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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest adjani1430293095

For those who can watch it in chinese, you can try Maplestage as the place. The subs are't always the best but they are quick .. whilst the others like PPTV will be out later :) 
When I said they upped the pace.. goodness.. this one WOSH!.. I mean pregnancy... birth.. and evil magic all at once.. plus train a rag tag army! :) 
Seriously they cast the baby really well, he does look like TH!! hahahaha .... As for all the plots, well I figured Maha was not going to be harmed anyways as they pointed out, he is not born of TN (who well has no children) so it can only go back to hurt her family (i.e. EL T...) but well... if plots ain't going to kill them then magic isn't either... but it also shows .. both SY and EL T are made of tough stuff..... 
As for brothers.. ie the 2 kids... palace politics is cruel.. even kids of the same mother and father.. have been known to kill each other for power.. let alone one of different mothers and/or fathers... I don't expect things to turn out well.. TN wasn't now wrong in praying for a girl... girls are less likely to kill each other or be in line for the throne and also less likely to be killed! :( 

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So you see a resemblance between this game and SN's new hairdo? Maybe they were trying to have some fun on the set, and HJW volunteered.

I am praying that this hairdo is just a one time thing for MaHa's birthday event.  

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Guest kaeruchan

It's been a while since the last time I dropped by here. Phew! I have to catch up soon! For now, here's the recaps for eps 34 and 35. Enjoy! http://thetalkingcupboard.wordpress.com/2014/03/04/empress-ki-eps-34-35/ :)

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Guest HanN1430293555

I hope the writers well not let TH do things that makes SN hates him again.like in the novel such as TH send Maha to kill WY.(out of his character,)that was so evil we all know that TH loves his father a lot, when his father died it was not easy for him to move on, maybe he will not do that to Maha, especially Maha was the child of SN, we all know how much he valued SN, he will not do things to hurt her. 

pls. dont do that writers!!!!!..... if this is will happen this is a heartache for the TH-SN shippers :( :( :( 

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:-B I found myself in a loss for words and even opinions :-?? I don't know, or at least, I can't remember two episodes in any drama that I have watched that was so Full of Plot Movement....I mean I thought yesterday's episode took us from A to Z in amazing fashion...Loved it...because I was totally immersed...then today :-O :-O :-O :D ...Wow...Wow...Wow...thanks to everyone for comments, pictures, clips, recaps...etc., etc...I was able to keep up with this thread this time around even though it moved about as fast or faster than both episodes. There are so many insightful thoughts and diverse opinions about what has taken place, and where, and what might happen with the Nun, Maha, the Temur clan, SN, new baby, TH, WY....all I can add is that I find myself Full, satiated, and just totally enjoying Empress Ki and this thread. And, honestly, I hadn't felt that way since Secret. Whatever is planned and wherever EK's plot is headed I hope [-O< [-O< That EK will continue to be as interesting and as good as it has been up until now, and most importantly, that the last TEN episodes don't end up being a mess or a disappointment. (There are just to many dramas that have such ...lousy endings) ....all I can say for today is...Empress Ki Team...'¡fighting!'

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Guest adjani1430293095

I think once SY knows its her child, she will first have to verify it. She will also have to expose TN without hurting the child. So it can well be the case that she will still expose TN (its risky) but find some way to save the child and that will look even better and merciful on her. I.e. child is innocent, so raise it with her own and well as long as he is not Crown Prince it does not matter. Alternatively, this can come into play later when they have more power and can effectively deal with the issue. But considering the current pacing... shrug.. who knows.
I really do like the acting in this way again, TN for her child as a mother, El T for his bat richard simmons crazyness (really really good stuff.. unfortunately still didn't drive him to death!) and TH.. man the Emperor has grown balls (clearly he can father them! Lady Park and then SY) and his fatherly ways! :) 
I dont think SY will let WY know... or even TH, what good will it do? It will just tear them all apart without achieving anything and I am sure SY knows it. Except for dramatic purposes, its illogical for either man to know about it but Kdrama being Kdrama might just make a fuss and cause distress for all concerned :P  
The nun can just say that it is not her child, it was picked up and she killed EVERYONE to obtain that child for herself and therefore she was not pregnant and hence it is not TH's child. SY can say, its cruel to kill the child since they just had one and offer to adopt him :) And no one is the wiser really :P 

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@sally_b I can see where you are coming from. Me being western minded the taboo (for a lack of a better word) around adoption, is a bit much when I see it in blood lines. there is a strong emphasis on bloodlines and family trees. I recall one drama was a total shoe in as a marriage candidate but the moment they found out she was adopted it was like she was a stranger..seriously? I figured the motivation to secretly adopt Maha, was to keep the emperor from looking like a fool. It would reflect poorly on him because there was an imposter in line for the throne (it would be like TN made a joke out of TH by tricking him, or an embarrassment for him) ...scandals just don't bode well for the throne. We know these people place a huge clout on image because that is how SN forced TN to punish YA.
Also being related to the temurs it would be hard to remove that stigma, but I don't know if he can avoid stigma if he went back with WY. I mean if he goes back with him as his son, they have to deal with the fact that his mom is some woman of unknown origins, and she would probably be said to be dead, so that is another issue right there. 
Maha story line is too complicated, the kid couldn't catch a break from day one. I swear the Ma in Maha stands for makjang, and the "ha" is just the writers laughing at us.  

