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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Do you think it's because Ha Ji Won is going to Hollywood after the drama and that's why they are rushing it..........or maybe not........I doubt it.......

Just wanted to ask, did SN give birth because I can't see the baby in her arms at all!!! 

If the baby is really in the black cloth, then it must be a really thin and light baby for SN to be able to run for her life with :)

I don't think HJW has anything to do with it. The show is at least 50 from the get go so everybody's schedule was already set. That's on the writers and PDs.

Well she's not gonna be wearing a real live baby anyway during action scenes. Though in the preview it looks like the baby is on her back which I hope not. That's a big no no.

For people commenting on how big the baby with TN is. For starters at least from American shows, they usually use fake babies when the women give birth then afterwards they usually use babies who are 2-3 months old. They never use newborn babies. From the babies I see in kdramas, I would say they adopt the same process. Babies always look big.

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Guest charming88

I absolutely love this sageuk/drama! It's so unpredictable and fast paced. Every scene keeps me on the edge of my seat. There are a few things that bothers me though.. How is it possible that El-Plague (as you people call him) is still alive? He has been infected with the plague but he is now fully recovered then he was severely injured but now it seems like nothing happened to him,not even a scratch and now He's the captain of the guards,like WTF?!  :)) Don't tell me that he's going to be the one to steal My SN's Baby! SN should get rid off him first when she becomes the Empress! And the last weird thing is LP's pregnancy,She is way overdue! She should have given birth way before SN. :)) SN's pregnancy makes sense though,when the Head Eunuch checked her pulse she was 4 months pregnant already then another 4 months had passed. She's 8 months pregnant already so it's possible for her to give birth. This sageuk is not for the weak hearted. Empress Ki is definitely not your typical lame and boring sageuk :)) All the actors and actresses are doing an amazing job! Ha Ji Won is superb!

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@charming88 - RE: "How is it possible that El-Plague (as you people call him) is still alive? He has been infected with the plague but he is now fully recovered then he was severely injured but now it seems like nothing happened to him,not even a scratch and now He's the captain of the guards,like WTF?!"
hahah! If any of us could figure out how that roach keeps surviving - we'd bottle and sell it.(actually, the actor playing El Plague has experience in being the evil-guy-that-never-dies - I Hear Your Voice is the best example)
It's pretty clear he'll be kept around until the bitter end ------> the writer MUST kill him in a cruel and unusual way. I've said before that El Terror (the old guy) should die in a completely silly/benign way - like choking on a chicken bone...ccwkkckkkk..wwkkkkkk ~thud .
BUT --- El Plague should be shot, impaled, thrown off a cliff, stomped by a horse...then burned. (yes, it's evil...but so is he) ;)

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Aigoo~ X( ¡WHAT frustrating and annoying is to read so many STUPID comments!!! ~X( [-(

Is that... ¿As people can say much crap just because do not like something? :-w
(and I'm not saying this by some people of this thread, I say in general)

I now hate shipping wars!!! ~X(

¿As you might even say stupid things of incredible actors who portray the characters just because something is not as you like? [-(
(And I think the people who are upset and says he does not like it because that is not going the way they want... First never they should have started to see something... because it will never go as they want!!) :-w

As I would like to read only the positive comments... for example, People who do not criticize by any thing and that only enjoys of what he sees!!
but not... always going to see malicious people... :( ¡¿WHY?! :((
(and with this I am not saying that they can not give their opinion... But, ¿Because he can not be with more respect to the people do you like?!!
For example I, sometimes I do not like something, but not I say, first out of respect and because it is possible that someone likes it and if you read it you can feel very bad...

Well, to me... personally I like both couples, by their chemistry ... etc. :x
And I have no problem with the characters
(obviously the villains do not like XD and LP I did not like much... but I feel bad for his son.. :( because he is not to blame for anything).
And as everyone knows, between the three main characters my favorite is SN :x and between TH & WY, I feel that I identify more with WY... simply because the "fans" of  character of TH makes me hate him :-w ....sorry TH :( ....
(but if you want that I loved you please street to his fans... plis xD)

I think just from now on I'll be a shipper SN and I'll just enjoy the wonderful acting of these actors and of how the story goes!! :D
(and I hope you all do the same) [-O<

¡¡SN FIGHTING!! \m/  I love you beautiful~ :x :*

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Guest charming88

@missred123 Hahaha... Right,even germs don't even stand a chance. El Plague will live forever together with El Terror, the fated sleazebags.

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Guest seororo1023

Just want to say my opinion hope you don't mind.

I haven't watched the second preview of episode 23 but I've seen the photos.

I think the WY-SN scene is a flashback like many have said and IMO it is WY's. I think he will have a flashback when he got the news about SN and remembering those moments they spent together.

About SN running with YBS behind chasing after her, I coundn't say if she had given birth or what. (JUST AN IMAGINATION) If she had given birth, maybe the cloth on her back is just to trick the enemies. I have watched some dramas involving escaping with a child and they usually hide the child in a place promising to go back to them. Maybe SN put her baby somewhere and run to trick the enemies and save her child but will later find the baby was missing.

