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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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ayu_adams said: KT's birthday party would probably be attended by several big shots in business, including everyone at Jeguk High. So I actually think Daddy Kim has something up his sleeves. Maybe arrange for KT's marriage in front of everyone? But whatever he's preparing will probably backfire on him. Coz right now KT and ES are rock solid where they stand. And most of the students at Jeguk are on KT and ES's side. (E.g YD, MS, HS, BN, CY) and seeing how HS is supportive of his 2 friends, RH will probably slowly start to tag along. Haha.. Party is also at Zeus Hotel where YD plays a big part.

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All new Heirlings welcome and enjoy the roller coaster ride that is Heirs!

Of course like most of the Heirlings, I have re-watched the episodes ad nauseum.  What struck me this morning is actually YD.  YD touched my heart.  In episodes 14-15, he tried so hard to not be ES's friend.  Every time she called him a friend or said that they could talk as friends, he rebelled...fighting against that one name.  When ES finally told him straight out that she could not accept his feelings, he said "I've been dumped".  The pain in his face was so hard to watch (even though he brought it on himself), it was still hard. He fought so hard to not be friend zoned by ES.

Episode 18, then sees him give up and his feelings of loss.  However, this time he was the one doing the dumping.  Not only that, but he refused to be ES's friend.  He went from answer your phone, saying hi when their eyes meet to don't speak or even look my way.  He didn't friend zone ES, instead he dismissed her.  He in this instance is just like KT, for him there is no middle ground. 

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As the Drama comes to its conclusion this week, let me give all of us a group hug. >:D< >:D< >:D< Indeed Heirs is one hell of a roller coaster ride . I laughed, I cried, I swooned a lot. This is the first KDrama of PSH and KWB that I have watched and I will definitely pursue to follow their future projects because I have come to love them as ES and YD. I really love Heirs and LMH definitely nailed the character of KT. Initially, I had some apprehension since LMH was at his best (plus he was at his most handsome state) as The General (Woodalchi Deajang) and I may not be able to accept failure if I will compare it with KT. But no comparison for that matter is necessary since I am not seeing the actor who is LMH in both the characters he portrayed. Last year he was Choi Young , a Goryeo warrior who is dependable, stoic, invincible , untouchable and definitely fear is not in his dictionary. Now he is Kim Tan - teenager, warm, arrogant, expressive, clingy. Both characters possess the following great traits: 1) honest ; 2) straightforward (frontal attack) ; 3 ) love their woman with all their might (funny thing is both women share the same initials -ES) . Both became helpless because of their love for their woman. That's what I love about the characters LMH chooses. Whether young or adult role , he always get to the core of each role. He does not pick any role that comes his way. And at the end of each drama- you'll end up loving him more. :x :x :x let me end this with my favorite quote from the man himself - LMH "Those who give up cannot gain victory.It’s not victory that is so important, but the fighting spirit. Even if you fail, I think even just the attitude of not giving up is beautiful in itself." :-* :-*

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Guest delisyoso

The drama is nearing its end, to wrap up i would say that KWB is very lucky to act with Lee Min Ho for LMH has the charisma and pulling power to make his coactors popular. I think whoever was cast for KWB role will become popular that's LMH magic touch.

In my opinion Hyun joong of BOF was catapulted to stardom as well and the same now is happening to KWB, a nobody internationally. I do not know if he is popular in korea but truth is he is not outside of korea. He should be thankful.

LMH gathered international fans and made this a success. with the strength of international fans in the early episode, korean locals will definitely follow for it is trending outside korea and they can't do anything but follow.  

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@beamonkr , you know it's like we live in the Heirs world these days right? I now just finish watched ep 4 and will continue ep 5. I lost count on how many times i've watch it already... I know it's a sickness habit, but how can i stop it????? X_X i can't help it! I just want to watch again and again and again.... LeeMinHo.... You're killing me... But i just love seeing your acted in this Drama. So alive.. Well.. I always love you in all your drama anyways.. Heirlings fighting!!!

