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[Drama 2012] Wild Romance 난폭한 로맨스


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I rewatched ep9 with subs...I love all EJ scenes when she's alone and also with MY...I guess with the eng sub this episode can still made me laugh out...DH was also funny ....but sorry how many times I tried I still cant stop myself to make use of the FF button when its MY and JH scenes came about...I think what make me put off JH is Jessica acting itself...I cant digest it, mayb if its a different actress with more exprience, the delivery of the character for the 2nd lead might get my attention ... :ph34r: ..no offence to her fans but that was what I felt watching her scenes...btw is this the 1st time LSY having a lead role in a drama cuz before WR I did not see any of her works...but she's really good cuz she's able to make me hold on to WR eventho I got pretty mad @ MY and the storyline especially ep 9 & 10.....I cant help laughing at EJ father and brother hahaha they were trying hard coming out with variety of reasons to justify accepting the gift ffrom MY... :lol:

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If any of you have access to viki subs ep 10 is actually not bad at all. Yes I know what we are all moaning and griping about. But if you see the subbed conversation the OTP loveline is actually moving forward- not in a romantic sense but this writer doesn't jump the gun. No, I mean the feelings on both side are converging. It's just the other side ( Moo Yeol ) is still stuck in Our First Love Train Station.

Addit- mostly Moo Yeol

How dare you swear at her!

Who are you?!

What were you going to do with this hand?

 The woman's ex husband: No... That chick first... and...     MY: chick?

Who are you to swear at her?  That guy: No, I didn't mean that...

Do you want to die?

I... swear pretty well too.

I know some bad words that you won't ever forget.

Do you want to hear?

If you dare to swear at her one more time...

I will just...

What a bothersome bastard - after the husband left

Too lazy to give the rest of the conversation. Credit to kuni@ viki.com

Incarnadine- MY is turning out not so bad considering he was pretty unlikeable in the beginning. He's kind of sweet. The writer must still be making him consistent because he is pretty much like some athletes I know- pretty, talented, has good skills but needs a hammer to the head because they are or can be dense. Like you know it needs to be SHOVED in front of their faces for them to notice some facts. Haha. Not bagging athletes since I used to play sports competitively

 ( don't laugh lupita this is before viki and KD) and MY is pretty much what I expect what his character to be like. After all he is not written up as like the No 1 genius in law or medicine or some industry chaebol is he?

I do know they are total saps when they fall in love and  try the romance route. I would just about die or cringe and can't watch if he suddenly becomes romantic towards EJ. Oh man... we can but live in hope.

thanx a zillion for this post...i was not so willing to watch the epi but after this small convo is telling something abt MY that he is not as oblivious towards EJ as he was before. at least its a tiny step towards revealing his romantic side...

so now people here must be thinking how unstable I am...yesterday I was so angry with MY and bashed him too and now m again back to older cant-hate-him self....but i cant help it..WR made me a crazy there is nothing that can keep me away from WR-MY-EJ for more time.......

m bit calmed now and looking for subbed epi#9 and 10 available in me region (so sad that viki is not available here)...........

i'll be back with more ramblings...

I wholeheartedly agree. I appreciate how the writer does not sacrifice the storyline just to satisfy what the viewers want or crave to see at the moment.

I guess, the fact that we are all at the edge of our seats or pulling our hairs out because of EJ's unrequited feelings towards MY (or so we think, since MY does really seem to care about EJ as early as now but still doesn't realize it due to his ex's presence) can only mean that the story, and the way it is being told, is effective. It's affecting all of us, the viewers. It's causing us to feel giddy or feel incredibly mad or frustrated. The marks of a good drama. :)

thats perfectly said....

its a good drama thats why we are so much eager to know with how MY is going to realize his feelings for EJ. if it was not that effective then we wont be bothered enough to think how and when it gonna happen.......

and as I always do......some bashing and hating and then back to my cant-hate self still loving WR more than before....

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Guest yurinaa

I don't watch this move but I know characters.

I saw baseball player and jessica had kiss scene again on the bed kkk.

how many episodes this movie?????

