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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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The very best thing I took away from episode 12 was that Kim Won loves his dongsaeng. His description of him was so very touching and loving he does not talk about his brother in an abstract or physical sense but something in terms of how he feels when he is with him. His affection for hugging him. His honesty for telling his brother how much he loves him and that he's tall. That part really brought home that orchard scene and how it must have hurt Kim Won to hurt his little brother with his harsh words because he remembered what his little brother said about growing tall. Finally the most loving part was to describe his eyes. Eyes are the windows to one's soul and he says his brother's eyes are like his. That part was very well conveyed by Hyun Joo because she too knows how much love Won could show if he was ever allowed to. The eyes are not meant to be physically similar but that they are kind and caring eyes. Brilliantly done Kim Eun Sook.

Now let's talk about the old fart. The bully , the blackmailer, the schemer, tyrant, user, all round villain. He does not love anyone but only power. He uses his children like chess pieces on a board he controls. His children are just extensions of him and he wants to continue his reign through them. He uses their weaknesses to control them as he showed Kim Won how well he can wield that power by what he is doing to Hyun Joo. Basically throwing her to the wolves in a school where her status will become her doom. She even asked the secretary how long the publication could be delayed being seen by Won not even once flinching on how horribly she was being used. She knew she was being manipulated to best control Kim Won. Kim Won poor guy I feel so bad for him and disagree that his father has any love for him . The father sees him as the most easily controlled son he has. KT demonstrated how right he was in that estimation by revealing all he did. 
Ahh those slaps. [Was he really slapped ? I mean they did use a trick method of filming, god that must have really hurt it was so damn hard. ] The irony of him calling him that name three times to describe what he made KT to be by making his mother his mistress is inescapable. He hit him because he lost control and watch now while he tortures KA to make the son heel. Oh yes bad times for KT's mum I think. For me to feel sorry for KA is hard because she deliberately went after a married man and I sincerely do not have any sympathy for people who cannot lie in the beds they made for themselves. The old man is going to bring his big guns out to handle Eun Sang and KT . I do not envy the coming episodes one bit but like a car wreck I will not be able to look away. 
I loved how YD has developed to a point he is not afraid of showing ES how vulnerable she has made him. Confessing how happy he was that she came back no matter the reason. Telling her about having no power even to heal his own wounds let alone handle hers was a very clear indication to her that she basically has all the control over him she can wield. Very trusting of him for a person who has been so hurt that is simply huge . Kim Woo Bin hats off your played it pitch perfect. The hurt that she thinks he would use it based on how he has treated her before says it all in his face. His regret for it that he cannot get her to believe him because of how he has behaved towards her and unable to brazen it out with his jokes he finally leaves. 
YD blames KT for what he himself did. Instead of going to see his mum he decided to challenge KT and lost that opportunity. That was his own fault and not KT's but he cannot bring himself to accept that. It was never that simple a reason as we finally now learn why he hates KT. That remark at the pedestrian crossing to KT 'as usual you make people leave' takes on a new significance. It makes way more sense now why he cannot simply let it go because that would mean he has to accept that it was his own fault that he did not see his mum one last time. We forgive others more easily than we forgive ourselves. YD my heart bleeds for you and it is to KT's credit that he knows the weight of that loss as his apologetic tone when he says he was angry . KT knows that YD is entitled to be mad at him but him alone as he points out and requesting him to stand by him perhaps subtly for the big fight he is gearing up to. I think he wants YD to be his best friend again. If all else fails it might sabotage YD's own interest in ES, noble sacrifices and all that jazz [violins in the background].

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Guest simplymebeingcrazy

Enonane1 . said: Wait - whoa - you just gave YD to someone......this can't happen....this is not a fair......
I got points against me and can't figure out what I did.....so anyone not liking something in my post can flag it or something and I get points against me?So there is no way to figure it out either? So not nice of people. 

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ebullience said: Due to consistent violations here, I have to restate some of the rules.





Anyone in violation of the last rule (i.e. posting non-drama related images / gifs) from this point on will receive a warning from me, so let it not happen. I would also hate to report to the K-Dramas & Movies moderators, especially @Rebby, about violations that continue to take place here, but it is within my agenda if necessary.

