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Guest deyhra

tamta said:


OMG, i read it.

why did i read it?

why did you let me read it?

how hell am i able to live now? without him? without Choi Young ? :(

i knwo i'm crazy, but i love him, i want him and i'm...   :(

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Guest deyhra

violetts said:


(original picture credits: city hunter promotional picture / Faith novel book cover)

Faith revisited:

Here is an alternative take on Faith, thanks to my over-active and somewhat wacky imagination.


Instead of Eun Soo traveling back in time, in this universe, Choi Young lives in the future, and travels back to Seoul 2012.

He's an agent of Korea's future government in 2022, currently in a civil war. Korea's ruling government is led by the young Gong Min, who had won the election by a narrow margin against Deok Heung from the radical opposition party. The country is torn under the threat of a biochem bomb, which is currently in the hands of Deok Heung's ally Gi Cheul, head of a leading weapon corporation. (I know, this sounds awfully sci-fi-ish for something that's supposed to happen in just 10 years, but just stay with me okay? :)) )

Eun Soo is a distinguished doctor/researcher working on cures for people exposed to radioactive components. She works in a small, independent lab, operating under the official radar. Just as she discovers a vaccine that would immunize people against that biochem bomb, she gets killed in an attack from Gi Cheol's soldiers, destroying the vaccine prototype with her. 

Choi Young a 30 something SWAT (or something equivalent) agent who works under the authority of GongMin's government, is asked to travel back in time, and "save" Eun Soo no matter what, and steer her towards the path she's meant to take. Ultimately his role is to make sure she doesn't meet her 1st fate. I wasn't going to mention this but obviously they fall in love along the way.

Eun Soo, in 2012 is 30-ish, brilliant general surgeon (yeah, let's just say for the purpose of this plot that she didn't go into plastics surgery). She's also doing research on the side for possible cures against poison and bio-chemical exposition (again, for the purpose of the plot, let's say it's totally do-able). 

She's about to get a promotion in the hospital she works in, meaning that she wouldn't have time to dedicate to her research, meaning that future Eun Soo wouldn't discover the vaccine against the chemical weapon. Choi Young has to acts quickly to change her mind…. how is he going to convince her since he's basically a stranger to her?

Meanwhile, Gi Cheol and  Deok Heung have found out about the Travel Gate and have sent their own agents in time (in Seoul 2012, that is), to kill Eun Soo before she can ever embark on her research. 

OMG WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN NEXT. We'll never find out since the real Faith is a sageuk drama :))

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Guest tamta


*pads shoulders* There, there honey, I'm very sure you are not the only one feeling like that... I am also very depressed too, reason why I keep writing.  
You read the whole thing already!?

no not yet, now I'm reading 7th chapter.

that my reaction was because of the 3rd chapter, when they spent night together..

so beautiful, so hot... so perfect...

can't resist it...  

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Hello Faithlings I would like you attention to what I am about to say to me it is very important not an obligation but it would be much appreciated if you did.

Today another tragedy has occurred in America, 20 victims lost their lives and many others injured in a marathon in Boston,MA,US . It tares my heart to see such suffering how innocent lives are lost and destroyed as if they were nothing. But the worst thing is to let this take a toll on our emotions and build hate and resentment. It is hard I know just to think children won't see their mom or dad anymore,someone lost a wife, husband, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, friend in moments. Those who survived being left scarred and traumatized their lives totally changed. What repercussions could that have? Anyone can blame the government for letting this happen , society for putting up its norms, the culprit for doing such an atrocious thing. But I raise question yes the culprit must pay what he did is simply unforgivable,but isn't this person a victim too? What led him/her to do such a thing. The expectations society puts on many takes a toll. Sometimes because we are so focused in our own lives we don't bother to look at the person next to us and see that the reason they're quiet maybe because they lost a loved one, are struggling with supporting their family etc. What of the kid that sits in a corner at the lunch table outcast because he/she didn’t have the latest shoes. Maybe he/she can't even afford a bite to eat or have a roof over their head life most people. The fact that someone deals with a mental illness and they are treated as “weird” instead of helping. People aren't canned goods to be labeled . We all are human no matter if your in America, Asia, Africa, Europe, Antarctica we all have the same fears, and desires. We all experience pain, happiness, pleasure, anger, sadness. What can be done these victims that survived may just hold the same hate and resentment that may have led the perpetrator to commit such a great act of violence against innocent people. With all this what can be done. I say change,but the change must being within ourselves. Sometimes an individual just changing their perspective on life, people and society makes a difference and diminishes the sentiments of hate. Spread the love I say. Accept people for who they are , we won't get along with everyone but with those that we do make the most of it and with those we don't work on what can be beneficial focus on the positive. A simple hello can make a person's day. When society fails to make things right its up to us as an individual to make the difference. Seeing all the evil in this world can make one deflated and disappointed to the point of not caring become apathetic to what surrounds us. This is what creates violence. Good will always triumph over evil , there is more good people out there just a few bad apples the only reason why its more prevalent is because we have failed to care. I today take a stand to get out of the state of heartlessness to look at the stranger next to me and bid them a good day, help those that can be and will let themselves be helped. Be strong, optimistic and giving. There is power in number and I can do this alone for this I ask join in me in spreading the love

