be on a team with the couple, JSJ?

YJS joking about how SJH is full of love is interesting. As mentioned earlier, different shippers are going to interpret it in different ways. It's interesting that the RM members tease both KJK and SJH about love in this episode. I don't think KJK and SJH have acted this touchy in front of the cameras in a long time and perhaps the other RM members noticed or perhaps something happened between KJK and SJH and the RM members are teasing them about it. 

Also the way KJK, SJH, and JSJ move when tied together is so adorable. Their whole team is adorable. I know some people were excited for this episode because spartace is in one team, but I was excited because it was spartace and JSJ. I love them as a team. They just seemed to be having so much fun, especially in the first game.

So with KJK’s favorite song. I find it interesting that KJK moves first, then SJH, then LKS. The song is “Last Love” by Kim Bum Soo. It’s kind of sad about loving only one person forever (“only you will be my love forever”) but having to leave that person, and it’s totally the kind of song KJK would love. YJS of course starts asking the person to come back to KJK (well, this will get the YEH-KJK shippers hoping), but I think the fact that SJH knew what song it was at almost the same time as KJK is telling. You can see KJK kind of try to walk it off, while LKS thinks it’s hilarious, and of course all the members start teasing KJK. SJH has an interesting reaction. She cheers and claps after he gets it and kind of runs back to her seat (embarrassed?) but then she returns to congratulation KJK like she usually does. I don’t know. What do y’all think?

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All right. Time to talk about my favorite spartace episode 230.  I’ve said this numerous times before, but I believe spartace started dating in 2013 and all my interpretations are based on that. This episode has a couple obvious spartace moments, but for me, this episode is all about the subtleties. It’s also one of the best episodes for speculation about spartace's relationship. After all, the main theme of the race is to answer the question “What is the most difficult moment you’ve experienced while crushing on someone?” I guess this is especially relevant since we’ve been discussing episode 82 on here.

Just a quick mention because I love these moments – SJH leans on KJK when fixing something in her shoe. When he’s around, she always chooses him to lean on. In ep 155 with Suzy, in ep 201, and now in ep 230.

I find it funny that SJH’s answer to the question about when a guy finds himself attracted to his female friend is “When she’s wearing a skirt.” Simply because it brings to mind all the times KJK goes silent when SJH shows up at filming in a dress.

We also have the head discussion mentioned by @aschae. I want to add that in episode 138, after SJH falls in to the pool, we get a shot of YJS touching her head to make sure she’s okay, and she isn’t upset by that action. So I don’t think the head touching is a gesture reserved to KJK alone, but I do think SJH is very specific about who she allows to touch her head. YJS is a married man and clearly there is no romantic interest between him and SJH. LKS and KG are single men, and LKS even considers that kind of gesture romantic. Therefore, they aren’t allowed that kind of familiarity with SJH. But KJK is. Once again proof that the level of SJH and KJK’s relationship is different than that of her relationship with LKS or KG. And the way KJK touches SJH’s head is different than the way YJS touches her head.







Upon hearing the question of the day, KJK’s first response is “Isn’t it when the girl likes someone other than yourself?” Considering we’ve all been talking about how tense KJK appeared when SJH’s dating news came out, it’s quite possible that KJK is speaking from experience (with SJH) here. This is, of course, all speculation, but like I said earlier, nothing beats this episode when it comes to speculation.

So now we move on to the car ride, where SJH describes the type of guy girls fall for (she generalizes here but she’s said before she likes the gentleman type and that’s what she describes here). A guy with good manners to get concerned and send her home. JSJ and HH add that it’s like the guy who acts protective when walking and makes sure he’s on the street side and throws out an arm for the girl, and SJH agrees. KJK then says he does these types of things often, and SJH agrees, placing a hand on his arm. As pointed out earlier, SJH doesn’t usually travel places with KJK and a female guest so those kind of actions are stuff he’s done for her. She also doesn’t need to touch him when agreeing with his statement, but for some reason, she chooses to initiate skinship here. I’ve always found something a little possessive in her gesture here. Like, “Yes, you do those things and that’s why you’re mine” type of thing. As I said earlier, SJH has stated that she doesn’t like the bad boy type, she prefers the gentlemanly style—which is KJK.




