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❤ InHyun couple (Yoo In Na & Ji Hyun Woo) ❤ ... because MEN BOONG is their charm


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Awww...some more heartfelt beautiful messages on Yoo In Na's Me2Day page:
"Take Courage""Ji Hyun Woo Perfect man, I support you""Unnie, do you like Hyun Woo Oppa?" (LOL)"God knew exactly what he was doing when he created you and him - Please say I do, he's perfect""Watch with your eyes but see with your heart""Love with your all""Follow your heart - I will support you!""I hate journalists"  (HAHAHAHA! Best one yet)"Unni, say yes to him""Love and follow your heart"
Yesterday it was at 800 comments and now it's over 1,300 =D> Also...I didn't read one single bad message about Hyun Woo!! Everyone appears to love him. (even if they say to make her own decision)
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Guest izyanesa

@wap72 lol

Yup don't they said that hjw know about enlisting when he were shooting qihm...then suddenly said something like this..

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Whatever they say our MAN is the real MAN. A true knight without his armour who is the courageous of all the Korean artists I've ever known to stand for his love. I remember some artists that denied their relationships for years but ended up marrying each other, isn't that shameful? Denying at start and lying to the whole world yet they've been dating the whole time and ended up marrying each other?

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@pluie625 - 
EXACTLY! That's what I meant when I said lying and denying was disrespectful! Very disrespectful to the girl. Who wants to date a man who denies your very existence to the whole world? 
I just wonder how many female celebs were jealous on Thursday. *hehehe* Like the ones who ARE dating some actor or idol who refuses to acknowledge them. I wonder if it started any fights. "Why can't you do that for me? Why can't you admit out in the open that you love me?" 

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I've been thinking. Why did he make a public onfession. Yes, we discussed that he wants to show that he is serious. But he can confess secretly and date secretly without this whiplash now. Aside from proving he is serious about YIN, he can prove to her alone without the world looking on right? Guys, what r yr thoughts?

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I was also wondering...because if its to address rumours the rumours were long ago...The only thing I can think of is :
1 he was overwhelmed by the emotions
Actually I dont think so because apparently he doesn't act rashly plus he is not a newbie in the industry so its not like he got carried away by the drama..to say that he is confused is insulting to him and his experience. 
2. He wants to stake his claim
This could be true, but then he didn't say WE love each other..he just said about HIS feelings only, to him he is not burdening her, I think. 
3. He wants to be honest to his fans
the drama got unprecedented fans and I think everyone was surprised that they had a huge following  (or huger than they expected) - so he is thankful to his fans
4. The most logical and as he said himself-
he knows she returns the feelings although she didnt answer, he wants to be able to date freely. and for her to do so. so he puts pressure on the management like that. He succeeded ! Because now the management agencies actually gave their tacit approval. 
What do YOU think

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@JulieSean - 
I posted my thoughts many pages back but I'll do it again. Hyun Woo has dated in the past, he's admitted that. He's admitted he sang songs to his girlfriend over the phone. (LOL) But he never "announced" he had a girlfriend because A) he wasn't serious about them and it was just casual dating or B) the girl in question asked him not to for whatever reason
Along comes this creature who has obviously captivated his mind, heart, body and soul. He's suddenly serious about a relationship for the first time in his life. (and this is where it gets tricky) He respects this woman and wants to let her know exactly how SERIOUS he is. So he (with her permission because he would never do this without the woman's permission, that's not the kind of man he is) announces to everyone that she's the one. With his family in the room.  He LOVES her. 
This makes it clear to Yoo In Na exactly what his intentions are. He's not going to date her "secretly". He's not going to lie, deceive, sneak around, hide her away or ignore her existence. He's got marriage in mind. (YES, I firmly believe this - JHW would never have made this type of public confession unless he's 100% sure she's the one) This also lets his family, friends and fans know exactly where his heart is. He has too much respect for her to pretend she doesn't exist. 
He wants to shout it from the rooftops. (Which makes him a 1-in-a-million man in my eyes) He's just not the type of man who would lie to everyone and date this woman that he adores secretly. 