Here is one of my fave songs from one of my favorites artists whom was a victim of society and simply misunderstood.

Alright finished with the pensive yet gloomy post .

>:D< >:D< >:D<   
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Good Morning / Day / Afternoon / Evening / Night  :-h

@sia3 @Maja @awesomeduck @Hanjae @silverlode @violetts @WutHmone @myphim @Gukja @guadi @kappy @Yuuni
@farstrep @bee_ipa @dr25 @Anomalous @mattie2012 @tvelove @jasy  @azzurri @hayuinblue
@rinoaclara @shengvang @mappyminho @vangsweetie637 @katymac @rrmski @pandaeve @jay9  @lynlily
@buguz @minozlove @berliansiahaan @tigereyespeppy @pechumori @cikamoi @adlyn13 @Yoshikitty


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@LuvMinHo I was lurking, because I wanted to stay BTS to spare my posts, but OH MY GOD! I can never resist such a handsome looking LMH. Like perfect smile, perfect sway in the way he is walking, cute clothes, perfect hair, just a perfect looking man!

I am jealous of that person he is smiling to :(( :(( :((



@lynlily chingu fangirl with me when you get back.

Back to BTS :)

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Regarding what happened today... I won't go over it, except to say that I am appalled. Thankfully, humanity is not completely hopeless because even during horrendous times like this, I am amazed at how people can show kindness and warmth to those who need it. The world needs more heroes like this. The Red Cross recently announced that they have got enough blood donations to meet demand. And countless of similar stories can be read on the internet, of people who have offered their homes to the victims, their families, and marathon runners. This is what I believe in, this is what is supposed to be relayed in the media. I for myself have friends living in Boston, and was unbelievably relieved that they are safe and sound. I know that many people are not as lucky as me, which is why I send my thoughts to them.

On to happier thoughts... I am currently doing a re-watch of Faith (my 2nd time), and it's crazy how many little moments I have forgotten. I am fangirling just as much as the first time around :))
By the way, before you guys go all predatory on me, I just want to announce there won't be any tidbits tonight. I am exhausted (dunno why) and since translating takes a lot of energy (you wouldn't believe it lol) I want to do things right by you guys :)
@deyhra Thank you for your support! The plot I have produced for this alternate Faith requires a lot of background work so I'm just writing drafts for now, just for fun. I might write a one shot on it, but not a multi-chapters story, that's for sure. I simply won't have the time with school, the novel translation plus this. Haha.
@Maja I think your title should be "Maja: making fangirls faint since 2013" because between your LMH updates and your constantly posting KHJ gif for me, I can't handle it. :))So this is what @shengvang feels like every time you post HQ pictures of LMH...

EDIT: To anyone out there. I have seen/heard that LMH will be in Shanghai this weekend (April 19th) for the opening of Madame Tussaud. Does anyone know if fans can also attend? Or where Madame Tussaud is? I have a die-hard fan friend of LMH who is currently in Shanghai and asking me all these questions :))
EDIT 2: It seems like LMH won't actually be in Shanghai but his wax figure will. They should have made it clearer :))

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Hey gals look at how beautiful this is. Definitely brings back memories of Faith.


@Maja another kill, yup I am dead, lmh is god hot!

Hmmmm girls, isn't Daejang lmh, and lmh Daejang? So I really don't see anything wrong with us spazzing over lmh in the Faith thread. I mean, we love our Daejang. And just because we love faith doesn't necessarily mean we ship the Imja couple correct, of course I am one who loves the Imja couple, but to spend my life believing KHS is secretly dating LMH when she is happily married with a child, is just ridiculously unrealistic, so I'd rather spend my time loving uri Daejang and if anything, swooning at the imja couple's sweet moments but that is the extent I am willing to love them to, otherwise I'd be wasting my time dreaming and living in a fantasy world, thinking they're secretly dating behind her husband's back, right? Hahahahahahahahahah =)

Just wanted to get that out lol.

