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Park Jin Hee 박진희

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[포토엔]박진희, 시원한 의상 심플하게~




뉴스엔 박준형 기자]

차예련 손예진 한지민 손담비 등 스타들의 헤어와 메이크업을 담당하는 제니하우스 OPEN 7주년 기념 & 뷰티샵 최초의 뷰티 전문잡지 J스타일 매거진 창간기념 파티가 29일 오후 7시 서울 강남구 청담동 트라이베카에서 열렸다.

이날 행사에 배우 박진희가 참석했다.

한편 ‘J스타일매거진’은 스타일 전문가와 일반인들을 위한 뷰티 전문잡지. 제니하우스의 현직 디자이너와 아티스트들이 참여한 대형 프로젝트로 기획, 제작 준비기간만 1년여의 시간을 들여 만들어졌다.


[Potoen] Park Jin Hee, cool costumes, simple ~

Bakjunhyeong nyuseuen News]

Chayeryeon hair and makeup, Son Yae Jin Han Ji Min sondambi and is responsible for the Star of House Jenny OPEN 7 byutisyap first anniversary of the Beauty & Style Magazine J Magazine party on July 29 at 7 pm Memorial changgan Seoul Cheongdam Becca was held in the Triassic.

The event was attended by actress Park Jin Hee.

The 'J-style magazine, the style and beauty magazine for professionals and the general public.

Jenny House and the artists who participated in the current designer, as a large project planning, and production ready in a time machine was created just for one year.

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[포토] 박진희 '파티 패션컬러 블랙이 아닌 화이트 드레스로 깜짝 등장'



29일 서울 청담동 트라이베카에서 뷰티샵 제니하우스 오픈 7주년 및 제니하우스에서 선보이는 헤어&메이크업 전문지 제이스타일 매거진(J Style Magazine) 창간 기념 행사에서 박진희가 포토타임을 가지고 있다.

새로운 개념의 헤어&메이크업 비주얼과 패셔너블한 정보들로 짜임새있게 구성될 제이스타일 매거진은 제니하우스가 표방하는 최신 트렌드를 담는 최초의 뷰티살롱 전문지이다.


[Photo] Park Jin Hee 'party a surprise to the fashion color of the dress white, not black'

Becca 29 days from the Triassic Cheongdam open 7 years and byutisyap Jenny House Jenny House Style Magazine featuring Jay Hair & Make-Up magazine (J Style Magazine) at Memorial Park Jin Hee's Photo changgan have time.

Hair & make-up of a new concept of visual information and a well-configured paesyeoneobeulhan Jenny Jay style house magazine stand to the latest trends damneun is the first magazine of the Gymnasium.

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박진희, 우아한 여신으로 변신 (03.09.09)


박진희가 우아한 여신으로 변신했다.

 한 백화점 모델로 발탁된 박진희는 지금껏 보여주지 않은 아름다운 여신의 모습으로 등장했다. 또 하늘을 유영하며 내려다보기도 한다.

  광고 관계자에 따르면 박진희는 장시간 동안 와이어에 의지한 채 강풍기에 맞서는 힘든 촬영이었지만 우아하고 아름다운 여신의 모습을 흐트러짐 없이 표현해냈다. 한편 박진희는 지난해 말 영화 ‘달콤한 거짓말’에서 기억상실에 걸린 척 털털하고 사랑스러운 방송작가로 열연했다. 조만간 영화나 드라마를 통해 활동을 재개할 예정이다.


Park Jin Hee, an elegant transformation into a goddess

Park Jin Hee has a graceful transition to the goddess.

A department store as a model to show baltakdoen Park Jin Hee did not ever have emerged as a beautiful goddess.

The view is down the sky, and yuyoung.

According to the wire for Park Jin Hee ads for a long time without relying on a tough shot against a strong wind, so elegant and beautiful, but the goddess of representation did it flawlessly.

Park Jin Hee at the end of the movie 'Sweet lies' from the memory loss take the writer to pretend to be hot air teolteolhago was lovely.

Soon, through movies, dramas will resume activity.

박진희, '열정의 여신'으로 변신


영화배우 박진희가 레드 드레스로 여신다운 자태를 드러냈다.

 한 백화점 광고를 위해 변신한 박진희는 '열정의 여신' 답게 촬영에서도 열정적인 자세로 임했다. 특히 고통이 심한 와이어를 착용하고도 여신의 우아한 모습을 흐트러진 표정 없이 연기해내 사진작가 김중만과 스태프에게 큰 박수를 받았다.

 영화 '달콤한 거짓말' 이후 학업에 전념해온 그녀는 오랜만에 팬들에게 모습을 드러내는 만큼 최선을 다했다는 후문이다.


