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My dear @Maku,

Your wish is my command:

The Faith Soompi thread your one stop educational stop!

You want to learn about…

ü  History

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ü  Computer graphics (you will find wonderful gifs, pictures and screen caps)

ü  Research

ü  Discussion/Critical Thinking/

Foreign language (languages include English...you will learn the latest termninology (deflower, sword play...  Your vocabulary will be expanded and you will never quite see words the same way again.  :)

-Poetry (it will help you expand how use see and use words..a flower, and sword will never look the same.



 It’s all here…and of course if you want to look at a lot of pretty (CY, the King, DH etc...) it’s all here... I call those the fun electives that Faith Scoompi Academy has to offer



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I know t he way to make the rating go up, PD!
Monday : Let CY hug ES passionately!
Tuesday : Let them kiss passionately!
Following Monday : Let them have the bed scene!
Following Tuesday : Repeat all three things on the same day again!

Then there will be no reason the rating will not go up! =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =))

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I just watched today's episode and again disappointed about how CY misunderstands ES and decides to let her do whatever she wants. A very good boyfriend  but......

PD, if you logged into the soompi all the time to listen to our voice, here's my recommendations:

Make ES go away from CY for a moment. Make her go where CY cannot find her. In the past, CY used to be able to trace her no matter what. Yet, this time, make him feel he could not trace or chase ES unless she decides to come back to him. Make him feel the loss of his love for a short period realizing THE FACT that HE CANNOT SURVIVE WITHOUT HER. :-t That will make CY to hold on ES a bit more. L-)

Make Woldachi around ES all the time, whinning around her like today when they voluntarily took off their garments to wait for the treatment from ES. Make more scenes of it. That will arouse CY's jealousy more.

If JB is a man who could change the thought and understanding of CY on ES, use him effectively Mr. PD. We saw you using him to make ES realize why CY has to do what he has to do. Why can't you use JB for the same purpose but this time for CY?

At last but not the least, like everyone says isn't it a waste not to make a profit out of this very chemistry between ES and CY? You as a PD have to do a job which is TO COMMAND MIN HO & HEE SUN TO KISS AND HUG AND MAKE A BED SCENE regardless of how jealous ES's husband might be. In the end, this drama needs to earn what you paid for ES & CY. YOu could use this as an excuse.
:)) :)) :)) :))

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Hello FAITH-addicts!! ^^
The true is I really am a LEE MIN HOt-addict but....who cares?? LOL
This k-drama is amazing!! I haven't never enjoyed a saeguk so much as I'm doing now thanks to Faith!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥~~

@cikamoi I would like to ask for your permission to post the Spanish version of your superb job doing the fail Facebook of the FAITH characters in a friend's blog!!
It's so LOL that I can't stop to laugh again & again every time I look at the pic!! Really, I became your fan just the moment I looked it!! ^^
Of course, I won't forget to add credits. My friend would like to add the laughing pic as part of her review of the last episode.
So...can I?? *puppy eyes*
Thanks for you attention & I hope you all, FAITH-addicts,enjoy next episode!! I didn't watch 15 & 16 yet!! O___o

P.S.: Can you all, guys, forgive me for my bad English?? TT TT  I'm Spanish and I hard try to learn English as a useful language as at the same time it's a language I like!! ^^

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Gals! Monday feels so far away! Let us get together and make Monday come faster. How? Through all our discussions and pervertedness, of course :D But then again, I see that there is no need for me to mention this tip..for it has already begun =))
Did you guys say that there was a scene where CY was listening to ES when she was talking to JB? I don't think i saw that scene. But, I think that his words when he spoke to Daemon can be the fact that ES stayed at the medical ward instead of going with him. I hope it is not the other way around, where he thinks that ES has no heart for him. If only this guy knew how much ES's heart is already with him..oh, how my heart breaks for CY too :(( I really hope that in the next episodes, we get to see even more skinships and romance from our OTP. And, clarification! I don't follow too well with the politics but I am following well with the love =)) And I want our OTP to be together. Wishful thinking? I can wish even more. :)
As for the time travelling thing, I don't know what the producer is up to but I think he is definitely taking us somewhere. Where? I don't even know where to begin. I just hope that it is NOT another Dr. Jin theory. PLEASE! That drama conflicted me so badly. I enjoyed it from the beginning but confused me at the ending and left me like this: ~X( [-(. I just want a clear and happy ending. And one that makes sense. Is that too much to ask for? 
As for the poll, I vote for the kiss scene and bed scene. Can't we have both of those scene together?? I am greedy too, esp when it comes to our OTP :X
Oh, Monday/Tuesday! Come faster. I am dreading the wait. I want to see more of our OTP and we need answers for our headaches of these time-traveling theories. Or, just give us the scenes we want..please..

