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Good morning! :D
@lynlily The Penetration scene that @sia3 was talking about was regarding the "sword penetration" when ES stabs CY. :))
(although yes I realize that the sword could be a metaphor for something else, but in this case it isn't. It really is a sword piercing through CY :)) ) 
@sia3 Dang, now that my love for KHJ is out in the open, you guys like to take that to your advantage eh? @Maja had already gave me a heart attack with the saranghe gif, and now you? Tsk tsk :)

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@awesomeduckOh, you saw my Gu family book's gif. :-)Thank you ^^
@tigereyespeppyHahaha, see you later ! :-)
@violettsThank you :)Yes, RED CY is very dangerous. +_+
@LuvMinHoHi :-hI'm fine. Yesterday was a little cold spring day in Korea.I'm expecting beautiful cherry blossoms to bloom.How are you today, IMJA?
@sia3Now I can use spoiler tag thanks to you.Thank you :-)
@WutHmoneGomawoyo for enjoying my gifs. ^^

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Guest tamta

just finished watching last episode...

really great drama,

so beautiful, so touching...

and my General !   :x 

but i feel kinda missing something, the ending was so not satisfying, i wanted to see them being happy together, and returning together to the palace, and living together, this ending  was just not enough...

i wanted more... :(

p.s:  i want to read your comments about the ending, but this thread is just huge, can you tell me, or link me the page , where you discussed ending.  thanks.   :) 

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Hello there @tamta I am not sure what page it is myself but here are my thoughts on the ending.

At first, I was quite angry, just like you, to be honest. However, I reckon it was the translation of viki that left me in turmoil, I didn't know whether Eun Soo had traveled to the future or to the past, because the translation said something like, "I was 100 years from when Choi Young lived." I took it that she was 100 years after choi young's time, which confused me because it didn't make sense that ES could have left all those clues if she was in the future of Choi Young's time. It bothered me a lot so I watched the ending over and over again, 6 times to be exact hahaha. However, I could not get pass the translation, so I did some research and turns out, ES had traveled back 100 years, which made more sense, obviously lol. But like I've said, I watched the ending 6 times, trying to figure out what happened, and the more I watched it, the more I caught on to the little things that I missed the time before. Sometimes, things fly over my head because the translation are quick and I am focused on reading them, so I don't always have the time to elaborate on what the characters are actually saying. For example, if I would have just given up and never looked at the ending again, I would have never realized what Choi Young said while lying there on the ground. He was talking to his father; he said he spent so much time wondering why, and alas, he finally knows, but was it too late? The first time I read these words, it was just very confusing to me and I didn't bother to understand them. However, I realized by the end of watching it over one too many times, that what he was referring to was that fact that, as I can recall from the first few episodes, a lot of times, Choi Young questioned himself and others, "Why out of all people from heaven did I happen to bring her?!" He was annoyed by her and frustrated at the fact that he brought her rather than someone else. Then he went on the say, he finally knows why, but was it too late? Just like it says, he found the reason why it had to be her, but lying on the ground, not knowing whether he will survive, he questioned, was it too late? It is almost as if he regrets; he regrets that rather than spending those time loving her, he spent it questioning why he had brought her, which I found was so sweet of Choi Young :x :x :x Watching it 6 times allowed me to deconstruct everything down and yes, by the end of that, I appreciated the ending.

Of course a life after the separation would have been great but I find that ending a little typical and a satisfying but meehhh kind of ending. With Faith's ending I can actually explore and come up with how things went from there on. I reckon they spent a year or so together before their actual marriage, and another two before they'll have their first baby. Of course a hug at the end wouldn't have hurt, but I honestly love the fact that it ended with them just staring at each other with tears of happiness in their eyes, as if after all those years, their love remains undying and unchanging, and alas, they are standing right there, in front of one another. It is a miracle, and after all those years of longing to see each other, they cannot take their eyes off of one another, afraid to look away at the thought that if they do, all of it might disappear. Now at this moment I believe ES and CY were both still trying to process what just happened, perhaps a little in disbelief, but of course, seeing that they stood only two feet away from the person they loved, they embraced that moment with happiness. They stared at each other, perhaps amazed at how much or how little they've changed. I reckon other than CY's facial hair, not a lot has changed, especially their love for each other. Now that, I say is magical and true love. 

