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♥ MinSul ♥ Official Thread ♥ SHINEE'S MINHO AND F(x) SULLI. [Part 1]

Guest DolceNera_24

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Guest chellaaa

Hello guys.. This forum is so quiet these days.. So heres the video to lighten up (esp pervy unnies) ;)

The pants..........

The ripped shirt.........

(Again) The pants................

Edit: the bugs brooch makes me goosebump :s did shinee share their coordi nunas with f(x) before???

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Guest teruteru_chan

joanapearl said:Is this true? If it is true Congrats to Kyrstal!  But as Sulli is my biased i'ld like her to get that endorsement!  Seems to be Krystal is getting a lot of endorsements  lately..We can't blame her, she looks so blooming right now. Her appearance is way different year or two years ago..Maybe she finally found the style that she wants to project. Sexy and confident is working in her advantage bcoz she's getting a lot of attentions from different advertisers. ..I hope Sulli can keep her title as FX cf queen ( not sure though..I just read it somewhere)  Without  being bias or anything i think Sulli is more beautiful with or without make-up. The possible problem that i  can think of is her style.!I Guys please don't get mad at me ok?  I love her so much,  that's why I'm telling this..  I have this feeling that she lost her sparks somewhere... I may sound like a broken record here. But I think she should regain her charismatic beauty like before. .The Sulli with good fashion style and beautiful hair style is like missing in action!!! Her fans in twitter and some blogspots are telling that she needs to let her hair grow fast. and she needs to get a new fashion stylist ASAP!!  I'm really hoping that  Sulli will find the appropriate style that she likes to project.. More  power to Sulli  hope she'll be able to reach the stardom that she rightfully deserves. Same with Minho also! 

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Guest chellaaa

I found this on tumblr:

"My mother has officially ruined my OTP list. When I told her I shipped JongKey, she fought with me and said that they weren’t canon and how Jonghyun only has eyes for Minho so I showed her like the best possible JongKey pictures I could find and she finally said “Jonghyun’s just settling for Key because he knows he’s an easy flirt. But in reality he just wants to be with Minho.” I started rolling around the floor in anguish until I said “Well, what happened to 2Min? Have you forgotten about Taemin?” And the next thing she said made me run up to my room and tell her I’d never talk to her again. “Sulli happened.”

Thats the coolest mom ever =)) =))

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Guest joanapearl

Hi @chocwenz :)   Yes it was High Cut interview. I've read it also. Maybe after reading a lot of unfavorable comments about her, she might been going through a fashion dilemma right now. That why I really wish her to get a  better fashion stylist or fashion adviser to help and guide her. Being her fan..The last thing that I want for her is.. to be left out! I  always want her to be on top!  But.. yes I agree with you that she is still young and theres a lot of room for improvement!  For the meantime..I guess i have to wait for her to finally bloom as beautiful and confident lady   :-bd Thanks @chocwenz for the reply and goodnight to you and to everybody I-)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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Guest joanapearl

Hi @teruteru_chan  Sorry for my post earlier.. Maybe  it's just  the  fan in me who wants to see her Idol to look better than anyone else! Sorry if it sound bad..but believe me.. just like you and everyone here..all i want for her is the best of everything..Sulli and Minho's success is my happiness. sound like a fantard but that is my honest feelings.  Thanks again   :\">

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chocwenz said: @joanapearl Just my opinion on this, I don't think that Sulli has lost her fashion sense at all.. Firstly, for her to cut off her hair is as much a sacrifice to her as it is to her fans that love her with long hair - I remember reading some articles on how her tears fell when she had to cut her hair for TTBY.. She's had it long for such a long time now, to suddenly cut it so short, it must have been hard for her too.. And she did it FOR HER JOB - to be in TTBY drama, that was a sacrifice she had to make.. For that, I already respect her.. For the fans who want her in long hair, they have to remember she made this decision with a heavy heart as well, I am sure..