Park Jin Hee, the goddess of passion, 'the transformation

A red dress actress Park Jin Hee as a goddess, the figure was down.

Park Jin Hee ads for a department store, turning the goddess of passion, like a shooting position in the passionate imhaetda.

In particular, the severe pain, wearing a wire and the disheveled look of a goddess with the elegant act gimjungmangwa staff photographer to make it received a big round of applause.

Movie 'sweet lies' in the study of jeonnyeomhaeon she reveals to fans for a long time is said to have done my best.

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인피니티, 서울시와 '그린기프트' 기부

【서울=뉴시스】이동훈 기자 = 23일 오전 서울시청 서소문청사에서 열린 서울특별시-인피니티 그린기프트 기부나눔 협약식에서 서울시장애인복지시설협회 정명규 회장, 서울시복지국 신면호 국장, 인피니티 그렉 필립스 대표, 인피니티 홍보대사 박진희(왼쪽부터)가 협약서를 교환한 뒤 기념촬영을 하고 있다.

그린 기프트는 서울시가 공공기관 최초로 실시하는 기부 프로그램으로 승진, 영전, 가족 기념일에 선물이나 기념품 대신 주인공의 이름으로 기부하는 프로그램이다.

internet translation

Infiniti, and the Seoul and \green Giftset\ "donation

[seoul, the Newsis] Lee Dong-hoon Journalist: 23th Seosomun Seoul City Hall, Seoul held in Gwacheon Government Complex-green, blood Giftset donations from an sharing Disabled Welfare Association Seoul Chung Myung-kyu, president of the Seoul City and Welfare Bureau, the director of Infiniti Greg Phillips, Infiniti Goodwill Ambassador Park Jin Hee (from left), agreement after exchanging the taking pictures. Green Giftset Seoul city, which for the first time public institutions will be promoted to the donation program, decorations, family on the anniversary gifts or souvenirs hero instead of donations in the name of a program.

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박진희, 삼복 더위에 모피 나들이 ‘눈길’

배우 박진희가 삼복더위에 때 아닌 모피 패션을 선보여 눈길을 끌었다.

박진희는 최근 자신이 모델로 있는 ‘올리비아 하슬러’의 2009 가을 카달로그 촬영을 위해 한여름 무더운 날씨에도 불구하고 모피와 장갑을 낀 채 한강둔치 및 신사동 가로수 길을 거닐었다.

더운 날씨에 가족들과 한강둔치로 소풍을 나온 시민들은 갑작스러운 박진희의 등장에 환호를 보냈고, 이에 보답이라도 하듯 그녀는 도시적이고 고풍스러운 분위기를 연출했다.

요즘 논문준비와 여러 가지 사회 봉사활동으로 바쁜 나날을 보내고 있는 박진희는 오랜만의 촬영에 즐거워했다는 후문.


Park Hee, scorching hot weather fur outdoors in the "Eye"

Actor Park Jin scorching hot weather, when the fur rather than showing fashion, drew attention. Park Jin Hee recently as a model of Olivia, that of the 2009 catalog for shooting Mid-summer weather fur, despite and gloves, Sinsa-dong, Han River avenues and walked. Hot Weather and family members on the Han River a picnic for the citizens are the sudden emergence of the Park Jin sent loud cheers for the in, as if to repay the city her and antique atmosphere. These days, paper and various social service, busy Park Jin Hee for the first time in the shooting a rumor that comforting.

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박진희, 미얀마 난민 아기와 즐거운 시간 ‘아~

배우 박진희, 권오중이 지난 8월 초 기아대책 태국 메솟, 우간다 쿠미 사업장으로 봉사활동을 다녀왔다.

이들은 오는 21일 방영될 MBC W 200회 특집 2편 ‘희망은 어디에나 있어야 한다’를 위해 가난과 질병으로 고통 받는 태국 메솟 지역 미얀마 난민들과 우간다 쿠미 아동들을 찾아가 희망을 전하고 왔다.

박 진희는 8월 4일부터 10일까지 6박 7일 동안 메솟 난민촌에서 고신대의료원 봉사팀과 의료봉사활동을 펼치고 난민 가정을 방문해 기아대책이 마련한 구호물품을 전했다. 또 난민촌 밖 쓰레기장 마을에 있는 학교를 찾아가 맨바닥에서 자는 어린이들을 위해 합판과 매트로 손수 유아실을 꾸며주고 학용품과 과자를 선물했다.

