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[Drama 2013] TV Novel: Eun Hee / TV소설 – 은희 티저

Guest reijaye

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Guest atomickitty

they will be forgiven. Sorry.. fact of Korean Drama life.. they forgive the most heinous of acts when it comes time for the final credits to roll. Sometimes, someone has to die, but even in death, they are remembered fondly and mourned like saints. I have learned to be satisfied with just the moment of reveal, when everyone knows what the person has done. If I needed to watch people get what they truly deserve, by moral or legal standards, I would not be able to watch these dramas. Sometimes, some of them drive me CRAZY with their forgiveness BS (SMH, Glass Mask.. did you see that one?)

QOTG was a good one for sure. Watched that early on in my kdrama frenzy. It also had the same effect on me, started watching it and 12 hours later, I woke up from my drama fog thinking. "wait.. what? why is it so dark outside??" The uncle is in that drama. He plays such a different person in QOTG. I really like that about good actors. How they can turn 'personalities' on and off.

It's funny what you said about YJ. Maybe this time she'll say that EH came and possessed her body and made her lie about her hands. I hope he doesn't call her out on it right away but tortures her. He should force her to go see his doctor friend and watch her try to squirm out of going.

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Main points....

1) LK showed the letter to SG .... he is shocked.  Later after LK leaves the hotel, he snuck back to her office but her secretary was there, made some pretext of looking for something he left behind .....   luckily LK has it in her possession.

2) Snake in her usual bitchy mode at EH's shop, blah blah blah blaming EH for everything.....JT walks in, she is bitchy to JT too, makes snide remarks about JT being EH's lover.  JT accompanies EH on a delivery to the orphanage. Waits for her outside, takes out a ring he bought ..... he spots SJ and EH having an exchange and going into the orphangae together.

3) SJ who notices there is nothing wrong with YJ's hand, without informing her takes her to the hospital............YJ is upset that SJ does not believe her ...... they have another spat and both walk off in opposite directions.

4) SG finds out from the Police Chief that Kim Yongpal has surfaced in Cheonan .... he gives Jaepil an earful.  Yongpal makes his way to Incheon ..... goes to the soup kitchen and notices SG leaving the shop. He goes in and pretends he knows Hyeongman since he is from Gaseong .... while there he overhears Sundeok/Jeongok conversation about the sister being Seoul Hotel's president.  He places a call to LK asking her whether she is Kim Hyeongman's sister. END

Preview:  Looks like SG finds out Yongpal is in touch with LK and asks Jaepil for help.  Yongpal is captured by Jaepil and locked up in someplace.  JT finds out about this and trails Jaepil's boys to their place ... confrontation between JT and Jaepil/goons.

My pet gripe for now ..... why is it everyone always updates SG on the latest developments and info.  Apart from Kim Yongpal, no one is in the least bit suspicious of SG yet. Can at least one person start getting suspicious about him.... maybe JT or LK? That would make this drama pick up pace a bit..... we have a long way to go before it ends and since the romance part of it is always in the back burner.... the writer should have people starting to doubt the saintliness of SG to keep up our interest in this snail pace drama.

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@atomickitty  Well cracking up he told her let's go a date and the date was at the hospital she stated spitting out her venom at him and hauled richard simmons she wasn't going in there. so he went in by himselflet's see how eh will get the caught up in it hope nothing bad happen to jt , somebody else is going to die the more he try to cover it up the more crimes he's doing.  still laughing at the hospital date.   

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Well i finally found something to laugh at in this movie she got all purdi for a hospital date and the early scene when they were wearing the ponytails i don't no what the hair stylist was thinking about but the uncle ponytail really threw me for a loop.     

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Guest aejhae143

timsha said:

Sorry I was late waking up today, managed to catch only about 60% of living streaming, then I was marathoning the drama 'Queen Of The Game' its really good and I could not let go of it, do watch it if u can, lost track of time and about 10 hrs later I realised I totally forgot about today's episode.  Am glad to hear that the snake got caught lying about her hand .... SJ found out??? :D  That silly twit always gets caught in her own web of lies but she never seem to learn.


Oh my I love Queen of the Game.I watch maybe 4 times now.I love the story.

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Yes, YJ thought he was taking her out on a special date...she thought maybe by the beach, got all dressed up for her date,  she had her usual sugary simpering smile on and walking on cloud nine,  then her hopes came crashing down in front of the hospital ... she was hissing with rage accusing him of only wanting her hand cured so he could call off the engagement (at least that what I understood)... I was glad he did not go running after her when she walked off, she was expecting him to be at least still standing there when she turned back to look but he had left without a backward glance at her.  Good for u SJ finally u are seeing her for who she truly is .... a lying b.i.t.c.h.

JT with that ring for EH ...... OK my thinking is that he should have made his move way before this... she was with him in Seoul all those years and he was silly enough not to have seized the opportunity then ..... now it could be a bit too late.  But then u never know with TV Novels..... the pairing at the end would always be the exact opposite of what we expect . Remember after everyone living or dead is forgiven in the end, the evil girl recently morphed into a sweet angel always gets her man in TV Novel endings. 

