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[Official] ChaeKi/Burning Toast Couple Thread [Song Joong Ki & Moon Chae Won]


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I want them in everything...rom com's...sageuks...detective thrillers...a family drama...everything and they always end up with one another at the end... 8-> (This is my delusional, crazy talk again...if you can just ignore my nonescense...) But what I want first is a Sageuk...I need one...I have to have one or else I might freak out a bit...

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I'm trying to take a screenschot of JK's raising eyeborws gif so I can read the text that appears on the bottom right of the screen (this might give us a clue, provided I can read it and understand it with my limited knowledge of Korean!), but it flashes too fast!

do you have a static screenshot of this? :-D

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Guest babytala1430292118

@charmingtail Thank you so much for that post! It definitely reveals another side of SJK :). If that's how we put it, maybe MCW was able to say he was honest because he chose to reveal that side to her? Personally, I think there's still the struggle he feels when he wants to be honest in public as you sense in his interviews. But I think that he has no qualms revealing his true, honest self to those he chooses to be honest with. And with MCW saying how honest and frank he is as her colleague (there she goes again with SJ tagging him as her colleague!), I think it's a good gauge on SJK's level of honesty with other people. I mean, they worked closely on NG and I thin SJK has the tendency to be openly honest with someone he closely works with. And if they are to be given with ample time to now each other in private, I don't think they'll have problems opening up to each other.
@pinkleberry's post also made me realise that there was a shift that happened in how SJ treats MCW. As far as I can remember, he was still openly showering MCW with *ahem*flirty*ahem* praises like she looks like a goddess or he wouldn't mind if she would confess her feelings for him during the NG shooting. But as we all suspect, he seems to avoid talking about MCW in public post-NG for some reason.
I think that SJK's in the damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't state when talking about MCW in public post-NG. If we follow @charmingtail's train of thought, he would rather just avoid taking about her because it might just reveal his honest thoughts on her. But if he doesn't talk about her, people will suspect all the more since we all know how a PR guru SJK can be and at the same time, create a self-scandal with his co-stars. Hehe. It's fishy; I think six months is enough for them to start knowing each other better, both as colleagues and...colleagues in MCW's terms (HAHA). And I don't think it doesn't hurt if they tell the world that they have become closer maybe even as friends. 
Or maybe, there's also a possibility that SJK has just gone with the popularity ride of his tandem with MCW during NG. And now that the film has wrapped up, he thinks he's done with it and it's time for him to move on? I don't know but I'm just trying to objectively throw some possibilities here. But based on his personality, I think SJK has the tendency to become close to his co-stars after filming a project with them. I think we've seen bits of that in his and MCW's separate interviews. 
And sometimes, I just don't get why they can't easily say in the public that they've become friends after filming NG. (or maybe it's because it's something more than that? Hehe). But I'll try to understand whatever reasons they have :P

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@charmingtail what a comprehensive chronological chaeky history you have .... ;) . It's always fun to read a long chaeki dissertation from you and @Kgrl. It makes me smarter about chaeki... ;)) Toasties, sorry I go MIA after my post yesterday and seems I will be lurking mode today too since I'm on business trip and typing on iPad sucks....will greeting you properly as soon as I got my lappi.... $-)

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Guest dreamerforever07

Hey toasties :) Good Moaning/ Good Afternoon/ Good Evening to ya'll.
I found this sageuk Chaeki video (dunno if someone already posted it) but anyway, I thought it was pretty good although the ending is a bit...ehh.
I think it deserves more views but that's just my opinion. Btw I found a song that reminds me of Chaeki/Eunma. More on Chaeki, really since it's kind of a lighthearted song. I just thought it's a pretty song, love the lyrics and melody.

Describe MCW and SJK. nuff said. :P
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High Cut had that short article on coveted advertisers last week, and ChaeKi was at the top. Well, look who's on their latest issue? Mr. Hot Stuff himself. (Why mention the pair and then just have one-half on the issue? Come onnnn! -__- ) There are more pictures and more coming soon, but my internet is soooo terrible--I'm not sure if this is even going to go through!--I couldn't link all of them.

Keep posting, toasts! The awards is almosttttt here! <3 *exciteddd.* dreaming about chaeki saeguks everryyy nighttttt! ahahahah

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Guest sivertop

PHAHAHAHAAAAA I laugh my heart out on THIS!! =)) 
But it was definitely was "HOT!" lol like this kiss scene
viewimage.php?id=innocentman&no=29bcc427In which i believed that was definitely cut off because the scene when Eungi started to kiss Maru and he lend forward to return the kiss but was then cut off when he did. Then after Jaehee boring scene with the officer it just quickly cut through when they end there KISS?! and I here was hoping more of a longer and passionate kiss LOL im such a perv.....  

