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[Drama 2013] That Winter, The Wind Blows/Wind Blows in Winter, 그 겨울, 바람이 분다

Guest sunshine4ever

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Guest msbae77

The ending was real.  I mean it wasn't OY imagination.  The writer just tricked us when HS mentioned about flowers for us to assume that OS died.  But bringing flowers could mean anything, not just visiting the dead.  It was clear at the very end that it was real, specially OY and OS conversation.  I've got mixed emotions about the ending though.  I'm happy that it was a happy ending but also felt something is missing..like a bed scene? lol..overall the drama was really really really good.  I can watch it over and over and over again. 

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As for me, i believe in a happy ending and Im happy with this ending.This drama is one of the most beautiful drama Ive watched, sad but addicting...the image carried by this drama is so beyond my expectation...Its been a long tym since i've seen such a beautiful drama.JIS is definitely is a very fine actor..hope to see him in another good projects after this.

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Guest jjsweeter0211


Most of the media stated the drama ends with happiness :x


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 park_shindae said: hmm, it depends on the viewers. but here is my interpretation:
youngie did see. oh soo lived but not with JS and HS. HS said to bring lamb's ear when they visit oh soo, well, he does have the lamb's ear in the resto. it's a happy ending for me. 
i don't know. maybe some would interpret it all as a dream, but the final scenes are more leaning towards reality, not youngie's dream. their previous conversation said, when the surgery is successful let's meet again, so i think it is the again.

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credit to and from soul rebel...

young goes to a place and looks around. she touches the flower petals. a hand with soo’s bracelet puts down her tea. she is told it’s herb tea. she says how nice the  weather is. he says it is. he asks you cant see – you have a walking stick. she says is it your first time seeing a blind person. he says no there was a woman I loved who was blind. she asks wasn’t it uncomfortable? he says it was never uncomfortable – it always seemed like she saw me – my entire heart. can you not see at all. she says no. and looks over at him. his face sort of comes into focus and she smiles at him. she says I can see – that you are very handsome. he smiles at her and asks when did you know. she says after my surgery wang told me. and on the way I heard the bell sound. you wouldn’t let me see your face. wang told me that you were here from 6 months ago. I waited wondering when you would talk to me. he says I didn’t have the courage. if you see me what if you don’t like me. young: no way. he asks does that mean you like me. can we meet again? she smiles and says maybe. he smiles and leans down and kisses her.

they are standing under the cherry blossoms kissing. he pulls away and they smile at each other


hello people, they are ALIVE. and why JS sad? well he has the right to be sad after all what he has done.

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Guest OreoVampire

idless said: SeGafanlady said: idless said: The pessimist me think both OS and OY died. The ending was just the happy imagination of OS before he died. :(
I don't think writer Nor purposely pulled a fake near death like NG.

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I'm still trying to catch up reading but hey, why the confusion? OS didnt die because OY said after her operation, when OS didnt visit her, SW told her where he was. OS also told OY that he didnt dare go find her because he wasnt sure if he would be welcomed. And the part about HS telling JS what flowers to bring, probably bring flowers to his cafe as she is a florist, yes? So no more confusion, he's definitely alive!!!
Edit: And yes, about the cane. She is probably using the cane because her eyes are not 100% perfect or she wanted to "surprise" OS? 

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sunshine4ever said: jjeennyy19 said: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt???????????????????????????????????
NOT ENOUGH HAPPY SCENE FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHY, WHY, WHY????????????????????????
SO CRUEL!!!!I need more lovey dovey scene of JIS and SHK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
X( X( X( X( X( ~X( ~X( ~X(

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Guest Choi Sooyoung

hmm, so sad  :(( the drama has end. but, i satisfied  with this happy ending. anyway, thank you to all winblowers for keeping update about That Winter The Wind Blows. i appreciate all your update. i gonna miss this drama!!

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Guest kikay14

Remember guys in the first episode heesun alwaysbring plants and flowers at soo's condo... And jinsung will not be at peace like that ifhekilled Soo. And from what i've gathered in recaps, sec wang told her that soo is working there when she heard the bell, 20 days ago. So for me, it's a happyending!

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"Gosh this is insane. I still can't understand the ending. I don't know if oh soo died if the last scene was just oh young's imagination or not. I hope they will clear up the ending because based on Hee sun and Jin sung's conversation it looked like Oh soo's dead because she plans to give Soo flowers. Great I won't be able to sleep til' I get answers "

the flower is for the real oh soo, he died,

based on the conversation between soo and young, that's not an imagination. he survived, but too scared to see her. wang told her where he's at. she decided to come and meet him instead.

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Guest luluwannagohome

I feel so down right now..
The aftermath of both the Baeksang disappointment and the end of such a brilliant drama.
I need to compose myself for a while.

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Guest Aigayafu

@idless clue 1.... hair extensions, no really I mean it :P I think the text said "next spring"? Surely enough for her hair to grow out so she can put in extensions ^^ If this drama wasn't so into flowers, I'd suspect it was a SE as well. But the more I think about it, the more it looks like it was HE.

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HATE, hate, hate that ending. Syrupy, open-ended endings are an Asian drama staple but to me they are just a way for the writer to weasel out of sticking to a definitive story line.
Regardless of whether or not Soo is dead - and my take on it is that he is dead - all sorts of plot holes appeared to keep it charmingly blurry.  - Our last view of Soo is crumpled on the ground, eyes open, seemingly dead, while that stupid weasel JS cries his itty bitty eyes out.  - Then there are two realistic, but disjointed scenes: Young happy with all of her family, and JS all grumpy on his tractor as they talk about bringing Soo some flowers. Notice that JS's attitude is deliberately ambiguous here - he smiles a little, but it is HS who is all cheery because she finally got laid, and he is surprisingly grumpy, considering. Which he would be if he was laboring under a bunch of guilt and self-loathing. - Then the cinematography goes all blurry and dream-like, and first Soo seems to ride by on his bike, and then he appears when she drinks her tea. No one else interacts with him, ONLY Young, as if he were a figment of her imagination. And their final kiss is also chaste and dream-like.
You can say he lived, you can say he died, but the writer/director danced around the facts so it could go either way, and I hate that sort of manipulative storytelling. Be honest, please! If he lived, who called the ambulance, who looked after him, who took care of Kim (JS too weak and stupid to take care of any of these items, IMHO), why is he now a waiter, what was the resolution between him and JS, what sort of relationship do they have now that they bring him a plant (?) ??? And wouldn't Kim require some proof that Soo was finally dead? Wouldn't he want to see the body? How could JS, who has bungled everything he has touched up until now, fake Soo's death, get him out of there, patched up, and living quietly in safety? Not possible. All these unanswered points so it can look dreamy and beautiful and they can somehow make that stabbing scene, which was annoying and wasteful and derivative and just made me hate JS even more, somehow make sense. Sorry, it didn't.
I was going to marathon the last three eps, but now I won't. All that pain, and just a few tight-lipped kisses (SHK, you let us down big-time; those tight-lipped presses don't convince me that you really feel for Soo, at all) and a WTF stabbing - forget it. Sigh.

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