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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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chrissydiva said: rinchan76 said:I know SN would treat both her sons with equal love and want them to get along, but I am not sure if TH will treat Maha better once ET crew is gone. One of his reasons for his coldness towards Maha was because he had all the support in the world, but SN and her baby had no one (No all powerful father and brothers) and the only one that can protect SN is him. When he finds out about Maha, I won't be surprised if he says things like "you treat Maha better because it is his child right? Don't forget you are Ayu's mother too" whenever SN acts nice or defends Maha.

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serenity95x3 said: Here's what I think...
The governors will want to get rid/kill off Maha when it's known that he's not TH's son. So in order to save him, SN will reveal the truth to TH about Maha in private the day before the decision would to be made. The scene where she reveals it to TH will be jam packed with emotions such as sadness and guilt from SN while she cries her eyes out probably asking TH for forgiveness and help(hard to envision SN acting like this); disbelief, disappointment, and anger(towards WY) from TH. TH will eventually agree to it since he loves SN so much.
None of that happens but instead, SN figures out a way to elope Maha and hand him over to WY to take back to Goryeo. That would explain why during her coronation, it was hinted that WY was leaving Yuan for good. Her tears during the coronation could of had been goodbye tears for both WY and Maha.
I hope the second would happen instead. [-O< 

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ravendark said: Thank you all who scap and rcap and Translate:) since i have overloaded this Week i Couldnt watch EK new episodes so i could only checked recaps etc. Appreciated the hard work and thank you so much. Hopin to see both ep tonite if no last minute goal:p As i read Ayu has born congrattts to all:) Dont think Maha will get killed. He will be saved and send to goryo i guess as adopted by WY:) I missed to see TalTal whole week, my eyes will be please tonigt. After watching i also like to share my thoughts but also love reading comments a lot. Sometimes i laugh out laud and people in house think i go nuts. This is the best thread i ever read with amazing sense of humor tbh. This place becomin habit to check and read i dunno what will i do after KI done :P Btw what kind of combo ET trying in his bedroom while goin nuts that i saw on scap?

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Guest elyshongstar


TT: Hot Mama, if you don't mind, let me just take a bite look at your neck

:x :x :x :x :x :x :x

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I thought if/when SN finds out Maha is Byul, she could make a case for keeping him in the Palace since he's supposedly an "orphan" found by the monks. That monk can verify where she found the baby, that the baby's father is dead (the guy she thinks is his father) and that Tana attempted to pass the boy off as hers by killing everyone at the temple. This is all the information the monk knows - she does NOT know anything about where this baby boy came from. In everyone's eyes, this baby boy is an orphan and his only parent (the father) died. 
SN will recognize the birthmarks but I don't believe there will be any danger of him being ousted from the Palace or being killed along with Tana since he's not blood related to ET & clan. SN could very easily ask TH to keep the baby in the Palace and "adopt" him. (while reassuring everyone that this boy will not be given a title) And I actually think both TH and Dowager would agree to this. Problem solved and SN doesn't have to tell a single soul about him being her son. I 100% agree that WY doesn't need to know (serves no purpose but to hurt him) and that the more people who do know, the more danger it will leak out. 
The only problem I foresee is how Maya/Byul gets explained to the rest of Yuan. Do they continue the lie that he's Tana/TH's son? (but will never be given a title) Or once ET & clan go down, do they announce he's not related at all? (which places a horrible stigma on the boy) 
@sally_b - Agree, I think there are more differences from the novel than there are similarities. =))  It doesn't seem to me like they're following the novel much at all. 
I seem to recall EK was going to lose viewers because of "Heirs". Nope, didn't happen - ratings continued to climb and remained steady. Then it was "OMG! JJH and KSH in YWCFTS! I'll bet EK ratings drop!" Nope, didn't happen - ratings continued to climb and remained steady. Now it's Lee Bo Young plus a cast of young, handsome idols? All I have to say is read the ratings for EK vs other dramas airing on other networks:Han Cinema
Ratings are continuing to climb or remain steady. We got nothing to worry about and that's excellent news for HJW, JJM, JCW and all the rest of the cast! I say we should head out for drinks to celebrate. :D  (If we go on Friday, @Cherkell might buy!) 
@chrissydiva - I'm with you. I can't make myself feel one teeny-tiny ounce of sympathy for Tana at all. And I kinda think when SN changes her attitude towards Maya/Byul, (which she will when she discovers he's Byul) then TH will also change towards Maya/Byul. (of course, this assumes Tana is gone) 
I'm actually excited to see SN playing with all her boys in the Palace. *hee* 

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Hmmmm... I dont have any problem with her headpieces :D They looks like small knives and she can throw it towards the villains like TN, El Maid n etc..

