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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest cheerkoo1430281614
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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Some posts off the news portals---http://blog.naver.com/sssstartwo?Redirect=Log&logNo=140178783112Finally, somebody posted their experience at the Gallery Cafe Manolin, dated 1/25/2013.But no experience with GHS...They loved their drinks--strawberry latte smoothie, wineaid (?), and home-made lemon ginger tea.  They say that Cafe was very crowded so very little pix of the interior of the cafe.Woah!! I like hearing that the cafe is doing well. ^^
-------------------I also saw this post in Naver portal---a "reading" on GHS. I know that some people are offended by such information. I apologize beforehand. But, this new one read by 그저그런=So So is interesting and positive so I decided to translate and post. Some of the language used by these "readers" are based on Chinese characters or horoscopic language that I cannot even find them in my dictionary....but I got the gist of what the "reader" is saying. Just my 2 cents before I translate...Several years ago, I read another reading on GHS which I did not post...did I?..cannot remember....but that last one was not that positive. If I remember it correctly, it said that GHS's luck will change for the negative and that her marriage may not turn out positively but that she sticks with her marriage to make it work. ------something like that...Anyway,,,I was very disappointed with that old reading. That reading was maybe 2 years ago or so. Sometimes I wondered if that "reader" was right because GHS did not gain "box-office" hits for her works since BOF and she may not even be welcomed in Japan due to her opinion about DukDo Island...but, as there are many interpretations of what success may be, I sincerely felt she has been extremely successful beyond words because of her spirit, her never-ending attempts/implementations and her brilliant and generous mind!! One time, someone I met (I hope you come back to forum if you can!!) told me that readings are not written in stones and can easily change the next time depending on what the person decides to do with his her life at one moment. What and how we think and feel and do today make difference about our future. Like GHS always says,,,it is best to live fully today, this very moment, without any regret.
So, here is the rough translation of the new reading that I found.....sorry to those who are offended by them---including to GHS-ssi. ^^

 배우구혜선의 사주이다.

This is a fortune reading on GHS (NOTE:I am not translating word for word in this article!!)

해월 겨울이 시작된때에 태어난 정화 촛불이다.

She is born the year and month that starts winter and she is a pure candle light.

물이 강할때 태어난 촛불이니 약한사주일듯하지만 관인 상생으로 단번에 사주가 좋아진다.

Because she is a candle light born when water is strong, it might seem like her fortune may be weak. But, due to? “관인=generous상생=saint image”? her fortune reading immediately changes.

사주를 보건데 성격이 진실되고 인정을 베풀줄 안다.

In her reading, her personality shows honesty and knows how to be generous.

특히 (이해타산의 계산이 아닌) 사리분별이 밝고

She is especially, (not talking about mean-spirited and calculating kind), judiciously/commonsense-wise bright.

거짓됨이 없다. 그리고 특히나 기술이나 예술에 재능이 있고 신약사주임에도 열사의 흙인

There is no falsehood in her. She has technical and artistic ability.

미토의 영향으로 독립심도 있고 자수성가할 사주이다.

Due to the influence of~~she possesses independent spirit and is able to make it with her own self-made merit.

남자로 태어났으면 호탕한 성격에 학자로서 대성했으리라...

If she was born a man, he would have achieved big as a generous-minded scholar.  

이사주는 물직적인것 보다는 정서적으로 따뜻한 사랑을 원하는 사주이고

Her fortune says that she truly wants emotionally warm love rather than material love.

말년으로 갈수록 재물이 쌓인다.

Towards the latter part of her life, wealth is accumulated.

사람은 자신의 운을 따라간다는 말이 있는데 구혜선씨 역시 그러하다.

There is a saying that people follow/go after their fortune and it is the same with GHS.

예술과 기술의 재능이 뛰어난 사주이니

Because her fortune says that her artistic and technical abilities are excellent,

연예인으로 뿐만이 아니라 직접 감독,작가에 까지 뛰어든다.

She delves into not only the work of an entertainer but also the works of director and writer.

스스로 자신의 기술과 재능을 개발하는것으로 생각되는데 좋은 현상이다.

