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JONGYOON COUPLE ☆ ★ KiM jOnG kOoK - yOoN eUn HyE ☆★ JYC ☆★


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In Nov 2011, YEH promoted her movie with her fellow cast mates on Come to Play. (YJS is also one of the host)
These are the main things she mentioned throughout in the show  (as I remembered) are as follows:
1. She had already thought about marriage since 22 years old for 8 years already (most probably rounding off of 2004-2011).2. She then mentioned how she wished to just go strolling together with her kids but being a celebrity that would be impossible. (YJS teased her for already thinking so far ahead)3. Other fellow cast mates then mentioned about YEH being a good cook and some of her hobbies such as cooking, knitting and drawing, which YJS joked she's totally ready to be a wife-to-be4. At point 3, they showed an earlier footage of YEH in one her earlier variety show (not sure which one) where she mentioned she cooked something before for her bf's mum5. She mentioned that she's a stay-at-home type of person.6. When asked about their own touching moments, YEH shared that her bf watches TV together with her. When pretty ladies appeared on screen, he told her that other girls' features doesn't matter, he only like hers. The first few times he told her was considered most touching to her. Subsequent times was less touching but she enjoys it all the same.7. Han Byul shared her own touching story of how her bf Se7en celebrated her birthday (they broke up later in 2014 after 12 years). Jealous YEH then complained about guys like to do all those kind of flashy things when small simple stuff are good enough for them. She also stated she's always on the giving side in her relationship.8. After the bridal coaching session, the guests did a message to the camera to their future partners. 9. Point 6: YEH mentioned she can only meet her bf in her house most of the time. (Sorry miss this point out)
Coincidentally, YEH's message (about the hubby doing household chores and looking after their kids etc. while she will support the family financially) had been used similarly previously by Lee Hyori (FO ep82) and Shin Bongsun (RM 2010) on KJK. As YEH was laughing when she spoke those lines, some Chinese JYC netizens suggested she may have spoke those lines purposely to poke fun at KJK.

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cnman84 said:





Hi, just leaving a few video links related to them for those interested. These videos are in Chinese without any English subtitle.

Running Man FM 2015 Taiwan:

For those who can't understand Chinese:- @ 13:00+ JSJ was asked about weakness of other 4 RM members (YJS,JSJ,KJK,LKS,SJH attended the FM), starting from KJK- JSJ,YJS & LKS got excited and pointed at the crowd shouting YEH's name (a fan was spotted wearing yellow tiger jacket & carrying YEH photo)- JSJ then mentioned whenever YEH is mentioned, KJK's face will redden - YJS then mentioned the next time they visit Taiwan again, they will be 7 members+YEH
(01/23/2015) China's RM "Hurry Up Brother"movie SP interview with KJK:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODgwMTcwMTMy.html

-@2:45 Interviewer started asking KJK about his ideal type between Angelababy(China's ver of RM female Ace), Lynn Hung (the Chinese model KJK was spotted holding hands with) and YEH;-KJK replied almost immediately YEH (I believed he pretty much guessed the question and knew YEH's Chinese name so he did not bother waiting for the translator)

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said: In Nov 2011, YEH promoted her movie with her fellow cast mates on Come to Play. (YJS is also one of the host)

These are the main things she mentioned throughout in the show  (as I remembered) are as follows:

1. She had already thought

about marriage since 22 years old

for 8 years already (most probably rounding off of 2004-2011).2. She then mentioned how she wished to just go strolling together with her kids but being a celebrity that would be impossible. (YJS teased her for already thinking so far ahead)3. Other fellow cast mates then mentioned about YEH being a good cook and some of her hobbies such as cooking, knitting and drawing, which YJS joked she's totally ready to be a wife-to-be

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bystanderA said: Honestly, there is no point speculating about the HC part 2. The preview is most probably cuts of certain portions of the interview to garner attention and interest for the next episode. Though mentioning of YEH directly on Korean TV is indeed already a big thing by itself especially via KJK himself. 
But that aside, this year 2015 is going to be a big year for jongyoon shippers. KJK's 40th birthday (the age he wish to marry), YEH's 32nd (An interview once mentioned this was the age she intended to marry before she later delay her target to 35 instead), the 10/11th year of their scandal, KJK's 20th anniversary in the entertainment industry and also the increased activity of the scandal from KJK's side. KJK's current fame and standing is also finally matching or above YEH in the Asian region (China-wise his fanbase had exceeded YEH).
I did not saw anyone mentioning anything about KJK's speech when he was presenting awards at 2014 SBS awards with SISTAR's Bora (full video with Chinese sub can be found on Sohu). Of course for such events, scripts are provided for the presenters to refer to. Bora asked KJK about his marriage status and to say something to his future partner out there since he's the last remaining single in his 76 Dragon Club. KJK's reply was "Because of me, you have waited a long time. I am working very hard to earn money now. I'll speed up.Currently my work is very hectic but I am already preparing.We will surely get married"
Well, IMO it coincides with Cha Concubine's teasing back in FO ep66 that 'sister-in-law' had been patient and waiting for a long time and YEH herself on Come to Play (Nov 2011), where she stated she began thinking about marriage since 22 years old (2005) and also sharing some nuggets of information on her bf, despite her appearance on the show as a single guest with no bf.You can find her message on the show to her 'future husband' in earlier post within this thread.