Oiiii writers!!!! You better kill Yom Byong Su already!!! I hate to see him apprearing on my screen... Feels like clawing his face... Grrrrrrr

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tessieroo said:
Ratings are continuing to climb or remain steady. We got nothing to worry about and that's excellent news for HJW, JJM, JCW and all the rest of the cast! I say we should head out for drinks to celebrate. :D  (If we go on Friday, @Cherkell might buy!) 

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@tessieroo Maybe since i've become allergic to ratings talks lately but i don't remember anyone saying that EK would be in danger because of Heirs or YWCFTS. Those shows were not even aired on the same day so there is no timeslot competition either way. So their success wouldn't have affected EK increase or decrease (then again Heirs got their butts kicked by Secret lol so if anyone was trying to brag about Heirs being almighty, mmm yeah :)) )
Anyway, i've never been worried about the ratings of the show. Nowadays, ratings are used to just insult each other which i don't get. Unless you get paid to be vicious to each other, this is all useless.

Back to the show, TH has the right to appoint his successor. There is no law stating that it has to be the first born son. I think it's the same as in the Korean side. I gave the example long time ago of what happened with King Taejo though it didn't end well for his sons. There is really no need for them to announce that the child is not a royal to the governors and the rest of the Empire. That just doesn't work on their favors. They don't really need much to oust Tana. If they keep it like in history by accusing her of being aware of her brother trying to launch a rebellion, they could have her right there for treason. The thing is she knows she's not untouchable because she's an Empress, but she thinks she's untouchable because of her father. Once the father stays cuckoo then dies, GAME OVAH for TanaSilly!  :))

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@tessieroo you so got a point there. I am in agreement with you, why does WY need to know about Byul, it will only add insult to injury. I understand it being said that it is a cruel fate for WY, but "ignorance is bliss" is the case here. On the other hand SN would have to lose her baby boy twice. This is more cruel to SN then WY not knowing at all. To be honest the moment that Ayu was born, TH pretty much made it clear who he would make the crown prince. I like the idea of raising Byul as an orphan better. Meaning SN presents Byul as an orphan, but to protect the dignity of the crown, he cannot reveal Byul's true origins. Then TH would soften up to Byul (other then him being able to relate because he too is TN's victim lol, but he is sympathetic and seeing SN coo over him, he would probably follow suit.)  as well, and SN can be happy with her boys. Nothing good will come out of telling WY he has a kid with her. He can do nothing but shed more tears over it. It is not even a question of fairness, but more of practicality. Even if we were talking about fairness, 50% of WY genes are in Byul, but 50% of SN's genes are in Byul too. Plus Byul has a baby brother Ayu. So in all question of fairness, it would still be unfair to SN to be separated from a baby whom she tried to protect with all her life and has been mourning up until this day. The reality is the situation SN has been set up with has been unfair from the get go, the only solutions are the lesser of two evils. WY never finding out is a lesser of two evils. Raising Byul as an orphan seems like much more of a win   
As a sidenote there is a level of irony here, since SN too was raised without knowing who her father was (only to meet him later and spend a short time with him), and never got a chance to meet her brothers. I am sure SN would want something different for her son, but sending him back to his father, which is already a next to impossible task, will not be it. I highly doubt she will want to be separated from her son (the infamous mother's greed) especially when he is within her reach. Instead she could give him a family where at least he is with his true brother and have a father in TH. It is an imperfect sollution, but the closest she can get to having a whole family as oppose to a miserably broken one.the scale I am envisioning is mother and brother vs. father, and father doesn't outweigh mother (I will give them equal weight) so we can see how the balance is tipped towards the mother brother family segment.  