She develops/builds on her technical and artistic abilities and this is very good in her reading.

처음에 일이 힘들더라도  신중한 자세로 난관을 이겨내고

Even if it may be hard in the beginning, she overcomes the difficulties with prudent attitude.

어떠한 어려움도 웃으며 이겨내는 정신력이 있으리라

Whatever the hardship, she has the mental fortitude to overcome them with smile.  

꽤나 보수적인듯하면서도 개방적인 성격이다.

She appears very conservative, but her personality is very open-minded.

특히 생각한게 있으면 자리만 마련되면 술술 다 말해버리는 성향이 있지만(허언증?) 그많은

If opportunity is given to her, she has a tendency to say everything in her mind without restraint. (She is accused of being a liar?)

말이 자신에게 해가되지는 못한다.

But so many things that she has said cannot harm her.

워낙 관인상생이 잘되어있으니 현모양처 감이다.

Because her ? “관인=generous상생=saint image”? is so well set, she is set to be good wife and wise mother.

관성이 정편관 두개가 있으나 투출이 되지 않았으니 두번결혼할 사주라 볼수는 없고

Her fortune reads that she has two?관성이 정편관?, but none of them have ? 투출?. So, I cannot read that she will marry twice.

그냥 연인으로 만나는 남자중에 결혼까지 생각한사람이 두명이라 보는것이 맞겠다.

It might be more reasonable to read it as, there are two men in her meetings/dating whom she considers/have thought of marrying. 

관인상생된 사주에 인성 정,편인 둘다 있으니 충이 와도 하나가 남으니 이리 좋을수가...

Her fortune has both tenacity/toughness and love/justice. Even if one is ?bugged=충이와도?, one still remains, What a wonderful thing it is…

인성관성 각각 2개씩 있으니 정편병용이라 해도 될정도이니 연예인으로든 제작자로서든

She has two of each ? 인성관성? that, even if ~~something happens, she can still be active as an entertainer and director,

무난히 활동할수 있다 본다. 또한 국내활동이든 해외활동이든 둘다 잘나갈거라 생각된다.

infinetely. Also, she will do well both nationally and internationally.

마지막으로 월에 망신살이 인성과 같이하니 실천가이며 장차 사회운동가로 나갈수도 있다.

 Finally, ? 월에 망신살이?, she is tough and a doer that she could move into social activism in the future.

[출처] 구혜선 사주 (연기자,제작자)|작성자 그저그런


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I will be happy to (at least, attempt to) follow our Hye Sun if she chooses go the historical route, although I must say that I haven't had a good record as far as getting completely through all that many series done in this genre. It is difficult enough, at times, for me to see our characters suffer repeated indignities, trials, and tortures, and in the case of historicals, the cruelty and violence can be extremely appalling and often fatal. The actress in my avatar (Lee Yoon Ji), currently featured in The Great Seer, has consistantly won praise and affection (as has our Hye Sun! :)] ) for her ability to play a wide variety of roles convincingly, but her period pieces (as was the case for me when Hye Sun played her doomed character in The King and I) have tended to leave me deflated and feeling less than compensated for having spent the time viewing them. :(

Having said all of that, anyplace that she chooses to go, expanding her talents and allowing a greater audience to know and respect her, I am fully in support of. :)>-  I have only two demands from which I will not back down:

1. She must be either the lead, or among the two featured female players, and

2. Her character (good or evil) must still be breathing at the conclusion of the drama. :-SS

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Sue, thanks for the news. Good to know that Cafe Manolin is doing well. or maybe people there are hoping to get a glimpse of HS as they miss her too. kekeke

Is there a new reading on HS? Or are they talking of the old one again ? Like you said, the reading was not accurate. She hasn't any hits since BOF, maybe the next one? But in terms of successes, she has been successful in living a very fulfilling life, living out her passions and she had said many times she is happy.  I miss her so much......hope she is happy .