But then, of course, JSJ and YJS have to tease KJK over this, saying that he’s always flirting with girls. The teasing makes sense in a way. KJK is trying to look girl in front of his girlfriend by saying that he does all the things she likes in a guy, and then YJS and JSJ, being the friends that they are, say this kind of behavior is actually KJK flirting with girls. There probably is some truth to this—though whether his flirting is purposeful or not is up for debate, but there is a reason he’s been in so many love lines. Anyway, we get the cute scene where SJH tells him twice to stop confusing girls. If spartace are dating in secret, then there probably have been a couple times where women have hit on KJK or asked him out and SJH has had to sit by quietly and let KJK deal with it. (And vice versa.)





As mentioned before, when KJK prepares to start off the water platform game, SJH looks especially nervous. We don’t know everything going on behind the scenes, perhaps KJK has had some back problems recently and SJH is worried about that, or perhaps she simply wants him to do well and be Mr. Capable but she’s worried because he’s up against a bunch of fit, young guys. But once KJK starts throwing those fit, young guys into the water like it’s no problem, SJH is laughing and clapping. You can even see YJS looking at her to see her reaction. YJS tends to check with SJH whenever KJK does something funny (when KJK was dancing to Sistar and when KJK was dancing with 2NE1) or impressive (like when KJK discovered JSJ’s deed on the first try). But this scene once again shows a difference in SJH and KJK’s relationship compared to the rest of RM. Firstly, the RM males all make jokes about how they’ll just sit back and let KJK take care of it. SJH makes no such jokes and remains silent, looking worried. Secondly, JH does not look nearly as worried for any other RM member.




As I said earlier, to me episode 230 is in the subtleties and what said subtleties allow us to speculate on. The reward for winning the first game is that team RM can ask a group of high school girls what the most painful thing about having a crush is. The way the RM team lines up to watch the video, JSJ is between KJK and SJH. But there’s a side shot that shows that from the way their standing, KJK and SJH can see each other. KJK is slightly behind SJH to her left and SJH is slightly in front of KJK to his right. This is important to note because a lot of my observations here rely on the usual “KJK looked right” and “SJH looked left”, which is sketchy evidence at best. However, the reason I say they’re looking at each other is because right at the end of the interview with the high school girls, without saying a word, both KJK and SJH turn to look at each other and smile. After talking about crushes, they’re thinking of each other. So it makes sense that they would be thinking of each other during the interview as well. I also want to add that just because you think of a person when you hear “crush” doesn’t necessarily mean they are just your crush. You can hear “crush”, equate it to like/love, and think of your girlfriend/boyfriend. Like I said, I believe in the 2013 theory; KJK and SJH are dating at this time. 

So here we go, spartace side-glances when listening to high school girls talk about crushes. When YJS asks, “Does anyone have anything they want to say to their crush?” KJK looks to forward to his right (SJH’s direction) and then down rather shyly. And when, in response to the question why she has had such a long crush, one of the high school girls says, “You have to. Love has no boundaries on time.” SJH looks back to her left (KJK’s direction). And then at the end of the interview, as I said, they both immediately turn to look at each other. They both smile and SJH looks down shyly.

Speculation time! (I told you I love this episode.) Why does the question “Does anyone have anything they want to say to their crush?” make KJK think of SJH. Anything he’s not telling her right then? The point is, at mention of "crush" he looks at SJH. And, the even more fun question, why does the statement “You have to. Love has no boundaries on time.” cause SJH to look at KJK? See, I’ve always thought that SJH and KJK’s interest in each other pretty much existed throughout her dating the CEO. And that’s not to say that SJH didn’t care for and remain faithful to the CEO while dating him. I just mean that there’s some jealousy on SJH’s part when KJK has a love line with MYG, KJK kneels down to give her the beast’s nametag in ep 103, and the Liger Theory (tiger and lion fall in love) was created while SJH was dating the CEO. So I wonder if SJH and KJK’s interest in each other really didn’t have a stop and start point. Or she could just be looking at KJK because she liked that statement (though I think her glance in his direction was more thoughtful than mushy-romantic). Or there could be nothing between them and she wasn’t looking at KJK at all. Again, this is all just speculation and you can probably ignore half of what I say here. But feel free to add your input.