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We could totally play a drinking game of Heirs:
1/ Everytime someone cries, take a shot2/ Everytime there's a slow motion sequence, take a shot2/ Everytime Kim Tan has a different sweater (which is like... every scene), take a shot
Just with these 3 rules, I think we'd die from alcohol poisoning by the end of one episode :))

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Guest delisyoso

PSH is good actress but to state that PSH is the one carrying the drama is anything but undermining the real value of LMH. i think LMH brings out the best of PSH because LMH always brings his best. There are lot of good actors but few who can speak all emotion through his eyes alone and that is LMH.

I have watch LMH cass commercial with Sandara Park and i would say that if she did PSH part in this heirs the outcome is the same and maybe more due to both international appeal.

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I guess we are not as active since episode 18 one I think because we are all dreading the coming week where our precious drama will come to an end... I have been watching dramas for about a year or so and I have never obsessed so much on any drama I am usually patient enough that I can wait until it fully comes out and be able to see it and usually I watch it once and that is it... This has not happened with Heirs I can't tell you how many times I have put on play for each and every episode over and over again... by the end of this drama I probably will need major medication not sure how I will cope without it.....


We all have been surprised by episode 18 how Eun Sang came back to Kim Tan after some prodding from Kim Won.... though we are all happy that Kim Tan is not in a self destructive mode I think that we were all expecting major fireworks more tears? perhaps a near death experience? major amnesia? which are usually things we see in other dramas I think we are jaded by this and are trying to fit this drama into the same box as others..



I would say it will not fit the same box.. how could it? one it has been different from the start it has a whole bunch of great looking actors... on the old cast these will be the parents you can see their vast experience and great ability to embody their characters... from the young cast I honestly had my doubts about Park Hyunk Sik, Kim Ji Won, Krystal, Jeon Soo-Jin,  and Lim Ju-Eun and the others the only exception to these were Choi Jin Hyuk, Kang Min Hyuk, Kang Ha-Neul and Kim Woo Bin who have started to show promising good acting.... I have watched the dramas they have been on and I can see their improvement..



What was no surprise for me at least the superb acting I was going to get from LMH one I have seen all of his dramas and he has been improving by leaps in each drama I have seen.... From the very first drama I saw of him I could completely understand why.. for me his presence on screen commands attention… there is such a magnetic pull when he comes on… He has great charisma, and such chemistry, regardless of the age each of his co-stars have been which the majority have been way older than him he has been able to surpass that and embody the character of his dramas and fully make me believe he is in love totally head over heels with each of them… For an actor to show such emotion I am sure is not easy you either have talent or don’t and he TRULY has it… what he has is that versatility that makes him be who he is at the time he is on screen…


I am really glad I had the chance to see him with someone he is younger than him so that I could see how the interactions, chemistry would be, I never imagined that the portrayal of his character will yet again surpass what I have seen from him… to me WOW he is totally unbelievable… from the moment he started Heirs up to now you can honestly see Kim Tan how this young man has been strong and persistent throughout his life wanting what he never had a family… hated by the brother, never loved by the father, the mom that only wanted what never was hers and could only concentrate on getting her son to grab a hold of jeguk empire.. The stepmother that never cared…


Throughout all of this ordeal he kept at it… being exiled, thrown away by those he most loved… and given everything that DOES NOT MATTER in life… what is good to have it all if at the end of the day there is no one to share and to love you for?.... One of the reasons he fell for Eun Sang is not only that she too was being hurt by an older sibling but her warmth, her optimism, her spunk, and the way she viewed the world with such cynicism,…


