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[Drama 2012] May Queen 메이퀸

Guest Eja

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Guest jaewon fan

I just finish watching Episode 36 livestreaming and my heart really aches for Uncle Jung Woo and Kang San. I understand Hae Joo frustration about being Jang Do Hyeon's child but the way she behave towards KS is more torturing. She was throwing tuntrums on him without even thinking it really hurts him. Hae Joo is in pain too but the way she deal with it is not right. She should just let KS know what's bothering her not torturing him that way.. Uncle Jung Woo was so upset too but at least she told him about it get over it fast. Now i have to wait one more week to know what would happen to KS. Poor boy :(( .
Only one good thing happen in this episode. Sang Tae caught assistant Kim lurking around the office and searching for KS stuff. He told KS about it and KS was smart enough to realize what's going on. He trick assistant Kim and give him the wrong info to be pass to CH who is  so confident on getting the drilling rights, at the end they didn't and KS team won :)
I'm not going to watch this again until the English is done. It's just too frustrating for me. KS and JW are  the characters that i like most in this drama, watching them both in pain is just to much for me to handle. 
I notice that IH didn't show up in this episode. or i just miss it because my net connection was bad and keep buffering...

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Guest jaewon fan

andy78 said: my heart really aches for Uncle Jung Woo and Kang San...but next 2 ep will be HJ against her real father!i wonder about that microfilm what is so special?

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Woah....I haven't seen either episodes this week but judging from the reactions from all the comments in relation to both episodes, perhaps I should just wait until next week's episodes are out .... so that I won't be frustrated waiting for next week to come to resolve the conflicts from this week's episodes and perhaps too, give the proper conclusion that everyone is hoping for.

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konayuki-chan said: Woah....I haven't seen either episodes this week but judging from the reactions from all the comments in relation to both episodes, perhaps I should just wait until next week's episodes are out .... so that I won't be frustrated waiting for next week to come to resolve the conflicts from this week's episodes and perhaps too, give the proper conclusion that everyone is hoping for.

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konayuki-chan said: Woah....I haven't seen either episodes this week but judging from the reactions from all the comments in relation to both episodes, perhaps I should just wait until next week's episodes are out .... so that I won't be frustrated waiting for next week to come to resolve the conflicts from this week's episodes and perhaps too, give the proper conclusion that everyone is hoping for.

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@andy78Yea. Thats a melodrama, the plotlines only purpose is to make the plot more and more depressing not to have a good climatic structure or a message meant to change problems within society.

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Guest jaewon fan
:(:(( episode 35 and 36 was so torturing. I regret watching it. I should just waited until next week for a happy ending if ever they have. I don't know why i keep holding on and hoping for the best , i've known it long ago that the story went down hill but i'm still hanging here and anxiously waiting for the next episode. I'm just as silly as HJ, KS, and CH. :(( but since i'm already at the edge i'd rather not give up and go for it 'til the end. Maybe i become like CH, i won't wake up until i get one punch right on my face.
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I watched ep 35 and oh boy did they yell alot i guess they did it in hopes to build tension that wasnt written in the script. I cannot fathom a way to successfully end this show unless they all die. Maybe KangGyver reaches a breaking point and builds a transphormer out of azimuth thrusters and drill bits that transforms from a drill ship into a death machine and after it collects the drilling rights a circuit breaks and it goes crazy and kills everyone by throwing industrial diamonds at them. Sounds reasonable to me.

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Guest jaewon fan

@totes =)) you just made my day.. i keep laughing after reading your comment. Take note: I LOVE TRANSFORMER MOVIE...

Will, i think the best end for this drama is let KS die or lost his memory, that's the only option for him to get him out of misery. HJ will live her life in pain because of his father. And CH also live in misery for choosing the wrong choice. Uncle JW and BH stays single forever. and Chun family live the way they use to be.... the end....

my idea sucks.。 .. but i couldn't think for a better one. :-SS

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@jaewon fanLOL the writter has to euthanize KS. Gosh i pity the uncle so much I cant i just i cant, i no longer have worda to describe my feelings towards him. and if DH is HJs dad then what will KangGyver do? Maybe he will make a time machine out of matches and noodles and stop DH from raping GH, but then HJ will never have existed what a dilemma. OR maybe to end this show DH wakes up and it was all a dream.
I honestly really want the writer to read this thread and take my transformer idea seriously, and have that be the last episode. This would become my favorite drama. I can picture it in my mind cheesy cgi and all.

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One last comment on ep 35. HJ, KS and IM are all imbeciles. Who doesnt lock the cabinet door to their most precious drill especially after being robbed once already. And who seriously WHO lights a match after smelling gas then tries to put out the fire with paper who in the whole wide world is that stupid,except for GH who married the man who raped her, WHO? Anyone that stupid should be sent to a leper colony because they are a safety hazard that could lead to the end of the world, the world is ending on the 21st of December this year because IM set the world on fire by continually trying to put out a small fire with paper. 

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Guest orionofthewolf

Sigh. I'll take a transformer plot line over the crap the writer is currently giving us. They are really throwing WAY too much hell at these characters. Yes, a compelling story is to put your protagonist among the damned (so says writer Charles Baxter since hell sells), but at the same time, knocking down your characters over and over again is redundant and entirely unnecessary. Poor, poor Jung Woo, Bong Hee, and San. They just can't catch a break. I was seriously hoping they wouldn't throw in another birth secret, but they just had to. This drama sucked enough without adding even more suckage to it.
Thank god next week is the end. I can't take any more of this drama. I really can't.

That being said, here's episode 35 recap. 36 will be up tomorrow if I can bring myself to watch it. www.asianaddictsanonymous.com/may-queen-episode-35-recap/

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Hello... and goodbye.Like I was going to read about ep 36 but think will wait for next week. Not even tempted to watch the raw.Was actually hoping all your speculations for ep 35 was a misunderstanding. But obviously not.Oh boy.

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I've watched the ep35 with subs at gooddrama... it's not enough that the episode was having glitch as the vid and the sound is not sync and the horrible decision by the writer making HJ as DH's daughter... WTF?!  X( Totally make me pissed of so much!!!!  >:P dont know if I want to watch ep36 or not or just wait until next week... then again, I really want to see how KS won the drill right. urghhh... maybe I'll just skip a lot of things... these past episodes I realized that I skipped a lot of part in this drama... idk why... I still have a positive feeling in me that want the good happy ending for KS and HJ. No matter how silly and how sometimes HJ is so annoying, this girl really deserve a good happy ending for her... she has gone through a lot since she came into this world... really hope a best happy deserve ending for this drama... guess I'll just wait for it next week... 

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