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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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you know what I would like to see PSH in a badass action drama.. .would be great to see her kicking butt... and uri LMH as well I do love to see those abs and legs kicking in action...
I think I am going back to my heirs daily marathon... only way to survive closet kiss closet kiss

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Not sure if there's been a translation to this video so far...

Anyway, here's mine (loose translation) :
Interviewer: "Okay, one two three" [PSH claps hands]
LMH: "You're doing it so well" (Kinda feels like he's teasing?)[CAPTION: Lee Min Ho looks happy just by seeing (PSH) clapping hands]
Interviewer: "Your schedule's really crazy these days, no?" 
LMH: "Yes it is."
Interviewer: "How many hours did you guys sleep?"
LMH&PSH answering at the same time: "One hour"
Interviewer, laughing at their same answer: "I'm sorry did you guys sleep together...?"
[Everyone laughs]
PSH explains: "We both finished filming at the same time and we both started filming at the same time today so..."
LMH: "I think I'll feel sad once it's over"
Interviewer: "You're not feeling sad now?"
LMH: "Not yet" and then he says: "Park Hyung Shik (sp?) who plays the role of Myung Soo just finished filming today..."
PSH: "Since he finished filming today, I'm starting to feel a little bit sad" (or something like that, not 100% sure on this sentence)
Interviewer: "What is your favorite scene you filmed as Eun Sang and Kim Tan?"
PSH smiles
PSH: "Does it necessarily have to be only one?"
LMH: "You want to talk about the kiss scene don't you?" [nudges her]
PSH: "No no no, not that one! I wasn't thinking about the kiss scene but rather the "almost" kiss (litteral translation is "empty/air kiss"). The moment leading up to it was very tense and close."
LMH: "Me too, I prefer that scene. The "will he, won't he" move."
Interview voice over: "The two characters didn't actually kiss but they chose this scene as their favorite one!"
PSH & LMH: "A lot of people called this sequence "the empty kiss"
LMH: "Yeah, it was supposed to be a "I'm holding off/restraining myself" action. But it turns out that I was moving my lips after all! I wasn't thinking about it, it wasn't intentional. So it turned out to be a "empty kiss"."
[The real kiss scene appears]
LMH: "Weirdly enough ... (and I can't hear anything because there's the wooing sound in the background). But now I know the right angle to kiss properly without my nose getting in the way"
PSH laughs
LMH: "The place where we filmed this scene wasn't actually a film set. The aim was to create a very close, electrical marvelous feeling. And since it's a confined space, it really did feel a rather pleasant/lovely/comfortable."
And then the interviewer says something about all these questions from Kim Tan that made the romance of this couple more affectionate. The 'Do I like you?Did I miss you? etc
LMH: "When I first saw all these questions, I was like *aak* "
Interviewer: "Why did you feel that way?"
LMH: "I don't know, it felt a bit... um."
Guy voice: "Yeah, guys tend to feel like that." (I guess he meant that guys feel a little bit iffy/rebuffed at these kind of cute dialogues)
PSH repeats the dialogue and tries to explain to help out LMH
LMH: "But the fact that he formally made these confessions is neat/admirable. The fact that Tan is so transparent, open with his feelings is really something admirable."
[The scene where Kim Tan asks YD if him and ES make a good/beautiful couple show up]
and cut to KWB reacting to these questions: "I felt suffocated/awkward." [laughing]
KWB: "With Eun Sang we often asked Tan after a kiss scene 'Did you like it?' as a joke " (I'm guessing he's referring to the actors in their role...?)
and then he says: "Of course I feel bad. But Young Do has never really seen them kissing so... But I guess this question was nagging him. Did they kiss or not?"
The interviewer voice over says: "He looks so lonely on top of that since he's doing the interview alone..."