Like when they have the rock slide accident and just before that he tells her to forget what she saw.. and she says “it’s all a dream anyways I will wake up soon” when he gazes back at her his affection for her grows with each instant they spend together, he sees someone that just like him had no dream… someone that be it hormones or the constant need to protect her or become that dream kept pulling him towards her… you can fully see his jealousy his starting feelings how they get so strong it was gradual but you can see it.. With Eun Sang you can see throughout the drama that she is fighting it.. Knowing full well that they can’t be that she can’t dream to have him… to me it was heartbreaking that such young person could not be allowed to dream just remember their times together… Kudos to PSH for portraying that hopelessness in her character…


Their growing chemistry for me there is no doubt that it exists you can see it… I love it! All those hot moments in the closet, the back hugs, the pecks on the mouth, the doughnut kiss, and the holding hands… I do not think that episode 18 was easy for Eun Sang if you re-watch all episodes to her being with him has been a struggle with herself from the beginning.. it is an impossibility, something that she could not dare to dream…


It was heartbreaking to see how Kim Tan broke.. but I agree with Kim Won saying that he kept strong and persistent for 18 years I even wonder the tenacity of his hope and love for a family lasted that long… another person on his shoes would have crumbled long way before…. I think Heirs depicts his struggles more than the others though they may be rich and soon get their inheritance the one that had trouble ever accepting his place as an heir or even part of that world was Kim Tan none of the others regardless of their issues had such struggle…. I am honestly in awed and super glad that LMH chose a different portrayal of his character he saw such depth to that character’s emotions that instead of making him the typical jerk, one dimensional bad boy, he converted him into someone whose feelings, emotions as himself are intense, passionate there is no middle ground for him… he totally is the best imo totally awesome performance there are no other words to describe it..


I think that finally on episode 18 her defense wall has crumpled down when she finally accepts that she loves him… is not easy for her you can see she is still fighting it when she is talking with Kim Won her voiced trembled and she lies saying she will get over him… you can see the hopelessness of those words… how her gaze avoids direct contact with Kim Won and how close she is to breaking down… Loving him has not been easy for her that is why I think for us it was easy to see her come back but to her was a battle she lost with herself when she finally admitted to herself and the evil dad that she loved him and that there was nothing wrong with loving him…


Though I think their fight is not fully over and we only got some pain relief when they both got back I think both Kim Tan and Eun Sang know that something is coming… After going through all of your comments… I can see why many are dubious about their getting back together… but what I say is their getting back together was not easy for Eun Sang specially…


I am preparing myself for the depression I see coming next week… I am glad we have the HOT Kiss and the scenes wish someone will put all the skinship Eun Sang and Kim Tan have had together in a video with some of the great songs that they have so far…. Would truly love it… 


In the meantime I will be replaying and putting on a non-stop loop the kiss in the closet…. After watching for many years American shows, Spanish shows, I have never seen a kiss that can be passionate, desperate, and sweet at the same time… mostly other actors ruin it and it looks more like rated x which to me lacks passion… so I am glad I join this forum with you guys, and for the first time since I discovered Kdramas I have fully falling into the stalker, obsessed path….. my only medicine is this HOT KISS… 

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Guest destinii23

I understand that there is a variety of fans here, and we see how our bias(es) showed great acting (improvement) in this drama. Yes we should accord them the right acknowledgment and support. 
But this shouldn't be done by undermining anyone else in the crew. You're just fanning the flames of a fan war, and this thread would again be soaked in negativity.
Please, understand that everyone has a role in this production, and all of them cooperated to do the story justice, which have brought so many of us together in the common love for Heirs. They all have been handpicked by KES writer-nim who clearly knew what she was doing. Like how KT was tailored for LMH, CES was tailored for PSH and CYD was tailored for KWB. She had made revisions to her characters along with the line up confirmed. Anyone else wouldn't fulfil the vision that she had in mind, and have the same effect that Heirs have.

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PSH is good actress but to state that PSH is the one carrying the drama is anything but undermining the real value of LMH. i think LMH brings out the best of PSH because LMH always brings his best. There are lot of good actors but few who can speak all emotion through his eyes alone and that is LMH.