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@tamta hello the pages of those the final episode and the discussion about 1038 when the live recap of episode 24 ended although the actual recap begins a few pages back . The dissuasion begins around 1039 and continues on

I am not sure what questions you have but ill give you my insight as to what I thought about the ending and the questions I had that were gradually answered as I re watched many times

Okay then ending I cried :(( it was so beautiful the fact the ES and CY were reunited that was all that matter to me . I watched it the second time around and well I got mad X(

No kiss no hug ~X( personally I would've preferred a hug cuz a kiss to me seemed to cheesy to out of character for both ES and CY since their love isn't based on physical touch but on actual demonstrations of protection and faith and defeating all obstacles to be together . Besides there eyes did all the talking ...

^<img src='emoticons/default_smile.png.1a17920c0f0ac6da5e6bf86100ef353d.png' alt=':)'>^ to KHS and LMH for their excellent execution of that

Now the questions

#1 why did she travel 100 years in the past

it is mentioned or at least ES mentions it that couldve it been a lack of faith
I personally think it was that because it seemed that she wasn't ready to let go of her life in Seoul 2012 this is obvously seen when she looks back at the Seoul before going into the portal and then in the video of her parents ( which is completely fine and normal to feel) that attachment didnt let her to fully incline herself to return to CY hence the reason she travelled 100 yrs before. I think the time being there also build her faith in returning to CY and her love for him. When you miss someone you yearn to be with them and will do anything to be with them cause of that separation.

#1b I also think the reason for her stay 100 years before CY's time is to leave the diary and the clues to save CY if she wouldnt have left them there then CY wouldve died in the first time around and changed history drastically there would be no CY or ES . So I guess in all this was decided by Fate, gods whatever is it each person believes in.

#2 How long were ES and CY separated
Okay it was mentioned here and I believe by Song Jin Ah ( the writer of Faith) that ES spent 1 year time traveling while in CY's time 5 years passed. I didnt understand it until I saw episode 1 and beginning of episode 2 lots of times and this was mentioned in the Faith novel per @violetts translation , (she is doing us the great favor of translating the novel for us  :D) that when CY traveled in the future time passed faster than in the past.
First time travel CY in Seoul 2012
CY in seoul time= time 1 hour plus (future)
Goreyo= time few minutes(past)

Second time travel
ES to the future
ES in the past 100yrs before = 1 year (past)
CY in Goryeo= 5 years(future)
 so in the case of time travel the future runs at a faster rate than the past it only applies when someone is time travelling not in real time

Those were my questions overall I loved the ending because CY and ES love survived all obstacles even time. It had great potential for a way better ending but due to live shooting of the drama, PD being all stingy and of course he blew his budget at that time so thats why we got what we got

Hope this helped if still confused just let me know :)

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@adlyn13 :-O you backtracked and found the page? Bravo! =D>

Can I put my two cents into what you just mentioned, the fact that 5 years passed in CY's time but only one year passed for ES, and how it took CY forever to kidnap Imja but for everyone else, it was the blink of an eye? I don't think it is because time passes slower in the past versus the future, because time is time, it is changing all the time but it is constant. One second is one second no matter where or when, an hour an hour, a day a day and so on, correct? Rather it is how the portal works. As we can see, the portal jumps around in time a lot. It just so happens that when CY left to kidnap ES, he returned to exactly where he left off, making it seem like time has not passed. Same goes with ES, she traveled one year looking for CY, but it just so happens that she returned to the time five years after their separation. So for CY, he lived five years without her but for her, it was one year. It is very possible that ES could have spent one year trying to get back to CY and returned a year later to where she left off, CY lying on the ground, but unfortunately, the odds were not in their favor and poor Daejang spent 5 long years waiting for his Imja. Awwwhhhh true love :x :x :x

