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Simultaneous release 'Ghost' VS 'Negotiation' Lunar New Year confrontation Exciting





Who will be the winner of the Lunar New Year holidays?  

The films 'Ghost (Director Lee Hae-young)' and 'Negotiation (Director Lim Soon-rye)' will be released simultaneously on the 18th ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday, and the first box office battle of the new year will unfold. In the last Chuseok season, 'Confidential Cooperation: International (Director Lee Seok-hoon)' promoted its solo release and tasted the audience's taste.  

Directed by director Lee Hae-young, 'Ghost' is a story of the real ghost's unstoppable operation and the desperate struggle of the suspects trapped in a remote hotel in Gyeongseong in 1933, suspected of being spy ghosts planted by an anti-Japanese organization in the Japanese Government-General of Korea. A drawing spy action movie. Seol Kyung-gu, Lee Ha-nui, Park So-dam, Park Hae-soo, and Seo Hyun-woo performed passionately.  

Director Lim Soon-rye's new film, 'Negotiation', is about a diplomat and a local NIS agent who went to Afghanistan to rescue Koreans held hostage by the Taliban in the worst kidnapping incident. Hwang Jung-min, Hyun-bin and Kang Ki-young came together.  

Each film has a clear intention to enhance reality and cinematic fun at the same time, using sensitive historical backgrounds and true stories as material. In particular, as the two works classified as masterpieces meet on a single wooden bridge, it is predicted that the pre-promotional heat will be fierce. But the results are surprisingly bland. It is a one-man show by Team 'Ghost'.


The 'Negotiation' team is unusually unable to conduct interviews with all of the lead actors, so only director Lim Soon-rye meets with reporters after holding a press preview on the 11th. In the aftermath of Corona 19, there was a change in the opening schedule of 'Negotiation', which unfortunately overlapped with the actors' busy times.  

Shooting the next film is a variable. Hwang Jung-min is currently struggling in the field every night as 'Veteran 2' cranks in. There are a lot of night shoots, so he can't move easily. Hyun Bin is working on 'Harbin'. 'Harbin' is currently filming in Korea after arriving from Mongolia, and will leave for Latvia within the month. As overseas schedules are scheduled due to weather variables, it is also a position that discussing the schedule is difficult. This is a part that makes it easy to understand the hard work of actors who put their work first.  

Of course, after the release, it's a 'stage greeting fight'. In both works, the Lunar New Year holiday is returned to the stage greeting schedule and all efforts are devoted. Meeting with the audience has a strong will not to miss any team.  

'Ghost' will start with stage greetings and Mega Talk GV with director Lee Hae-young, Seol Kyung-gu, Lee Ha-nui, Park So-dam, and Seo Hyun-woo on the opening day, followed by stage greetings on the 21st, 23rd, and 24th. At the stage greeting on the 23rd, Seol Kyung-gu, Lee Honey, Park So-dam, Park Hae-soo, and Seo Hyun-woo all came together.  

'Negotiation' will also have a stage greeting and Mega Talk GV on the 18th, the opening day. Director Lim Soon-rye and Hwang Jung-min and Kang Ki-young will perform stage greetings, and director Lim Soon-rye and Hwang Jung-min will join the GV. The stage greeting is for 3 days in a row. On the 21st and 23rd, Hwang Jeong-min, Hyun Bin, and Kang Ki-young, and on the 24th, Hwang Jung-min and Hyun Bin greet the audience in Seoul. 


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Hyun Bin is the coolest when he's working...'Negotiations' side reveals additional stills








The first meeting of Hwang Jung-min, Hyun-bin, and Kang Ki-young, and the highly anticipated new film by director Lim Sun-rye of 'The Whistleblower' and 'Little Forest', 'The Best Moment of Our Lives', 'Negotiation' is the main job of those who struggle to save hostages. Moment Still was released. 

The movie 'Negotiation' depicts the negotiating strategy between a diplomat and a local NIS agent who went to Afghanistan to save Koreans who became hostages of the Taliban in the worst kidnapping case. The main job moment steel was released. 