I have watch LMH cass commercial with Sandara Park and i would say that if she did PSH part in this heirs the outcome is the same and maybe more due to both international appeal.

Agree with your first statement. Yet saying that if someone else will play the role of CES and still be very effective as PSH is undermining PSH's talent. One way or another, every audience noticed the great actress in PSH because of her role Cha Eun Sang.

I'm from the PH and Sandara Park was a actress here before she became a 2ne1 member. I don't intend to hate but comparing Sandara Park and PSH is quite impossible. They are both talented in their respective areas.

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I think I'm going through a sort of pre-withdrawal phase. I'm so down at the idea of letting Heirs go that I don't even want to be spoiled. What?? :-S
So I will be back t this thread after Wednesday. Or after Thursday. Or maybe not because I'll be holed up crying and wondering why Heirs is over :|
PS: can we have a happy ending? Tnx.

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Guest pattituazon


said: When i said pronunciation , i am talking spoken language. I know most countries who has same problem. I thought south korea had more american  influence. I think SK westernized everything except language i think. The problem is director itself have no clue on what is good pronunciation because even the american guys speaking like weird way.

I have my own opinion like everyone else. I only watched Heirs for PSH , i thought she was cutest in You are beautiful , anyway she looked same way in this. But there is nothing else in Heirs.  I can't pin point what is wrong , it kinda bland drama.

Lee Min Ho got the the good fighting instincts. Because when it comes to fighting scenes , his moves  are perfect with that situation.

There is lack of comedy , suspense  made this drama bland i think. It still watchable just for PSH.

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Episode 18 - the finish line is in sight and it's dress up time!

Congrats to the Heirs team for reaching 23.9 % in the ratings!  And I can't believe it will be over so soon...*sob* Maybe that's why I had slightly different feelings compared to watching the previous episodes; I'm already starting to miss this drama...

After loving the last two episodes, I liked the individual parts of this one but overall, I felt like I was waiting for something, maybe the announcement that the drama won't end next week. lol Or it's because it felt like a set-up for the finale week. They wrapped up a few things, the most important, getting ES and Tan back together with the help of Won. But somehow I'm not sure how I should judge the developments without knowing what will happen next. Or I'm still waiting for the chairman to get taken down that I can't focus on anything else. At the moment I just want him to get run over by a garbage truck every time he opens his mouth. Sorry, I just have reached the line where I truly despise his character, which is not a bad thing but it sometimes keeps distracting me a bit.

There were a few things that stood out for me: Won, ES and YD's storylines. I think the reason why actors like to take even small roles in KES' dramas is that no matter how small the role and how limited the screen time, they will get their moment to shine.

Tan and YD fight and we see the difference between a flawed character making a hurtful statement and bad writing. It seems I wasn't the only that was slightly angry about Tan's words about handing ES over to YD like she was a possession. If this show was truly badly written, his words would have been left without any consequences or reaction. But YD actually calls him out for it, turning it simply into an expression of Tan's hurt. It makes sense, he is at his worst and he is not thinking straight anymore. So somebody saying something stupid when they are at their lowest is absolutely understandable.

Won sees Tan all beaten up. This is one of my favorite scenes of this episode. After Won visits his father and informs him about secretary Yoon's new job, he sees his brother entering the house. I didn't think much of him coming to report to the chairman but him saying that he didn't come to visit his father was the best sign that Won was already planning to do something for Tan. It was always Kim Tan who went looking for his older brother, never the opposite. I really want to believe that Won actually used the excuse of talking to him to see how Tan was doing. Ever since Tan lost ES, Won is giving me so many bromance feels. I think Tan and Won are my favorite brothers of any k-drama I've watched so far.  He follows Tan upstairs into his room. Have we ever seen Won in Tan's room before? I don't think so or don't remember it. When his brother really needs him, he's going after him and that's all what matters. He wants to take Tan to the hospital, even using their deal as an excuse, but Tan only wants him to leave. Tans asks when he will go to the US, he feels like dying and begs his brother to save/help him before crying heartbreakingly. If the writer didn't make Won react to this by looking worried and helping him, the relationship between the brothers would be as good as dead.