마지막 날에는 육남매 중 맏이로 쓰레기를 주워 가계 살림을 돕는 12세 소녀 띵자카이 집에 들러 후원금을 전하고, 가족들을 격려하는 시간을 가졌다. 박진희는 “봉사활동을 통해 오히려 더 많은 것을 배워간다. 내년에도 아이들을 만나러 다시 오고싶다”며 아이들과의 헤어짐을 못내 아쉬워했다.

한편 권오중은 8월 7일부터 12일까지 5박 6일 동안 극심한 기근으로 2백여만 명이 굶주림으로 고통 받는 우간다를 찾아 주민들을 격려했다. 특히 에이즈로 부모를 잃은 8세 크리스틴과 결연, 낡고 허름한 아동 집을 고쳐주고, 3시간 걸려 물 길러오던 수고를 덜어주기 위해 기아대책과 함께 고장난 마을 우물을 수리해줬다.

박진희, 권오중 씨의 태국, 우간다 봉사활동 내용은 8월 21일 오후 11시 50분 MBC ‘W’를 통해 방영되며 스튜디오에 출연, 생생한 감동 스토리를 전한다.(사진제공 = 국제구호단체 기아대책)








Park Jin-hee, Myanmar refugee child and a good time 'aah'

Starring Park Jin-hee, Kwon Oh Joong two seconds last August in Thailand mesot hunger measures, Uganda, Kumi business and traveled to volunteer. On Feb. 21, they aired two special MBC W 200 th flight, everywhere should hope 'for the poor and suffering from the disease Myanmar refugees in Thailand and Uganda received mesot Kumi tell children to go and have hope. Park Jin-hee of August 4 to 10 6 nights 7 days mesot Kosin Medical Center in refugee camps and medical service activities out into the refugee bongsatim Visit the home of famine relief supplies reported measures prepared. In refugee camps outside the town dump from scratch to visit the school children to sleep on the plywood and the Metro yuahsil kkumyeoju handmade sweets and school supplies were a gift. Yuknammae the last day of the eldest of having household help pick up trash in 12 ttingjakayi year-old girl to stop home and convey donations, the family had the time to encourage them. Park Jin-hee a "through volunteer work rather than go to learn more. I want to see kids coming back next year, "said heeojimeul appeal with child loss. Meanwhile, Kwon Oh Joong August 7 to 12 for 5 nights and 6 days in 2 baekyeoman severe famine in Uganda looking for people who suffer from hunger Residents were encouraged. 8 years old who lost parents to AIDS, especially Christine and affiliation, nark shabby house, fixing the child, 3 hours of water raised the vision of Jamie effort failed, along with measures to alleviate hunger had tried to repair the town well. Park Jin-hee, Kwon Oh Joong's Thai, For volunteer work in Uganda August 21 11:50 p.m. MBC 'W' will be aired through the studio appearances, the story conveys a vivid impression. (Photo courtesy of = the international hunger relief organization measures)

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Park Jin-hee, corporate events Infiniti Green Gifts

Starring Park Jin-hee in Seoul Wednesday the 26 exhibition at the Seocho Infiniti, Infiniti, Green Gifts Birthday 10000th customer 'has been attending events. Domestic and foreign enterprises to participate in one of Infiniti's first Green Gifts that come in September to visit the exhibition every 1 months customers who will participate in the donation.











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Park Jin-hee, Take Prize degree sexual suyeosikseo

"Jin Hee is also a good boy!"

'Bareunsaenghwalgeol, Park Jin-hee rode with Honors from the Graduate School's graduation. 27 days held at Yonsei University Graduate School of Social Welfare Administration from the Academic Excellence Awards ceremony received a master's degree. Sosoksa official "Graduate school is Park Jin-hee A four year term as long as you get good grades will receive this award," said "you can not attend the degree ceremony at a later time was a separate award," said. Park Jin-hee of the broadcast media reporters and a regular student would see the damage deliberately did not attend the degree ceremony. Park Jin-hee went to graduate two years were devoted to academic activities jajeha. Busy schedule of classes in two years time enough for only two day I lost my enthusiasm for the study said. Sosoksa side of the Park Jin Hee MBC current affairs program aired the last 21 days 'W' meson chwalyoungcha refugee camps in Thailand had taken a photo when you visit are revealed. Park Jin Hee Park last 4 to 10 6 mesot seven days in refugee camps in Myanmar and bongsatim Kosin Medical Center, came out into the health service activities. Park Jin-hee in a refugee camp outside the town dump to visit school children to sleep on the plywood and scratch mat and hand yuahsil kkumyeoju back seonmulha school supplies and sweets.