During the interview with the high school girls, the RM members also make a joke about KJK. After a girl says, “I let the guy know that I like him, but he remains stupid and obtuse.” YJS says, “That’s KJK.” And it seems as though the other members (including SJH) are nodding and agreeing. I find this interesting, since KJK has said in interviews that he usually knows when women are interested and when they’re not, but that could just be KJK thinking he’s sharper than he actually is. It’s also possible that KJK is the type who, when women crush on him, pretends to be ignorant and keep a polite distance until their crushes cool off. (I’ll admit I’m totally the type to do this to guys.) And all the RM members have seen him do this when a female guest crushes on him, but KJK can't openly say he's dating SJH so he just kind of play obtuse. Just a thought. What do you think?

Also, at the end of the second interview, which is with women over thirty, you can see SJH rubbing her eyes. Maybe she was tired, maybe she has a headache, but in the next shot, you see KJK looking in her direction with concern. In the following shot, you see KJK start moving towards SJH, but YJS lifts his hand to catch KJK’s arm, as if to stop him. The scene ends so we never do get to find out if KJK goes to SJH or not, or what YJS meant by grabbing KJK’s arm. But still, YJS apparently doesn’t want KJK approaching SJH in front of camera/guests. And, seriously, KJK’s gaze is so soft in that scene.

And now we get to the running up the hill mission. And KJK is paired with guest NJH. They are talking before the race, and NJH says SJH told him that one time she was running with KJK, and she told KJK to take it slowly, but when she looked back, KJK had already overtaken her. So guest has heard about KJK from SJH. The interesting thing is this isn’t an unusual thing. I don’t know if y’all remember, but when Kenji Wu and KJK were both doing Fashion King, they both said they’d heard about one another from SJH. KW says, “SJH told me a lot of good things about KJK.” Interesting how that happens.




There are a couple other small moments in the episode, like the celebratory hug. And there’s one suspicious moment during the final race, where JSJ starts going on about hating to be left n the ambiguous phase, and KJK kind of laughs/complains, “hyung” and SJH smiles and looks in the opposite direction. It may mean nothing though. Just an interesting reaction on spartace’s part.

So there you go. Those are my thoughts on episode 230. Like I said, I love this episode, from KJK wanting to match SJH’s ideal type and all the glances between them during the interview. It has some legitimate spartace moments like where SJH was visibly worried about KJK during the game and where KJK wants to go to SJH when she looks like she’s in pain. And there are also some great speculative moments, like why they looked at each other when they did and why they answered the questions the way they did (“When she’s wearing a skirt” and “when she likes someone else”). I’m looking forward to hearing what everyone else has to say on this episode.

@athoughtcloud1 since you mentioned you also liked this episode for its spartace moments.

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Hi all, silent reader here. I have been following this forum for months but doesn't have a courage to post because my english is a mess!!

Regarding ep. 82, i am not sure if this article already shared in this forum or not, but i read that the CEO JH was dating used to be the manager that abuse JK on his turbo days. Maybe that will explain on how much JK act so different toward JH in ep. 82? And also can explain why after that JK and JH look closer because JK really worried and want to take care of her? Anyways, here is the link to the article:  http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1snpamm

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hi everyone...long time no visit this forum....

I'm full of joyful because of the last episode...so many SA moments...if their moments are sugar, I will get diabetic....

