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Guest Anomalous

@ahoxan So who is this Jo Jo character? Is he a real historical figure? Hwata is a famous Chinese doctor right? I remember watching Chinese dramas about this famous doctor.

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WAIT! What did you mean with that conversation? Where is it from??
(sorry I can't keep up with your fast pace, I'm at work rn >_<)

About Cao Cao, I searched first for Jo Jo. But I remembered I'd read "Cao Cao" also in some subs (not sure if viki or darksmurf) so I searched Cao Cao too. However, as I said, the year is wrong, so I noticed it's not really Cao Cao.

Anyway, thanks for the update on Viki's subs!

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Guest Anomalous

wisteria7 said: You know,I guess as long as it is for private use without resale,there wouldn't be any copyright infringment. Altho my weekend is busy I'm a lawyer- it will be spent traveling to Seoul. Dating someone connected with Faith. I'm from  NYC. Long distance is a cramp.

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Since @wisteria7 is almost a Faith's hidden staff lurking our thread (joking, joking!)... man, I imagine how many of them are there actually...
Hmmm, OK, right... Now I stopped all the silly jokes and will only praise the staff and make smart, analitic comments, so as to not come off with an idiotic image

@Anomalous May ask where are you from?? You seem to be online most of the time I am, so apparently we share almost the same fuse??

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Guest wisteria7

Anomalous: Actor, Warrior,Wears full armour at times. Tall, Is under command but only by the King and could be under the Queen's behest..And if I say anymore, he will kill me. BTW the forums are read and posters are listened to if the ideas are good. I've posted a few,but only one was taken into consideration. And as a 25 year old lawyer, let me tell you,the PD scares me .......nice guy,waaaaay talented,but I am so out of my depth there so I play tourist and keep my mouth shut. Imagine, a lawyer shutting up. Sorry,no more Off topic. Sorry, guys. Gotta go or I'll get caught in traffic on the way to the airport.


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Kim_Lilly said: @ahoxan
WAIT! What did you mean with that conversation? Where is it from??
(sorry I can't keep up with your fast pace, I'm at work rn >_<)

About Cao Cao, I searched first for Jo Jo. But I remembered I'd read "Cao Cao" also in some subs (not sure if viki or darksmurf) so I searched Cao Cao too. However, as I said, the year is wrong, so I noticed it's not really Cao Cao.

Anyway, thanks for the update on Viki's subs!

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Guest Anomalous

wisteria7 said:

Anomalous: Actor, Warrior, Tall, Is under command.....but not General Choi's. But he is a good guy of the King's.And if I say anymore, he will kill me. BTW the forums are read and posters are listened to if the ideas are good. I've posted a few,but only one was taken into consideration. And as a 25 year old lawyer, let me tell you,the PD scares me .......nice guy,waaaaay talented,but I am so out of my depth there so I play tourist and keep my mouth shut. Imagine, a lawyer shutting up. Sorry,no more Off topic. Sorry, guys. Gotta go or I'll get caught in traffic on the way to the airport.

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I have an idea, I don't know if you would like it - but how about we introduce ourselves formally? Like anyone here would say how old is he, from which country and will tell a little about himself and write why he like "Faith"/why he or she decided to watch it.  Just to get to know each other better and pass the time until monday. Would you like to do that?

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Guest Anomalous

Korean dramas (Faith especially) are my current obsession. :D
I like Faith mostly for the characters. Everyone is so awesome, cool and unique. I adore the OTP and hope they will have a happy ending. I also like the King and Queen. Drooling over the hottie doctor Jang Bin and the evil flute guy. :)) I also want to cuddle the little puppy Dae Man. :))

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So, I will tell a little about myself.

I'm 26 years old and i'm from Israel. What can I tell you about myself? I will tell about how my kdrama addiction started. My first ever korean drama was my name is kim sam-soon and since then I fell in love with Korea and it's people. It opened a whole new world to me which I didn't know before. I find korean history and language fascinating and I would love to visit there someday. My all time favorite drama is Dae Jang Geum. My English is not the best so please forgive me if I make mistakes from time to time.

I started watching Faith especially because of Lee Min Ho, but now I watch it because I love plotline and I love fantasy. This is my first korean fantasy drama that includes time travel and super powers. And I simply enjoy every second of it. Of course, I'm rooting for the main OTP but I keep remind myself not to have too much high hopes for a happy ending. After all, it's a korean drama. :-)

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@rrmski Great idea, this should be fun. :-bd

