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Guest wisteria7

My favorite part of yesterday's episode (out of many),is when ES forms the snapshot of HotChoi by framing him with her fingers/ A snapshot in time.:)
But the third item is making me think deeply and this is what Writer Song is masterful at.Deep meanings. It wouldn't be something that GC could easily use-like a photo.With a key,he might run all over Goryeo trying to find a lock to fit it. Unless the key was from a modern door

Something that will set off the memories for ES regarding CY.There is mention of a child,a glass overturned,a memory of her taking care of a child. Some lines of poetry and a drawing of a flower. Am missing something because there is a common thread here. Altogether with a diary and surgical tools. Ahhhhh.Why do I think it is a child's item?
There was a modern pen used.So the item can be modern. A birth certificate from modern times;a child's favorite toy? There is talk of CY's father being a philosopher. If she was treating a young CY,then she might have known his parents.

I am probably wrong,esteemed writer,but I see a child's item.

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Thank you for your welcome!! ^^
I was worried about my English, that's why I didn't try to post before. *shy*

Your gif  >>> Super LOL 
myphim said:
Tamaragua said: Hello FAITH-addicts!! ^^
The true is I really am a LEE MIN HOt-addict but....who cares?? LOL
This k-drama is amazing!! I haven't never enjoyed a saeguk so much as I'm doing now thanks to Faith!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥~~

@cikamoi I would like to ask for your permission to post the Spanish version of your superb job doing the fail Facebook of the FAITH characters in a friend's blog!!
It's so LOL that I can't stop to laugh again & again every time I look at the pic!! Really, I became your fan just the moment I looked it!! ^^
Of course, I won't forget to add credits. My friend would like to add the laughing pic as part of her review of the last episode.
So...can I?? *puppy eyes*
Thanks for you attention & I hope you all, FAITH-addicts,enjoy next episode!! I didn't watch 15 & 16 yet!! O___o

P.S.: Can you all, guys, forgive me for my bad English?? TT TT  I'm Spanish and I hard try to learn English as a useful language as at the same time it's a language I like!! ^^

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Guest Tinkiebell

@briseis, to test that theory, I'll voluntarily go to gangnam and camp out when the next solar flare occurs and see if the portal would indeed stay open for several days   :-bd
@wisteria7 Does this mean that ES has finally found her soondae after all!?  :))

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To @cikamoi:
THANK YOU~~~~~!!!! ^^
Proud?? You must to!! LOL
You did a great job doing them!!
I'm looking fordward more pics like those!! =)

P.S.: Te amo is good beginning to learn Spanish! LOL
I learnt a new word in English thanks to this thread ^^
deflower = desflorar
cikamoi said: Tamaragua said: Hello FAITH-addicts!! ^^
The true is I really am a LEE MIN HOt-addict but....who cares?? LOL
This k-drama is amazing!! I haven't never enjoyed a saeguk so much as I'm doing now thanks to Faith!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥~~

@cikamoi I would like to ask for your permission to post the Spanish version of your superb job doing the fail Facebook of the FAITH characters in a friend's blog!!
It's so LOL that I can't stop to laugh again & again every time I look at the pic!! Really, I became your fan just the moment I looked it!! ^^
Of course, I won't forget to add credits. My friend would like to add the laughing pic as part of her review of the last episode.
So...can I?? *puppy eyes*
Thanks for you attention & I hope you all, FAITH-addicts,enjoy next episode!! I didn't watch 15 & 16 yet!! O___o

P.S.: Can you all, guys, forgive me for my bad English?? TT TT  I'm Spanish and I hard try to learn English as a useful language as at the same time it's a language I like!! ^^

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Don't know if anyone notice this yet.
What was his name again? The suribang boy who uses the spear.
He went from here (behind our daejang):faithep16pic01.png
To sitting across from Deok-man and the archer boy:faithep16pic02.png
Well its just another editing error that is of little importance to our Faith storyline.
lol I thought this guy sure moves fast to gain more screen appearance. XD

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Guest wisteria7

Tinkiebell said: @briseis, to test that theory, I'll voluntarily go to gangnam and camp out when the next solar flare occurs and see if the portal would indeed stay open for several days   :-bd
@wisteria7 Does this mean that ES has finally found her soondae after all!?  :))

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Guest farstrep

@sia3: That's an awesome explanation for the significance of Hwata in the drama, though I still think it's not exactly a foolproof plan on her part. How can she be absolutely certain that Choi Young would kidnap her and not another doctor?


source: tumblr.com

Bigger versions of Choi Young-Eun Soo in Episode 15:

206E2138506C104A08B0D9source: blog.daum.net

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Let's assume if this time ES has successfully save CY's life, I am sure her reason to live will change to "stay beside Choi Young". So because of this, I'm being optimistic. Honestly if it ends tragically, it would defeat the purpose of (if I am the writer) writing about a love story and throws in soooo much confusing mysteries and end it with ES not being able to save CY. This would only lead to ES non-stop time travel until she dies of old age...