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Olivia seulreo Ha, Park Jin-hee ... nobleness show off a new turn

Women's casual brand seulreo Olivia Ha, Park Jin-hee of the advertising model recently introduced by CF aftershocks with stylish and show off their dangdanghameul 'in his Past' is emerging as Olivia. Seulreo marketing official Summer "2009 F / W as the season changes in the emerging new feeling seulreo Ha Jin Hee, Olivia's spectacular transformation into an image You can feel, "he said. The CF in the traditional fashion ads that did not attempt to multi-ad concept and image of Olivia, consumers want to seulreo to be familiar will pass.




Park Jin-hee, luxury Documentary 'Arctic tears come down bow

'Beauty star luxury documentary by Park Jin-hee, the tears of the Arctic, the fans were the prize.' Tears of the Arctic, the Arctic's life, the great winner of the Florida documentary depicting the real story. Park Jin-hee the 'Queen Seondeok' and 'Infinite Challenge' of the protagonist, gimjuha reporters, announcers ohsangjin, Masayoshi Son, the broadcaster been successfully sent, and after gimmihwa 'Tears of the Arctic' Let's cheer on the military said. Park Jin-hee is one of the best celebrity actors leading environmental artists. Held last May with the 6th International Film Festival in Seoul environment 'Tears of the Arctic, and signed the first bond. Environmental Film Festival in Seoul to promote the activities during the Jin Hee chosen as the opening film 'Tears of the North Pole' was the official press conference. Then the director heotaejeong, jojunmuk directed the film be released to attend the premiere I was promised. This commitment to defend the last 14 days at the Central Cinema, the tears of the North Pole, was celebrating the premiere theater to attend. The audience attending the premiere of the stage to come down and say 'the tears of the Arctic' special love for the exposed. Park Jin-hee a "large-scale screen to see through the emotion seems to be bigger," said "a tremendous than that from now I can not be any hurry to do something for the earth was thought it would be" gamsangpyeong has come up with.



Park Jin-hee, movies, our mothers and 2 nights 3 days' to resume activities

Park Jin-hee in the movie actress' mother's house with her 2 nights 3 days as 1 year, 6 months, will resume activity. Opened in December last year, 'sweet lies' taking action to stop it since the end of school last next book in the Park Jin-hee, our mothers and 2 nights 3 days' to decide this week goes to the first shooting. Play of the same name as the original one, our mothers and 2 nights 3 days' painful breakup with the mother-daughter drama. Stanford graduate careers in large corporations Odd Woman, daughter shelf life advice Jeongeup Seek medical treatment in the countryside and visit chinjeongjip spent 2 nights and 3 days of goodbyes junbihaega is drawn into the process moving. Park Jin Hee plays the daughter of the erosion jeonmiseon portrays the delayed knew. Erosion after a long illness selfish to spend time with her mom, dad loved to feel the tears that can not be seen without a farewell ceremony chireunda. The best in the world gangbu delayed self-rewarding job as her mother gave birth to think that the recent movie 'The Bat' Open City 'at mid-actress Kim Hae Suk demonstrated the strength of the aircraft. Movie 'our mothers and 2 nights 3 days' shooting like the end of the year will be released next spring.


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Park Jin-hee, a healthy seksimi namjeongne of Europe captured

[TV Report] actress Park Jin-hee in the Mediterranean charm of a circle. Last Park Jin-hee in the body that carried cruise departed from Rome, Italy. Ten days to schedule a trip inside the ship left the meeting chojeoljeong Park Jin-hee of South England to the hot chick in the popular crowned, has cornered the envy of countless women's back door. Park Jin-hee with them the pool was out of beer and a bet on basketball and mini golf in the hot sun shining and a pleasant time spent in line. Jin Hee attended the elegant dinner dinner dress, wearing a sexy gold from 65 countries worldwide paesyeoni captured the attention of stars at once. Park Jin-hee is a cruise aboard four times the size of a football field, a moving city called nebigeyiteoho of Royal Caribbean Cruises. Monk 3100 personnel board members a total of 1200 men, weight ranging from 14 million tons is the super ferry. Park Jin-hee in Rome, Italy Nice, France, Spain and the beautiful scenery as you sail the western Mediterranean, and put together her own memories said. Park Jin Hee with a fantastic Mediterranean cruise leaving the tour will be broadcast 7 pm the 'rib' itsiti - Park Jin-hee of the moving city, you can watch in detai