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Guest aejhae143

I'm currently watching Replay 1994 because of Go ARA but I'm surprised that this series is pretty good.I didn't watch Replay 1997 so I didn't expect that this show makes guess crazy on who will the lead girl ends up.

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Guest atomickitty

@timsha, I think the first person to suspect SG will be JT. By tomorrows episode, he will know that the gangster has taken the witness and it won't be long before he figures out who asked the gangster to do this. Then he'll start connecting the dots.

@valsava, I also have the feeling that someone else will die because of SG. I hope it's not JT because I still have a bit of hope that he'll end up with EH. I just wish he was more proactive in pursuing her. The whole "protect her from the sidelines" thing is kinda dumb. I have to say though that I was slightly impressed with SJ today. I approve of the way he dealt with YJ and her most recent act of deception. If he wasn't 100% sure before, he should be sure now that YJ is a manipulative, conniving, lying, evil girl. The apple did not fall far from that tree. If SJ still wants his children to end up with half that DNA, he should go ahead and marry her.

I've been feeling a sudden increase in my hate for YJ's mom in the past few episodes. I know SG and YJ are horrible, but wow, she sure took to covering up for them and going along with the lies really quickly. 

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Guest Tamz1430292084

@Timsha. I was watching Baby Face Beauty and evil KJ was in it and I quite like the character he played - he's quite funny.

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Praying that JT make it out okay if so maybe SG will have him lock up with the newspaper man, maybe this is were the story line is heading I didn't like the mom when she first started to cheer for the marriage she and he should have never allowed this to happen. Were is the love for the victims. if i was eh when do find out that sg did it i will tell everybody in the market give them a dose of they on medicine. that never happen let's see how they will be forgiving.    

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@timsha started watching queen of the game on yr recommendation and also becoz of LBY in it. Like the 2 ep i watched before I KO as I marathon secret last two nights. Will continue as I like the storyline after checking out the thread on Soompi. Tq. Also, tq for the updates you are doing here. Not going to watch this show until something interesting come out but will get update from here.

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Today's episode was really fast paced

Starts with LK receiving the call from Yongpal and they agree to meet up.  LK tries to get JT but he is away in Cheonan, so she calls SG.  SG in turns asks Jaepil to kidnap Yongpal.  By the time LK/SG turns up at the meeting place, Yongpal is no longer there ... owner lady says gangsters took him away. SG is relieved.

Back in her office, LK with SG still trying to dissuade her, JT comes in.  After SG leaves, JT tells LK he wants to go back to the shop to look around.  JT finds a Seoul Hotel lapel pin. LK/Insp Jo in her office discussing .... JT comes back with lapel pin.  JT/Insp Jo adjorn to cafe to talk .... they narrow down the person who could have the lapel pin to Kang Jaepil who was recently dismissed from Seoul Hotel..... Insp Jo thinks Jaepil would not have reason to kidnap Yongpal, there is someone else connected with this case behind him and Insp Jo thinks its SG .... JT is in disbelief.  However, while driving to Incheon he has flashbacks on situations and conversations where SG acted contradictorily.

JT is keeping watch in Incheon at the new office of Kang Jaepil .... sees Jaepil and sidekick coming out and trails them to where Yongpal is being held.  Jaepil goes down to basement and induces Yongpal to tell him the dirt he has on SG .....Yongpal agrees so Jaepil unties him, at that moment sidekick comes rushing down to say JT has come .... Jaepil rushes out and Yongpal escapes thru a window.  Outside fight breaks out with JT and goons, he over powers them goes to the basement, Jaepil says look no ones around but JT notices the chair and rope and goes in search of Yongpal.

Jaepil calls SG and tells him Yongpal escaped after JT came looking for him. SG rushes out and manages to catch up with Yongpal.... fight breaks out but Yongpal manages to kick SG who hits his head and faints.  Yongpal says SG is the murderer as he walks away ...... behind him SG gets up silently with metal rod in his hands raised to strike a shocked Yongpal   END

Preview:  Okay some of it I forgot but below is scenes I remember........

1) Insp Jo comes in to question SG, Gilrye enters and he asks her about her husbands whereabouts the previous nite.

2) SG with LK in her office and Kim Yongpal bursts in..... SG is in total shock seeing him.

3) Migyeong runs into YJ at market place and she says that a witness has come forward  (something like EH's dad is not the killer .... not sure)

My input:     Yeeeesssss finally the spotlight is on SG and people are beginning to suspect him.

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Funny thing is that in today's episode, there was no interactions between SJ/YJ about the hand incident cos she was seated at the dinner table with hand still bandaged .... what a shameless richard simmons.  Nice scene with EH/SJ .... he helps her with her bicycle repairs....not sure what was said cos my computer froze ...but there was no awkwardness between them and if I am not mistaken stupid EH was advising him not to let YJ misunderstand their relationship. 

My thought after seeing the preview ..... would SG be able to prevent Yongpal from blurting out the truth, and even if SG suceeds in doing so,  JT/Insp Jo is there with their suspicions now and hopefully they will keep LK in the loop and not do the usual Kdrama thing and think its better not to say anything until solid evidence is found since SG is like a younger brother to her.  I am so afraid for JT now ..... cos of his past record its easy for SG with his newly acquired power to put JT away.

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