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What ethicnicity do ppl say you look like?


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Guest ~Shelly~

Hmm I've been mistaken many things.

Once I was mistaken as Indian. < Don't know how but okay.

Then some people mistaken me for Mongolian.

Some people think I'm Japanese.

Only a VERY few people think I'm Korean

(Hehe I don't mind though I just tell them if they think I am then I am.)

In the end I'm Chinese/ Vietnemese but I don't mind if people mistaken me, I just let them guess all they want. I might tell them in the end but sometimes I won't. I'm sure half the people in my school are so confused about which ethnicity I am. Hell not even all my friends are sure. XD

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i'm filipino but people never guess it the first, second, third, or 435345425th try. people usually say i look vietnamese (some viets look extremely filipino, though so can't blame the person) or hawaiian (lots of filipinos in hawaii) my freshman year in highschool people thought i was japanese for months -- funny cause i don't look east asian-ish at all. it was most likely because of my hairstyle lol

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Guest WitchGoddess

Some people say that I look Chinese even though I'm 100% Korean. But those are white people...so lol

I also had some people tell me that I look Japanese.

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chinese... always! even chinese people are certain i'm chinese. my mom said i spent too much time with my best friend (who's a vietnam chinese) when i was little that's why i look chinese now. :P

i'm 100% viet by the way. ok no i'm like 1/16 chinese (from china) but i don't count that...

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Guest AkuRoku

People who just met me think i'm either Japanese, Chinese or Vietnamese and then at night market one Korean lady spoke to me in Korean because she said I look like one from an angle..wtf?....o_0

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Guest pn4yy_bebe

some say i look chinese,..

sometimes a random korean person would come up to me and talk,..

and i'll be like: ???

but really i'm full flip

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Guest eat.rice

i'm chinese but ppl have mistaken me for:

1) mixed chinese/white <-- mostly this one cause i have big eyes and double eyelids. and apparently a very un-azn body.

2) korean

3) vietnamese

4) japanese

5) filipino

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Guest mango.baby

i'm almost fully korean, except my great-great-great or how many great-'s grandfather was mongolian.

almost everyone i've met has asked me at some point if was mixed with hawaiian.

but i've also heard thai, chinese, cambodian, indonesian, mixed brazilian, and mixed spanish.

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Guest <3goesDOKIDOKI

japanese. then korean.

sometimes ppl are SO adamant about me being korean.

i get japanese i say no, they say korean, i say no, then they guess every asian ethnicity they kno. and its always chinese last ;]

i literally get this everytime i meet someone new. nobody thinks im chinese. not even chinese people

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Guest bluecarrot

i get the 'you don't look hmong' thing.with the 'i thought you were filipino'..

but it's not often i get a 'you look ---' comment from another ethnicity..or someone's talked a different language to me because they mistook me for another ethinicity!

i think it's the nose, eyes, and skin colors that asians notice that helps us identify the differences in other asian ethnicities!

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Guest byul_smile*

not korean. =_______________=''

some people have said that i looked mixed.. european?! wtf?! O_o and chinese, etc. =(

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