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watching epi#10 raw...and did anyone notice that one thing is keep on happening in WR......

someone taking abt a person and that person hears his/her name called......

lol...when EJs boss was talking to MY bt her and just then MY says "Chincha Kholtun" and we see EJ turns back suddenly and then rubbing her ears to figure it out....

hahahahaha...i just love this small small moments here and there....

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Guest hitgirl

watching epi#10 raw...and did anyone notice that one thing is keep on happening in WR......

someone taking abt a person and that person hears his/her name called......

lol...when EJs boss was talking to MY bt her and just then MY says "Chincha Kholtun" and we see EJ turns back suddenly and then rubbing her ears to figure it out....

hahahahaha...i just love this small small moments here and there....

LOL isn't that the reason why Dong Ah often mention 'telepathy'?

Ep10 seems dragging to me but reading all your comments here kinda make me understand it better. :lol:

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LOL isn't that the reason why Dong Ah often mention 'telepathy'?

Ep10 seems dragging to me but reading all your comments here kinda make me understand it better. :lol:

thats good that my effort is paying off.....lol...

i m still watching it RAW and how much I hated after reading the spoilers all  is gone now after watching it.....and MY is slow and oblivious towards EJ but I love when his anger suddenly explodes like a volcano..

like the scene when he the person clutching EJs collar and raise his hand to slap her....MY ran so fast towards him, clutched his collar and then his hand with which he was abt to slap and with so much of anger in his eyes scolds him (no idea abt the dialogues) and then pushes him to the ground....and when that other person abt to talk back how MY threatened him with his gestures.....

hahahaha....angry MY is just a fun to watch...


MV that i found on YT

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Guest PBaddict

Well the verdict is  that for me watching the eps for the 3rd time is when I can stay calm no matter what, BUT the scenes with the ex are still dragging for me, and I don't know why but I have no sympathy for the character, neither do I care for her well-being nor do I want her death, she's just there annoying me with her biting and that's it (have you guys seen that she also bit DS's wife on her upper arm when the wife brought her food... :blink: what the.. what? I guess it has sg to do with her bipolar disorder but still it's annoying the hell outta me), I guess I am more used to 2nd female leads that are there for me to hate freely, you know, characters you love to hate... But with the ex it's not even that, she's just a bunch of irritating characteristics I don't even bother to pay attention to. It might be intentionally written like that but it's a miss for me, at the end of ep 10 I seriously cared more for the cat than for her. (at least that big ball of fur did sg useful interrupting their night :) )

I get that MY is SLOW (my God he can be really annoying with that), and doesn't get why EJ behaved that way in the restaurant, hell the 2 of them even agreed not to see each other (how could he not see that there's sg else going on??? :crazy:) , so considering MY's stupidity he might think that even though EJ doesn't  want to be his bodyguard, she would not mind being the ex's... I really hope MY doesn't think that way but it surely seems like this on the surface. Please don't make him more foolish.

To better topics: I LOOOOOVE the Robot-love... Oh, dear when he got himself invited in for tea to DongAh's place....:wub: I couldn't wipe off my smile for a very long time. And the way he confessed... "I didn't come here for tea. I came to seduce you. Will you date me?"   Aaaaaw, so adorkable. Jealousy surely bring out what the heart really wants even from our sweetest robotic Manager Kim. Geeez, they even have a dating agreement, things they want to do neatly organized (lol, Manager Kim tried to get out of being called by  nicknames w00t.gif). I love these two. Can"t wait till DA puts all her knowledge about love from those novels of hers into action. blush.gif

I also loved when MY kept asking about EJ, lol he even asked the boss if there was a guy that liked her back in school, I loved when he protected her (and after that maybe to cover his care, he said he can be the only one bullying her - small kids are more mature than this gus, really :) ), or before he was hearing her voice, commenting on his fangirls, or when he forgot it wasn't her and asked if she also keeps kissing her favourite baseball player's picture.

The only thing I'm afraid of when EJ accepts being the ex's bodyguard, that she will take away the fun for me... I really hope that EJ will make even those scenes bearable or even fun for me to watch, although I have no idea how that can possibly happen, I might even be surprised next week. I surely hope so, I want the fun back, and I don't want a moping EJ. She should show MY how awesome she can be and I want MY to recognize her gradually more than the ex in the future.

