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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest HanN1430293555

hoooray!!! lets parteeey!! woot woottt  <:-P  <:-P  <:-P Finally TH is now a happy Man,.... he found a woman who will take good care and love him. Your waiting is over Peaha!... you deserve it, ^:)^

SN you must to learn how to do the black magic,so that you can contradict the spell of TN,  I can prefer you to the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry... 

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Actually, the worst torture for ET is to be able to hear and see everything around and not be able to anything at all. I had a friend who husband has an reaction to some meds that basic put him in a coma like state but he could hear and see everything that was happening. He said it almost drove him insane. So ET to know and not be able to do anything would the worst torture for him.

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Yes, watched it with C-subs.
Some quick translations:

TH tells ET off, tells him that it was SN who saved him, she sucked the poison out and saved him, so to stop making a fuss out of the issue.
After TH faints back in his quarters, GT says to summon DM, SN asks why not the royal doctors.  GT tells her is because TH is afraid she's be in danger and not to let anyone else know he's still ill.  He had forced himself to the meeting hall to save her.
B-Soo shows up with special medication used by her tribute to apply to WY's wounds.  She asks WY who SN is, someone who he misses, WY tells her it was from a long time ago, he's forgotten.
Bi-Soo tells WY she's going to go back to the Merchant group to so if there's anything she can find out.  WY is worried and tells her to stay, but she tells him she's got a plan already.  WY sends JK to go with her.
Next morning after SN spends all night nursing TH:GT: Paeha, are you better now?TH: Of course, my Nyang-Yi spent all night caring for me, how can I not be better
HD giggles haha
TH tells GT to send BA to see him, he has a missing for him.
JC is worried that ET won't hod his words, and El Plague tells him they can only trust him.  They start to fight.
BA/TT torture them, and tell them to fuss up who is behind the assassination plans.  BA threatens to torture them to death if they don't talk.  
ET shows up to intervene.  He insist on taking them away for execution.
SN says they can't let them (DK) handle the execution, PBH says he'll follow to make sure El Plague is executed.  Of course he fails his task!
DK gives them an envelope and tell them to go to the destination written in he envelop, it's an important mission.  Wherever they're going, it must be a really good place because they're both excited about it.
SN finally decides to 'serve' the Emperor tonight.
TH: Ah...You're dressed so beautifully, I can't concentrate on my studiesSN: Can we put out the lights (candles?)TH: Let me do it.  Will I no longer need to feel sorrow for you?  You're the only person who my heart beats for.
1 Month Later
BA/TT and WY are discussing options to go against ET.  It's hard for them to go against ET because he has control of the capital patrol troops, and they don't have enough finances to build a big enough army.
WY asks ET to let him take over the capital patrol troops, to which he easily agreed.  
BA is suspicious as to why he agreed so easily.
Flash over to ET talking to his sons, ET doesn't think he can control those troops because the troops are loyal to their general.  ET expects WY to get kicked out in no time.
TT tells WY is all because of him that SN and TH are save, and asks why he doesn't tell SN, misunderstandings can lead to hatred.  WY says that's better.
SN after seeing WY with TT seems to have a knowing look on her face, like 'I get it...'
ED is reviewing the palace spendings, they're running into financial difficulties.  SN offers to help, she points out all the over spendings done, especially by the Empress' quarters.
ED tells SN she's giving her the responsibility to take care of the palace spendings.
I notice the look on Oh Jae In's face is different...maybe she's going to start to get jealous of SN...
DS gets up and is not happy that her portion is cut in half, and there's no meat in her breakfast. The evil maids tell her is because of SN.  Apparently SN also eliminated some Buddist ceremonial event for MaHa, and she's not happy.
SN tells her they're in a financial crisis because DS as the Empress has no controls over their spending.
DS is gloating about how she pushed SN down the stairs, and she's unconscious now, and they're all praising her.  Like a child who just did something good.  El Maid breaks the happy meeting to tell them SN is pregnant.  Gloom immediately falls over them.
TH personally brings the medicine in for SN and tells her they're going to have their own child.