Starring Park Jin-hee, movies, our mothers' return to the screen

Offers plays, our mothers and 2 nights 3 days, and one original movie 'our mothers' last October 29 in Jeollabuk-bedroom-keuraengkeuin rush to shoot it was authentic. Theater, our mothers and 2 nights 3 days, the 2009 singyeongsuk writers in the 'Take care of my mom, so movie gay' with my mom has been driving the trend. A lot of work from the big screen earlier this reobeukol swaedohaet scenario of the film industry officials in the casting stage of the aristocracy of domestic actors and interest collected. As a film actor 'bat', and through the vigorous activity were cast out into the the Kim Hae Suk . Kim Hae Suk's positive recommendation after each piece with passion and hard work recognized by Park Jin-hee from the two kaeseutingdwae emotional confrontation, will be the fireworks. Kim Hae Suk Park Jin-hee about a "passionate commitment to always look beautiful actor. Emotional exchanges that require you to work with the Junior Summer is like, "said a powerful crew asked her cast. 'Our mothers (yuseongyeop Director, ㈜ 씨앤티 Vega Dong-export production ㈜ 04), the students last 2 nights and 3 days that our mothers and daughters with the material world's most beautiful chest containing a message of love is asleep waiting. Chalong Jeongeup Jeolla province's major locations, such as bedroom-December through mid-crank eophae be released in the first half of 2010 said.


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Park Jin Hee, Han Hyo-joo or Moon Geun-yeong for main character?

The new drama, "Dongy" main character role has not been picked yet.

The two possibilities are Han Hyo-joo and Moon Geun-yeong!

Producer Lee Byeong-hoon has come up with top three choices who are Han Hyo-joo, Moon Geun-yeong and Park Jin-hee as the main female characters. The three actresses all have passion for acting and whether they are fit for the role are under consideration.


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Royal Caribbean Cruise shooting support women's lifestyle channel Olive TV 'IT CITY itsiti - Park Jin-hee of the moving city, ride the waves.

Royal Caribbean Cruise shooting support women's lifestyle channel Olive TV 'IT CITY itsiti - Park Jin-hee of the moving city, ride the waves. Moving over the sea in the most vibrant and glowing romaentikha, Cruise, Rome, Nice, Eze, Barcelona, Portofino so far the jewel of the Mediterranean, leaving the city with a fantastic cruise on Royal Caribbean's 7 and 14 Monday night 11 Olive City TV 'IT CITY itsiti - Moving City of Park Jin-hee, is the only. The broadcast September 26 to October 6 in the western Mediterranean, shooting schedule was in progress. Park Jin-hee of the cruise we took with a fantastic companion to the 20-storey height of the 3100 passenger total of 140,000 tons-class people from 'moving in' Royal Caribbean Navigator arc, floating in the sea, 'Moving City, Park Jin-hee from the cruise Immersed in the charm of curious deulmyeo creates an interesting line of the episode. Also in Rome, Nice, Barcelona and sail the Western Mediterranean and the beautiful scenery and was put together her own memories. The hot guy I met in line with the UK enjoying the dating pool and mini golf to basketball betting, such as beer, good friends in the making Cruise, dine in the elegant dinner with a sexy gold dress introduced in 65 countries around the world came to the attention of passengers at once captured. passengers with fun and enjoy the dance, musical actor for the Royal Caribbean's Performance Team and learn basic dance moves to appeal directly to the Royal Caribbean Navigator of Korea may have experience. Royal Caribbean Cruises official "Cruise in luxury and comfort, while Park Jin-hee of the images I danah maechidwae Royal Caribbean cruise more friendly to the public is expected to reach an opportunity," said.


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  • 2 weeks later...




Park Jin Hee casts in "You Still Want To Marry Her"

'Seondeok queen drama subsequent decision not to ... starring actress Park Jin Hee Kim Ji-soo of the tube will return in 3 years. Park Jin-hee a "Queen Seondeok" subsequent to the beginning of 2010, the MBC TV mini-series of the new EO "Women still want to gyeolhonha "(a play directed giminyoung ㆍ Sik) was destined to take. Starring Kim Ji-soo in the mulmang olratdeon initially appeared to not have the final decision. MBC deuramaguk official "Park Jin-hee of the final answer is wait. Schedule adjustments are called the situation in the movie cast. Kim Ji-soo said its intention to test the appearance, "said. Park Jin-hee of the SBS TV drama back in 2007 the last" War of Money "appeared in the three years since the manyida. This work was done by Park Jin-hee, and both love to take it as motivation to smoke to live with professional women. Original "Women want to gyeolhonha Season 2" and "City of Women" and the work is known as the tentative title "Still gyeolhonha Would she titled, "was the final nakjeom. In 2004, aired "Women want to gyeolhonha" is an extension of the work that is the title implies.