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Guest sarilisano

i think it will be better if EJ keep MY waiting outside her house .... Beside they were agreed not to meet each other before (the restaurant -oppa dongsaeng scene)... Serve MY right.......

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If any of you have access to viki subs ep 10 is actually not bad at all. Yes I know what we are all moaning and griping about. But if you see the subbed conversation the OTP loveline is actually moving forward- not in a romantic sense but this writer doesn't jump the gun. No, I mean the feelings on both side are converging. It's just the other side ( Moo Yeol ) is still stuck in Our First Love Train Station.

Addit- mostly Moo Yeol

How dare you swear at her!

Who are you?!

What were you going to do with this hand?

 The woman's ex husband: No... That chick first... and...     MY: chick?

Who are you to swear at her?  That guy: No, I didn't mean that...

Do you want to die?

I... swear pretty well too.

I know some bad words that you won't ever forget.

Do you want to hear?

If you dare to swear at her one more time...

I will just...

What a bothersome bastard - after the husband left

Too lazy to give the rest of the conversation. Credit to kuni@ viki.com

Incarnadine- MY is turning out not so bad considering he was pretty unlikeable in the beginning. He's kind of sweet. The writer must still be making him consistent because he is pretty much like some athletes I know- pretty, talented, has good skills but needs a hammer to the head because they are or can be dense. Like you know it needs to be SHOVED in front of their faces for them to notice some facts. Haha. Not bagging athletes since I used to play sports competitively

 ( don't laugh lupita this is before viki and KD) and MY is pretty much what I expect what his character to be like. After all he is not written up as like the No 1 genius in law or medicine or some industry chaebol is he?

I do know they are total saps when they fall in love and  try the romance route. I would just about die or cringe and can't watch if he suddenly becomes romantic towards EJ. Oh man... we can but live in hope.

Is exactly what I said before this episode was actually the proof for us (he is so in denial that it would take some voltage to bring him to reality) so what I was saying this is proof that MY is in love with EJ the way he ran when that guy was about to hit her was priceless that and the fact that he misses her, I keep on thinking on MNIKSS, I don't know but it kinda reminds me of the same situation and I know it will happen in the same way as in that one. I think the stalker surely is taking long to be discover but if it is good scripted I don't care how long it takes. As far as MY and EJ I just hope they don't do what they did in partner, no kisses or I just hope they don't just leave the relationship as bodyguard and client, then I would scream, it happened to CSW in Bodyguard, no love for him... I hated it back then and I will hate if it happens here too. We just have to wait for next week episode it will be exciting now that the stalker went from just a nut sending letters and disturbing pictures to full blown wacko... Talking about disturbing what is with Jessica's character and the bitting thing, she left her teeth imprinted on poor wookie's hand and she does it to everyone, really creepy.

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I know that i'm suppose to root for EJ&MY but if they stay just as friends i would not mind. Not because i want MY&JH, its just that the only couple i care about is Robot Kim and Dong Ah hahahaha i can't wait to see what kind of nicknames they will be using and also seeing Robot becoming a human with Dong Ah realizing her dream of living an ero adult life hahahaha

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Guest pisangcoklat

Hi. I'm just here to vent out my anger on Jessica's awful acting. LSY and LDW are both top notch actors and to be pairing them with such an idol is annoying.

Yes, she is if not one of the biggest and most popular girl group in South Korea but this idol casting needs to stop.

I feel that there are many talented rookie actors out there, i.e. the cast of Sunny that need the projects more than idols.

Certain idols have that talent to act but not the idol in WR.

Yes, I do sound a bit harsh but it's just that I'm a K-drama fan not a K-pop fan.

I want to see quality dramas being produce and to enjoy them.

People can say she's new and improving but when you are among actors of LDW and LSY caliber, you have got to bring your 'A' game.

I think it's true what Lee Seon Jae said about idol castings.

Production companies want them in to increase the ratings and the fanbase but ultimately, it does not live up to their expectations.

