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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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You have raised some valid points... But how long Sn is supposed to hold his hand and lead the way.. What kind of example is he setting for Ayu... Th life may have been oppressed which is all of the more reason he should want to stand up and be a man and the king for himself and not no one else.. He can't live his life fully evolved around her as the leader of a country....  I'm sorry to say but all these valid points that you have pointed out.. To me I find them only excuses... Right now nobody is oppressing Th but himself with is silly notions and wild ideas...You say Sn betrayed him I say Sn is looking out for the survival of her and her child... Th knows all to well the palace is full of enemies and if he choose to think Sn has betrayed him what about him to her he's betraying her for even thinking of her betraying him.....  I wish to cut him some slack... But what has he being lately besides drinking and playing.... I know there's somethings far more important the his play time activities.... For example talking to Sn about this so called betrayal you have pointed out..    

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Guest Nayuki Tran

Dear Tahwan my crush,Im writing this to you a your ex fangirl aka worthy suporter.Why? Why? My mind tells me to hate you, but deep down in my heart I still love you a bunch. Its so heartbreaking rewatching the fun moments of you and Yangie. sorry Th, Im mad at your insanity and badmouth you, but I still cant betray you, plz come back to yourself, Tahwanahh; ((((( feel like crying a bucket:[[forgive me♡ I hope I could understand how much you ve been through.  love Sn and Ayu a lot when you can, dont wait till you realize that you have lost them forever. If you ever get her back, plz promise to cherish her forever and never make her drop a tear. Hear me out. I beg this of you!!!!!
Sincerity, your love from another star♥

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About TH - SN relationship i'm quite postive there will be some sort of understanding, that at least the fake letters will be discovered. They have quite a big importance for the story, it's almost impossible they'll never be revealed. The point is what if it will be too late!? From SN's part, I think she'll be relieved and will forgive him... why make her fall in love with him otherwise?
But TH? How will he feel like? :( These letters must be revealed in ep 48, absolutely!!!
So I think this is just the typical storm of sadness that all kdrama have just before the end. Now that TH is in SN's care, the drug will come out too.

What worries me the most is that there is more between these two, other than the sentimental problems: politics. They have different political opinion, which will come up always in their life.
Personally, I really don't understand how could TH become such a war loving person, he who hated blood. For this, I blame the writers who distorted his character.... who made him heartless while watching people suffer famine.

Instead, I totally can understand him when it comes of Yuan-Goryeo relationship.
After ET's fall, He became an emperor and matured, like all of us wanted. SN guided him, everything was right.
After these damn letters came up and He started to doubt SN, he didn't let her interfere with poilitics for mutiple reasons, thus he was rounded by all these bad supporters: Bayan, ED and Golta.
At the end he started to think with their mind, as a mature Yuan emperor: Goryeo is a vassal, WY betrayed us, we need to kill him.
I think it's the same when it comes of teaching Ayu. I hate that he wants his son to like war (WTF?), but he's right when he says an emperor must be strong. He was weak and we all have seen his painful life; WY is a great king because he has virtue and all, but in primis he's strong, he's a great general. TH wants Ayu not to be like him, and I see nothing wrong with it.... neither when he teaches him what's the best for Yuan's economy: having vassals.

So I hope Ayu could take the teachings of both parents: being strong, having virtue, live in peace and be good to your vassals LOL

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class="at_ttl"What To Do When "Empress Ki" Ends

Empress Ki

This week viewers caught the 46th and 47th episodes of "Empress Ki,' which means there are only two week's worth of episodes to go.

Watching a 51-episode drama is an emotional investment. Viewers have laughed and cried with and worried about the characters in this drama for months now. As the end is in sight, it may be time to start thinking about what you will do when the drama ends.

Here are a few suggestions.

1.     Watch other dramas and films with the three main actors, Ha Ji Won, Joo Jin Mo and Ji Chang Wook.

Ha Ji Won's most famous previous dramas include "Secret Garden" and "King 2 Hearts,' but she's also in "What Happened in Bali" and "Hwang Jini." And she appears in several films. Her most recent film is "The Huntresses" and this year she will star in "Chronicles of a Blood Merchant."

Joo Jin Mo starred in a drama with Ha Ji Won before. He was in "Fashion 70s," but also "Flowers in Fog" and "Dream." His recent film roles include "Friend 2" and "Gabi" but his most controversial film role was in "Frozen Flower" with Jo In Sung and Song Ji Hyo.

Ji Chang Wook is best known for the dramas "Five Fingers," "Bachelor's Vegetable Store" and "Warrior Baek Dong Soo." His most recent film is "How To Use Guys: Secret Tips."