Like I said before if the ending is a tragic or sad one, writer Song is getting hate mails from me although I can only send it in English and she may not understand me but I'm sure I won't be the only one that will send hate letters. I believe in the power of saesangs! :P

Yeah...Hwata seems to be a line that was purposely put in to throw us off and start off this speculation about ES. I give credit to writer Song for this! Another reason I believe Hwata isn't ES or the boy is that well, he's supposed to be Chinese and so is Jojo, and ES is not. The myth states in the prologue that it happened during the end of Han dynasty, was Goryeo part of China too at that time period? 

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Guest wisteria7

sia3 said: Tinkiebell said: @farstrep, sorry for cutting your post. Since the character Hwata was already introduced at the beginning of the drama, saying that the little boy is Hwata would not mean that the character would be introduced or re-introduced at all. In any case, the mystery of Hwata needs to be solved, loose ends need to be tied up. So whether Hwata is the little boy or Eunsoo or even someone else, the writer would still need to finish or explain this last few details in order to complete the drama. 
And even though I have no means of knowing where the writer will go with this Hwata character- whether or not he/she will  help the existing love line between CY and ES, the character is by no means of relatively little importance to the story arc. On the contrary, the character has played a prominent role in the story arc so far, considering Hwata was the reason why CY had to go to the future in the first place. His action resulted in him bringing back his soulmate to the past. 
I'm not sticking to the Hwata is the little boy theory, the theory was only thought of provided that they are adamant of Hwata being a male. But assuming the theory is true, maybe this is how future ES can  ensure that the items will find their way to past ES, which is through the little boy. It was roughly indicated at the end of episode 6 that GC's master met Hwata or Hwata's disciple (correct me if I'm wrong here, I'm just remembering roughly) and that's how the tools came to the master's possession and afterwards GC's. Love your take on future ES fabricated herself as Hwata's disciple and uses herself to preserve the items as well by the way.
Time travel theory is too confusing. I probably should stop thinking about it and just enjoy the romance.  ~X( 
@sia3 check this post by icesiren:  http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/comment/25256379/#Comment_25256379 and also my post in page 470, this one:http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/comment/25256959/#Comment_25256959   :)

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Faith.E16.121002.HDTV.XviD-KOR- Only Eng subtitle release now!!


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Guest wisteria7

I believe that Hwata existed and exists. Legends are always based on a modicum of truth;the same as the saying goes-"History is written by the victors".
What was the timeline of the world like 1000 years before 1351 AD Goryeo time? Where could Hwata have slipped out to? We can leave ancient Greece aside and going back to modern Gangnam-would it have existed then? The equation-for the portal lag-3 hours in Gangnam is like 6 minutes in Goryeo. I'm not sure if I'm remembering correctly. :D

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wisteria7 said:

My favorite part of yesterday's episode (out of many),is when ES forms the snapshot of HotChoi by framing him with her fingers/ A snapshot in time.:)
But the third item is making me think deeply and this is what Writer Song is masterful at.Deep meanings. It wouldn't be something that GC could easily use-like a photo.With a key,he might run all over Goryeo trying to find a lock to fit it. Unless the key was from a modern door

Something that will set off the memories for ES regarding CY.There is mention of a child,a glass overturned,a memory of her taking care of a child. Some lines of poetry and a drawing of a flower. Am missing something because there is a common thread here. Altogether with a diary and surgical tools. Ahhhhh.Why do I think it is a child's item?
There was a modern pen used.So the item can be modern. A birth certificate from modern times;a child's favorite toy? There is talk of CY's father being a philosopher. If she was treating a young CY,then she might have known his parents.

I am probably wrong,esteemed writer,but I see a child's item.

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Guest farstrep

They look the happiest when they're out of the confines of the dreary palace. Maybe they should just allow Deok Heung to occupy the palace and be the King while they live as common folk in Goryeo.
Source: tumblr.com

Doesn't Choi Young look too skinny, like a piece of paper?
source: tumblr.com

Eun Soo tells Jang Bin that Choi Young can't be "that person", that person she loves:
source: tvreport.co.kr

source: tumblr.com

Eun Soo: Because you ate all my food!! :(
source: tumblr.com

Never mess with a lady's food.

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I always thought a royal family in the ancient will sit straight. Not lean at the back of the chair. Look how Noguk sit. Sit straight.
Oh.. RDH really love to lean at the back of the chair. I remember how he sit with LMH and lean his body down :))
All modern people love to lean on their chair after all. 

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