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@shengvang agree sec is a sec it doesnt change just that whole 1 year for ES and 5 years for CY really racked my brain. Then again remember the tidbits from the novel that violetts gave us it mentioned the whole time jump thing..... I guess you can treat it like a time zone ... like here its one time while like in China its like up to 12+ hours ahead or maybe that whole time shift occurs while traveling in the portal.. meaning while you inside the portal. who knows all that matter is the uri imja our together    8->

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Guest Anomalous

@deyhra   Oh, are you looking for our inputs in your new story? That's awesome! I like reading what if story. :D

Well, first of all, I want to know how many Goryeo characters are you planning to bring to modern Seoul. Just Choi Young or will there be others? I want to see how Choi Young, with his old-fashioned view on life, will fit into our modern world. How will he feel when he read the history books and see the demise of his beloved Goryeo? Does he like democracy and the equality between man and woman? Will he be able to adapt to the new world? How will his special ability be put to good use in our world? Oh, I also want to see a meeting with ES's parents. :))

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@cikamoi the only reason I know Faith so well is because I cant stop re-watching it!!! :D other than that I'd be like you

@deyhra ooooo another fan fic okay hmmm CY in Seoul that is a toughie but here is what I think since He is general he should be involved in something of the military and well you know since the whole situation going on in RL between SK and NK you could use that as backdrop maybe. Now how would ES fit in the storyline well I think since it would some kind of war going on and since she is a doctor although a plastic surgeon due to the war she is asked by the Gov't to aid injured soldiers one on the front and alas her and CY meet and of course depending what other characters you might want to put in from the actual drama the villians can be crazy nukes from NK ..  hows that for a plot  :-bd

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Guest Anomalous

@adlyn13   I like your idea of using the current tension between NK and SK as a backdrop of the story. But modern warfare is so different, how can Choi Young apply his ancient military tactics here?  :-?

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Guest guadi

@deyhra - Can you make Ki Chul traveling to Gangnam? :)) I've always wanted to see what would happen if KC made it to 2012(3). 
More suggestions:
-How about creating a love triangle/rectangle? I mean come on Choi Young is HOT!!! Eun-soo has to fight for his affection ;))-Some serious skinship :\">-I would also love to read a thriller type of story. Choi Young being chased after for a crime he didn't commit, and he mistakenly entered the portal that took him to 2013 Seoul, but he was not off the hook yet, because people were still after him.... and a few of them made it through the portal to catch him.-And to add more tensions, there should be a time-frame for which he had to go back (if not something serious would happen to the universe). -In Seoul, he had the benefit of knowing history, but he had to figure out clues left behind on who framed him for a murder he didn't commit. 
I guess I want a mystery/thriller type sprinkled with angst and romance, but somehow still has faith/loyalty as a central theme. 

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@deyhraAre you writing it as in ES and CY already know each other??? Like CY and other characters travel to modern day Seoul with ES or CY and others happen to stumble upon the portal and come through and then he meets ES there??? Hmm I don't know if you've read @violetts plot baby but I would love it if you could build it from that :) 

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@anomalous  I really wouldn't know how  to explain that but he is a good strategist all he would need is training in weapons and thats about it I think so the other stuff wouldn't be that hard. From what I've studied in history of wars the strategies have almost been the same ,history repeats it self the only thing that changes are the people and the weapons they use. Alot of use history in order to win a battle in war. Also CY has wonderful memory and great observer so he will learn fast now maybe since he is learning and then the war hits then thats where he gets injured and guess who is his doctor/nurse ES!!! perfect!!!!

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Guest Anomalous

@guadi   OMG! A big YES for your ideas. :))  But I think @deyhra will lose all her hair trying to create this mystery/thriller for us. ;))  Good luck @deyhra. I hope all our suggestions will not drive you crazy. See you later guys. :-h

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