And if you already miss Baek Jin Hee, the evil empress Tanashiri, she can soon be seen starring in the upcoming drama "Triangle" with Kim Jaejoong, Lee Bum Soo and Im Siwan.

2.     If you enjoyed "Empress Ki," you can always watch another historical k-drama. There are plenty of excellent saeguks to choose from but some of our favorites include "Queen Seon Duk," "Jumong" and "Dae Jang Geum," "Damo," "Jeon Woochi," "Chuno," "Ilgimae," "Hong Gil Dong" or "King Gwanggeto." And "The Moon Embracing The Sun," "Faith The Great Doctor" "Merchant Kim Man Doek" and "Warrior Baek Dong Soo" are enjoyable too.

3.     Why not learn more about the history of Korea and the Yuan dynasty? Major museums have sections devoted to Korean history and culture. So many saeguks are based on interesting characters from history.

4.     Last but not least, there is the do-over. Sometimes there is just no substitute for a k-drama you love. If you really miss Seungnyang, the Emperor and King Wang Yoo, you can always watch the series again. At 51 episodes it's too long to marathon in a weekend, but you can do it in a few weekends.

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(Note:  I made sure these yahoos knew that JCW was heading to the movie set for "Two Constables" starting at the end of May.  DO YOUR HOMEWORK.  *sheesh*)

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@tieuyeunu,....... Sorry for cutting your post in section...
BTW, for those who said he has the right to blah blah blah because he was betrayed by all those around him, don't forget at this moment he is only aware of one betrayal, Ki's. He knew what ED was like from the start so everything she did he knew about it. He thinks BY is his most loyal subject and is blinded to the destruction BY is creating and he is in the dark about Golta. As far as he is concerned, BY and Golta are the only two people who are on his side^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ....
This statement say's it all.. The people he trusting now are the ones that have betrayed him and Th will realize all this time how big of a fool these people has made him out to be and he has hurt the one true person who really only cared for him... The only thing Sn ask of Th was to take care of the country and it's people.. But Golta's betrayal will big the biggest hurt to Th out of all... 
I am too waiting for their reunion because even if I don't like right now, he will make her happy becauseshe loves him. No matter how painful it is, they love each other.

I like to believe after Golta's incident this will be what leads them to reconcillation 


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tieuyeunu said:

Hello.. i am new here..

just wanna say that.. no matter how 'bad' the writer made him .. I still love my emperor .. I feel him. .. one of the worst feeling anyone could ever feel is.. betrayal... after the way he devoted his life for her... the blow is just too much for him.......

I ship them ... I hope Ki will finally love him un conditionally .. 

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Ta hwan was influenced by el temur pretty much most of his life, I wouldn't blame him for what and how he is right now. He was born that way, I'm sorry but it's kind of unfair to compare him like that. Please don't bash on me for saying what was on my mind.

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@CherKell..... Hello,......
 If you enjoyed "Empress Ki," you can always watch another historical k-drama. There are plenty of excellent saeguks to choose from but some of our favorites include "Queen Seon Duk," "Jumong" and "Dae Jang Geum," "Damo," "Jeon Woochi," "Chuno," "Ilgimae," "Hong Gil Dong" or "King Gwanggeto." And "The Moon Embracing The Sun," "Faith The Great Doctor" "Merchant Kim Man Doek" and "Warrior Baek Dong Soo" are enjoyable too.

Thanks for listing the top saeguks Let's also not forget Dae Jo Young in there... I love them myself.. When I'm bored of watching the same old thing I always turn to a good saeguk... I take you up on your suggestion for the next one coming out and also do more exploring about both dynasty... I will most certainly do my homework...  Once again thanks and also for the link...
I praise your insights and your great recaps.. You. @pegster,@andy78.@Miky88 @EstelleH @tessieroo @Jewell.@loli @DJG,@crtiics @ravendark,@eunsuhae @tieuyeunu.... And all others have have failed to name As we are coming to and end of this magnificent drama I would like say I enjoyed the time I spent in this drama reading all your insights and comments....  
So on this note let's hope the writer of Empress Ki give us the viewers and outstanding ending for this Awesome drama... Empress Ki... FIGHTING   

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For those who have watched EP 46 with subs, in the scene where TH was confronting ED about MaHa (right before MaHa was leaving the palace), TH said this:
"Taehu mama should at least insist on caring for him till the end!"
After watching it again, my understanding is that TH is hinting if ED insist on keeping MaHa in the palace ot raise him, he won't object to it.
Is that what everyone understand it as?
It seems like TH may have some empathy for MaHa, TH was at one point a lonely and abandon child like MaHa.
I'm also curious if that was the case, would SN allow MaHa to stay in the palace.  It seems like the palace may not be the best place for MaHa to grow up in.  ED isn't the best guardian, now that his real identity is revealed, how will the servants view him?  Will he have to grow up constantly listening to gossips about his birth, and endure all the finger pointing?  What position will he be?  A servant?  SN can't let his son be a servant in the palace.
SN can't be too caring toward him, otherwise people will suspect why she's all of a sudden so nice to this random child who used to be against her.  People will start wondering, and may even go as far as investigating MaHa's true identity, how his biological parents are.  That will definitely lead to danger to not just MaHa and SN, but probably also Ayu.
Oh well, it doesn't matter now, MaHa has passed, it's all too late.

