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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Now Tana looks like Mama Claus. I think they should bring the baby to complete this scene. >:)

OT: Watching Running Man Ha Ji Won epi after I watched the one with Cho Ji Woo. I think they should play sisters in a comedy. Their reaction when they fail or get excited is :))

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@rinchan76 said:  sorry to cut your post.
about those pics, I feel sorry for TH, it is possible he will get indigestion from this meeting lol. It seems WY is seated at the table as well, so basically he is seated at a table w/his hated wife on one side, beloved girlfriend on the other, and his love rival right across from him, this situation doesn't even begin to define awkward or tense. Who can eat in this environment?   

This will be and awkward moment for Wy. you can best believe that tension is knife worthy.

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Can someone tell me what that B**CH is sitting there with our TH and SN?????  Isn't she supposed to be turning to a popsicle at the cold palace???  I am getting so sick of that woman....seriously!!!!  Is it true that her character will be around to the end also???  I don't know how that can be, unless she is just in the background because of Maha and being his "mother".  Even though we know he is WY and SN's baby, no one else will know that, because I do still believe that SN will never reveal that truth to anyone.
OOH, that woman makes my blood pressure rise.  I like her so much in I Summon you Gold, I wish she would stick to playing those sweet kind of roles, so I could like her all the time, LOL

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@rinchan76 said:  "This thought only works in an ideal world, yes there are laws designed to protect the weak but these laws usually come about after citizens raise their voices against certain practices. Laws are designed by the powerful to protect the powerful, often times. this is why people who live in democratic countries try to vote in the person who will stand up for the little guy, but a lot of the times those guys are rich as well. TN and ET's family are elite, and it was the elite that were making the rules back then, so they can manipulate the laws anyway they want."

You are probably right but possibly in some government offices.  Maybe I am just the only one being so idealistic that even just in this drama I am hoping to make this idealism come true. 

 Anyways, I enjoyed reading your posts and thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and ideas. 

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I've watched through episode 31, and read through the last few pages, and my big question is this: Why are El Temur and his crew so willing to share all of their secrets in front of Wang Yu? If ET is so smart, wouldn't he suspect that WY might double cross them to benefit himself/Koryo interests? 

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Guest adjani1430293095

Ah goooi.. why shipping is supposed to be fun! But why do they make it soo harsh.... I mean yeah TT seems to be really cool but that does not diminish the roles that TH and WY have in the drama. I rarely ship anyone per se and besides, its all these men and sides/foils that make a good drama.
Certainly there is no need to bash anyone. There is always a comparison of acting skills and there will be experienced and inexperienced actors/actress but experience is gained, everyone starts somewhere! And even experienced ones may for some reason not shine in a particular drama because of whatever reason! 
@Chrissy: I know.. I keep staring at the furs and wondering if we are in Christmas mood or its a Kdrama :P 
@Rinchan: maybe he isn't thinking about eating :P Besides he only has eyes for SY right and she wont make elementary mistakes so she might cosy up to him to richard simmons off TN and besides TN is "breathing fire at SY" and also trying to win over WY :P so it should be great "dining experienced" (for us fans that is!) :P 
@Cherkell: trust you to observe the food :P 

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dustdevil said: I've watched through episode 31, and read through the last few pages, and my big question is this: Why are El Temur and his crew so willing to share all of their secrets in front of Wang Yu? If ET is so smart, wouldn't he suspect that WY might double cross them to benefit himself/Koryo interests? 

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@CherKell:  I love the pictures you've just posted especially the one of which TH is surrounded by some of my favorite characters and as what @richany76 said:  "I feel sorry for TH, it is possible he will get indigestion from this meeting lol. It seems WY is seated at the table as well, so basically he is seated at a table w/his hated wife on one side, beloved girlfriend on the other, and his love rival right across from him, this situation doesn't even begin to define awkward or tense. Who can eat in this environment?"

It is awesome both the pictures and the comment!

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I've watched through episode 31, and read through the last few pages, and my big question is this: 

Why are El Temur and his crew so willing to share all of their secrets in front of Wang Yu? If ET is so smart, wouldn't he suspect that WY might double cross them to benefit himself/Koryo interests? 