Park Jin-hee, want to marry a woman as three years, returning to the streets Theater

Park Jin-hee to learn that three years on the back streets to the theater. Park Jin-hee of the new EO MBC drama gyeolhonha still want her, will be starring as the heroine. According to officials of Park Jin-hee, a woman still wants to gyeolhonha 'appearance associated with is coordinating the details. Park Jin-hee's side sosoksa official news yen also am against 12 days on the phone "appeared on the positive discussions during and still has the final agreement did not," said. The 2006 SBS Drama 'Come Back Soon Ae' hot at the station hanchoeun Park Jin-hee in the three years will come back to TV again. 'You still want to gyeolhonha woman's role is being reviewed by Park Jin-hee from the newsroom journalist yisinyoung UBN (36) and struggling to work and everyone loved sporty Irrelevant Carrick Center.' Seondeok Queen 'sequel scheduled to broadcast in January next year, still Would gyeolhonha Women 'by the same name that aired in 2004 and put about 4 years later, 30 women love the paint job. 5 years ago aired on MBC in bars, women who want gyeolhonha 'the myeongsebin, byeonjeongsu, yitaeran take the lead than Love and marriage are concentrating on his achievements and portrays the story of 30 women.




Park Jin Hee Station mateun cancer patients, a diet filled with too geongangmi plunge

Health Beauty, Park Jin-hee Cancer for the role that went on a diet. Park Jin Hee film currently being shot, our mothers' portrays jisuk terminally ill patients in the stomach. 'Our mothers' theater of the topic, our mothers and 2 nights 3 days' work a film version. Social as well as original ampanjeongeul bat out of our mothers and daughters going on while I go and draw things. I'm proud of her as a mother, actress Kim Hae Suk This is acted out the middle. Park Jin-hee of the last to save cancer patients feel can not be almost a meal. Set term, not showing up on his face byeongsaek Being does not need to lose weight, in particular. Crew also did not ask. However, the usual 'geongangmi' flows are too overwhelmed for fear of dramatic reality that can not survive on a diet and decided themselves. Sosoksa official Park Jin-hee of "the usual 4:00 a.m. You keep shooting even if the breakfast cereal was a days food intake, eating styles line significantly, "said" 'I love you my side of gimmyeongmin level was never expected to lose about 2 ~ 3 ㎏ "called said. 'Our mothers' early next month if filming will be released in the first half of next year.

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Park Jin-hee - Lee Hyun Woo, save the Earth Project Challenge

Park Jin-hee and Lee Hyun global warming, the earth groans for a week-long special experimental project keeping celecoxib on the Eco-Challenge as the tea is Brenna. 'MBC Special - Lee Hyun Woo Park Jin-hee of the polar bear for the week, with oil, electricity plastic and abandoned the comfort of modern civilization survive without real experience will handle this job. This documentary is the nation's first attempt to test eco-friendly project of tea and celecoxib BRAY middle of Seoul's vibrant night they wait for survival. Wildlife preserve, off the coast of Taean for the song 'Miracle' active participation in the environmental movement, such as making the whole singer woo the "wanted to eat alone when you try to practice the power portions are not there. So I try to test their I had to say, but to some extent the fact that work was questioned, "said said Testimonials ambassador to 0.4 years, environmental film festival in Park Jin Hee jacheongha" The time has come you're home. Environmental movement to those cards so I can not even give me enough that I called celebrities have an image that takes it in good conscience, huh. But this project, I always thought ... extension of the project because it was the motto, "La said. The project to protect the global environment close to the most primitive life would go back to. Plastic seats without electricity, electric rice cooker Microwave ovens also abandoned refrigerator car, toad house, less than one week of living fell. apdu preparations to film the midst of a chicken, Park Jin-hee began living with three. morning and evening for fun looking for eggs, obsessed with Park Jin-hee Fry an egg on the Solar earned it the hard getdaneun ambitious plans to step up to the hammock. daily schedule of live radio and big-consecutive woo the small leaves at the peak earlier this week took place in Bukhan. Bukhan Korea's first summit, in 백운대 Artists 1 person demonstration will unfold. Otters, goats and wild animals have a special affection the cable car was installed in the National Park to woo bandaeha said. "Having a lot of wildlife to install the cable car to the mountains can change in a painful area. Wild animals If you can not live a very painful space for everything not you think? "conducted without lighting a documentary directed by Lee Hyun in malyida naebaeteun. Will broadcast 20 encounters.