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I've been thinking. Why did he make a public onfession. Yes, we discussed that he wants to show that he is serious. But he can confess secretly and date secretly without this whiplash now. Aside from proving he is serious about YIN, he can prove to her alone without the world looking on right? Guys, what r yr thoughts?

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Guest fantasticbaby12


  • In the BTS pictures she leans on his shoulder while reading the script.
  • In the preview of episode 15 the spaghetti kiss, he gave her a quick kiss while she stayed still as she wanted for more lol.
  • In the phone booth ( episode 12) there is actually no space between them.
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Guest wap72

my exact same thoughts! hahaha..... oh dear, we should start pooling some money now to give them as a gift when they get married. :P

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Guest wap72

oh, since we are on the guy's side we're in charge of the living quarters right? and the ladies' side for the furnitures? lol....don't mind me at all, i'm just really not making much sense lately

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i want to frame your post
he loves her and wants to marry her . he wants her to be part of his family registry and I think probably have introduced her to his mom and brother before this. He wants her as his wife. Our hot scholar, the rocker. the musician with the mean guitar skills- wants to settle down ..and he wants to do it with this lady...
You know, someone said it was her reaction that made it a big deal..if she had said I love you too Ji Hyun Woo ssi -you were the perfect leading man. that woudl be that..everyone would have thought that this was Kim Boong Do and Hee Jin
However she did NOT act that way, no one tried to pooh pooh it, or pretend it was something it wasn't- or tried to cover up. No one really looked panicked or anxious despite the media reporting that they were confused. 
Instead they all immediately treated it as the truth and not a joke- In na too = 
and I think that was on purpose 

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I've been thinking. Why did he make a public onfession. Yes, we discussed that he wants to show that he is serious. But he can confess secretly and date secretly without this whiplash now. Aside from proving he is serious about YIN, he can prove to her alone without the world looking on right? Guys, what r yr thoughts?

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once you meet the right guy, you just know. you will commit. if you dont want to commit..perhaps this is not the right guy. 
having said that- he has found her. his soulmate. He is very sure of his feelings. Come on he is not a boy. He is a man. 
So what if he is going into the army..he needs to tell her that he loves her , he needs to tell the world- so that she can visit him freely. 
Please. write more. We need all the love we can get. I hope this forum will go on and on throughout his Millitary serviice...and I hope we can update each other about their news - wonder what happens if he dates someone else or she dates someone else...arghh 
Anyway yes do write more. Language is only one way to express  yourself. Feel free to draw, drool, spazz...:) 

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Guest izyanesa

I agree with you all about him being serious and having a married thought...like one of you said that,he a honest person, if he has gf, he will tell it, but maybe before this he not making announcement sincehis gf not an actress on involve with the industry, but he never lied...i also remember someone said, if hjw like someone he will tell her...and the way their agencied make official announcement are funny...made us think there are lot thing happen......but then we just have to wait and believe on their fate...if they are mean for each other, they will be together

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@SSK1 - It's my belief that no one "pooh-poohed" it because everyone in that room was either a fan of JHW or family/friend. And they KNOW him. They know he's not like that. They know the minute those words came out of his mouth that he's SERIOUS. 
Which is why the press articles and news reports are fulla crap. But then, they don't KNOW Hyun Woo. So they're just making crap up. His true fans, his family, his friends know what he's feeling. And I have no doubts in my mind that YIN returns those feelings. He would never have done this unless he was sure she loves him as well. 
He's an honest, prudent, polite, careful young man. 

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Guest szufontana

@JulieSean - 
He wants to shout it from the rooftops. (Which makes him a 1-in-a-million man in my eyes) He's just not the type of man who would lie to everyone and date this woman that he adores secretly. 

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