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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest yummysushi123

Please! Please! Please! Please!
Let the baby in TN's arms be a baby from a nun!!! (I sound mean here. I'm sorry, but I rather not let SN's son fall into the wrong hands.) 
Leave SN's baby alone and hopefully ALIVE!!! 
Where is Monday?!? I used to hate Mondays because it meant that I had to go to school, but not anymore....
I welcome Monday with open arms from this day forward :)

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thanks for the text preview :)

is that BS for byong soo

Oh Dear...but we did see a BTS pic of SN in the village with byong soo maybe it's here, oh god but she is carrying her baby so he will see the baby

they also think she is dead meaning that maybe byong soo captures her and they lock her up somewhere

Where can we see the BTS pic with SN carrying the baby? :D

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Guest minnie0103

Though I'm a pure WY-SN shipper, and even though the story keeps on tearing my heart out for my OTP, this scene is just too beautiful that it hurts... ^:)^

Source: DC EK

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Guest minnie0103

Honestly, I don't want it, but I have a strong feeling that the baby with Tanashiri is Seung Nyang's. The preview says Yeom Byung Soo is after Seung Nyang and her baby, so in order to save her child, she might leave him in a temple for his own safety. At the same time, Tanashiri, who's desperately wanting to have a child of her own, gets a baby from a nun, possibly from the same temple where Seung Nyang left hers. I'm all NO to this for so many reasons, but my gut tells me how big is the possibility that this is true. :( 
I just couldn't imagine how Ta Hwan would react once he finds out the real identity of the baby, that it's Wang Yoo and Seung Nyang's. It's unfair to them all. Ta Hwan would acknowledge a child not his, but of the woman he loves and his greatest love rival. Seung Nyang and Wang Yoo not being with their child for so long is one of the most heart-wrenching scenarios. =(( What makes it exciting is that Tanashiri is going to raise a snake, possibly one that would avenge the pain and sufferings of his parents. Good for you, evil empress. >:) 
Both the drama's and the novel's forte is to break my heart into pieces, and I love 'Empress Ki' even more because it affects me to the very core... :) 

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Guest ziimblu

While I know that our talented & versatile lead actors/cast will deliver, whether the writing or directing go astray,   I hope no baby switch or baby snatching will intervene.   That would take the plot into the realm of the ordinary,  rather than it having still (with more than half of the drama still to go), the  potential of being extraordinary.
I wish not to sit in by the writer's desk.  I would hate someone hovering or whispering,  if I were writing the script.   And I do want to give the writer due space & creative freedom.   Still, I appeal, please let there be no prolonged, protracted or agonizing confusion on baby/identity  issues.  It would seem mundane if there will be.   And anything mundane is inconsistent with the handiwork of the likes of  JJM HJW and JCW.

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Guest ziimblu

In latter episodes (before pregnancy), the design of SN costume reminds me so much of Kang Chi!   Yeah, the Kang Chi who, back when he was still King, also dated SN's alter ego, Hang Ah :) :) :)
 - a case of subliminal projection of Seunggi?! - 

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petria said: @jeenee, your posts are sometimes so funny.
Look at it this way: Ta Hwan will not be Ji Chang Wook`s tragedy, but a victory. :)>-
Just concentrate on loving them both, no need for hating others ;)
Except El Terror, Ki See, Tanashiri and El Plague, of course.

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Guest ghollygina22

So does that mean our Iron Lady is fueled by her protective instinct, not of bitter revenge? I think I like that...! It kinda justifies any action she takes (Good/evil). Love will have to be second on the list! GO SEUNG NYANG!!!!!

*Silently cheering* Wang Yoo help herrrrrrrrrr!!! I hope WY is smart enough to figure it out. I believe in you Warrior King Wang Yoo!!!