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One question that keep me wondering all these time after NG finished filming. Why don't they Chaeki get involve in any variety show to promote their drama? I know this has been a major question for most of us too. But, it's super duper weird. It's like Chaeki want to avoid any question that can create scandals among them. Well, in variety shows, there will be for sure questions like "what do you think of him/her as a person", "what's the memorable scene between you too" or "what if you two are in r/ship" etc that kind of questions. I still don't get it. If Chaeki really had nothing between them, then why not make them in some kind of variety shows? Happy together or strong heart or whatever it is. But if they're not involve in anything, does that mean they really have something between them? I DON'T UNDERSTAND.

Haha, am i being too emotional here? I think i am desperate for chaeki moments right now, that's why. Haha. Have Fun Chaekiers. Make sure we burn this thread altogether on KBS Drama Award's night. Yeahhh!!

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ieman3ms said: One question that keep me wondering all these time after NG finished filming. Why don't they Chaeki get involve in any variety show to promote their drama? I know this has been a major question for most of us too. But, it's super duper weird. It's like Chaeki want to avoid any question that can create scandals among them. Well, in variety shows, there will be for sure questions like "what do you think of him/her as a person", "what's the memorable scene between you too" or "what if you two are in r/ship" etc that kind of questions. I still don't get it. If Chaeki really had nothing between them, then why not make them in some kind of variety shows? Happy together or strong heart or whatever it is. But if they're not involve in anything, does that mean they really have something between them? I DON'T UNDERSTAND.

Haha, am i being too emotional here? I think i am desperate for chaeki moments right now, that's why. Haha. Have Fun Chaekiers. Make sure we burn this thread altogether on KBS Drama Award's night. Yeahhh!!

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Guest charmingtail

coastalbreeze said: charmingtail said: SJK and Honesty....this topic is on my mind for like weeks and I finally spent sometime to write it today...for all the toasts =)
PS: How long can SJK avoid talking abt MCW and what will he say?......will be something to watch out for.

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Guest charmingtail


Did anyone notice that SJK is never touchy abt MCW. Lets not even talked abt the many skinships btw SJK and PBY. Just look at Lee yoo bi and SJK, he put his hand on her shoulder easily during BTs and also cupped her cheeks. SJK is an extremely touchy guy. Yet with MCW, what do have? He hardly touched her unnecessarily...the only obvious time was actually when he pat her head when she was eating his food and of course we all know he ended up giggling shyly........and we have a vague BT photo of him trying to poke her cheek....we are not even sure on this -.-....After 20 epi of NG, its our chae wonnie who is touchy with SJK. Even at press conference, we see how she keep trying to hold on to his arms....lol.

Isn't our chaeki very interesting?  If you just look at it at the surface, it does seem like our chae wonnie is the one who is  crushing on SJK and he seriously doesn't like her, he doesnt want to touch her, he doesnt even mention her at his NG wrap up party speech.

MCW according to her old fans is guarded and quite reserved with strangers, so shouldn't she be on her guard more with a natural flirt like SJK....yet she is comfortable with him, yet she trusts him and of all the qualities she can mention, she told the interviewer SJK is a honest and frank man. SJK must have done something, deep enough so that MCW can look beyond his scandal with PBY and his flirty character to say that.......

Its so easy to read our chae wonnie. Its so obvious our chae wonnie likes SJK ........at least a tiny tiny tiny bit LOL after she initiated so many skinship and get nervous talking abt him and banished him to "mere colleague" only to gush later how she enjoyed filming with him...

But what abt SJK? He is definitely harder to read and you have to view him together with MCW....anyway we are talking abt chaeki and not just SJK. Will MCW be this happy filming NG...... will MCW be gushing abt how fun its is to act with same age friend......... will MCW be touchy with SJK if she think he doesnt at least like her as a friend. Will she be like this if SJK never never reciprocate her affection a tiny tiny bit as a friend? Its like how do you clap with just 1 hand. Our chae wonnie cannot be singing her happy tune alone..... 

So if SJK regards MCW as a friend, why isnt he touchy with her like his usual self. What is the difference between Lee Yoo Bi and our chae wonnie. What did LYB do to make SJK comfortable enough to be touchy with her. What more shld MCW do to make SJK treat her like PBY and LYB? When I write this I am really amused....what more can our chae wonnie do to make SJK touchy with her?......LOL.....decide yourself why SJK is like this?

Our chaeki is EunMa in real life. Its so always easy to read SEG. She likes KMG, we never doubt that for a sec. For KMG, we are always wondering whether he likes SEG, we need to dissect all his reactions, his facial expressions towards her....he never say he likes SEG...we know it slowly from Jaegil questions to MR (epi 10) and his inner thots. With SJK, everyone says he is hard to read, and too bad Lee Kwang-soo is not going to tell us whether he likes MCW a not and we dont know SJK's inner thots......we are simply just left with dissecting his actions.