WR should follow TMTETS where the cast are actors with the exception of that male idol and look at their ratings.

Entertainment companies want their stars to be triple threats; acting, singing and hosting but to me if your CV clearly states you're a singer, stick with singing.

Please, I beg of you production companies, let me enjoy quality K-dramas.

On another note, I'm still keeping my fingers cross that MY will realise that EJ is the girl he should be with and not to be all hung up on the ex.

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Guest keysyoo0987

didn't our hearts flutter a liitle bit when MY hurriedly run and grab that guy who is about to hurt EJ? mine did!:wub:   he was like so MAD he wanted to beat that guy to a pulp!  it just gave us hope that maybe MY really saw EJ as someone special for him.:phew:  when he suggested during their meal together that they should be just in the little sister/brother relationship was another step for him since he just didn't know how to interpret his longing for EJ when she is not around yet. we just have to wait a little bit for him to realize that EJ is the girl for her....have to wait how the writer will make a situation to wake up that heart of his and make him realize that JH is nothing but the past and EJ is now his present and future FOREVER!!!!:rolleyes: and then we can see the start of the courtship, kiss and you know what is next!!!  :rolleyes: i hope they wouldn't give us just the peck or just hold hands 'cause we don't want that crap right!!!



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yehay! I just read the recap of Maddino! hehehehe! Congratulation DA and TH for being an official coupl! hehehe! that is what keeping me alive here in WR!

at least MY is now having the EJ syndrome, though that he can't see it, at least his actions speaks louder than words...especially when he depended EJ from the angry husband. But still his focus is the insane ex, though I really pity JH in the situation, but MY is not her place its called an asylum LOL! And Sones fans don't get me wrong, but Jessica needs more years in acting school, if someone better actress played as JH I think it will give justice to the character.

anyway I hope to watch in now with subs the episode 9.

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Guest fallenangel0nearth

Hello Wild guys! :D This is my first time posting on this thread. I always..I mean ALWAYS FOLLOW this thread LOl! Just dont write in it. But after reading all the comments for episode 9 & 10 and then finally watching episode 9 & 10 I oculdnt help myself. I dont know if Im angry, sad, pissed or if all those emotions are just all together cusing me digestion vicx.gif First of all Im a huge huge fan of Si Young & Dong Wook! I was so excited when this drama aired and it had my favorite people in it. But then Jessica made her way in, Ima fan of SNSD too! But I couldnt help but dislike Jessica in this! Not just cause she is just messing everything up. Her acting is not good, well I cant blame her cause she is new at this. But god the last scene in episode 10 when she had a seizure or a breakdown, her acting was just way off! it made no impact on me at all. I seriously fast forwarded all the scenes in the 2 episodes this time. I usually watch some of the scenes over and over again LOl! but this time I only watched one scene in episode 10. The time MY rescues EJ from that horrible husband. I was like "dangg look at him runnn w00t.gif ~~ then when he grabbed the guy by the neck I was like~~~woooahhh his veins :wub: ~~ kekeke yes I WATCHED THAT SCENE 2 TIMES! and then just fast forwarded everything. We only have 6 more episodes left, and this is going nowhere! I really dont wanna regret watching this by the end of this drama. PLEASE DIRECTORRRRR PLEASEEE LET JESSICA TAKE A VAVACTION AND SENT HER TO ALASKA!!!!! There she can get a new pet~~ a penguine~~

Now on the Robot situation kekekekeke ~ i came to seduce you~ AIGOOOOOOOOO :wub: He is in LOVEE~~ I didnt think we'd see him melt this fast butt woooaaahhhh !! I cant wait for their love story.

ok ok I'll stop, I think I wrote too much for the first post LOL! I think I will be here posting more often to vent my anger, if this drama keeps on going the wrong way and we dont get any lovey-d0vey scenes for WILD COUPLE! I MEAN WE DIDNT EVEN SEE ANY WILD SCENES YET!! At least give us a SHOWER scene to calm all the fans down..jeezzz! LOl

kk bye WILD guys ^__________________^

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thats good that my effort is paying off.....lol...

i m still watching it RAW and how much I hated after reading the spoilers all  is gone now after watching it.....and MY is slow and oblivious towards EJ but I love when his anger suddenly explodes like a volcano..

like the scene when he the person clutching EJs collar and raise his hand to slap her....MY ran so fast towards him, clutched his collar and then his hand with which he was abt to slap and with so much of anger in his eyes scolds him (no idea abt the dialogues) and then pushes him to the ground....and when that other person abt to talk back how MY threatened him with his gestures.....

hahahaha....angry MY is just a fun to watch...