WY shows up at the capital patrol troops camp.  ET tells the general he can take care of WY in any way he wants to.
WY is expecting the general to just hand over the control over to him, and take his orders.  So silly!  
This is what annoys me so much about the WY story, he's always surrounded by tons of people, yet he still is so proud and gets way with it.  At least hide it till you are in a manageable position.
WY tells the general to tell his troops to follow his orders, anyone who doesn't want to follow orders can leave.  Of course they all drop their swords and leave.
WY says is better they leave, now they can take in new troops.
Back at the palace SN is promoted to a consort of the 3rd rank, Jie Yu
DS is still delulu, she's telling baby MaHa that even if SN has a son, he's still going to be the crown prince, and Emperor.
TH goes to see DS, DS is happy thinking he's here to see her and MaHa.
Confrontation between TH and DS (right before maids take MaHa way):
TH: I'm sure you already know Ki Jie Yu is pregnant.  I'm afraid events led by jealousy like it did for Pak Jae In will happen, so my worries have led me here.  Be it MaHa or the Ki Jie Yu's unborn child, both or my children, so please this time just let us live in peace.  DS: You're going to leave without even holding MaHa!?  Forget about holding him, you won't even lay eyes on him.  Even like this, how can you say they're both your children?  You would never be like this to Lady Ki's child.  How can you promoted her from Jae In to Jie Yu, are you really that happy about her pregnancy?  Is her child really so worthy for you to treasure like this?TH: For MaHa, aside from me, there are many other people who will embrace him.  He's got great uncles, and the world's most capable grandfather.  But SN's child only has me.  The only person who can embrace him, and protect him is me.DS: Even if it's a boy, you absolutely can not appoint him as the crown prince.TH: The child isn't even born yet, how can I pass my powers to him?DS: You can't appoint him as your successor, MaHa is the crown princeTH: How sad, so pitiful that I can't even continue watching
Back to Evil Maid making evil suggestions for DS to find a sorceress and use black magic on SN.
The sorceress warns DS that using curses to kill someone is an absolute event, if it the curse fails, it will reflect back to the person who cast it.
DS asks if it happens often where someone is able to break the curse, sorceress tells her it's rare, but it does happen.  If the person is strong enough (their luck), occasionally the curse will not work.
The sorceress asks for SN's birth date, and time. El Maid hands it over, immediately after she sees it, she asks if SN has a son, DS replies in her womb (but I think she's referring to Byul).  She proceeds to say that son has the destiny to be Emperor. ** Now the question is, which son is she referring to since both are her sons **
Sorceress asks for DS' birth date and time, DS asks about 'her' son, but she tells her that 'you shouldn't have a son'.
They're instructed to collect some stuff so she can start the curse.  Clothing from SN, blood of a dead dog.
DS says in her mind she's willing to give anything to kill SN.
So they start the ritual to activate the curse.  The curse will cause SN to have nightmares every night, if she's not able to overcome her fear in the nightmare, it'll cause her to not be able to drink, and she'll end up dying of thirst.  She hands over 30 sheets of the cursed forms, she needs to burn one each night, by the time she burns the last one, SN will die.  
Sorceress writes SN's name (so dumb of the production team, they write SN's name wrong here in Chinese.  They had written in differently before in 2 other scenes) on a wooden board, and tells DS to bury it in the yard in SN's quarters.  This is the name tag for the grime reapers.
Kind of funny with the dinner scene.  TH is stuffing his face, and SN can't even take in anything.
SN consults with TT sebu.  
It's been 3 days already that she's been having nightmares and not able to sleep, she's worried it will affect the baby.  
TT: Do you happen to have any wounds on you?SN: How did you know?TT: If my guess is correct, you should have wounds created by dog bitesSN: What is this?TT: Gae Keob Sul (literally dog cup curse -based on CH translations)SN: Gae Keob Sul...TT: I've read it in some ancient scriptures, it's a curse, the curse is set by using a dead dog's soul.  It's documented that during the Han Dynasty, Empress Lu died from this curseSN: Do you now of how to break this curse?TT: The only way is for you to hold out and break it yourself, but there aren't many who succeed.  I do remember, if you do break the curse, the curse will reflect back to the person who set it.  The person who set the curse on you...SN: Danashiri...only Danashiri 
SN in her dreamsBe it a curse, or evil spirit, make your way here.  No evil can knock me down.  Danashiri, I am a curse!  Everything will return to you! 