The released stills capture the attention of Jaeho (Hwang Jung-min), Dae-sik (Hyun Bin), and Kasim (Kang Ki-young), who are doing their job in their own way. 
After being dispatched to Afghanistan, where everything is unfamiliar, Still of Jaeho, a competent diplomat and negotiator who is agonizing fiercely in the local office, will stick to the principles he has kept to the end to achieve negotiations with terrorist groups that have no precedent and protocols do not work. It makes me wonder if it will be possible. 

Next, Daesik still, who roams around Afghanistan, where danger lurks everywhere, to find a way to save the hostages, realizes that he, a local NIS agent specializing in the Middle East and Central Asia, is trying to solve the situation in his own way. 
Kassim's still, standing with a desperate expression between the Taliban with guns, amplifies curiosity about what kind of activity he will show in the play as he does his best even in a situation where he is in danger, as he is the only interpreter in the local area who has been with the negotiation operation. 

Although their methods and roles are different, just watching them struggle for the same goal of saving the hostages creates a sense of tension, raising questions about whether they can work together to safely rescue the hostages in crisis. 

On January 18, 2023, the movie 'Negotiation' will invite the audience to the story of those who embark on an impossible negotiation operation to save the lives of the hostages. 




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Hwang Jungmin mentioned  Hyun Bin in his interview.





Q: Filmed in Jordan for two months from July 2020. Considering the atmosphere at the time when the world was locked down, isn't it a great luck just by entering Jordan? 

HJM:  At that time, K-quarantine station became a hot topic and worked well, and I thought that it might have been accepted because of Hyun Bin in <Crash Landing on You>… . (Everyone burst out laughing) No, at that time <Crash Landing on You> was popular in the Middle East as well. He remembers when he arrived in Jordan, we were the only ones in an empty airport. Just by going to the field during that difficult time, our staff and actors felt that they had crossed a great mountain. 

Q: Was there anything new in the process of communicating with local actors and staff?

HJM:  Jordan is the Middle East, but Afghanistan is Central Asia, so the language is different. So the local actors in Jordan also had to learn the Afghan language. Fortunately, I was able to directly recruit actors of Afghan nationality in the United States. The local production team was very surprised to see the Korean staff. Everyone is passionate, and isn’t the Korean personality impatient? It was exciting, but also difficult. He was taken aback when we asked his opinion on the work, “There is a scene like this, what do you think?” I think it's probably because I expected only the arrangement as a staff member. Later, I really liked the idea of making a work together as a team. I liked the feel of those moments. 



Q:  Daesik is an NIS agent who has a lot of experience in the field.Nevertheless, it takes a while for Jae-ho to not easily accept his opinion and work together.Have you thought about the reason why Jae-ho doesn't listen to Daesik properly even at the first meeting?

HJM: When we first met, Daesik was so rude.(Laughs) It's an urgent situation, but we didn't introduce ourselves properly, and we didn't know who it was, so we didn't have time to listen to Daesik.Moreover, Jae-ho must have experienced such friends countless times.I fully understand Daesik's feelings, but as a diplomat representing the country, Jae-ho's priority was to remain neutral.

Q: Then, as colleagues, we end up respecting each other.I think that's probably because of the homogeneity of being in the same situation.

HJM: That would have been the biggest, and there would have been sorrow for Daesik who stayed in Afghanistan.And I think Kasim (Kang Ki-young) played an important role.Without Kasim, Jaeho and Daesik would have been much more careless, but they made a good connection between the two.



Q: How was your relationship with actors Kang Ki-young and Hyun Bin? Hyun Bin and your friendship are deep, but this is the first time they met through work. 

HJM:  It was the first time for both Bin and Kiyoung. There is a completely different thrill from meeting in private. What do you mean, I'm curious. How would that person interpret the characters Daesik and Kasim? Jung Jae-ho is not something I make alone. There are sides that are created by receiving the energy of the other person, and there is energy that is generated when the three of them come together. In that respect, I was very excited to act with the two of them. It's not that I was excited because I was handsome. (Laughter) 

Q: How was it to meet you on set with a fluttering heart? 

HJM:  Ki-young also had to learn the Pashto language of Afghanistan, so she suffered a lot. Aren’t there gods that make her float when she is filming a movie? Again, there was a gap caused by a delay during the translation in the play, and every time I said to Ki-young, “Try ad-libbing in Pashto.” Then “Am I?” and bewildered (Laughs) He is a charming friend with more wit than he looks. And Binyi has a feeling like an earthenware pot that is very difficult to boil. I am a pot (Laughter) If I'm the type that boils up quickly, Binnie is the type that calmly lasts a long time. There is a sense of heaviness that does its part right after being on one side of the scene without showing off. So, there are things that match me better.