I think JSJ often gives us some hints about our couple. in this ep, opening scene, JSJ said 'and he (JK) has to serve his lady'.. I dunno what did he refer, but I will believe that it referred to JK who had to serve JH...lol

remember when Moon Chae Won came, it's pepero kiss scene, it was the first time JK and JH doing something like that, and JSJ said something weird that they have a new love, then the ice cracked and also JK and JH were so hesitate doing the games, furthermore other members said why did they (JK and JH) close their eyes...also KG looked so excited watching them and sang JK song 'Han Namja' cheerfully. 

it's also fishy when yellow team sang 'I won't Love' by Baek Z Young...YJS told JH not to lie (she sang 'I won't love, means JH now is in love). other members said that JH's full in love...fishy rite....


soooo happy....full of love


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@mary-ann I don't remember anything like that. He likes the song "Last Love", which is about loving only one person forever but having to part from them, and YJS teased him by asking that girl, whoever she is, to come back. KJK, as he does when YJS references YEH or makes obscure references to KJK's romantic past that could be misinterpreted, got annoyed. But KJK could just like the song. It doesn't necessarily have to refer to anyone in particular. And it is his style. Interestingly, it came out in 2011. 

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41 minutes ago, linzer03 said:

@mary-ann I don't remember anything like that. He likes the song "Last Love", which is about loving only one person forever but having to part from them, and YJS teased him by asking that girl, whoever she is, to come back. KJK, as he does when YJS references YEH or makes obscure references to KJK's romantic past that could be misinterpreted, got annoyed. But KJK could just like the song. It doesn't necessarily have to refer to anyone in particular. And it is his style. Interestingly, it came out in 2011. 

That's his go to karaoke song. Sometime back his niece Seung Hee posted a video of him singing it. 


1 hour ago, mary-ann said:

hey someone said that JK's ex was mentioned and made him in a bad mood in the recent episode is it true?


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@fkrisnandya I've seen that posting as well. There is no source linked to it so already I have doubts. Yes, Turbo went through a lot of richard simmons, and there was a lot of shady business in 1990s kpop, and there are still people like that in the entertainment industry. KJK will sometimes reference the terrible things that happened in his Turbo years, but he never explains outright. Most likely, some of the things in that article are true and some aren't. Again, if there's no official source, question it. 

But, onto the CEO, apparently BCJ didn't start working as a manager until he was in his twenties, and since he's a year younger, I think, than KJK, then this story has a really sketchy time frame. That being said, BCJ has a really bad reputation, and I've read stuff about him having gang connections, so it's hard to tell what's rumor and what's real. But I think if SJH was dating someone who had treated KJK horribly, then they wouldn't have gotten close like they did after the dating news broke out. And I don't know if SJH could even date someone who beat up KJK, even if it was in the past.

@airplanegirl I figured it was a karaoke song KJK liked, but I guess I didn't exactly say that in my post. Thanks for the clarification. I meant that people are probably going to take YJS's joke about "whoever you are come back" too literally and think that YJS really is talking about an ex. (Again YEH and KJK shippers are going to have a field day with this.)

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There's a different translation to what Ji Suk Jin said in English sub and in Chinese sub.

In English, it says "He always sings this song instead of his own" at 36:46 on the video from kshow.

The song name is "My Last Love by Kim Bum Soo".

However, in Chinese sub, it has been translated as " He always sings it with JIhyo/ to Jihyo"(it's hard to define whether it is actually to Jihyo or with Jihyo simply by understanding their translation).

I have replayed it in slow motion and I am pretty sure Suk Jin mentioned Jihyo's name in that sentence so in this case I think the chinese sub is more trust worthy.

Sorry for my bad English I hope you guys understand what I am trying to say.

I just thought I should post this time because I believe it is worth discussing it on here but I believe most of you watch running man with Eng sub so you guys might not know it.


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Guest athoughtcloud1

Thank you @chelseafjl8 I was also wondering about this. On baidu, there are so many discussions around this, but the meaning of the two sentences in the chinese and english translations are so different. I too think I heard 'Ji Hyo' around 36.46 s, but is it something else? I checked SA naver, but only two posts on this episode are there and yet haven't seen any discussions on SJ's statement. So I am really confused.

Can anybody confirm @androkia91, @airplanegirl @bidovacsb?