Ep35 preview:
TH: A curse!?TH: Nyang...Nyangyi-AhTT: We have to battle against ETET (not sure?): Ta-HwanTH: What are our chances of winning?SN: It's not far from the battle.  Paeha you need to increase your majesty as an EmperorWY: I'm also a failure.  Because of my inabilities, I've become a disposed King.TH: Tell him if we succeed, I will let him return to his throne.WY: It's been hard for everyoneDK/TapJaeHae: Father wake up, father!TH: DS, and MaHa, I will kill you all, Prime Minister!
Text preview for ep 35A wooden board is found with SN's name written on it.  SN starts to secretly search for the sorceress.  TH and BA plan to return WY's throne back to him after they win their battle with ET.SN is using all her strength to give birth, why TH is waiting anxiously.
Original Text:

후궁전 마당에서 승냥의 이름이 적힌 명패가 발견되고, 승냥은 은밀히 주술사를 찾아간다. 타환은 백안에게 연철과의 결전이 성공하면 왕유를 복위 시켜주겠다고 약조한다.

승냥은 아기를 낳으려 안간힘을 쓰고 타환은 초조하게 기다리는데...

Credit: Baidu

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tessieroo said:
@CherKell - Thanks for the ratings! Still hoping we break 30%, how happy will our cast & crew be if that happens! I'm pulling for them. smiley-happy105.gif  I'm sure the fan clubs for our cast are pulling for them too, hope they send lots of treats to the set! 

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CherKell said: All right guys...  I'm putting my foot down on the whole Ratings Wars that always pop up after I post the hard numbers.  Things go up; things go down.  Statistically, it doesn't matter on what day a certain show is airing: AGB Nielsen put out a report a few years back that stated Monday episodes tend to be lesser-rated than the Tuesday episodes; Wednesday episodes tend to be greater-rated than Thursday episodes.  Obviously there will be an anomaly here and there... such is the nature of the beast.

But if it's going to cause discord and rancor every time I just post the FACTS (as a whole; not as the sum of its parts) and have people start spinning their own reasons why the ratings went up/down, then going forward I'll stop posting the damn numbers just to keep the peace in here.  Remember, we're not the ones the Ratings Services are keeping track of.  Who knows exactly WHY certain characters are being searched in the way they are -- are any of you Korean nationals and can explain their thought processes?  I think not.

So in the big picture, no authoritative body in Korea gives a rat's hinder about the international fans.  Especially MBC.  [-(

This 'middle child' has spoken.  Peace out.  :)>-

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Guest adjani1430293095

I really like TH's development, he went from WIMP central to Emperor and then to have enough insight to go and see TN and tell her to back off without plainly questioning her about the baby when I think he suspect that the child is not his. His response and answer to her about why SY's baby is precious to him compared to Maha also shows brains. 
He had gumption to go after the 2 stooges and then he would risk his life for SY (but that we always knew) and then suddenly this foresight with TN.
SY's ability to work into ED's good books is extraordinary as well, first she nursed him back to health, then she had good ideas about governance and saving money and then baby! All the hallmarks of the march towards Empresshood! For now, SY is respectful and I think ED does not sense any danger from her... but I think the rest of the concubines do.. so who knows... and clearly the "Witch" knows something from birth details of SY but she also had the brains not to say anything.. :) Wonder if she will end up telling SY about Maha.. and well the suspense clearly is which son has the life of an emperor!
And actually almost all Chinese know that it is entirely possible to tell some things from the birth details. And oft, those of royal lineage will see ... a lot of times, one has to have the "life" (i.e. ability to take the weight of the throne) to be an emperor .. if not their reign will never be long. Or they will never be emperor. And it is also through these birth details that sometimes, we use names to "make up" for the lack.. for example if because of the birth hour, the individual is destined to lack water in life then we may wish to ensure there is a reference or "Water" element in the name of the child to "make up" for the lack and thus change the destiny/luck :) Makes me wonder how much the witch knows just from the birth details :) 

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Guest adjani1430293095

Also the constant referrals to TT for everything, since SY has come to the palace lays the ground for TT to be central to her rise .. and if he does betray his uncle or be forced to choose, he may very well chose SY that he has become confidant to. It would be right sad though for BY and TT to be on opposing sides... :) Their chemistry has been excellent... 

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