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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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geumtrangdi said: Good Morning Sunnies,

Just finished watching raw epi 12.   LSY did so well, and yes our Hyesun and the rest of
AE team too!!  Can't wait for subbing.

I have a good feeling that rating will be good because this epi had unknowns revealed, 
a lot of emotional scenes and new developments unlike epi 11, which was more predictable
and calm- kind of in the lull.  It also set up for suspenseful expectations; viewers will
definitely tune it next week :)

Things are looking up Sunnies-  I'm glad or else this week would be not so happy.

AE, GHS, Sunnies fighting and ....praying kekeke.   I think our prayers have been
heard- at least a little :)

@Illay - thanks so much for all your work.   It's wonderful that we'll be able to
participate to show our love & support to AE, GHS, LSY.   I am not familiar at all with
Paypal.    Please, someone writes of the steps soon so that I can contribute to
the campaign.  I am still not sure of deadline date; is it dependent on AE's response?

Have a wonderful week :)

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Guest S_sun

@illay thanks for making contact and all the info. I have just contributed in US dollars as there is no option for kwon, but I am sure it gets converted at their end.Let's cheer for success for this event and the AE team! :)

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Thanks again @illay for doing the major legwork!!Placing that bridge for Korean Koo fans with international fans!!I saw this page in DC-GHS:http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=guhyesun&no=132266&page=1

우리가 지금 쿠한테 해 줄 수 있는 일은 이것 뿐이라는 생각이 든다

This is what we can do for Koo right now.

오랫만에 팬들한테 즐거움 주고 있는 쿠에게 힘이 되어주자~ 

She is making her fans so happy now. Let us give her strengthening support.

쿠가 다작 하는 배우도 아니고 언제 또 이런 기회 있을지 모르니..

Goo does not act all the time. This opportunity may not come again soon.

힘들게 밤샘하면서 작업하는 쿠에게 더 힘을 싫어 주고 싶네

She is working hard even without sleep right now. Let us give her support.

해외 팬들도 함께 하고 싶다고 하니 한국팬들도 좀더 기를 모으자~!!

International fans also want to give her support. So Korean fans, let us get our spirits/strength together.!!

계좌명 : 쿠연합(ㅅㅎㅈ)=account name=Koo Cooperation

은행명 : 하나은행=Hana Bank
계좌번호 : 892-910002-15605=Acct number
papal account : fantasia_s@naver.com
입금기한 : 서포트 날짜 정해지기 전까지=deposit accepted until the date of support is confirmed.
Thans so much!!International fans here at soompi showing cooperation with KuOne and DC-GHS to support GHS may lead to other future, supportive activities as fans  in the future??? 
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Guest noura70

i hope the ratting will increase and ihope to see her in a movie again shes just doing great she realy does a great job 

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Guest S_sun

@noura70 and @kiefshi1056 , welcome to the Sunnies family here. Yes GHS' acting is awesome. We are very proud of her no matter what the ratings is!
Sunnies, let' s have a big show of support (of course within our means)  for this meal event by K sunnies!  It is true that it may be some time before we can show this kind of support to GHS  again  as she does so many other things as well. Thank you , GHS-ssi and AE team for this warm human drama , which we all are enjoying watching. :)
Thanks, @cheerkoo for the info from DC. Yes, it will be nice if this could lead to more collaboration for future projects. :)
Ep 12 was good. I am glad the secret is coming out and more will be revealed. It will be interesting how they deal with the obstacles and what the writer has in store  for us. So far this writer has been great with the deep dialogue and a kind approach to issues. I really appreciate the thoughtfulness she put into the drama. It may not translate to high ratings but once in a while it is so heartwarming  to come across a drama like that. :)  AE fighting! :)
Sunnies, have a nice day/night! Take care. :)

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Hello Sunnies!

Finally I was able to send my donation for GHS/AE support. I hope DC fans will come to soompi to get to know us. :)

Looking forward to future collaboration with DC-GHS. Thanks again @illay & Sue for making this possible. Thanks to all sunnies for supporting this project. :) GHS' movie Daughter is coming soon. I'm excited for her.

Take care all. Ciao! :X

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@illay  Thanks for the info.   I was able to create a Paypal account and sent in my
contribution- Yeehhh!!    Normally, I am not this happy when I have to spend money Hahaha!

Has anyone alerted the soompi AE thread of the "support meal" project?   It seems AE thread
so love the drama and possibly want to participate.   There's so many posts that I haven't gone
through to figure out.   Just a thought and the more support the better, right? :)

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There's a new word for beautiful. It's GHS. Look how beautiful she is as YSW. 

 825878bdgw1egij836iitj208c0vqwha.jpg  4d4e852dgw1eghprho7upj20zk28fk3m.jpg
  6a3ecdfcgw1eghlzri72gj20dw0ku0w5.jpg  6cc4f2bdjw1egifg0asagj20ha0gm3zl.jpg
CR: AE/GHS weibo

PS: Thanks to @cheerkoo and @illay @ALLsunnies for laying the groundwork making it possible for GHS and Team AE to get our wishful participation in the upcoming KuOne & DC-GHS project by joining in the donation drive.  I have just sent my donation. It was super fast and easy :) I hope the organizer/Summer Snow will have no problem getting access to the funds from us here from soompi international fandom. It's funny why Paypal has no facility to accept KRW when it does for most other SE Asian currencies like SGD, MYR, PHP, TWD, THB, JPY, and HKD. Was it a monetary policy from SK or Paypal? Or too many zeroes to deal with? Keke... Anyway, @ALLsunnies, have a great week ahead! >:D<

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illay said:


said: OMG thanks illay!!Wow!!I really am not good with computer..I have been saying that all along.How did you get into DC??I tried for so many months when I first became GHS fan and never worked for me.I read your post in DC----Woah,,You can speak Korean better than I can!!Thanks so much!!

It may not be snow summer but there is someone who understands English on that DC page. She or he is the one who must have gotten your message first because her post mentions that soompi's Koo fans want to contribute and that you are talking about paypal. They say they will check into the link that you gave them.Bravo. It is this person in DC:

ㅇㅇ숨피쿠포럼 내에서 여기연합서폿에 참여하고 싶어하시는 분들이 계시는듯 잘은 모르지만 페이팔?? 뭐 그런걸로 해외팬들도 입금할수 있는 방법이 있나본데(타팬덤에선 페이팔 로 해외모금도 하더라) 긍정적으로 고려해보는것도 좋지 않을까 125.184*.*
Thanks so much.

I was just thinking to call the NYC Hana bank office on Monday and get more information. But thank God you are here to  take care of it.!!!Thanks again~~~This is an exciting day!! 

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if you guys have any question about AE project you can sent 스노우섬머 email

If you have any question,

Please send me e-mail : fantasia_s@naver.com

As soon as possible I will reply to you.

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http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=guhyesun&no=132296&page=1(report from snow summer)
Koo Cooperation has collected this much money:
from Korean KuOne and DC-GHS쿠 연합 계좌 : 1,917,000원

from us,soompiPaypal : 633.33USD =about 646,881.69 won??They wanted to collect 250만원 ~ 300만원=2,500,000 to 3,000,000won.So, my estimate is that they have collected 2,563,881.16 won so far??that is good news??If they get a little more they can reach their high end goal of 3,000,000 won. keke

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Guest cahaya

Evening everyone here... :x

Just drop by to let you knows that  just donated using paypal to fantasia_s@naver.com :)>-
Hope that able to support GHS for her AE's drama  ... \:D/
All the best GHS! :-bd

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