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 Hello Sunnies, Happy Saturday :)

Sue thanks for the info :)

@robbo4 I love King and I but didnt like Chil woo with Eric, but I would love to see her doing historical drama again ;)

Sunnies we have decided the date for Korea 2013 its going to be June 26-June 30 so please let me know if anybody would love to join us.

Good Day :)

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@robbo4 LOL I am not a fan of sageuk either.  I find the females in those days are not treated equal and the characters are not that interesting. The palace intrique are all similar. You get rid of your enemies by whatever means. The only sageuk I like was The Tree with Deep Roots. I got through the King and I and Strongest Chilwoo because of HS but the stories were meh. I can't stand the way they say "Cho..nah" (Your Majesty). LOL

@GHSforever This trip, besides Cafe Manolin, where else do you plan to go too? I must say it is very tempting as it should be fun with fellow Sunnies. Hope HS will be out of her break from the public and we can get a mini fan meet with her. Wouldn't that be a dream come true!

Sue, thanks for the translation. This new reading is much better although it is what we know of HS and expect of her future. I don't want to sound like the fortune teller but  it is exactly what I would predict and hope for her future based on what we know of her personality and all her deeds. In fact she is more than half way there already. As to the two times she thought of marrying, the first was with her ex and the 2nd time is her present beau...the one she wrote Marry Me for and probably still with..kekeke just my wild imagination!

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Hi fellow Sunnies! You're all awesome in time of need. Lets go full throttle! Keep voting! The race is still on...

Sue, I'm a sucker for fortune telling when I was younger but it got less since then.  As S_sun said, the new reading is much better, in fact looks like she's walking through this path right now. Although, a lot of people in general are skeptical about fortune telling. Knowing Hye Sun, she shapes her own destiny. I always remember my Dad telling us his kids before, "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It's not a thing to be waited for, but it is a thing to be achieved!" He hates slackers. kekeke.. S, I hope you're right with Hye Sun's past & present beau. I would love to see her get married with her great love, the ultimate one! The wise said we go on stages when it comes to dating & loving someone... there's young love-crushes, first love-first boyfriend, true love-first mature relationship, & great love-your husband/wife. :) I hope the finito one..

Have a sunny day!

:D :x 8->
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Hello Sunnies, happy weekend :-h

Thanks @cheerkoo, the reading looks more positive, I pray this year 2013 will be Hyesun's year [-O<

Wow...@GHSforever --> Korea 2013 is an awesome project. :-bd
I hope all of you will get to meet Hyesun personally at Cafe Manolin

Remember Sunnies Vote Vote Vote don't miss voting for our princess daily :x

not only at Best of Drama where MGY is catching up

but at DC poll tooo also ALERT...  No. 4 (PBY right?) is catching up to Hyesun too
---> http://poll.dcnews.in/dcnews/poll/poll_result.php?key_poll=579

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@cheerkoo - Thanks for translating the predictions. But as it is, they are just predictions and it's up to Hye Sun if she would forge a different path. I have complete faith in her decisions. I may not entirely agree with some of them, but they are her choices so that's what is important. The fact that she's trying to find her niche, the fact that she has not settled and the fact that she remains unaffected by the material trappings of showbiz shows us the kind of person that she is. Simple, humble and gentle. She is beautiful both inside and out. She doesn't have diva airs and she strives to lead an ordinary life.

That is the reason why she attracts such a strong following and also her own share of detractors. GHS seems to be the ideal Korean role model. She's the girl you would want to hang out with, the girl whom you would be proud to bring home and introduce to your folks, the one whom you would want to call a BFF. These very same qualities alienate her with the others...let's face it, they're the ones probably thinking that she's just too good to be true. Watching her every move with eagle eyes and reveling when she makes blunders. In Korea, watching celebrities fall is almost like a spectator sport. As bad as it sounds, these are the types of people that she's dealing with...the "anti-fans."
  There will always be upsides and downsides when you're a celebrity, it all boils down to how she'd deal with them.

@GHSforever Korea 2013 huh? Hmm...tempting, very tempting indeed.

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Totally agree with drmjs.GHS has been showing a positive attitude. She herself needs to overcome her Challenges with openmind and intelligence and not be too driven by what negative destiny she is told to posess.every problem is an opportunity with thorns in them.

