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Su Ae 수애 | Soo AE


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@suchadiva42 and @cocomhe...I too loved her in both QOA and ATDP.  These were two quality productions.  Soo Ae is such a strong actress, she can take just about any character and make it her own...

I heard she said she was ready for a rom-com, though.. I liked her a lot also in Two Outs in the Ninth Inning.

Frankly, any drama she chooses, would be great.. I miss her in a drama..

Since she just signed with Soop Ent. in Sept. of last year, I am a bit surprised that she does not yet have a new project.

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irilight said: @suchadiva42 and @cocomhe...I too loved her in both QOA and ATDP.  These were two quality productions.  Soo Ae is such a strong actress, she can take just about any character and make it her own...

I heard she said she was ready for a rom-com, though.. I liked her a lot also in Two Outs in the Ninth Inning.

Frankly, any drama she chooses, would be great.. I miss her in a drama..

Since she just signed with Soop Ent. in Sept. of last year, I am a bit surprised that she does not yet have a new project.

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cocomhe said: irilight said: @suchadiva42 and @cocomhe...I too loved her in both QOA and ATDP.  These were two quality productions.  Soo Ae is such a strong actress, she can take just about any character and make it her own...

I heard she said she was ready for a rom-com, though.. I liked her a lot also in Two Outs in the Ninth Inning.

Frankly, any drama she chooses, would be great.. I miss her in a drama..

Since she just signed with Soop Ent. in Sept. of last year, I am a bit surprised that she does not yet have a new project.

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@loverhyojoo, I still need to see Emperor of the Sea. Thank you for the nudge..

id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 24px; background-color: transparent; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-weight: normal; line-height: normal; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; word-wrap: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial;"비비올리비아 수애 메이킹 - 2014 Spring/Summer

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How y'all holdin' up? Hahaha...... Oh, gosh, this thread is mighty quiet, huh?
No wonder 'cause Soo Ae has no reported recent project yet. Oh, boy, I hope she'll star in a drama soon. She's one of my earliest favorite Korean actresses. First saw her in the drama "Emperor of the Sea." She caught my attention mainly because I loved all her costumes there. And then I fell in love with her character and the rest is history.
Anyway, to cheer you up, lemme post some of the pictures I've gathered during my free time.
Here they are!





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@Imhpsh, I have seen others with Soo Ae, but I think that was the only rom-com I have seen her in...

HanCinema's Film Review "The Sword With No Name" + Giveaway


Moo-myeong (played by Jo Seung-woo) is a vagabond who's quite good with his rather awkwardly proportioned fish head cutting sword. His excellent fighting skills make Moo-myeong a valuable hire in the assassin's trade, but it's an offhand job with Myeong-seong (played by Soo-ae) that ends up permanently changing his life. Moo-myeong suddenly decides that he's good enough for bigger or better things. In reality, of course, he just wants to get closer to Myeong-seong, who mostly reciprocates his affections though she's just married the king.

"The Sword with No Name" doesn't really get into who these characters are, except as opposite ends of a doomed love affairset against the backdrop of late nineteenth century Korea. This is a bad time to be Korean, let alone Koreans in a forbidden love story. Even as Myeong-seong strives to open Korea up with the Western world on equitable terms, local politics derails her plans. And the Japanese are all too willing to take Korea's more archaic quaint social taboos and spin it into their own power trip.

This movie isn't really that concerned with history, though. The backdrop mainly exists to establish the fact that Moo-myeong and Myeong-seong are doomed in spite of their good intentions and abilities because, well, that's just how history works. Their relationship has the same basic undertones as Lancelot and Guinevere, and the story as a whole has that same mythical feel to it. Their love story is compelling, even as it's obviously a bad idea.

Well, maybe compelling is going a bit too far. "The Sword with No Name" is corny, and the characters fall into pretty simplistic archetypes. This isn't a problem for the kind of story that the movie wants to tell, but from a cynical perspective the proceedings get to be pretty dorky. The music is overwrought, and the cinematography demands we see this as an amazing love story. The trouble is the depth's just not there. The ending in particular is overwrought.

The tone is broken up at several points with epic swordfights. There's a lot of computer graphics here, and yes, they are obvious enough that it needs to be pointed out. But for those who don't aren't snobby about that kind of thing, the fights are pretty great. There's heavy use of silhouettes, and clear stylized backgrounds do a lot to empathize the aforementioned mythos. The fights are never quite implausible enough to break suspension of disbelief, and yet at the same time, the movie is so steeped in its romance that this sense of reality is a bit of a disadvantage. We can't have a fantastic story that also touches upon Korea's failure to adapt to the modern age in near history. That would just be weird.

Still, considering the kind of story it is, I suppose "The Sword with No Name" accomplishes all its goals. It's a large scale love story played out in an epic period of Korean history with decent enough battles to distract from the other parts. The story doesn't always make sense, but it's easy enough to follow mainly because the goals are so unambitious. For the viewer who's only wants those kinds of basic demands yet, the movie is a success. But outside the moment, there's really not much here to linger on in the abscess of memory.

Review by William Schwartz

Source: Hancinema


Not the best review in the world, but I agree that it was not an outstanding film. Still, it compelled me to look for more historical information on Empress Myeongseong. What a tragic woman!
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Dear Soo Ae, we fans missing you onscreen. Please come back soon.

Love Letter is still my favorite drama of her. It gave me lots of tears. And the fact that Jo Hyun Jae and her were close like friends, made it more special. I read news that she's is arrogant and not easy to get close with. And the Korean netizens are not favor her. Some harsh comments about her, feel a bit sad reading. But she's still my favorite.

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@djappleblush - welcome to Unnie thread & thanks for sharing those pics of hers.

@lmhpsh, unfortunately, Soo Ae Unnie doesn't do any romantic comedy drama ones anymore. She is more into series drama and melodrama type style prefered to act in. If you want some suggestion, try to watch either 'Queen of Ambition' or 'A Thousand Days' Promise ' She was totally amazing and excellent performed in those dramas.

@TRAN, yes, Unnie we are seriously missing you so much. It is been more than a year now with now new realse or news from you. Pleas come back soon  :((  What do you mean arrogant, harsh comments?! When was that and where?  She is totally an innocent and kind person, how can they say such a thing about her?? Ignore those netizen who don't know that real artist just focusing on others who don't need attention and have horrible talent!! ~X(  Unnie is my no. 1 female Korean Actress regards of what others say, Im with her forever... Love Ya

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@jeeji‌ .. I do Google her news sometimes since everytime I came here it's no news and saw some articles... If you Google then you will see.

When I've heard Janghyuk taking on a romantic comedy I was hoping Suae would join him since they said so before in their interviews. But she didn't Jang Nara was casted instead. And now we're back in waiting stage


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May 26, 2014
Behind cuts from Soo Ae's new pictorial shooting unleashed
Source: STARN News 20140526145821_5382d7fd80380_1.jpg
Behind cuts from Soo Ae's new pictorial shooting were unleashed.
On May 26th, Soo Ae's management agency released behind cuts from Soo Ae's new pictorial shooting. In the photos, Soo Ae is showing fabulous looks in outfits of different colors.
A representative of Soo Ae's management agency told that Soo Ae showed her energetic and bright character, which she did not show as often.
Soo Ae showed cute facial expressions, which she has never showed elsewhere, and her lovely look brightened up the atmosphere of the entire shooting.
A representative said, "Soo Ae just looked like a young girl, and all of the staffs had a fun time while having a shooting with her."
Meanwhile, Soo Ae is recently deciding on her sequel.
/Reporting by Kim Dong-Joo en@starnnews.com

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