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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest ravendark

now going to nap a lil and think about what just happened :P Now I call this rush. If it goes this fast we can have the coronation tmorrow :D

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I'm EXTREMELY honked off that the writer-nims are gonna throw a heart condition onto poor Emperor Puppy.  If that's what will cause his eventual demise, then I hope he gives those eeeedjits the Evil Hairy Side-Eye from the grave!!!  Bwahahahahaha!!!


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This episode was seriously soooooooo good with so many things happening,quite a pached one...loved it...First of all i think SN did the right thing concerning Maha,on those times,laws and things she did the best to keep him alive...After the truth of his origin was made to the whole public i was sure he will be sent away because that were the customs fair or not...it was best not to tell the young kid that she is his mom after finding out first that all his life and origin is a lie...to find out after that SN is his real mom would been more worse considering the events will succed...SN told the old maid that will take care of him from then on to escort him to Goryo alongside PBW,i'm sure they will send him somehow to WY in the close future and be safe and after he will find out what happened...she also told Maha she will take care of him as well...Many may not be in tune with her decisions but i think it was the best one for both of them...i'm sure when he is big he will find the truth and understand SN doings...at least otside he will be somehow safe as a normal person with SN hidden protection..if someone knew it s SN kid he would been dead with her alongisdeGlad we are rid of the creepy KT,to think she was discovered by the hand of YH,i guess karma did bite her with this one...she gave the stolen ring to YBS and so it came back to KT,i guess she found her justice as well...glad that old maid told the truth,that KT meet in secret with YBS...i guess the women loves Maha for real and it would be that every one has a good side as well...LOved SN so badly today,because she handled everything sooooooo wise and got herself rid of KT at last...Bayan didn't kelp his niece at all because he choose not,he knew she is gulty and after his talk with SN knew it's best to stay away...i'm a bit afraid of the plan Bayan has in mind to take SN down and TT as well seems worried,hope he will joins SN soon...ED doesn't change at all,her greed for power is astonishing for real...So happy AYu was made oficial Crown Prince...The saddest part was Bi Soo dying in WY armes,such a sad moment,till the end she protected him..i'm sad really that she died because she was a very brave women that didn't deserve to die like that...Wy finding out that Maha is his son will sure make him come to Yuan again like in the preview seen...curious if he will see SN and confront her about this truth...at last tomorrow will find out who the Master of the Organization is,the only one that remains now is Golta..curious what his whole reasons are...aka to be a mob leader that controls Yuan black market or something even more...I also love that SN doens't want to stay passive anymore and gathered the Governors telling them she wants to get the Palace ridden of 2 people;ED and Bayan..so i guess Bayan and SN talk from the preview is to tell each other the war has started between them...i also have a hint that SN will never tell anyone that Maha is her son and keep that secret in her heart for eternity...and hope WY will reunite with his son now that PBW will bring him to Goryo and take him by his wing

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Guest MarieI

omg ep 46- Maha identity is out!!! though i think its for the best tha SN ended up wt our Emperor TH, coz i think he could give up the whole yuan for her,WY on the other hand... would give her up for the throne,

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My net lagged so I couldn't watch half the episode properly so I missed BiSoo dying.

Dear Bisoo, I'm sorry for hating you. Please rest in peace and know I really did wish you and WY happiness.

Dear Maha...There are a lot of people who really love you, you are not unloved! :(( :(( :(( :((

This episode was a rollercoaster of emotions, crying for SN and Maha, overjoyed with KT and ED's defeat, smirking with BA's humbleness after he was so degrading to SN and her Korean blood, back to crying for Maha...laggg...missed all those in between...back to crying for Maha since he doesn't know how much his mum loves him and how much his dad would if he knew...moving on to squealing at how adorable Ayu is...

sigh...now can I sleep after this.

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loli said: I am very disappointed... Yes, i know that ET didn't too much as TN did but she got the easiest punishment made to man (well not exactly)... sje should be killed and put in public for shame... just be banish and having someone to help her where she will be is soo easy...

She even have mouth, i am hoping SN was going to give her a dirty Slap (guess that won't happen)

Bye Bye ET, hello SN coronation!!!

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Guest kiyokotsubasa

All in all, episode 46 was a good episode. We're finally starting to move forward. But in my opinion, there was a lack of Taltalicious :)@pegster @loli @larabn @tessieroo @cherkell @Miky88 @ravendark @jeonghyang & everyone else : Thank you for the recaps !
I like the scene right below because due to all the hardships that SN had to face within the Palace, she is now starting to master the art of the smirk (can she beat Tanasmirky ??).

Episode 47's preview is here : 

Oh my god Paeha indeed has some heart issues (but they have been hinting at it from the very beginning : When he was getting jealous of SN, when he thought she was dead... and even way before, when SN was still a palace maid).I guess he was shocked to see that WY is still alive. And Wangyoo... he's wearing that hat and has that "It is MY son" look (i don't know if you guys remember but long ago someone posted a photo of WY with the same hat and wrote "it's my son").This time, the ML who is about to take off the mask seems to be a woman.
Err.. Guys i don't want to sound paranoid, but isn't that weird voice we're hearing in the preview sounding like Wang Go's voice ? So he's back ? Or maybe i should say... he NEVER really left ? NOOO, it can't be... Or can it ?
EDIT : Oh Dayuuum. I just  got a DELUSIONAL thought. If Wang Go is to appear next episode, and if the real ML is a woman... then can she be that Goryeo woman that we saw in the first six episodes ?? That woman who was always Wangyoo's father's Consort but was Wang Go's ally ??? 
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Miky88 said:


said: The mask guy is going to be reavel tomorrow

Can't believe TH is really scared on WY

WY is back in Yuan...

Guess WY is going to miss Maha

I think he is back to look for Maha and to see SN and ask her about the events...i think he doesn't know yet that Maha is on his way with PBW to goryo like Sn instructed himTH sure is horrofied seeing Wy alive,don't even know if he thinks it's his imagination or reality(in this care reality),he thinks he will take SN by his side Hahah... and i bet when the guards and SN looked to see where Th was looking, they won't see WY even though we know and TH know that he is among the crowds.... WY is sure messing with TH.

Just hope he won't be too sick in tomorrow episode lol... Feel bad for Th but its kinda funny seeing him terrified of WY because of SN and the stupid fake letter he read
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