At this point in time, looking at chaeki deeper, I do like what I see....their relationship or friendship watever....
His most memorable scenes in NG (my version)1) Crying after leaving HJH (talking abt his first love)2) Talking abt death with JaeGil3) Aomori kiss because of PD's Kim allure and romance
Does this feel less disconnected in his thots? His memorable scenes are all due to deep emotions involvement. What are the chances that chaeki will both like their Aomori kiss because of PD's kim's allure only. SJK is such a smooth PR, he would have no problem mentioning another scene to talk abt PD Kim's Allure or another scene to talk about his deep emotions; yet he pick aomori kiss. I can only think he is simply trying to be sincere and honest here ....and he merely just leave out MCW in the interview.
They said they cant let go of their char easily, he is still emotional talking abt NG after NG had ended 1 mth. Both of them talked abt happiness filming NG. They are each other closest working partner in NG; they must have at least played an impt role in making each other happy in filming NG......
* so make your own conclusion regarding SJK's feeling towards MCW........
@Babytala wrote that" Or maybe, there's also a possibility that SJK has just gone with the popularity ride of his tandem with MCW during NG. And now that the film has wrapped up, he thinks he's done with it and it's time for him to move on? "
Its very easy to move on for chaeki. They can just do a "Boki style" with a firm declaration of denial....maybe they can do their own chaeki style saying......."there is absolutely no chance that we are dating each other, if you think we are dating. Its because our acting is so good and natural. Thank you for your love for EunMa"
Its what they are doing now thats so hard..........Put yourself in SJK shoes, unless its a firm declaration of denial....any other statement sucks?...* There are merely colleagues?....... isnt this dishonesty against what he is preaching now? Just look at how our chae wonnie go with this statement....disconnection only.* There are merely friends?....everybody will be interested in what kind of friends they r? and too bad our chae wonnie just said she wants to be in a romantic relationship with a friend who can support her for a long time Haha
Unless you can say a true firm statement, sometimes the more you say, the more mistakes you make. At this moment, SJK is left with saying MCW is merely a colleague mirroring MCW

 Does what he said in the interview below shed some lights on why he is being so cold?http://enewsworld.mnet.com/enews/contents.asp?idx=15348
Q: Lastly, I wonder what you have planned for the rest of your 2012.

SJK: I want to travel to a lot of places. That′s my biggest wish. My 20s are almost over, and I want to be in more love relationships before it ends. 

My job could force me to hide my relationships, but I don′t want to hide it or openly boast about it. People need to love while they′re living. I want to love more.
LOL he wants to be in love........who is that lucky woman?..........
If indeed there is a relationship btw chaeki, he doesn't want to hide it with any words unless absolutely needed but neither does he want to talk abt it because of his job as an actor. Avoiding talking about MCW is prolly his best bet now.......Unless SJK is an hypocrite, lying in his interview and then shaked the reporter's hand saying that he tried to be honest with the interview. We shld believe what he said is his true intention? Please refer to my writeup abt SJK and Honesty LOL
MCW's new ideal on her romance after the ending of NG is actually beautiful........Moon Chae Won, "“I only hope for a normal relationship with someone like a friend, whom I  can stay together for very long time. I think between men and women, knowing each other for a long time, one day they may end up together. As times go by, I become more believing in this.

Looking at what we have: less touchy with MCW, aomori kiss, felt emotional and happiness in NG, avoid mentioning MCWcompared with all MCW's rxn toward SJK...I think everyone should be able to make their own conclusion......
My own conclusion: whatever relationship which they have now is fragile due to nature of their work. Relationship without all these limelights is hard already....imagine they are such popular stars; how hard can that be? Thats why MCW's new ideal of relationship is touching, I can relate to her. She just want a normal enduring comfortable friendship with someone, supporting each other for a long long time.....
Just think about it...isn't this what we all want for chaeki...that they are under radar supporting each other thru the up and down of korean entertainment and frame? even if its just friendship.........

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Guest charmingtail

Everything I wrote is my summary of chaeki, trying my best to piece all the disconnections together.......
my christmas present for toasts till KBS award ceremony =)

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Actually there is a part where I saw SJK being comfortable with MCW which is in the BTS Eun Gi agressive but too bad it was blocked by the lighting man.  When they act Eun Gi being histerical and you can see MCW foot fall between SJK foot and at the end after Choco out of the scene then Eun Gi fall and the scene cut, SJK literally sit on MCW hips....:)>-

I watched that part many times actually....  :))

Too bad I dont know how to posting a video or make GIF picture to point my evidence.  But if SJK is not comfortable with MCW he will not so easily sit on her hips right ? or perhaps i'm just being delusional again

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