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Guest roshan90

About who is going to say I Love You
I think it will
Not be from WY.. He should have seized the opportunity in the oohlala scene to say that.. Going to wait till her marriage?? Not a good idea WY!!
For sure TH will say it.. He has always been expressive of his feelings.. There will be a scene
TH: Sungnyang I love you.. (pause.. Staring..) I am saying I love you.
SN: (comes up with her favorite reply) I have always been your woman Paeha..
and she doesnt say I love you.. How Lovely..
Edit: Whoever it is going to say it, I hope they get the same back rather than a simple smile. I hate that..
We could make a good Love Triangle Jokes If both WY & TH says it =))

Please Dont Fire Me:
I still pray that SN suffers a miscarriage.. And the baby SN going to carry to the cliff is Lady Park's.. And also Please God No more Makjangs From Now On..  [-O<
About Ratings Competitors:
I think when the new drama starts 1 or 2 % will decrease initially but in the end it will always depend on the script. I hope EK stays good as now.

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Guest missred123


Love the pics of ET as Sailor Moon hahaha. With his little wand with a bow. There should be a bow in his hair hahaha. You can see I am getting a kick out of that pic. Hahaha..

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Guest missred123


I truly believe also that ET would not approve of the massacre. He believes in warriors honor and this is what he has been trying to instill in DK and what he loves about WY.

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i was browsing news about JCW when i ran into this article. Its about rating wars for monday and tuesday. They're comparing EK to another drama. Its funny, i had the urge to post it here.  
".............. The ratings may say less about this drama than they do about the strength of the competition. After all, this drama only has a prime minister, whereas Empress Ki has a love triangle that involves a king and an emperor."

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Guest kenneth123

if sn says to th.. when he asks him if there was a time that she has loved him.. and she answered back i have always been your woman, paeha... i find it really weird but I think it means like i love you too to me hahahaha... like i belong to you from the very beginning.. i don't really understand why? it would be sad if she doesn't answer back i love you too... hahaha... i actually prefer her answer... than yes i love you too... hahaha .. 
If wy really dies and would be a reason for her to rule yuan... hhuuhuh :( i hope wy still lives...because sn will be truly devastated ...if he dies.. he's the man of her affections.. I truly believe that each man has a part in her heart... like she will love them both at different times... because it would be sad.. that there wasn't a good ending for any of them... sn being with the man she doesn't love, TH trying to win her but SN closes her heart and WY not being able to marry the woman she loves.... i hope at least one couple stay happy even at the end.... :D I also wish SN's baby dies :( it would be sad to see your child growing with your enemy and calling them mother instead of you... :( 

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- Sung Nyang`s baby is alive and well. I don`t know how, but Tanashiri will take him.

- El Terror doesn`t know about the massacre, he would never approve it. That is big and important difference between him and his children. He is old-times-bad-guy, he has a sense of warrior`s honor. For Ki See, Tanashiri and that third one, everything is allowed, they are pathological personalities. That is one of the meanings of Dowager`s curse.

- Lady Noh talked about herself as if she was also a mother. Being a concubine, she must had a child with the late Emperor. There is still that possibility that she was Ta Hwan`s mother and that she had to look her son growing from a distance, just like Sung Nyang will have to. If somebody knows the truth, that`s Dok Man.

- There is a possibility that eunuch Bang, thinking that both Sung Nyang and the baby died, won`t tell Wang Yoo about the child in order to protect him from too horrible truth.

-Looks like Ta Hwan is on ultimate-repressing-feelings-excersise. His reaction after the news of Sung Nyag`s death could be weird, because of that but also because she left without saying goodbye three times by now, he must feel as if she has failed or betrayed him, too conflicted emotions. His future encounter with her will be real test of his capabilities to rule not just over himself, but also over the country.  :-B

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can I just say after thinking over and over about last ep
I discovered I hate Tanashiri so much I could fly to south korea now to pour gasoline and burn every script, book paper with her name :-w
I will have a big party at home the moment she meets her doom...you are all invited

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