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[2023/01/11] Japan Team Ilbon coffee truck for Hyun Bin at <Harbin> filming site deep in the mountains today. Hyun Bin's Japanese fans gave him a lot of heart.












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[2023/01/11] Japan Team Ilbon for Hyun Bin. 

“He greeted me saying "Hello~ Thank you for your hard work~"

Slightly raise the corners of your mouth and deepen your dimples
The actor who enjoyed the coffee truck ordered a warm 'cafe latte'
"Thank you for your support", he said hello and started filming.

He ate 'Homemade Greek Yogurt Plain' and 'Sayang Honey Topping'.

He said it was delicious, so he ordered a double portion, and after putting it in a double size, he added nut toppings and honey to his specifications and delivered it well.

The actor also ordered 'Warm Earl Greet' and 'Iced Green Tea'.” ~ Coffeegreate review







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*** Actor Jung Jae-sung will work with Hwang Jung-min and Hyun Bin in the movie "The Point Men". He plays Vice Minister Kim, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' response team dispatched to Afghanistan to resolve the abduction case. In the drama, Vice Minister Kim is a high-ranking government official who faithfully follows the minister's decisions and diplomatic manuals. He has appeared in various genres, including "Inside Men", and many others. Recently, he starred in the drama "The Interest of Love".   :ohboy2:

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Hyun Bin top #3 for Movie Actor Brand Reputation in January 2023. Congratulations!!







Hyun Bin’s ranking last quarter.

★   Oct 2022 #3

★   Jan 2023 #3







The Korea Corporate Reputation Research Institute has revealed this month’s brand reputation ranking for movie actors!


From December 12, 2022 to January 12, 2023, the Korea Corporate Reputation Research Institute analyzed 197,317,719 brand big data of 50 movie stars loved by Korean consumers by classifying the relationship between consumers and brands and analyzed the big data reputation algorithm. 


In third place, the Hyun Bin brand was analyzed as a brand reputation index of 7,186,199, with a participation index of 541,599, a media index of 2,649,374, a communication index of 1,187,350, and a community index of 2,807,876.


SOURCE (1) | (2)

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*** According to the Korea Institute of Corporate Reputation TODAY, January 12, Son Suk Goo, Choi Min Shik, and Hyun Bin were ranked as the top 3 film actors for this month (January, 2023).  From December 12 through this date January 12, the Institute analyzed big data of 50 top film actors in areas including consumer participation, media activity, communication, community activity, etc.  Hyun Bin, taking up 3rd place this month with 7,186,199 total points.   :heart2beat:








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Hyun Bin, it's thrilling... World class visual under the hot sun ('Negotiation')





/Photo courtesy = Plus M Entertainment


A world-class scale video of the movie 'Negotiation' (director Lim Soon-rye), which boasts an overwhelming scale in various aspects from location to visual and action, has been released. 

On the 12th, the distributor Plus M Entertainment released a world class scale video of 'Negotiation'. 'Negotiation' is a film depicting the negotiating operation between a diplomat and a local NIS agent who went to Afghanistan to save Koreans who were held hostage by the Taliban in the worst kidnapping case. 

The released video captures various behind-the-scenes scenes in the Jordan location selected to realistically capture Afghanistan, which is desolate and rough, yet has its own vastness and beauty.



/Photo courtesy = Plus M Entertainment

Jordan's exotic scenery, including the endless desert and rocky mountainous terrain, is enough to stimulate the curiosity of the audience. Here, Hwang Jung-min, who plays Jae-ho, who shouts "I love Jordan," and Hyun Bin, who has transformed into a rough and wild glutton that has not been seen before, give a glimpse of their passionate passion for a better scene and their delightful chemistry. 

In addition, the scene of relentless pursuit on a motorcycle, action in a narrow alleyway, and the scene of a bomb exploding in the middle of a complex city foreshadowed the sights and fun of 'Negotiation', which vividly captures the tense negotiation process while maintaining the local atmosphere of Jordan. 

Meanwhile, 'Negotiation' will be released on the 18th. 




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