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MBC, 'Lee Hyun Woo - Park Jin-hee of the Green Life' documentary aired

Park Jin-hee to learn 'wonsinyeo' has become. Park Jin Hee MBC on September 20 broadcast special 'week for polar bears from warming the Earth's environment to keep moaning' wonsinyeo 'has become a challenge for special projects. Living in the city to save the earth mother thing you can imagine that I'd go for this project, Park Jin-hee, without the benefits of modern civilization persisted for a week. Park Jin Hee in the entertainment industry as the guardian of knowing the environment, for 4 consecutive years as ambassador to promote environmental activities, as well as film festivals last year, when it occurs spill in Taean seats ran the first of many service activities held were an inspiration. The project is Park Jin-hee apdu "environmental movement really could not give me enough business cards to those you called me and Environmental Moderators celebrity images are made according to the time it took the conscience," "This project, I always thought that all things appeared to have decided to run geoyeoseo willingly, "said. For broadcast during the week, Park Jin Hee electrical, electronics, oil and came the goodbyes. Family in the rice cooker, microwave, fridge, all kkeot toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo to start life all over banchantong just taking the plastic products. He can not use hot water for a week to sweat does not wash properly, Miguel true 'wonsinyeo as geodeupnatda. Park Jin Hee eggs, especially as the sun, under a hammock getdaneun ambitious mother of three chickens were to come down. Moved into the house looking for chickens and eggs, but I'm a bit of fun, Park Jin-hee of the chickens lay eggs aetaneun mind while I do not know if jisaewotdago kept me up all night. But after her sex chickens eggs jigeukjeong a live birth and cried Park Jin-hee is a back door. He also turned some candles for a week night, self-development of the power gained by using an electric bike. But setdeon balhimyi did so. Rent a pedal to charge the phone in a hurry to step on the pedal too hard at night in a broken home visits by an inventor Park Jin-hee said that accidents happen. 'Open site in a' Park Jin-hee to meet the project's being wonsinyeo MBC Special 'bear for a week, 20 days that will be aired at 10:00 p.m. 55. The film currently in Jeonbuk Jeongeup 'our mothers' being filmed Jin Hee MBC drama scheduled for broadcast in January next year, she still wants to gyeolhonha as 3 years to return to the CRT.

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Park Jin-hee, wonsinyeo challenge to save the Earth?

'Health Beauty, Park Jin-hee said that she is raw. Park Jin-hee of 'MBC Special - a week for polar bears from warming the Earth's environment to keep moaning' wonsinyeo 'has become a challenge for special projects. Living in the city to save the earth mother thing you can imagine that I'd go for this project, Park Jin-hee, without the benefits of modern civilization persisted for a week. Park Jin-hee speaks in a theatrical environment, Moderators. Environmental Film Festival for 4 consecutive years, as well as activities to promote the leak that happened last year when three Taean ran the first of many service activities held were an inspiration. For broadcast during the week, Park Jin-hee of electrical, electronics, oil and well-being denounced. Family in the rice cooker, microwave, fridge, everything turned out. Toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo to start life all over banchantong just taking the plastic products. You can not use hot water for a week sweat does not wash properly, Miguel true 'wonsinyeo' the dwaegatda. Park Jin-hee in the solar chicken eggs under a hammock getdaneun ambitious mother of three has to come down. Moved into the house looking for eggs, chickens and grill on the fun. Park Jin-hee, but the chickens lay eggs aetaneun mind while I do not know if jisaewotda kept me up all night. However, after her sex chickens eggs jigeukjeong a live birth and Park Jin-hee cried the rear. Park Jin-hee is also self-generated electricity for a week night, turn on some candles and got the bike using the power. 'Health Beauty, like setdeon balhimyi so what? For charging cell phone in a hurry too hard to pedal a bicycle pedal tread came off the middle of the night visits to the inventor's house Park Jin-hee said the accident happen. Park Jin-hee is 'wonsinyeo' salahgan 1 week to 20 days 10:55 p.m. the 'MBC Special' can be found at. Park Jin-hee in the movie currently Jeongeup Jeonbuk 'our mothers' were filming the MBC drama series broadcast in January next year, she still wants to gyeolhonha as 3 years on the back streets to the theater.


Singer Lee Hyun-Woo and Actress Park Jin-Hee spent a special week to save polar bears.

Due to global warming, polar bears are in danger of extinction. Park Jin-Hee and Lee Hyun-Woo who participated in an experiment project Eco-celebrity are emphasizing the importance of nature through their experiences of avoiding the use of gas, electricity and plastic for a week. They refrained from riding cars and also cut off electricity for the experiment. In addition, they did not use plastic products such as toothpaste, toothbrush and food storage containers. Moreover, Park Jin-Hee began to raise three chickens for self-sufficiency in food. Lee Hyun-Woo staged a one-man demonstration to raise his voice to oppose the installation of a cable car in the national park at Bukhan Mountain, on the weekend.

The story of their experiences will be aired on ‘MBC Special’ on 20th at 10:50pm.