Let's vote for her to show how much support she has from her fans!

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614
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drmjs said: @cheerkoo - Thanks for translating the predictions. But as it is, they are just predictions and it's up to Hye Sun if she would forge a different path. I have complete faith in her decisions. I may not entirely agree with some of them, but they are her choices so that's what is important. The fact that she's trying to find her niche, the fact that she has not settled and the fact that she remains unaffected by the material trappings of showbiz shows us the kind of person that she is. Simple, humble and gentle. She is beautiful both inside and out. She doesn't have diva airs and she strives to lead an ordinary life.

That is the reason why she attracts such a strong following and also her own share of detractors. GHS seems to be the ideal Korean role model. She's the girl you would want to hang out with, the girl whom you would be proud to bring home and introduce to your folks, the one whom you would want to call a BFF. These very same qualities alienate her with the others...let's face it, they're the ones probably thinking that she's just too good to be true. Watching her every move with eagle eyes and reveling when she makes blunders. In Korea, watching celebrities fall is almost like a spectator sport. As bad as it sounds, these are the types of people that she's dealing with...the "anti-fans."
  There will always be upsides and downsides when you're a celebrity, it all boils down to how she'd deal with them.

@GHSforever Korea 2013 huh? Hmm...tempting, very tempting indeed.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Knife and Flower or Sword and Flower...
I have not seen any dramas to completion these days....^^But if GHS comes out,,,I am sure I will. kekeEntertainment industry sounds so unpredictable that I hope that GHS does not run into problems that she face with THEMU. I get a bit weary about the fact that Knife and Flower has been pushed back when it was suppose to have occurred earlier than July. hmmmm...ㅡㅡ
I don't quite enjoy SaGeuk only because the language is so much harder for me to get. Hopefully the producers may consider modernizing the language for their SaGeuk's....^^
One Sunnie mentioned that Kim Nam Gil (?) is approached for the project...I have never seen his work-----I heard of him but never saw them. Somehow,,,I am having hard time visualizing GHS and KNG side by side......sorry to KNG fans. I pray for the producers to make great and ideal casting no matter which project she chooses. Great story first then great casting really matters--I think. ^^Also, I think SaGeuk is a good move for GHS after all the hard work she did for the past 3 years. SaGeuk has lot more actors to divide the attention. GHS also loves working with older and wiser and experienced actors/mentors. I don't necessarily want older and experienced and wiser actors as her co-star counterparts (^^ unless it is Won Bin or Hyun Bin?? keke)  but I think SaGeuk is a wise choice on her part....just my opinion. keke  Nearly 6 months away and anything can change...but I pray for a great story and great casting!!

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cheerkoo said: Knife and Flower or Sword and Flower...
I have not seen any dramas to completion these days....^^But if GHS comes out,,,I am sure I will. kekeEntertainment industry sounds so unpredictable that I hope that GHS does not run into problems that she face with THEMU. I get a bit weary about the fact that Knife and Flower has been pushed back when it was suppose to have occurred earlier than July. hmmmm...ㅡㅡ
I don't quite enjoy SaGeuk only because the language is so much harder for me to get. Hopefully the producers may consider modernizing the language for their SaGeuk's....^^
One Sunnie mentioned that Kim Nam Gil (?) is approached for the project...I have never seen his work-----I heard of him but never saw them. Somehow,,,I am having hard time visualizing GHS and KNG side by side......sorry to KNG fans. I pray for the producers to make great and ideal casting no matter which project she chooses. Great story first then great casting really matters--I think. ^^Also, I think SaGeuk is a good move for GHS after all the hard work she did for the past 3 years. SaGeuk has lot more actors to divide the attention. GHS also loves working with older and wiser and experienced actors/mentors. I don't necessarily want older and experienced and wiser actors as her co-star counterparts (^^ unless it is Won Bin or Hyun Bin?? keke)  but I think SaGeuk is a wise choice on her part....just my opinion. keke  Nearly 6 months away and anything can change...but I pray for a great story and great casting!!

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