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Guest prosperity

'Heirs' best 1 minute, Lee Min Ho - Park Shin Hye, ending tears 'moment 23.0% viewership



Could some kind soul translate this properly for us? From what I can gather from my google translate. This was best minute of Heirs, as far as rating goes. It recorded 23%. It would be great if that would be the rating for episode 13 and onwards! :x
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I really enjoyed episode 12 this week, my favorites scenes were:

a. Cross walk scene Tan finally got it. You have no way at this moment to protect anyone. You got to start with you and your mom and then work towards being able to protect ES. He made his mind up and started to put things into action.

b. YD trying to cheer her up and getting her to ditch, her pointing out that someone ranked 98th in the class was funny. I like that we are starting to see some emotion from YD.

c. YD searching for ES SNS account and realizing how he looks at her and that he is in like/love.

d. YD and ES before and after he found out about her mom. I agree he was wrong to go about it without her permission, but he is 18 and in like/ love for the first time and we all can remember wanting to know more about the person we like. He does not know that it would have been better for her to tell him or show him herself, because he does not have examples of how to treat a girl. I could see his hurt and ES did too at the end of the scene. As much as we know he wants her to get him, at some point he has got to realize that it will take a min for her to switch gears and see him as a friend.

e. Tan and YD golf scene we got to find out in more detail what caused the rift between the two.

f. Tan and Tutor girl, finally someone who could give this guy a little insight on his brother's thoughts on him. We found out that Won does care for him, but for some reasons (DAD and JS) can't show it to Tan. Which is really sad though. Because the two of them could use each other for support. I am glad he told him that Dad had someone watching him. I wonder if Tan will ever see the parallels in ES and Won's girl.

g. Tan bringing his mom out. I could see he was coming to this point.  The way he and his mother are treated in that house is awful. The dad only wants to pull him out when he is being good, but mock, ridicules and insults him when he does not fall in line. JS is still so bitter after 18 years. Lady let it go. You are going to spend the rest of your life hating a child and woman who you feel wronged you. I was appalled that the Dad hit Tan and that ever statement had bastard in it. (Who made him a bastard? You should have kept it in your pants or at the very least covered up if fooling around.) I doubt if he cares for Tan's mom and she was a means to get his son. I could see her not allowing Tan to live with them if she was not there too. As much as I like the comedic moments for KA I see her as a problem too. You allow yourself and your child to live in a household were you do not have any rights and to be treated as trash.  I could see that since he came back he hated the atmosphere and treatment in that house. To push him to marry someone to legitimize him is insulting to him and the person he was going to marry. Come on secrets do not stay buried for long, what would have happened it after this sham marriage Rachel and her mom found out (the possibility of her wanting a divorce would be there does that even matter?) He needed to put it out too many people used that secret against him.

h. The last scene when Tan was standing there crying and ES too. We could see how much it took out of him to do what he did.  The level of emotion from just them looking at one another wow. I look forward to seeing what happens in this scene next week.

So in saying the above:

What I want to see from this point on, continued development of friendship with ES and YD  and eventually KT.  I want them both to be able to hang out with her alone and together and YD to get a little mothering from her mom. Poor kid he needs it.

More BO Na and ES friendship moments. Bo Na may not admit it, but they are friends lol.

I want more HS moments and I do not want him to kill himself. I want him in this drama until the end and then living happily somewhere away from the pressure parents.

I want to get to a point where Won and Tan ban together to remove Dad. I think once they can do that , they can live their life and love who they want. Dad is too full of himself. Some where he still sees himself as upstanding. I guess cause he is still married to JS but dude you are not. You are so low! Your sons are not tools for business they really are not!

I think what should happen, KT, YD,HS and even Rachel  need to face their parents. Whether they have help from one another or not. These kids need ban together. The parents are not doing a great job.

I look forward to seeing who will still be standing next to Tan, as I am sure Rachel will run and tell everyone. I see her going to YD to find out how long he knew and why he didn't tell her. Or going to Won. I want to see Won's reaction when he realizes what his brother has done.  We can already see that HS does not care. Bo Na with her cute comment self will say something flip but she will not care, CY, ES (given), YD (he has known the longest) and MS.

I can see that YS is about to be busted for who and where her mother works. I am sure in her vindictiveness she will out ES as well.  I feel bad for her though cause once she does that she will incur the wrath of YD and Tan and it doesn't matter that he is illegitimate.

All of these kids have issues that have to be worked out with the exception of CY, Bo Na and MS.

So have we got a written preview yet.. when does the video preview come out for this how? Why does SBS wait until now to stop with the previews on the second episode?

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I just read some comments here, talking or wondering about getting 5 spam. 
@tovsleeptov is right, the spam is automatically hide the posts because either the posts are as follows:
- non-related topic such as gifs, images, video- asking for RAW or sites to watch- quoting images/gif/ videos - quoting long posts

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Guest nistymaj

How lucky for CES mom. Two hot guys being so polite and respectful of her because of her sweet daughter. :D KT always bowing to her and YD calling her omonni instead of ahjuma. Ah...to be the mother-in-law of these two is very promising indeed   ;)

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