MV that i found on YT

My link

@sadhli and @hitgirl - Good catch!  I forget about the little instances of that.  Another thing we can piece together when it's all said and done.  Yes, your efforts ARE paying back...

And I agree about watching angry MY that one scene you mention.  Whoa, that was good acting.  I rewound that several times.  Don't mess with him protecting people he loves. (Yes, I said LOVES.)

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@PBaddict - Always enjoy rdg. your comments and how you express yourself.  Your emoticon choices, too.  I agree with all you said.  Robot-love, dating by the book = adorkable!  And earlier on, when he was waiting for her to meet him in the restaurant and a couple came in having just witnessed an accident mentioning how the girl had this dazed look on her face.  He quickly stood up and got all worried 'cause he thought it was her.  That was both a funny and an awwwww moment.  Can't wait to hear their nicknames for each other.  Funny how DA would absolutely NOT want that excluded from the "list."

@lupita - LOL abt. voltage to shock MY to his senses.  I enjoy your shedding light on the drama through your knowledge and enthusiasm of baseball.  Oh, and I was reminded of MNIKSS, too.

@fallenangel - LOL! Yes, let's send JH to Alaska to get a pet penguin.  Oh, and I'm all for a shower scene (him, him!).

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Guest hitgirl

Hello Wild guys! :D This is my first time posting on this thread. I always..I mean ALWAYS FOLLOW this thread LOl! Just dont write in it. But after reading all the comments for episode 9 & 10 and then finally watching episode 9 & 10 I oculdnt help myself. I dont know if Im angry, sad, pissed or if all those emotions are just all together cusing me digestion vicx.gif First of all Im a huge huge fan of Si Young & Dong Wook! I was so excited when this drama aired and it had my favorite people in it. But then Jessica made her way in, Ima fan of SNSD too! But I couldnt help but dislike Jessica in this! Not just cause she is just messing everything up. Her acting is not good, well I cant blame her cause she is new at this. But god the last scene in episode 10 when she had a seizure or a breakdown, her acting was just way off! it made no impact on me at all. I seriously fast forwarded all the scenes in the 2 episodes this time. I usually watch some of the scenes over and over again LOl! but this time I only watched one scene in episode 10. The time MY rescues EJ from that horrible husband. I was like "dangg look at him runnn w00t.gif ~~ then when he grabbed the guy by the neck I was like~~~woooahhh his veins :wub: ~~ kekeke yes I WATCHED THAT SCENE 2 TIMES! and then just fast forwarded everything. We only have 6 more episodes left, and this is going nowhere! I really dont wanna regret watching this by the end of this drama. PLEASE DIRECTORRRRR PLEASEEE LET JESSICA TAKE A VAVACTION AND SENT HER TO ALASKA!!!!! There she can get a new pet~~ a penguine~~

Now on the Robot situation kekekekeke ~ i came to seduce you~ AIGOOOOOOOOO :wub: He is in LOVEE~~ I didnt think we'd see him melt this fast butt woooaaahhhh !! I cant wait for their love story.

ok ok I'll stop, I think I wrote too much for the first post LOL! I think I will be here posting more often to vent my anger, if this drama keeps on going the wrong way and we dont get any lovey-d0vey scenes for WILD COUPLE! I MEAN WE DIDNT EVEN SEE ANY WILD SCENES YET!! At least give us a SHOWER scene to calm all the fans down..jeezzz! LOl

kk bye WILD guys ^__________________^

Penguins naturally don't live in Alaska lol.. Yet I LOVE your idea :lol:

I'm still digging ep 9 & 10 and skipping JH scenes. I only know about those scenes by reading your comments so please keep them up :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

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