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Guest feliciawst

i want more interview, videos, bts of the otp. is that so hard to give out, SBS? :((
why this drama so little mid-way interviews. i thought usually they would have interview on their thoughts about the drama so far and so on, midnight interview more than on but heirs, so little promotion/interviews  :-S

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I've just finished watching episode 19 and I like it because frankly most of it was fanservice and after 18 episodes of angsting I approve and am utterly grateful because my poor heart simple can't take these heartbreaking tearfests any longer without giving up on me. I appreciate that KES finished with the angst sooner than was expected (because this "Daddy is in coma" matter is no angst for me) and went for the early HEA because what I hate the most is the type of drama that leaves it to the last 2 minutes. SO THANK! THANK YOU!!!  But in all honesty I'm glad that Heirs are ending this week because I'm starting to look like a real member of the Heirs cast with dark circles and bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep because instead of dreaming and snoring I'm writing Heirs theses. I'm sorry I'm not writing my insights and post as much as usually but tt's exam time at school and right now I'm going to the Hobbit midnight premiere so I don't have much time. Until tommorow, then  :)

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Guest NicC1430293282

TNmS Ep 19 Ratings:Nationwide - 22.5
Seoul - 28.5This episode has thus far recorded the highest ratings (over the past episodes) according to TNmS. Perhaps we should wait for AGB Nielsen since the media seem to favor it over TNmS.

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Guest Enonane1 .

@ghettoe said:Wow, immature much. Did I raise my expectation for a discussion too high from being in the Empress Ki thread?
Or is this one of those excessive fan girling threads where legitimate criticism equates to hating. Eish, let's go back to the other forum with this thread.

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Here's my translation to the rest of the interview; I started at the 4 minute mark since I already translated the first part in a previous post :)
KWB: Even when I look at those scenes myself, I see how mean Young Do is. He's mean. He looks mean. My mom sent me a text that said: "Woo Bin, stop harassing other kids." The truth is, even back then, it wasn't that Young Do didn't have a conscience. He wasn't 100% harassing Eun Sang. He was just doing it to spite Tan.
The interviewer voice over points out that everytime Young Do is being a jerk and harasses someone, he rubs his eyebrow.
KWB: Truth be told, at the beginning, it was something I did on purpose. Sometimes it looks obvious, sometimes it looks more natural. Now that I think of it, I think everytime I rubbed my eyebrow, I also sighed.
Interviewer voice over says something about the fact that YD didn't really know how to behave around ES, even though he liked her with all his being and yet he stole the audience's heart. 
Interviewer: KWB has a lot of powerful lines he says to ES. Which one is your favorite?
PSH, replying without hesitation: "Don't look at me like that. You make me tremble/nervous."
KWB: I think... YD really liked ES a lot. When I read all these lines again (and then he repeats a bunch of them while the actual scenes appear on the screen).
KWB (cont'd), referring to the last scene (6:45): I think he was quite different from the Young Do we normally see. He conveyed his feelings with more sincerity and seriousness. But he got rejected. He got rejected hard. [laughing]
Interviewer: I feel really bad about our young do though... my heart aches for him
PSH: I wish he met a girl he could see and talk to without having to trip her feet <3
KWB *realizing how pitifully others see his character*: It's sad, really. I didn't see things like that. Cha Eun Sang, farewell / good riddance !
Actress who plays ES' mom from previous interview: Everytime you see YD eating, he's always eating a cup of ramen so I really wanted to give him actual food (= cooked rice)
KWB: So she finally made  meal for me, and it was really something sweet and warm and somethng that YD was waiting and looking forward to, I think.
Moving on to LMH big heart wrenching crying scene:
LMH: It's actually the first time I had to cry that much. To be honest, I don't usually tear up that much. But while I was crying in that scene, I really felt like I had a big hole inside of me.
PSH: When I asked Oppa: "Hey how did the shooting go yesterday?", he just replied: (she imitates his voice) "Nah, I just shed a few tears, that's it."What a liar! [laughs]
Interviewer: Is the ending out already?
LMH: Yes.
Interviewer: It's a happy ending right?
PSH: Well... it could be good or bad.
And then all the actors sign off saying things like: we will work hard until the very end, please don't forget to watch the show, thank you for supporting us etc.
And the very last sentence is Kim Woo Bin saying to the camera: "Don't look at me like that. It makes me nervous/tremble." 

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