About the baby DS was holding, I'm confused about that. If it was LP, how could it get to the temple? If it was SN, I think it will meet my imagination above lol. Just an opinion, some notice that the baby DS was holding was too big for a new born baby but I just want to ask if have you even seen a real new born baby that was used in a drama? Maybe @chrissydiva that they were adopting American style.

I agree to those saying YBS has no germs to kill him. There's a metaphor saying "Weeds don't easily die." But it is a drama at all. They can live as long as they were needed in the drama and die in any way they deserve.

Poor TH. He thinks he loses all the people on his side and feels really lonely. But for me, atleast he has Golta :) I miss their cute scenes that made me LOL while watching.


I just posted it to know who is with the same thoughts with me or I am all ALONE~~ Forever Alone ~~ These are all just my opinion please don't bash :(( I respect all of you as we all have our opinions.

Peace ♥

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Guest minnie0103

Thank you @misstear for the preview screencaps. :)
This is more painful than ever! The back hug... I love it! :x But it makes me sad to think that it could either be just a dream or a flashback. Both are sad, anyway. If it's a dream, it's because of a wistful longing for the person you love. If it's a flashback, it's the same thing, you miss him/her so much, and you keep on remembering the days and moments you were together. I don't have any idea whose dream/flashback vision would that be. It's possible that it's Seung Nyang's because she misses her King; it's also possible that it's Wang Yoo's after learning that Seung Nyang's dead. :(
I felt relieved that Eunuch Bang knew that Seung Nyang was pregnant because he would probably tell Wang Yoo about it, and as the father, he must know it. However, with the thought that Seung Nyang and the baby are gone, Eunuch Bang may not tell Wang Yoo about it anymore because of the thinking They are dead anyway, it will just make His Majesty feel even worse. I really wish Eunuch Bang would tell Wang Yoo about it, he has the right to know everything, after all. 

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@minnie0103 I am kinda perplexed to whether or not Eunuch Bang would tell him about the baby. Like you said, he might think one bad news is enough already. So far the people that know were Bang, Officer Park (who i hope is not dead), Lady Pak (not looking good for her), Lady Noh :( , and Dokman. Wait! HD, her maid friend, knows she's pregnant right? I mean she has to know since she helped her dress up. So in total for the ones still alive (that we know of), are 3 people. And i also wonder how SN could know that the baby TN has is hers. I mean the preview said that Tana goes back to the palace in secret. Unless SN saw her, she couldn't possibly know who took her baby, and it's not like she knows that Tana was faking her pregnancy. So if she goes back to the palace, it has to be solely for revenge not because she is looking for her son. Edited: Oh wait! Unless she thinks El Plague somehow found her baby lol. Then seeing a royal baby shouldn't be such an easy feast. I'm sure the writers will come up with a fake scenario to make it possible for her to see the baby and recognize him. Ahh our baby Hercules  :))
I just remembered i saw a post a while ago asking if Lady Noh knew who the baby daddy was since at first she thought it was TH. Well she was with SN for 4 months so i would think she knows LOL And she was there when SN was talking to her baby and telling him that his father was going to see him soon. She's not stupid. She can put two and two together.

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After watching Ep 22, I understand Lady Park is injured. What about her baby? Is she supposed to lose her baby?Also, we see SN in labour. She will give birth in the cave, continue to be chased by YBS and somehow her baby ends up with TN. Does SN take refuge in the same temple where TN is at? Since TN had 3 months yet to deliver, do we expect another minor time jump? TN ends with SN's baby without knowing that and takes the baby to the palace declaring that it is her son?! Instead of following her initial miscarriage plan?I guess news of SN's death is going to be the final straw for ouri Emperor. This is what is going to put him on the path of truly gaining power?Or do we still have to wait for SN to come back to him and lend him a hand? ;) Only 4 people other than SN know she is pregnant- Deokman, Lady Noh, Lady Park and HD. Lady Noh has died and Lady Park is on her way to?! Hence, only 2 more will remain who know. Won't this need to be kept a secret for a very long time from everyone if SN is going to enter the palace and become a concubine to the Emperor and later Empress?
Awww....my head is all fuddled up. Too much to think with the writers rushing the last 2 episodes. Their usual pace required this much to be accomplished in 5-6 eps atleast. :)) Maybe they are not gonna extend the drama after all with all the time jumps going on. Not that Im complaining

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Guest ziimblu

I think I liked it better that WY told SN that he wanted her to be his Queen. I humbly think it means more than the statement "I love you".     That's how I feel.     It declares love, and more - union, oneness, & all about "infinity and beyond"! (to borrow the favorite of Buzz! :) 
Still, of course, I agree "I love you" cannot be dispensed with...and yeah, I maintain  a resounding  "Yes, I do! " is much better than subtly putting on that hair pin!  (Like what if the hair pin fell?!?! & conveniently & timely broken by the roach,  a lousy possibility, which, however remote, can still occur in saeguk drama ;))) 

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