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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest elizabeth90

koo hye sun looked extremely cheerful last nite, not my favourite dress but damn she looks so good in it. the cloth really shows her curves,what a stunning woman.
netizens are bipolar they love you today hate you the next day so yeah dont pay them any attention, only attention you can offer them is for them to take their meds hhahahaha. also it is better to be talked about than to be ignored completely, good publicity anyway.
everyone one looked good at the premiere hoping for more success and great ratings for our uri sun fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway is it just me or is the attention and interest for blood drama rising, or maybe its just me being in my little whole bubble :-S

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RW's look Marvelous Sunnies!!!Thank you for taking the time and thanks esp to all the detailed organizers! Our GHS-ssi already thanked all her fans through her tweeter.Now we just have to wait for Feb 16th!!I only wish and pray for DAEBOK!!Thanks again!!Good Job!!

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Hey Sunnies,

Whooaaa so exciting to see all pics of Blood PC-- all the awesome RW's, our GORGEOUS angel (minus a little wardrobe malfunction (?))- at least she's well endowed in the right area ;)    She is really looking gorgeous -agree with @gayu312 just love the curls in her hair and her outfit - tropical print similar to what she wore to last weekend wedding.   On BLOOD thread, there's LOTs of pics & even short vid of the press conf. (page 49- post by thea2410 12:59am not the 12:17 post)  =D> =D>

@gayu312 wrote, "Koo's rice wreaths! It has complete pics of all rice wreaths over these years that fans have done for Koo from "blood" backwards to "The Musical"

Not bragging for our angel or anything but it just my math/number obsessed side--
visualize that beautiful graph of the total kg rice donated 'ramping' up nicely :-bd

Take Care of Us, Captain - 180 kg rice donated
PT                                   260 kg
Angel Eyes                      680 kg
Dauder                             550 kg   200kg China Dubai
Blood                      Total?    500kg Jordan/Middle East, 200kg DC-GHS + many others

From her tweets of our RWs, HyeSun-ssii seems to be very happy & probably is proud of her fans to wholeheartedly cheering for her and at the same time doing good helping out the less fortunate - totally agree with your comments before sis @dee_dina

Kudos to all sunnies around the world that made great efforts (I know that for some fan groups, sending a rice wreath is truly not an easily achievable thing) to show GHS our dedication & LOVE   :x :x

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brief summaries from various articles about BLOOD press conf:http://sports.donga.com/3/all/20150211/69607576/2She says of AJH: similar feeling as when she first met LMH--feels "poot-poot "? (I don't know what that means.) He works extremely hard.안재현 자체의 매력이 있다. 외모는 차가울 것 같고 못됐을 것 같은데 사교성도 많고 애교도 많은 것 같다 AJH has his own charm. He may look cold and rude on the outside, but he is so relatable and has many adorable charms.
안재현이 애늙은이 같은 부분도 있다. 태도가 굉장히 좋은 친구다 굉장히 열심히 한다. 제가 많이 배우고 있다 AJH is also like an old young person. He has a great attitude about things and works extremely hard. I learn a lot from him.
AJH says of GHS: 선배님께 에너지를 많이 받고 있다. 지치는 모습을 보지 못했다. 여배우라 어려울 줄 알았는데 오히려 식사도 같이 많이 하고 연기적인 것에 대해서도 말씀을 많이 해주셨다. 경청하고 있다 He calls her "sunbae-nim". I receive a lot of energy from Sunbae-nim. I have not yet seen her get tired. I thought she would be hard as she is an actress, but she eats with me and talks a lot about acting. I am listening.http://pop.heraldcorp.com/view.php?ud=201502112359145188485_1
GHS was asked why she has gone to see a dermatologist.She has been playing  "Candy" roles since BOF and this is her first time playing an absolutely rude and inconsiderate wealthy womanl. (I also read in another article that she is being careful about her clothes as YOo rita because she cannot dress too sexy or with too many jewelries as she is a professional doctor...so she is being careful with fashion but feel bad that she cannot go all out with fashion.---ke--that is true!!) Later, her role begins a genuine love with a vampire and so she wants people to really watch the drama.She says that lately she has gone to see a dermatologist few times. The reason is due to AJH. She was worried about acting next to a younger male actor. She was also asked about  how she stays so young and she says that she is busy putting layers of make-up to hide wrinkles. She cracked many people up.I read in another article that AJH chimed in to say that he is not that young...but GHS chimed in back again to say that regardless of age, AJH appears as if he is in early 20's so she felt the need to see a dermatologist. She says she is getting more interested in beauty tips and reading a bit more on it.I also read another article where she got curious about why she was cast for YOO Rita role. So, she went and asked the PD. The PD told her that he really wanted an actress whose eyes will be big even with a mask on and he also wanted an actress with very white skin.

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Guest chin7088

Hello everyone! Sorry for being MIA for sometime,been busy with duty though had the chance to view here and read all the messages..happy for all your loving support to her,can i join with your RW next time? But how? Im here in UAE by the way. With regards to her dress today,i find it beautiful and sexy for her.i dont mind those short minded netizens coz it shows only that she is a famous celebrity and with them giving their time to comment or criticize her,only means that..they too love her kekeke...this is one of the reason why i like her too,she is not afraid to face the world,irregardless of a fashion malfunction or a no make up selfie!! Praying for the success of her Blood drama..God bless everyone!

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Guest ginger4clover

I know that GHS is very beautiful lady but Wow!!!! Wow!!!! she is drop dead gorgeous with her outfit in the Blood drama press conference. I never thought that she is well endowed in the right places. The color of GHS outfit, her black long hair and her make up give contrast to her porcelain pale skin makes her glow. :-O=P~:-O.... GHS  outfit show case her shapely figure. I agree with shadia 71 her figure reminded me of the late actress Marilyn Monroe. Despite of little fashion malfunction, it is undeniable that GHS was "DROP DEAD GORGEOUS' during the press con. Ahhh...netizens forget them.......b-(b-(b-(
BLOOD FIGHTING......To All Sunnies thank you for all the updates and stills......