Next, Won gets all brotherly and puts on his older brother radar when he meets YD in the hotel lobby. But to be honest YD isn't particularly smooth and looks guilty when he touches his lip when he sees him. lol Hearing him call Tan his younger brother after always denying the fact to Tan's face is the equivalent to a love declaration in Won's book of 'how to express your feelings'. I kind of feel bad for Tan being this miserable but at the same I'm so happy that Won is showing this side of himself. I just love it. I don't know how to interpret YD's look when Won says that judging on Tan's behavior you cannot only forget that he has an older brother but also any friends. Does YD feel guilty or uncomfortable on being called out for being a bad friend to Tan? I really wonder about that...

YD gets to eat ES' mother's food. I wish all scenes would feel as satisfying to watch as when YD gets invited by ES' mother to eat her food. It makes you feel what a different character he could be if only he was able to eat that last meal with his mother or if she had taken him with her. If Kim Tan has brother issues, YD clearly has a mother complex. It's heartbreaking to see how much a simple home-cooked meal by a mother means to him. It manages to reduce him to tears and me as well. I really believe writer-nim will reunite YD with his mother at the end of the drama. It's just too cruel leaving him without her at this point of the story. KES could easily use the tax prosecution against hotel Zeus, have YD's father get completely ruined, only for his mother to show up and take him in. I have faith in writer-nim that she won't leave him this unhappy.

ES deletes her memories with Tan on her SNS account. I think she is having a tough time forgetting about him. I feel bad for Tan seeing that she deleted everything but my heart breaks for ES who forces herself to not give into her desires. ES is used to using her head but the problem is her heart is hurting and she cannot turn it off. She is clearly moved by Tan's pictures of her, signs that Tan always focuses his honest affection and attention on her. And I remembered how drunk ES confessed to him. Kim Tan, the one who always walks over to her whenever he sees her, having no eyes for anybody/anything else. How she answered his confession after 8 episodes. She started to like him. Sincerely. Mirroring his exact words, proving that she keeps thinking about him and everything he says to her. Writer-nim really used their separation well to show how deep both of ES and Tan's feelings have developed for each other. ES is struggling to stick to her plan, wanting to remove anything that tempts her in changing her decision because nothing has changed. She likes Kim Tan a lot and we see her missing him but since she isn't as emotional as Tan, she manages to go on with her daily life without breaking down like him. And her missing him makes her feel bad because she is still scared of the chairman and what he could do to her and Tan. When ES meets Tan's father, she seems to have been summoned by him after Tan visited her. But despite getting scared, she doesn't deny her feelings for Tan for a single moment. ES fighting! And it's no coincidence that Tan and Won are using the same words to describe Kim Tan: warm, affectionate and honest. They love him. And it's sad that his own father is the one who doesn't see these qualities about Tan or knows how to appreciate them. I loved how ES says that she won't be seeing Tan because the chairman asked her, clearly fearing the consequences if she refused, so he should stop bothering her since she is already doing what he wants. Tan and ES meet in front of the closed down dream catcher store, he follows her home and we see how they keep trying to stay away but there is always a moment where the thought of simply wanting to see the other one gets too strong and they run looking for each other.