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I hope that even after the drama is over, we fans can continue our love for this drama. I'd love to see this forum can continue move forward each and everyday, so let's make the last 4 eps the best moment ever. Even though the ending probably might not be the best, but I'll take what I can get.

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You have raised some valid points... But how long Sn is supposed to hold his hand and lead the way.. What kind of example is he setting for Ayu... Th life may have been oppressed which is all of the more reason he should want to stand up and be a man and the king for himself and not no one else.. He can't live his life fully evolved around her as the leader of a country....  I'm sorry to say but all these valid points that you have pointed out.. To me I find them only excuses... Right now nobody is oppressing Th but himself with is silly notions and wild ideas...You say Sn betrayed him I say Sn is looking out for the survival of her and her child... Th knows all to well the palace is full of enemies and if he choose to think Sn has betrayed him what about him to her he's betraying her for even thinking of her betraying him.....  I wish to cut him some slack... But what has he being lately besides drinking and playing.... I know there's somethings far more important the his play time activities.... For example talking to Sn about this so called betrayal you have pointed out..    

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is this drama is good because the story line is similar to one of my favorite drama called muhtesem yuzil is Turkish drama it also based in the real history about concubine who fell in love with one of the most powerful king in ottoman empire  even she was the first concubine in ottoman empire that make the king to free her and married her , and the story about her fight with her enemies and how she can do anythings to prevent any other girls to be near the king even if she has to kill  since he has many of concubines around him , also about her goal  to make one of her children to be the next king , I liked her character so much she was very strong woman who never kneel down to anyone , so I hope empriss ki to be good also and I can see another strong girl  .here here some video of muhtesem yuzyil

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I've been enjoying reading this awesome forum from the start of EK episodes. And nearing the end of the episodes, I do feel a need to say thank you very much for the awesome live recaps from EK fans here. I'm with you through thick and thin that the writers have been giving to us. I should admit that till now I don't have any courage to watch EK after the downfall of ET clan. I only read the live recaps here. Why? Because I have a weak heart for TH. Yes, I'm a TH-SN shipper. And I blame writers-nim for this. Why don't they make the romance like Atsuhime did. Although it's a painful and tragic love story but they wrap it nicely. Shogun Iesada's also the weird one IMHO like TH. And they also have a love triangle involving Naogoro (a heroic type like WY) but I should say again they wrap it nicely. Yes, I'm that kind of person. I'm easily depressed for the character that i like the most. It's the same case when i watched Queen Seondeok. I couldn't help fast forward the scene when Bidam start to doubt Deokman's love and had any courage to watch it weeks after the end of the episode. TH, please be strong enough to not blinded by your insecurities.SN, please be more open up and reliant to TH. I know you're a tough woman who can handle everything by youself but sometimes a man need to be needed by his woman.WY, I wish you find your destined love and live happily ever after.

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After reading all these post...I understand one thing very clearly, those that support TH are like him and refuse to move on from the SN-WY relationship and refuse to see her for who she is now instead of who she was before.

Still constantly holding her previous actions when she wasn't married to TH and wasn't Gwibi of Yuan against her. Why must all her actions be seen in a negative light because of her ties to Korea? when she has explained her action and shown clearly her alliance is now with Yuan.

If we're willing to give TH the benefit of doubt and try to understand things from his perspective, why can't we give Ki the same consideration?

People change, alliance changes, personalities don't. Ki has always been loyal, she was loyal to Korea until she became Gwibi of Yuan, she is now loyal to Yuan. Majority of the people around her understands this, only a selected few (TH, BY, ED) refuse to believe in her loyalty because she is of Korean birth.

This argument is a never ending battle, we support who we support and we can't change anyone's minds with just a few words.

For the sake of the peace, I am going to drop this issue and will refrain from commenting about it, no matter how much bashing Ki/SN gets.

These writers are really the death of me...all this heartache, anger, resentment. They want to ruin our Easter Break!

So let us all remember happier times and why we stuck around for this long...10174824_618712018223806_262600592603316



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