It's like the Twilight Zone. Especially with that scene of DK trying to have a pep talk with WY and even patting him on the back. Apparently he missed that deadly glare WY gave him. DK never trusted WY and was all like "I hate him" Are they trying to say it was all about SN? Unless they really think that he would pledge his loyalty to them just to gain back his throne. Either way, it is extremely stupid especially coming from ET. He calls Bayan a traitor to his cause, and yet he thinks WY is above that when he said it himself that WY is dangerous :))

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Okay, it is Zia, the solo singer (real name Baek Ji-hye / 박지혜) who is a label-mate with K.Will on LOEN.  What I've heard so far is really nice, with orchestral arrangments and everything.  Reminds me of the Junsu OST Part.3 tune in its epicness.

EDIT:  Here it is!  Now if this isn't perfect background music for Ta Hwan and Seung-nyang's 'alone-together-time,' then I'll give up my persimmo-yummies for good!! :D


EDIT 2:  Here's the lyrics, courtesy of PopGasa.

On the day when the wind was blowing
On the day when the season was warm
The image of me resting in your arms
Is still there

To the days we used to love to the point of tears
To the days we used to be happy
Can’t I go back?
Though it hurts, though this moment is my last
I hope you will hold me in your arms

Becoming dust that flies in the wind
Becoming rain that falls down the window
If only I could go wherever you are
Then I could throw away my everything

To the days we used to love to the point of tears
To the days we used to be happy
Can’t I go back?
Though it hurts, though this moment is my last
I hope you will hold me in your arms

I am standing alone in the darkness
I’m afraid like a lost child
My heart is frozen

If only I could go back just once
You can come to me whenever
I will always be at that place
Don’t break down against time

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Guest missred123

Love the new OST!! Why does it feel like a WY and SN song. As they pass each other like dust in the wind knowing that they can't go back. So, his heart is frozen and she is standing alone in the dark. Love the lyrics. :-B

This hunting competition maybe the last of ET. What if he received a baby arrow up the wazoo? I feel a death coming on this trip. :-q

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If only I could go back just once
You can come to me whenever
I will always be at that place
Don’t break down against time

These lyrics remind of the day when SN refused to go back home with WY just to fulfill her promise of assistance in retrieving the lost but now found Blood Letter.

It keeps me thinking, if ever given a chance to be back on that same day, SN would probably accept WY's offer to be by his side at Goryeo.  Had she only known about her pregnancy, then her decision would have been different - she wouldn't had remained at Yuan.

Things like these sometimes happen in our daily lives.  As human as we are, we don't know what the future holds.  Sometimes, we think that in every decision we make, it will always be for good - unknown to us that somehow, it would bring downfall at times when we least expect it.

Thanks for sharing!

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I'm not sure if someone mentioned this already, but that scene of the four sitting together is right out from the novel (as per the translations I've read).

Eventually DS gets drunk and SN ends up taking her back to her tent leaving TH and WY alone.

SN and WY will also have another chance to talk alone, this time TH overhears their conversation.  If I remember correctly, this is after WY saves SN from the attack.

I had a glimpse at a few posts mentioning about WHIB.  Well there was a similar scene in WHIB where the 2nd female lead deliberately sets up a dinner date for all 4 people.  In the end, she ends up being the one who got hurt the most.
Something I posted a while back comparing WHIB to EK
pegster said:
I think people are reminded of WHIB by this drama because it has a similar love triangle.  Two men, both love her very  much and try to protect her (she's a poor orphan) in their own ways.  One has no power/money (WY at this moment since he's dethroned), but is smart, the other  (TH, is the emperor who doesn't really have any power) seems to have money and power, but really is controlled by his father, and can't protect her.  There was a bit of swinging back and forth, viewers kept wondering who she really loved, and only in the end, the last moment do you find out from her own words who she loved.

Oh and by the way, she sleeps with both male leads in WHIB :P

Throughout the story you'll keep on wondering if SN loves TH or WY, then at the end right before she dies finally does she confess 'I love you' to one of them?  I swear if we get a WHIB ending, I will be royally pi..ed!!  After chasing it for 50 episodes, this is the treatment I get!!!

Though I would also be heartbroken, and probably mope for a few days, then re-watch the ending over again several times like I did for Damo because the acting was so good.
All four leads have some similarity in both EK and WHIB.
SN is a little like Soo Jung.  Grew up at the bottom of the social ladder, always trying to live a better life, but constantly suppressed by others.  Of course SN is a much more capable and stronger character than Soo Jung.  