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I just watched ep 34 and realized the spell that was casted on SN was to have her die of dehydration. TN is an idiot, she could have had the shaman cast a spell of diarrhea and she would have died from the same thing within 3 days. Instead the witch probably made her pay top dollar for each talisman. It's a total scam, no wonder her spending helped to put the inner court in debt, she needs to learn to shop around  :))

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Guest adjani1430293095

And Seriously.. SY's confrontation with the Witch together with TT was like WAH....... and TT.... gosh that dim lighting really does something for him *drool* .. so much power, so silent and so sexy... its becoming the TT show :P ... 
Off with El T Clan and move to the TT, SY, TH and WY show please and hella the ratings will rocket :P (I kid ok.. except about more TT please) 

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tessieroo said: I thought if/when SN finds out Maha is Byul, she could make a case for keeping him in the Palace since he's supposedly an "orphan" found by the monks. That monk can verify where she found the baby, that the baby's father is dead (the guy she thinks is his father) and that Tana attempted to pass the boy off as hers by killing everyone at the temple. This is all the information the monk knows - she does NOT know anything about where this baby boy came from. In everyone's eyes, this baby boy is an orphan and his only parent (the father) died. 
SN will recognize the birthmarks but I don't believe there will be any danger of him being ousted from the Palace or being killed along with Tana since he's not blood related to ET & clan. SN could very easily ask TH to keep the baby in the Palace and "adopt" him. (while reassuring everyone that this boy will not be given a title) And I actually think both TH and Dowager would agree to this. Problem solved and SN doesn't have to tell a single soul about him being her son. I 100% agree that WY doesn't need to know (serves no purpose but to hurt him) and that the more people who do know, the more danger it will leak out. 
The only problem I foresee is how Maya/Byul gets explained to the rest of Yuan. Do they continue the lie that he's Tana/TH's son? (but will never be given a title) Or once ET & clan go down, do they announce he's not related at all? (which places a horrible stigma on the boy) 

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@rinchan76  - ( like pegster, tuzki-bunny-emoticon-036.gif )needs a more Lordly Title) 
----> Rinchan, the More Than Slightly Brillianttoo long?
Rinchan, the Brightest Witch of her Age(too Harry Potter-y?)
Richan, Mistress of All She Perve-ays(no wait, that's me)
Your comments are always a pleasure to read - you find challenging *bits* that are either overlooked or you present the bit in a new light. 
so maybe...Richan, The Freshmaker(oh ...uh...I think that's Mentos)

RE: "I figured the motivation to secretly adopt Maha, was to keep the emperor from looking like a fool."
~completely escaped me. I would have rather lazily accepted that everyone would be so happy to get rid of the Temurs, they'd attribute any scandals to the traitor's misdeeds. But this is Kdrama we're talking about - so yeah - Keeping Face and opportunity to create Makjang (win = win?) ha!
RE: "Also being related to the Temurs it would be hard to remove that stigma, but I don't know if he can avoid stigma if he went back with WY. I mean if he goes back with him as his son, they have to deal with the fact that his mom is some woman of unknown origins, and she would probably be said to be dead, so that is another issue right there."
On this one, I had imagined that they would fabricate Byul's family background -- Eunuch Bang (aka Master of Disguise) would play both his mother and father as needed. (wink)
RE: Maha story line is too complicated, the kid couldn't catch a break from day one. I swear the Ma in Maha stands for makjang, and the "ha" is just the writers laughing at us.
P'shah...I've been bitterly ranting about the superbaby-plot-log-jam since the very first spoilery spoiler was posted.(~ in my best Charlton Heston Planet of the Apes pose "You Maniacs! You blew it up!")  

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Wow~~ Really I love the ep34 & ep35, were just awesome! :x
And also I loved that kiss between TH & SN... 8-> that kiss really was pure passion and too hot!  =P~ ;;)
(LOL... In fact, I really shrieked when reading the recapitulation in live of this scene... and even feel butterflies to the see it...  :\"> hihihi~~ :P ) & my SN is really a preciousness! 8-> :x

And I of true am very happy for SN & TH that finally had a son... :D and his son is too but too PRECIOUS! :x just like MAHA.. :)
¿Why Korean babies have to be so cute and adorable?? ¡They really are a overload of tenderness! 8->

On a side note: The new character, The warrior(?) Sorry... is that truth I don´t know his name.. LOL good, but he´... is of YUAN, right? :-/ Is that I thought that maybe he could be a brother of SN, as it mentioned something so before... :-? I know, I know... I'm a little crazy... xD

Also I really happy for the Ratings of EK, I really do not understand those people who are happy because the grades drop, or comparing ratings, or also those who say, by such´ character ratings go up or down...
LOL... it's so absurd! :w
Personally I do not care qualifications, they are just numbers and the truth there are many factors that go up or down.

And... LOL ¿Why the fuss over the new hairstyle of SN? :-/
I find it really well... :) and HJW always manages to look good with everything, because as she is a natural beauty, always going to look beautiful! :x

Good... I really hope that El Temur and all his clan depart the next week, but I'm patient...
And SN really in the next episode will know that MAHA is his real son??? oh, my god.. :-SS
By the way... How old you have now MAHA? I think about of 2 years or up to 3 years... no? :-/

¿And why not there preview yet?? Grr... that bad!! :-w
I can not wait any longer for the next episode! :-SS  :D

P.S: I want to thank everyone for the recaps, photos, videos ... etc. really many thanks! :)>- :D is appreciated a lot. >:D<

Well... see you next week! :-h ;) *kisses* :D

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