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Guest myphim

Tamaragua said: Hello FAITH-addicts!! ^^
The true is I really am a LEE MIN HOt-addict but....who cares?? LOL
This k-drama is amazing!! I haven't never enjoyed a saeguk so much as I'm doing now thanks to Faith!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥~~

@cikamoi I would like to ask for your permission to post the Spanish version of your superb job doing the fail Facebook of the FAITH characters in a friend's blog!!
It's so LOL that I can't stop to laugh again & again every time I look at the pic!! Really, I became your fan just the moment I looked it!! ^^
Of course, I won't forget to add credits. My friend would like to add the laughing pic as part of her review of the last episode.
So...can I?? *puppy eyes*
Thanks for you attention & I hope you all, FAITH-addicts,enjoy next episode!! I didn't watch 15 & 16 yet!! O___o

P.S.: Can you all, guys, forgive me for my bad English?? TT TT  I'm Spanish and I hard try to learn English as a useful language as at the same time it's a language I like!! ^^

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Guest rian77

hnin wintnaing said: I just watched today's episode and again disappointed about how CY misunderstands ES and decides to let her do whatever she wants. A very good boyfriend  but......

PD, if you logged into the soompi all the time to listen to our voice, here's my recommendations:

Make ES go away from CY for a moment. Make her go where CY cannot find her. In the past, CY used to be able to trace her no matter what. Yet, this time, make him feel he could not trace or chase ES unless she decides to come back to him. Make him feel the loss of his love for a short period realizing THE FACT that HE CANNOT SURVIVE WITHOUT HER. :-t That will make CY to hold on ES a bit more. L-)

Make Woldachi around ES all the time, whinning around her like today when they voluntarily took off their garments to wait for the treatment from ES. Make more scenes of it. That will arouse CY's jealousy more.

If JB is a man who could change the thought and understanding of CY on ES, use him effectively Mr. PD. We saw you using him to make ES realize why CY has to do what he has to do. Why can't you use JB for the same purpose but this time for CY?

At last but not the least, like everyone says isn't it a waste not to make a profit out of this very chemistry between ES and CY? You as a PD have to do a job which is TO COMMAND MIN HO & HEE SUN TO KISS AND HUG AND MAKE A BED SCENE regardless of how jealous ES's husband might be. In the end, this drama needs to earn what you paid for ES & CY. YOu could use this as an excuse.
:)) :)) :)) :))

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Guest rian77

Btw, what is this "MATAHARI" theory they talks about.. can anyone enlighten me in "short and simple" explanation please.. hehe..

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Guest myphim

This is an unlikely pairing, but I simply love how Daeman can easily mess with Eum-Ja. =))  Can we have more scenes with them together? :))



=)) =)) =))

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Tamaragua said: Hello FAITH-addicts!! ^^
The true is I really am a LEE MIN HOt-addict but....who cares?? LOL
This k-drama is amazing!! I haven't never enjoyed a saeguk so much as I'm doing now thanks to Faith!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥~~

@cikamoi I would like to ask for your permission to post the Spanish version of your superb job doing the fail Facebook of the FAITH characters in a friend's blog!!
It's so LOL that I can't stop to laugh again & again every time I look at the pic!! Really, I became your fan just the moment I looked it!! ^^
Of course, I won't forget to add credits. My friend would like to add the laughing pic as part of her review of the last episode.
So...can I?? *puppy eyes*
Thanks for you attention & I hope you all, FAITH-addicts,enjoy next episode!! I didn't watch 15 & 16 yet!! O___o

P.S.: Can you all, guys, forgive me for my bad English?? TT TT  I'm Spanish and I hard try to learn English as a useful language as at the same time it's a language I like!! ^^

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so i know this whole time slip thing is a head trip but apparently Writer Song wrote something on her website about ES: there is only one ES and she is traveling across time/space. The ES we see now with CY is on her first time slip. 
a very astute poster at dcinside tried to sum it all up (part speculation of course). I got a headache trying to figure it all out, but considering the complexities of time traveling, i think the poster did a good job: 