WY is like Kang In Wook (So Ji Sub). He's proud, capable, earns everything for himself, and always trying to protect Soo Jung (Ha Ji Won) in his own ways.
TH is like Jung Jae Min (Jo In Sung).  Rich spoiled brat on the outside, but really he's controlled and abused by his father, so he can't do whatever he wants. Sometimes he's like a coward.  In the end he loves Soo Jung so much that he can't bare living without her that he's willing to give up his everything, and eventually die with her (although he was the one who killed her).
DS is somewhat like Choi Young-Joo (Park Ye-Jin).  Another spoiled brat with wealthy parents who thinks everything in the world rotates around her.  She can't stand that both guys (well in this case it would only be TH) is madly in love with someone who is of much lower status than her.  Out of anger, she does everything she can to suppress and hurt this this person.

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CherKell said:
EDIT 2:  Here's the lyrics, courtesy of PopGasa.

On the day when the wind was blowing
On the day when the season was warm
The image of me resting in your arms
Is still there

To the days we used to love to the point of tears
To the days we used to be happy
Can’t I go back?
Though it hurts, though this moment is my last
I hope you will hold me in your arms

Becoming dust that flies in the wind
Becoming rain that falls down the window
If only I could go wherever you are
Then I could throw away my everything

To the days we used to love to the point of tears
To the days we used to be happy
Can’t I go back?
Though it hurts, though this moment is my last
I hope you will hold me in your arms

I am standing alone in the darkness
I’m afraid like a lost child
My heart is frozen

If only I could go back just once
You can come to me whenever
I will always be at that place
Don’t break down against time

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Now Tana looks like Mama Claus. I think they should bring the baby to complete this scene. >


OT: Watching Running Man Ha Ji Won epi after I watched the one with Cho Ji Woo. I think they should play sisters in a comedy. Their reaction when they fail or get excited is :))

That would be great to see unfortunately the money it would cost to hire both and their other half would be phenomenal.

The new ost is giving me heartache already.

Lol at the writers giving me Wat I want. TH and SN alone time now table of gloom. TN would be hilarious thinking both guys were still in to her. I can't wait for her to find out WY likes SN as well. Wait till she finds out her bro likes SN as well. Her meltdown will be epic.

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Guest ravendark


I think that Tanashiri is in the hunt because her father decided to take her breathe some fresh air after her dreadful penalty weekend  ~X(

Or she is abolished due to a flue...

Or they can`t leave her alone in the palace since everybody`s out, obviously. :-w

Or, maybe, the hunt is someone`s dream.  *-:)

Or previous episode were someone`s dream....

Or, maybe, that`s only her ghost, there`s a hope. ;;)

EDITED: This was supposed to be for cheering the thread up, @sarah.lina .   :bz

Hail yeah hope its her ghost otherwise she may intent to hunt KI down :P

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Guest ravendark

Oh it's nothing dear, my comment was in general too, i completely understand that it's "belittling" the mainleads when someone try to compare them with the supportive cast. Like i've said, i will not ever put TT in the same level as WY & TH. But you have to understand that k-netizen are really harsh in their comments.

I can show you the example of the Korean Empress Ki thread, at first there were all the shippers, after the harsh bashing towards WY, Wanyang Shippers all left EK DC, but after the growing popularity of TT (when i said growing it's even more than that, he's really a star now), Tanyang shipper stopped posting all the edits/collage about TT-TJH ect... they felt threatened by TT popularity whence this comment that you surely have seen on NB :

[+140, -33] Seems the female viewers were all going for Ji Chang Wook in

the beginning but now I think they'll be going for Jin Yi Han ㅋ I'm a

man and I don't understand why Jin Yi Han never got more popular.. He

has great visuals but his role is too supportive. --> and it was just the begining

That's the situation in Korea, i keep repeating myself but that's not what i think. :)>- :)>- :)>-

I should admit i never understand why k-netizens have such influence even to force writers and pds to change dramas fate... sometimes they enrage to much and drama changes bcause of that. In the end u left with absurd ending which make no sense ; example i summon u gold... i hope they dont mess with this also cause this drama can be success intenationally as TMTES. U cant please everyone since people have diff opinions on things. Ofc we all get in to the ships (which i dont usually) but that shouldnt mess the storyline. I stated i like jin yi hsn as Tal Tal and never understand also why he is not more populer acc to his look (more appealing and tslented than so many in industry imo) but my adoration for his talent doesnt mean i want him to be love intrest of KI. His part is cool and should stay as mentor and sporter for KI imo.

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