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Some morning news on her tweet today :)

id="titleArea" class="subject"구혜선, 모닝 셀카 공개…'빠져드는 미모'

source http://m.entertain.naver.com/read?oid=213&aid=0000632339&lfrom=twitter

id="titleArea" class="subject"구혜선, 굴욕없는 초근접 셀카 '동안미모'

source: http://m.entertain.naver.com/read?oid=311&aid=0000438464&lfrom=twitter

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Our GHS-ssi is very busy promoting BLOOD in her own way through her tweeter!!It is also great to see that media is  spreading the news further with articles about her tweets.---you cannot help fall into her flawless beauty...---youthful beuaty....(phrases from the articles....)Thanks sukreen.

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I guess our angel often feels awkward wearing dresses that she's not comfortable w/, especially in special events where she's the center in the eyes of most people. I always notice that. Maybe bcoz of her extreme shyness? I dunno.. :-?? But in her younger years she always wear feminine clothes even after BOF, she still wore cute gorgeous clothes in fanmeet event tours. I really miss that 8-| :-S

Well anyway, good thing is...she's endowed w/ a natural sexy curves..soo GIFTED! ^:)^ No doubt we don't see her wear stunning clothes  that'll show off some skin..for sure it would be more painfully uncomfortable for her lol. :-t Just curious..imagine if she'll flaunt her voluptious body w/ a revealing outfit?! :-O (Frankly, as a fan, I'd love to see her like that just once in a while 8-> lol) If that happens, then for sure we'll see parade of testosterones stalking our goddess everywhere haha! :-j  Well she's indeed one effortless bombshell! 8-> Even my ovaries sometimes fall out of places even by just seeing her haha! :-j :)>-

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[spot] ‘Blood’ Goo Hye-sun makes a 180 degree change from student Geum Jan-di to specialist

The production briefing for KBS 2TV’s Monday-Tuesday series ‘Blood’ was held on February 11 at Sungmo Hospital in Banpo dong, Seochogu, Seoul. The cast Ahn Jae-hyun, Ji Jin-hee, Goo Hye-sun, Son Soo-hyun, Jin-kyung, Jo Jae-yoon, Jung Hae-in, Jung Hye-sung, co producers Ki Min-su and Lee Jae-hoon, and the production crew gathered at the scene.

‘Blood’ is a drama that will portray a vampire doctor’s story of success and challenges, as he fights for dignity and justice of life while he saves lives of terminally ill patients in a cancer hospital.

Goo Hye-sun was cast to play the role of Yoo Rita, a specialist of liver and biliary-pancreatic surgery department. “She is an heiress, who is an arrogant person. However, she is seeking for her true love,” Goo introduced her character.

Goo Hye-sun showed off her vampiric, ageless beauty

“I always have been cast to play the role of a young student, just like Geum Jan-di from ‘Boys Over Flowers’. I was curious why the producers thought of me for the role of Yoo Rita. When I asked the producers about the reason, they said it was because of my big eyes. Since Yoo Rita is a doctor, she performs surgeries. Because of the mask, they said they wanted an actress with big eyes. Also, because Jae-hyun has really bright, pale skin, they wanted someone similar,” replied Goo Hye-sun, for the question regarding the casting.

It is actually Goo Hye-sun’s first time ever to play the role of someone who is rich. However, she gave an interesting answer. “That’s a bit of a pity. Since I’m a doctor in the drama, I can’t put on accessories, I can’t color or let down my hair. I also am not able to wear heels. It is a little hard to show wealth on the outside,” said Goo.

She drew high expectations on her transformation in acting. “The scriptwriter asked me to do the lines clearly, like I’m doing a play. And when I saw some experienced female doctors here at the hospital, I really found them talking like that. I got some useful tips for acting by observing them.”

Meanwhile, KBS 2TV’s new Monday-Tuesday drama ‘Blood’ will hit the home theaters on February 16th.

GET IT K Han Jihee, Photography by Ryuma, English Translation by Veronica Choi

source :http://www.getitk.com/spot-blood-goo-hye-sun-makes-a-180-degree-change-from-student-geum-jan-di-to-specialist/?lang=en

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i am really very proud to be fan of koo and i am even more proud be part of such amazing fan group >:D>:D< i am saying it with sincerity, you people are really amazing =D> =D>  i saw few names of sunnies in rice wreath who contributed are from this thread so thank you i know she was so happy about it  that's why she tweeted :) you people make my koo happy so thank you for that a Big hug to all of you ^:)^:)^
And about those losers and there stupid comments honestly now i not care about it like koo and it not affect me any more :-@ :-@  i know whatever koo do they will never praise her they are lost souls i guess i will be worried the day when they start praising her :D  to me she was looking so hot and mesmerizing 8-> 8-> and most important thing koo was happy so this makes me happy :D
now just praying hard for good rating of Blood and over all success of drama and Koo [-O< [-O<
Blood fighting!!!!
PS Thank you for all updates and for translations :)

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iam curious who is the past boyfriend of ghs.........i will gues 1. Lee min ho , Kim hyun joong , Park yoo chun , lee donghae or junjin of shinwha sorry guys im just guesing :D .......................i pray that her drama will be succesful the same in bof and pure heart fighting !...............ahn jae hyun have great onscreen chemistry ..........i feel that this drama will deabak

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Woahhhhh! Surely drama is going to be super hit!! Highlight video sooo soo good! Surely its way beyond our expectations!

"Blood" highlight video 6 mins and 34 secs


credits : DC GHS

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