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While I have to agree that WY should not know that Byul is his son to save him from further heartache, and for Nyang to be able to protect both sons, this is KDrama, the more complicated the situation, the better. :D :D :D

If Byul is raised an orphan and TH knows only this, and not his true origin, I'm sure he would soften towards him since the child would have no relation to El Clan whatsoever. But, I think he would know the truth sooner or later and this might be the thing that causes his feelings of insecurity to resurface.

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@rinchan and @tessieroo --- hmmmm...I hadn't thought of Seung Nyang keeping Byul and raising him as an orphan. 
I guess that's because everything I've read about *current* sentiment in South Korea is that adoption is not at all mainstream. In fact, putting a child on the family register is a HUGE bone of contention in Korean families. (I'd look up and post article links -- but I wouldn't expect anyone to go to the trouble of reading) Also the innumerable number of Kdramas I've watched in which potential parent-in-laws nixed marital candidates based on the fact the person was an orphan OR had only one parent. Not that I take Kdramas as a real-life standard, but the fact that it's used so often as a trope indicates that there is in fact social stigma attached to orphans/adoptees.
So it's with that in mind and also that Byul's entrance into the palace was through Temur murderous misdeeds ~I had formulated that faking Byul's death in Yuan and sending him to Wang Yoo to be raised (as a nephew or some such) was a less pitiful option for both father and son.
Wang Yoo gets a consolation for being the constant saviour of everyone/thing ...and little Byul gets to grow up without being marked as *that Temur kid* in the very, very harsh Palace. What child wants to grow up knowing that he was slated to be the Emperor, but WAIT ~ you turned out to be some dead soldier's kid, stolen by a murderer....but hey! you're eating well so it's ok.
Whatever happens....we can be fairly certain the writers will MAKJANG the h#ll out of it, right?

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@palilsan - RE: "Basking in the afterglow of this week's episodes, I'll buy the meat!!! "
awww.... I'm a veg. (can we have spring rolls with peanut sauce?) I'll bring a six pack box of Soju ~ :D
EDIT: We could also go Southwestern - Margaritas annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd :

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Like @sally_b stated, modern dramas mostly act like being an orphan is an hex and you are lower than crap, i don't see how a royal can just accept an orphan. Palace is not an adoption agency. Just look at the maids' reaction to Tana's attachment to Maha. They keep trying to remind her that he's not her real son. Cruella Devil even told her when she wanted to steal the baby that she didn't even know his origin which is the trope kdrama usually use. I know it's a culture thing. I guess to them it's normal to put importance in blood relation. But in other cultures as mine, being adopted is not a stigma you have to be ashamed of.
My point is that's like painting a picture perfect that we are thinking of the show. Whether it follows the stupid novel or not, i just don't think this is going to be happy land for the rest of 15 episodes where SN gets to play mama with her two boys without any worries.

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@CherKell - Wait, I'll fly? Does that mean I have to buy everyone a plane ticket to where you are? *checks bank balance* Maybe we need to talk about this.  :|
@chrissydiva - Agree, we had 1 or 2 posters back when each of those other shows started who came to the EK thread professing doom. (which was hilarious since those shows didn't air on Mon/Tues against EK) I don't see the point in coming to this thread to discuss ratings for another network drama. 
You're spot on about TH but my thinking was the scenario of what happens if TH (and everyone else) finds out the kid is just some random orphan that Tana found and isn't really his son. It would actually be better if that wasn't discovered! So I like your scenario better. (Although, part of me wants ALL of Tana's lies to come out) *sigh* I just want her drawn & quartered.  :-\"
@rinchan76 - Thank you for understanding what I meant! It's so painful to think of WY knowing his son is in the Yuan Palace and he can't do a thing - without hurting SN. I also don't think there is any way SN could somehow get the baby to him so he can raise it, that seems so unlikely. So for me, the least painful for WY is just not knowing.  :(
And that was my thinking exactly - once TH sees SN cooing over and playing with Byul, he'll soften. I have visions in my head of both her and TH chasing the 2 little boys around. *kekeke* 
EDIT: OMO, you guys are all right! I keep forgetting about the issues with orphans in K-dramas! UGH! 

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