Tan's mother and father have a mean fight. Personally, I think the timing for having Tan's father say these hurtful words to his live-in partner was just right but at the same time, the whole thing was over-shadowed by the storyline of ES and Tan reuniting. Kim Tan is clearly not reacting to loosing ES like the chairman wanted or planned. So he's upset and blames Tan's mother for being the same, not being able to give up on something he deems unimportant when they're already living in luxury and wealth. He again is unwilling or incapable of seeing things from a different point of view. He even says to her later that he doesn't understand why she is reacting this way when he wants to send her to the US for a vacation. But the scene itself was really good. I was surprised to find out that the chairman used the same words to convince Tan's mother as Tan: He will remove all thresholds for her. And hurting her by saying that the regrets them and that he was only blinded by something shiny and cheap. Redemption seems to be very far off the table for this bitter, old, mean man and my desire to see him suffer grows with every episode.

YD finds his mother’s last message asking him if he is okay. Of course, the words are written on the same wall as ES promised to eat noodles with him. Again this development fits really well with the rest of the episode. Without Tan's mother having that fight and leaving the chairman, asking YD to find Tan and mirroring his past, YD wouldn't get to feel what Tan felt that day. I think this is kind of important for his relationship with Tan but also in getting over the trauma that day caused him. And hopefully it ends with the happy end of him meeting his mother again. But somehow it doesn't feel as important as it deserves because of the ES-Tan storyline in this episode. It fits but at the same time it doesn't feel right. I don't worry about YD leaving on his bike, even after saying goodbye to ES; I wouldn't be surprised to see him at the beginning of the next episode. Tan's birthday party is after all at hotel Zeus and they're kind of friends again, so I don't see why he shouldn't show up.

Won and HJ are lying in bed and they discuss Tan, and Won's date. I love how she points out that he only wants to talk about it because he feels guilty about it. lol I don't think we see a recent development of them being in bed together, it's more that their passionate side of their love story wasn't necessary for the plot of the drama itself. So, yes I would have loved to see more kisses and hugs from this couple but at the same time I'm really happy how they portray the adult version of Tan and ES but also showing how different the brothers are in their approaches. I wonder what HJ's wish is; she denied that it was about marrying Won. Does she want him to be happy and them simply still be a couple? I hope we will get to find out by the end of the drama. *sob* I mean in 4 days. And what's even better is that we get to see Won talking with his girlfriend about this brother. I'm just so happy with the entire scene. Won and HJ are looking sweetly at each other, discussing their everyday life and being an absolute adorable couple and at the same time we get more bromance because Won worries about Tan and if he should have done things differently. I love how HJ tells him that he cannot break down like Tan because he dreams about reaching a higher place while his brother's whole dream is ES. And you just know that Won's response of planning to come down has something to do with seeing Tan break down. I think it changed Won's priorities a bit. Jeguk is still important but I don't think it's the most important thing anymore; there are also HJ and Tan. The way writer-nim keeps coming back to the themes of dreams is making me love her writing even more.

Won visits ES. She is thinking again about Kim Tan by remembering holding hands and putting a quote of a fitting scene in a novel in the window of the bookshop when Won shows up. He obviously is determined in reuniting ES and Tan which makes him appear a bit abrupt and impatient with ES. lol I find his words that ES has to respond with anything so that he can say what he planned on saying hilarious. Won is just his usual self when he explains that ES is to a certain part responsible for Tan being miserable and if she doesn't want to see his brother or if she has already forgotten him. ES being still a bit shaken by the recent meeting with the chairman takes his words as a reminder to stay away from Kim Tan. So I love her look when after her response that she is in the process of getting over Kim Tan, she stares in shock/surprise at Won when she realizes he is proposing to help them. Won's suggestion of using an excuse to return when you cannot find the courage, and not look too far in the future but only at what you want to do the next day because then your answer, priorities, will change are one of my favorite lines in this drama. They just fit so well for ES and Won's situation. It's not only the way out ES has been looking for, it also mirrors how she looked into the future of how her relationship with Tan was doomed to fail. And for Won it's actually the same thing he is doing right now. He stopped looking at the distant future of taking care of Jeguk and having to fight Tan for the succession and started looking at tomorrow and how he wants to take care of a brother that needs him and be together with his girlfriend. Won returns and looks for Tan in the wine cellar. Tan expects to hear that he will go to the US soon, failing to notice the changed behavior of his brother towards him. And Won once again uses the excuse of their deal to demand that Tan gets better grades at the final exam and even gives him ES' letter which she had been hiding between Won's wine bottles. It's so sweet that Won is answering his own question of why he should be giving it to him with the simple answer that he wants Tan to find a reason to live again. Won completely fails now at hiding his big heart. lol After Tan's mother left the chairman and Tan told his father that he will live with her now, he visits Won in his office. It's the day of his birthday. Won informs Tan that their father is in the hospital pretending to be sick and that he has planned a big birthday party for him including reporters and everything. It seems like Won is over his fear of losing the company to Tan, since he only sees his father making his moves and not Tan being a part of it. He even invites Tan's mother to live in a house he owns. Tan thanks him and apologizes to Won for clinging to him when he first came to the house without his mother because he liked him. I completely understand that Won gets embarrassed about it and tells him to stop. What make it even better is that he wishes Tan a happy birthday. I don't think he has done so ever before since he told Tan once that his birth was the reason for his misery. Bromance forever!