@violetts making it hard to lol or awesome your post. :/ awesome for the thoughts regarding what happened today, lol to the rest. Lol.

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@shengvang Did I miss something?  :-/
This is my two cents about the matter: I do agree with you; I don't see anything wrong with us spazzing over LMH on this thread. Sure, LMH has got his own thread somewhere else in this forum, but this thread is about the series in which he has the lead role. It is normal for us to talk about him, post pictures of him as well.
Regarding the shipping thing, it seems that a lot of fans go overboard and clearly overlap the boundaries between loving the characters and loving the actors. This is not only limited to Faith, I have noticed this on many other fandoms as well. 
It is one thing to love a show and its characters, but another thing to write false allegations on the actors, so far as to wishing that they are dating in real life. Especially if one of said actors is happily married with a family. I have nothing against fangirling and wishfully thinking that one actor should date another one if both are single, so long as it remains light and obviously not serious. 
Fans who bash other fans or become so fixated on the characters that they unhealthily start to pin the fictional relationship of their characters on the actors themselves, now that's where being a fan becomes disrespectful. 
If you can't handle the actor you supposedly "like" dating someone or being married to someone in real life, can you really call yourself a fan? Respect the privacy of the celebrity; he or she is also a human being with feelings and emotions; portraying characters is their job. If your favorite actor/singer/celebrity dates someone or is married to one, don't you want to wish for his/her happiness? 
People who bash celebrities for dating/being married to someone baffles me. Who are you to judge? You don't know them on a personal level. Leave them me. You can voice your opinion, sure, whether you agree or disagree is something you are free to do. But don't insult the relationship, because it indirectly means you are insulting that celebrity you like.
Now there are probably people who will disagree with me, and that's fine too, everyone is entitled to their opinion. But that's just what I think a fan should be like. If you like an actor, support him/her. It's as simple as that.

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@shengvang Did I miss something?  :-/

This is my two cents about the matter: I do agree with you; I don't see anything wrong with us spazzing over LMH on this thread. Sure, LMH has got his own thread somewhere else in this forum, but this thread is about the series in which he has the lead role. It is normal for us to talk about him, post pictures of him as well.

Regarding the shipping thing, it seems that a lot of fans go overboard and clearly overlap the boundaries between loving the characters and loving the actors. This is not only limited to Faith, I have noticed this on many other fandoms as well. 

It is one thing to love a show and its characters, but another thing to write false allegations on the actors, so far as to wishing that they are dating in real life. Especially if one of said actors is happily married with a family. I have nothing against fangirling and wishfully thinking that one actor should date another one if both are single, so long as it remains light and obviously not serious. 

Fans who bash other fans or become so fixated on the characters that they unhealthily start to pin the fictional relationship of their characters on the actors themselves, now that's where being a fan becomes disrespectful. 

If you can't handle the actor you supposedly "like" dating someone or being married to someone in real life, can you really call yourself a fan? Respect the privacy of the celebrity; he or she is also a human being with feelings and emotions; portraying characters is their job. If your favorite actor/singer/celebrity dates someone or is married to one, don't you want to wish for his/her happiness? 

People who bash celebrities for dating/being married to someone baffles me. Who are you to judge? You don't know them on a personal level. Leave them me. You can voice your opinion, sure, whether you agree or disagree is something you are free to do. But don't insult the relationship, because it indirectly means you are insulting that celebrity you like.

Now there are probably people who will disagree with me, and that's fine too, everyone is entitled to their opinion. But that's just what I think a fan should be like. If you like an actor, support him/her. It's as simple as that.

@violetts well said, 100% agreed! Bravo chingu!

I love LMH but even I am willing to see him have a girlfriend, because honestly, I love when he looks happy. That is why at one point, I shipped him with PMY, although I was not close to being a diehard shipper, I loved the thought of him and her because they looked so happy together. As long as he is happy right? I am unlike some fans who will go as far as to say they feel betrayed, because truthfully, in what ways has he betrayed his fans? Right? He has a life beside being an actor and yes, that includes dating and one day getting married lol.

Chincha right? Lmh is the lead of this drama so I don't see why we can't discuss him in here? We discuss him while we wait for your tidbits, while we wait for new fanarts, while we wait for @lynlily 's recap, we even sometimes re-explore faith, like just yesterday discussing the ending with @Tamta and @adlyn13. And I really don't see why not. I will spazz all I want and die many many more times. Just like right now, again, @Maja hahahah =))

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