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Park Jin-hee and T.O.P a couple in "Into the Gunfire"

Choi Seung-hyeon also known as T.O.P is to be coupled with Park Jin-hee in a new war movie!

The movie is set in the 6.25 war that was in the 1950s.

The film will be cranked in this 25th and will be released as the 60th year anniversary of the Korean War.

Park Jin-hee is a nurse who falls in love with a student soldier acted by Choi.

Actress Park is also busy with the movie, " Mom " and the drama " Desire to Marry".




Park Jin-hee, "I gotta smoke to get a straight-A"

Master's degree with honors ... one year back in the entertainment activities ◇ Jin Hee, study tips, start one! 'Actress Park Jin-hee in a long stretch in the entertainment activities for the Summer kyeomyeonseo can erupt. The administration at Yonsei University Graduate School of Social Welfare in August received a master's degree in film and broadcasting activities, Park Jin-hee was temporarily been suspended while the school was only concentrating on. She will give HER '6 gaewolman time graduate as planned I'll just go back to work 'has promised to stop the entertainment activities. Park Jin-hee and a course for early graduation thesis maejinhae end up with the Academic Excellence Award recipient got results. Throughout the graduate grade 'All A' to be a famous. Received a master's degree in Park Jin-hee, as promised after the current parent can use the time to stay at 100%. Kim Hae Suk senior, plays with 'our mothers and 2 nights 3 days, the film version of' our mothers' (Director yuseongyeop) being photographed when she lived in Jeollabuk Jeongeup can avoid. In addition, in January 2010, scheduled broadcast TV, you still want to gyeolhonha Women '(tentative title ㆍ MBC) to start the shooting from next month, could not help but take some time to film and drama. And down in 12 appearances and promises of friendship is a masterpiece of film to be shot simultaneously by three said. Park Jin-hee 10 down in the cable TV entertainment programs teumteumyi 'Et City - Park Jin-hee of the Moving City' (Olive) from 10 days to shoot in Europe and the Mediterranean Sea, a documentary 'MBC Special - a polar bear for the week' (MBC) to the biking and public Transportation is available only for the modern caveman lives actually took a week. After graduating from the program in October danbalseong slow start full-scale activities started in November said. Park Jin Hee sosoksa of "The Graduate School was not active, so almost 1 year. By the early graduation, Mr. Jin-I still appreciate the fans a little bit faster and was only able to "he" is too concentrated in one piece, but a little worried about increasing the fun out of the smoke has been a long time, "said. Jin Hee next year ' Would she still gyeolhonha 'shooting straight without a break at the end of plans to start filming a new movie. after the state promised to be in a movie in the second half, Park Jin-hee is expected to harm the busiest students.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest catalima

It's been so long since I posted to this thread T_T So many news and picture! Thanks JEYEF! Anyway I'm happy to see her back to the acting field! A new drama, a new movie so exciting!

Some news about her upcoming drama

Interesting! Kim Bum has been confirmed for MBC’s upcoming The Woman Who Still Wants To Marry, which stars Eom Ji-won and is a sequel to 2004’s The Woman Who Wants To Marry. He’s currently busy with initial character work, as he’ll be playing the younger boyfriend to Park Jin-hee (War of Money) — their characters have a 12-year age gap.

The main story centers around three thirtysomething women (Wang Bit-na rounds out the trio along with Eom Ji-won are Park Jin-hee) who are getting fresh new starts in different ways. Wang, for instance, breaks things off with her fiancé, while Park Jin-hee starts a romance with a much younger man (Kim Bum). I wonder if he’ll be a contender for a serious relationship or more of a boy toy. Either way, it’s a great way to stir younger viewer interest while also satisfying the drama’s target base, since Kim Bum has serious noona appeal.

Before that show broadcasts in 2010, though, he’ll also be making a cameo appearance in family sitcom High Kick Through the Roof, which is the spin-off series of the show that made him a star, Unstoppable High Kick. He will be the next actor from the old cast to reappear in the new show, after Kim Hye-sung showed up in Episode 1 and Jung Il-woo in Episode 35. He’ll be featured in Episode 72 as the university student nephew to Kim Ja-ok; he stays at her house and makes an impression on Hwang Jung-eum’s character.

Kim Bum finished filming his part on the evening of December 11. His good buddy Jung Il-woo came to cheer him on, although they didn’t appear together (and when Jung filmed his own cameo, Kim Bum was there). Kim said, “I’m extremely happy to be filming with director Kim Byung-wook again. Most of the staff members are the same from Unstoppable High Kick so it felt comfortable and fun, like coming home.”

Via BNT News, Star News

credit: dramabeans.com

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