Maybe her shorter hair has limited her in her choice of hairstyles - there's only so many styles you can do on short hair.. But I do not think that it has limited her style in any way.. I am taking this as more of a chance to see a different side of her - how will she handle this change in image, and a very drastic change at that.. And she did very well, I'd say, from the Drama Awards that she attended, and other events too, I thought she looked really beautiful :)
Also another point to consider, when she has had her hair cut short, she did see/read comments regarding her hair and style.. It was posted here on the thread previously if I'm not wrong, I think it was the High Cut interview, although I'm not 100% sure.. Any crewmates who remember kindly share again?? :D There were fans who said her style did not match her current short hair.. It did make her feel sad, and for that, maybe it has affected the way she chooses to dress herself.. She might have wanted to wear something, but second guessed her thoughts because of those comments, and decided on something else.. We'll never know really.. But until her hair grows out again, I'm anticipating the different styles she'll show us :D
Don't worry too much about the style she wants to project - she is still young, let her experiment while she can.. When she settles in to find something that projects her, something that she's comfortable with, we'll all be there to witness it with her :D And of course, I'm sure, we'll love it :x :x :x

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chellaaa said: I found this on tumblr:

"My mother has officially ruined my OTP list. When I told her I shipped JongKey, she fought with me and said that they weren’t canon and how Jonghyun only has eyes for Minho so I showed her like the best possible JongKey pictures I could find and she finally said “Jonghyun’s just settling for Key because he knows he’s an easy flirt. But in reality he just wants to be with Minho.” I started rolling around the floor in anguish until I said “Well, what happened to 2Min? Have you forgotten about Taemin?” And the next thing she said made me run up to my room and tell her I’d never talk to her again. “Sulli happened.”

Thats the coolest mom ever =))=))

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teruteru_chan said:i feel that sulli's short hair somewhat allows her to break away from the cutesy image she used to portray. she looks more mature and charismatic now based on her airport fashion and casual outfits. nonetheless, she must have had a hard time to adjust with the new image because people keep looking ONLY at her appearance. in the recent high cut interview, she admitted that her self-esteem took a plunge because of how people viewed her with her short hair after the drama. come on, the girl has more than just the visual power. sometimes it really bothers me that people don't take into account of her other talents. 

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Please forgive me for being a skeptic. But it seems so strange that a few days ago our Sulli's lead was substantial. I would have thought most people would have voted in the beginning and the remaining votes would come slowly in. To have Krystal all of a sudden catch her and pass her is odd.

When does the voting end? Since many of us on the thread will not be able to vote. Can we think about reaching out somehow threw FB twitter to rally up supporters? Just a thought. I Really want Sulli to win. She is so perfect for this.

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Guest ravissant

ht01 said: Greetings...I've been in and out of this page for at least a month now. But just managed to sign up lol. I live in Australia and became a fan of MinSul after watching TTBY....wow first post...si proud of myself \:D/ ...anyways more posts in the future lol.. MinSul 4eva.

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nize143 said: chellaaa said: Hello guys.. This forum is so quiet these days.. So heres the video to lighten up (esp pervy unnies) ;)

The pants..........

The ripped shirt.........

(Again) The pants................

Edit: the bugs brooch makes me goosebump :s did shinee share their coordi nunas with f(x) before???

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Guest ravissant

nize143 said: chellaaa said: Hello guys.. This forum is so quiet these days.. So heres the video to lighten up (esp pervy unnies) ;)
The pants..........

The ripped shirt.........

(Again) The pants................

Edit: the bugs brooch makes me goosebump :s did shinee share their coordi nunas with f(x) before???

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Guest ravissant

So, as I was starting to search for our "Operation: Shoe-Alike Spotting" for the team ( @bananali, @jhologs, @nislatif, anyone else wants to join?), I came across this article.  I'm not sure if it's been posted here before, but I really am proud of Minho's sincere & generous nature.  I thought I should share it with ya'll.  Love you kiddo!

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