Well, I've just turned 23 years old and I'm from Latvia. Nothing interesting to tell about myself.. I'm currently receiving a degree in computer science. Have liked korean dramas and korean music for quite some time already. I've started learning korean all thanks to k-dramas. They surely bring out the best on people,lol. ;))
I've started watching Faith because the story seemed pretty interesting (I like time travel and how it's being portrayed in k-dramas), besides I was curious if Lee Min Ho would do a good job in this drama. Since I liked his previous projects I thought that this one would be just as great. Now I like Faith for what it is, was so far. The story is great, characters are top notch, actors are beautiful, OTP looks as hot as ever, side characters are interesting and don't bore me. The best thing is that characters have depth and it's really interesting to watch their growth. I haven’t been so invested in any drama that I’ve watched and here I am rooting for these characters as if they were real people. And of course I like it for all the eye candies that show up in this drama. Faith is surely a treat to the eyes, brains and heart. I think I like Faith as much as ES loves money. $-) :))
Oh, and I like it for it's viewers too. You guys are so much fun to read, it's actually such a pleasure to be a part of this thread. :x
Some more pics from DC:

Credit: as tagged on the pictures

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Guest Tinkiebell

Off topic, but I just watched the variety show Running Man with Kim Hee Sun as the guest and gosh it was soooo funny. I really think Eun Soo's character was specifically written for Kim Hee Sun. Her real life personality is very similar with that of Eun Soo's. 
Here's the link should you girls want to watch it :)


Great idea about introducing ourselves to pass some time :)
I'm 29 years old, next month going on 30 (I'm curious to know if I'm the oldest one here? Looks like it?)I live in the Netherlands and I work as an analyst in IT, which is probably quite hard to believe for you girls since I couldn't even post a spoiler tag easily   :))  But it really is the truth, I'm an IT analyst. 
Just like @Anomalous, Faith is my current obsession. Something about the story draws me in. It's romance, comedy, fantasy, history, all my favourite genres put into one drama. And Eun Soo's character just rocks my socks.
My first Korean drama was Full House and then My Name is Kim Sam Soon. The latter easily became my all time favourite because even though Eun Soo rocks my socks, but Sam Soon? Sam Soon rocked my world. I love it when the female character is strong like Sam Soon, and it was hella funny too. 
But, the one movie that has opened my world into the Korean culture, was My Sassy Girl. I watched that movie back in 2003, and the rest is history. :)   

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*butts in* LMAO this is not an introduction to myself. But I just wanted to say what I think about episode 5 and 6 because I have finally gotten around to watching it.
If you haven't watched it, then please DO NOt read. 
Well in episode 5, when he wiped away the blood on his neck and ear, before he smash that door to get ES was just an aww moment (to me). He knows that if he walks in like this, she would freak and would go all doctor mood on him. 
And in episode 6 I fell more and more in love with CY & ES. When he drank that drink before her to make sure its not poisoned *awwww*. I also found it friggin hilarious how he couldn't get a word in about his sudden confession of 'his love' for her. She just would not let him talk and damn HIS face throughout the scene was hilarious. We're finally getting to see some other emotions from him besides the stoic face. I am loving all those smiles his giving us in this episode. 

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Guest khyamay

lol introduction going on here. is it only me or I am not liking that actor as king at all, i mean he is so short compare to others actors and heck he is even shorter than the queen. when ever there is the scene of that king, i cant help but wonder about that.   

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Guest Tinkiebell

greeniskiller said: lol introduction going on here. is it only me or I am not liking that actor as king at all, i mean he is so short compare to others actors and heck he is even shorter than the queen. when ever there is the scene of that king, i cant help but wonder about that.    Do you mean you don't like the actor appearance wise? His real name is Ryu Duk Hwan and well yeah, if you are only judging him appearance wise, he is indeed short, if not the shortest, compared to the other actors in the drama. I find him quite cute though, saw his pictures in modern attires, and his smile is like a puppy :)   
And speaking of his skill, acting wise, you know, what with him being an actor and all that, I gotta say, it is quite commendable. His character is one of the most, if not the most, complex characters in the drama. As an insecured young King who has just stepped into the throne after being forced into being a Yuan puppet for quite a long time and into an arranged marriage, he has quite the most layered character. And for a young actor to be able to portray this complex character, I think he's been doing a pretty good job :) 

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Guest khyamay

Tinkiebell said: greeniskiller said: lol introduction going on here. is it only me or I am not liking that actor as king at all, i mean he is so short compare to others actors and heck he is even shorter than the queen. when ever there is the scene of that king, i cant help but wonder about that.   

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Watched ep 6 today. Wooow, can our main couple be any more cuter  ;;) I just love every single one of their scenes. And Eun Soo's character is hilarious. I love her whining, it doesn't irritate me at all. During some of her moments I was LOL-ing so hard I got tears in my eyes  :)) Also I gotta say that with every episode the cliffhangers become better and better. 
But the bad thing is - can they do something about the fight scenes? Those flashes make me dizzy. It's like I'm trying to see the kick because i know there has to be a kick, but it flashes. It's almost like a mindf**k @-) I love how Lee Min Ho handles his sword, though. That thing he does, before the actual swing looks EPIC & HOT! But please visual effects team, do something about the fight scenes ^:)^

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