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@athoughtcloud1 @chelseafjl8 I've been trying to find out more about that since the release of the Eng subs yesterday as well. I'm personally more inclined to believe the English subs this time since it fits the context more, and to me, it appeared SJ was primarily pointing at JK only, without JH even flinching at the mention of her name. Plus, haven't there been reports that there have been a few more errors than usual on the Chinese subs this time around considering their early release? 

I just really hope someone Korean can clarify this because I'm worried about the worst case scenario of the Chinese translation being false yet making its way into the hands of international fans on IG, in which it will eventually be clarified, but not after others have learned about it (and are unlikely to find out about the following clarification). It's best to avoid causing any misunderstandings as soon as it's possible these days.

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Guest athoughtcloud1

Wow!!!! No wonder JS suddenly made that reference to JK' last love asking her to come back. Perhaps he thought SJ's statement could be interpreted in a different way.

It is natural to visit karaoke with your friend and sing all kinds of songs and some songs can be sung many times since it is your favourite! But to always sing a particular song with a female friend whose lyrics go like this? .... Hmmmm

You, only you
My first love, my last love
One thing that cannot be changed from now on
You are my love, forever
I don’t think I can fall in love again
Unless, it was you


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2 hours ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

Thank you @chelseafjl8 I was also wondering about this. On baidu, there are so many discussions around this, but the meaning of the two sentences in the chinese and english translations are so different. I too think I heard 'Ji Hyo' around 36.46 s, but is it something else? I checked SA naver, but only two posts on this episode are there and yet haven't seen any discussions on SJ's statement. So I am really confused.

Can anybody confirm @androkia91, @airplanegirl @bidovacsb?




 I finally watched the clip, lol. While I had initial doubts about JSJ saying JH's name, I asked a korean shipper on IG, she confirmed it as him saying he sings the song always with JH.

To quote her:

JSJ : 얘 맨날 지효랑 이 노래 불러

Translation : He always sings this song with JH.

She also said that this might be when they go to noraebangs (karaokes).

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@athoughtcloud1 @androkia91 Wow. That's crazy. I still can't believe he said that. I'm surprised that was aired, though it's a bit in the background so perhaps the editors missed it. Still, it's totally the kind of ballad I could see KJK loving to sing with his girlfriend, and LKS would find it hilarious and cheesy. But anyway, I read the lyrics. That song is not exactly the kind you sing with your "sister" or even your "friend". The chorus is translated as "You, only you/My first love, my last love/One thing that cannot be changed from now on/You are my love, forever."

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Guest athoughtcloud1

Thanks a lot @androkia91. I was wondering whether we were ever going to get the actual translation. I am so glad the chinese subs are right coz they have been discussing this the whole day and were so happy about it.

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Guest athoughtcloud1
5 minutes ago, linzer03 said:

@athoughtcloud1 @androkia91 Wow. That's crazy. I still can't believe he said that. I'm surprised that was aired, though it's a bit in the background so perhaps the editors missed it. Still, it's totally the kind of ballad I could see KJK loving to sing with his girlfriend, and LKS would find it hilarious and cheesy. But anyway, I read the lyrics. That song is not exactly the kind you sing with your "sister" or even your "friend". The chorus is translated as "You, only you/My first love, my last love/One thing that cannot be changed from now on/You are my love, forever."


Well, JSJ is the guy who has a loose mouth. He was the one who uploaded that photoshopped pic of SA kissing on his insta (which he deleted later) and gave so many golden comments during SA's ice pepero game. I hope he gets paired with them again and again. LOL

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@athoughtcloud1 I think I said this on the last page, but LKS and JSJ are the ones who let stuff slip about spartace, while YJS and HH are the ones who usually try to hide it. This episode is like the perfect example. KJK gets the song right. LKS cracking up because of some inside joke. KJK looks sort of embarrassed when he turns away from the mic and LKS is laughing. And, of course, JSJ says, "He always sings this with SJH." Then YJS starts talking about some hypothetical girl to throw everyone off.

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