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@bystanderA, thanks for sharing! looks like she really prepared herself to get married. i guess her future husband will be so lucky. and when you mentioned about lee hyori and bong sun, you right. thy teased kjk that way and its also about marriage. maybe her way to give some hint who knows. maybe yjs told her about it since bong sun told yjs privately about that matter. will be a good wife and mother, good at cooking and other criteria make me put yeh on the top list of women that might be possible to be with kjk

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Hello ladies...(and gentlemen)

Im back here.. Yesterday was the Running Man fanmmet and autograph session.. It was unlucky i can't get Jong Kook for the autograph session. I got HaHa instead. But i managed to see JK at a close distance. I even managed to get a hug from HaHa! How i wished it was JK!! So you would think i didnt get to pass my letters right? Well, i lost hope too BUT before the fanmeet at night, there are boxes with the names of the members outside the hall.. Im curious so i went to take a look, and the staff said its for fans to put in gifts they prepared for the members! I was ecstatic! I got to pu the letters into JK's box!! Hope he'll be able to read it..

As for my board, i think he saw my board once or twice. But since he's performing/singing, there aren't much reactions. I also noticed he wore some accessories during his performances. I saw the necklace during JK singing One Man. And i also saw a bracelet. Im not sure if they are the similar ones to our Eun Hye. But i really hope so. Especially the necklace like @jongeunkookhye posted. For the first time the hosts didn't ask him about his ideal woman/girl. So there's no chance for us to shout out YEH's name.. Im abit disappointed at that. Im also feeling abit jealous for Eun Hye at some parts of the show but i cant discuss it here.. Won't want to cause misunderstanding with other shippers.. You could PM me for more info..

All in all, it was a good and memorable show. I do wish Jong Kook would come here again. I also wished Eun Hye could come here again..

Feel curious... can pm me?

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Simple reason is because the question is more focused on KJK's love relationship than RM. KJK is still officially single and he is considered by them as one of the top Korean bachelor. The reason RM is the subject is that most of Chinese only know and notice KJK via his work on RM.
Chinese media already paired him up with 3 possible female candidates. However Lynn Hung was dropped out of the list due to KJK's comment on her height being too tall so only YEH and AB remains. 
Honestly speaking, I think he will just lose to them regardless where it is filmed. YEH's case will be even worse...immediate surrender with no resistance LOL...

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bystanderA said: Simple reason is because the question is more focused on KJK's love relationship than RM. KJK is still officially single and he is considered by them as one of the top Korean bachelor. The reason RM is the subject is that most of Chinese only know and notice KJK via his work on RM.
Chinese media already paired him up with 3 possible female candidates. However Lynn Hung was dropped out of the list due to KJK's comment on her height being too tall so only YEH and AB remains. 
Honestly speaking, I think he will just lose to them regardless where it is filmed. YEH's case will be even worse...immediate surrender with no resistance LOL...

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Actually yup both candidates already had bf and publicize their relationships already.It just so happened that ever since KJK's participation in China's RM,he had only worked with these two ladies before, especially there was a photo of him holding Lynn Hung's hand circulating around and his generally positive comments on these two female co-workers.So the Chinese media did that type of pairing based on that...
During YEH's performance in MAMA 2014, while she's reading the script you can hear KJK's name being shouted in the background. It seems that with KJK's rising fame within Asia, more people are getting aware of their past history together.

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about that ripping name tag matter, between yeh, angelababy and if someone want to include jihyo too, i cant even imagine he try to rip off yeh nametag. he always ripped off jihyo nametag, and he also already ripped off angelababy nametag. i guess if he do that to her, yeh will be angry and sulking at him. she dont like it if kjk prefer another woman than her. i saw that a lot in x-man. hahaha..just joking. I also dont know why china media still linked lynn hung and AB with him since thy both already have bf. maybe just for fun but still uncomfortable. i also heard someone shouted 'kim jong kook' at MAMA. do you see the bts for MAMA? when yeh come to reherseal, she even bow to the staffs. thats why a lot of people said that she is very respectful towards others

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Autographed photos sourced from Chinese JYC threads.
Picture 1: Signed by YEH @ Taiwan back in 2006 . The handwritten Chinese words above was supposed to have been written by YEH herself. It is the name of the main Chinese JYC club.
Picture 2: Signed by KJK @ China, Chongqing Airport Oct 2014, while on his way back to Korea (There are also a few photos and broken video links of the scene showing the signing of that photo with a small crowd of fans swarming KJK. The photos namely showed KJK signing and returning the signed photo and marker.)

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Oww...he signed at 'their' picture rather than 'his' picture. IF thy are couple and married one day, i can imagine that thy will busy signing for 'their' pictures bcause even without confirmation, fans already do that

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Thank you @bystanderA‌ for the pictures! And is it me or i find their signature similar? Especially the front part. And KJK signing at their picture is shocking. Hahaha. Please share more info from the Chinese JYC threads. Most of us have no access or cant read chinese. And it feels like they have more info than us.

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I just want to express my thought about this but maybe a bit delusional. he always said that he dont have a gf and that he want to get married but he looks like he not put an efforts on it. gary said that he not makes a move on women and lgs said that he spends birthday and christmas alone. looks like he in a leisure mode despite what he said. in preview healing camp next week, he said that he not dated for a long time. when thnking back, not dated doesn't mean that he dont have gf right? maybe he means going out together or meet somewhere. that also can be considered as date. bcause he once said before in a show about he going out with his gf that he not meet in few months. i heard tht rain and kim tae hee also rarely meet and just take care of each other through phone. maybe he also have that kind of relationship? thts why he always alone. even haha&sukjin said it in singapore rm fm 2013 that he always spend his day alone. and until now? 2015? with yeh said that mostly she meet her bf at her house and with her schedule i dont thnk she always stay at home with her activities, her company and her shop. and also kjk who now been considered as the one of the most busiest celeb in korea maybe he have tht kind of relationship; long-distance relationship. maybe just my delusional but still makes me wonder

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