Writer-nim already foreshadowed ES' return to Tan with the letter he read in the wine cellar, basically saying that she is sorry for lying, that he is a not a bother but a good thing which happened to her and that he is just as much part of the good dream that went through the holes of the dream catcher as she is. Therefore, it's not a surprise seeing ES return to school. But it still feels so satisfying having her take Won's advice, use an excuse, and let an adult, Won, worry about the chairman when she sits down beside a dazed looking Kim Tan. It mirrors the time Tan startled her while she was wearing her headphones and having him say that he came out of a fairy tale. Now Tan looks at ES as if she was a fairy tale creature from his dream. There is no way that Tan would be angry or upset about ES' behavior when he is simply too happy and glad that she is back to his side. It's no surprise since you only have to look at how he forgave Won all his hurtful words for another opportunity to spend time with his older brother. When they hug, Tan looks like he can't believe it and even closes his eyes as if he is afraid that ES will vanish like a dream if he doesn't. ES simply looks relieved and happy, I think she worried about Tan's reaction but she obviously didn't need to. ES and Tan stay at MS' studio for the night and it's actually ES' idea. I like it. They talk and you see Tan being in a happy bliss of trying to soak in ES' face because he couldn't look at her for so long. It's so adorable. And by proving once again that he is the romantic dreamer in this relationship with his words that he felt like dying without her. They both look really happy when ES intertwines their hands.

Tan and ES dress up. I don't know what to say about this scene besides the fact that they both look gorgeous. I love ES' red dress and Tan looks really attractive in a suit. I just wish we didn't end the episode on them staring in this awkward position at the red carpet. Sorry, but it just looks a bit funny to me. I know the scene will probably continue with them holding hands and going into the hotel and it will be a really beautiful scene and I will love it. But I just imagine myself being a reporter and seeing those two getting out of the car just staring at each other. Sometimes I simply fail at getting the romantic mood of a scene. lol

I'm actually surprised about how many scenes I really liked in this episode and it's certainly not that I didn't like seeing ES and Tan being happy again but there are still two episodes left and the chairman is still trying to cause trouble...so maybe the overall excitement which was missing for me is because I know there's still enough time for something to happen. Maybe after the finale I will appreciate this episode more? Essentially there is nothing wrong with it but in context with the other episodes there is just something feeling a bit off about it and it's hard to pinpoint. Or maybe I'm only a bit grumpy that after OTP reunited, my second OTP of ES' and Tan's mother are still separated and I know I will be waiting for a preview on Sunday and because of live-shooting reasons, there probably won't be anything...All in all, I think it's a really good episode which developed Won, YD and ES' character really nicely.

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Hey guys, I wanna know if we would be able to get the heirs on the nominee list for end of the year award in Korea? And if there's anyway that we could vote for it?! (website..etc)

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