  • Time Slip 1: the current ES figures out the trap too late and is too late to save CY.  She goes back to modern times at the next "opening" but sees that history has changed because of CY's death. That, and her heartbreak over not being to stop his death, leads her to attempt the second time slip. 
  • Time Slip 2: instead of traveling back to when she met CY, she accidentally ends up back in old old times. (no idea if she is Hwata - or perhaps she teaches Hwata a combo of Western/Holistic medicines). Anyway, she waits for the "opening" to activate again, and spends her time learning Holistic medicine and treating people. She isn't sure if she will remember everything, so writes down the memories she had with CY in her diary and leaves it behind as a desperate message to herself to save the man she loves.
  • Time Slip 3: I'm calling it TS3, but really, its ES in the middle of TS1 with one difference - she has the added knowledge represented by TS2-ES's diary. She just can't remember her past experiences because they are just so old to her now. With the heads-up from TS2-ES, she will undoubtedly end up saving CY somehow - how is the question. 
I dunno if this cleared up anything for anybody. In any case, if you think about it, I think this proves the deep, abiding, enduring love ES has for CY. She travels across time - facing new dangers and crazy situations - all to save the man she loves from death. If that ain't love, what is? [now if they could resolve the misunderstanding between CY/ES with like a big epic kiss --  well now, i wouldn't say no to that.] 
my conclusion: time travel is just too complicated. so i'm going to look at him and enjoy: viewimage.php?id=greatdoctor&no=29bcc427
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Just a few noticeable things in ep 16:

1)  Cracked me up when they used a taxi cab whistle to sound retreat for the Wuldalchi.

2)  Cracked me up during their walk to KC's house and how the D-brothers keeping looking back at ES and CY and snickering.

3)  Stupid editor and/or director to cut short the scene where the wounded Wuldalchi's stripped to have ES treat their wounds.  Not only didn't we get to see abs, we didn't even get to see a collar bone!  Dumb, dumb, dumb! 

That's why their ratings don't go up.  They're all confused as to which segment of the audience they should target.  They targeted the halmoni's by showing that old guy's abs!  ????  But, the halmoni's don't understand time travel and gave up watching the drama on the first episode. (Dumber, dumber, dumber!  Not the halmoni's, but the director.) 

4)  Regardless of anything else, I have to compliment the costumes of the primary characters.  It isn't just the styles are good.  But, I have never such beautiful fabrics used in a drama.  The weave and designs on the cloths are pure artistry.

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No matter how many times she tried to open her heart, it would always get close to someone and then stop, and cool, and stop again. She says it was the same with Young—and not because she knew she’d leave, but because that’s how her heart is.

But she says that sometimes being with him is strangely familiar, and she misses him. “But this person can’t be that person… But when I turn around he’s always there. And he looks at me. And even when I can’t see him, if I ask where he is, he always answers that he’s here…”

-dramabeans recaps-

Does it mean, ES really had traveling many times before? That she regret can't save CY (that person) in her past travel trip, so she write those diary? :(( Poor ES. It must be hurt when she can remember all her past memories of meeting CY before, but can't save him.

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Guest myphim

icesiren said: so i know this whole time slip thing is a head trip but apparently Writer Song wrote something on her website about ES: there is only one ES and she is traveling across time/space. The ES we see now with CY is on her first time slip. 
a very astute poster at dcinside tried to sum it all up (part speculation of course). I got a headache trying to figure it all out, but considering the complexities of time traveling, i think the poster did a good job: 

  • Time Slip 1: the current ES figures out the trap too late and is too late to save CY.  She goes back to modern times at the next "opening" but sees that history has changed because of CY's death. That, and her heartbreak over not being to stop his death, leads her to attempt the second time slip. 
  • Time Slip 2: instead of traveling back to when she met CY, she accidentally ends up back in old old times. (no idea if she is Hwata - or perhaps she teaches Hwata a combo of Western/Holistic medicines). Anyway, she waits for the "opening" to activate again, and spends her time learning Holistic medicine and treating people. She isn't sure if she will remember everything, so writes down the memories she had with CY in her diary and leaves it behind as a desperate message to herself to save the man she loves.
  • Time Slip 3: I'm calling it TS3, but really, its ES in the middle of TS1 with one difference - she has the added knowledge represented by TS2-ES's diary. She just can't remember her past experiences because they are just so old to her now. With the heads-up from TS2-ES, she will undoubtedly end up saving CY somehow - how is the question. 
I dunno if this cleared up anything for anybody. In any case, if you think about it, I think this proves the deep, abiding, enduring love ES has for CY. She travels across time - facing new dangers and crazy situations - all to save the man she loves from death. If that ain't love, what is? [now if they could resolve the misunderstanding between CY/ES with like a big epic kiss --  well now, i wouldn't say no to that.] 
my conclusion: time travel is just too complicated. so i'm going to look at him and enjoy: 
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